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View Full Version : Anyone else find themselves irritated by both sides of the political spectrum.

5/28/2014, 04:38 PM
I tend to argue from a more liberal perspective here mainly because I'm more liberal than most people on here or in Oklahoma so there's more opportunity to argue. (After all, political debates are more about arguing than agreeing, right?) I'd imaging I'd take on a different persona if I were a Cal Berkeley fan/grad.

That being said, there's about 30% of the crap I hear from either side that just annoys me to no end. I'm not talking the parties themselves as I know some people have a general dislike for existing parties. I'm not really going there. It's just that a percentage of the political opinions that people take on either side of the spectrum tend to drive me to drink.

For me, one thing that drives me crazy about the conservatives (at least in modern society) is their anti-science stance as of late. For liberals, it's their intolerance of differing opinion - not matter how reasonable they may be - when it comes to matters involving race or issues around sex. Any disagreement in these areas gets you labelled a sexist/misogynist or racist.

My guess is that the politicians probably feel the same way. I'm sure there's a percentage of their platforms that they adamantly disagree with but have no choice but to go along.

I don't want to argue individual political topics. I'm just curious if you all feel that you identify very strongly with one side of the political spectrum or if there are issues on both sides that you strongly disagree with.

5/28/2014, 05:05 PM
Most here I believe are Slightly Left of center or slightly Right. Im willing to give some points if the Opposing side is willing to give also . There are things that I am so far right on there Is no central theme.

Most of us can get along a few just want to argue, me I like stirrin the Pot and sittin back and watch it boil LOL

5/28/2014, 07:46 PM
Yes and more than just a little bit irritated. IMO there are relatively few true conservatives or liberals (in the traditional sense). I think what you have is a Progressive vs. Plutocrat ideological war being fought in the media battlefield every day with all the players trying to stake their ground to advance whatever suits their selfish agenda.

5/28/2014, 08:04 PM
Libs are *****'s.

rock on sooner
5/28/2014, 08:17 PM
Most here I believe are Slightly Left of center or slightly Right. Im willing to give some points if the Opposing side is willing to give also . There are things that I am so far right on there Is no central theme.

Most of us can get along a few just want to argue, me I like stirrin the Pot and sittin back and watch it boil LOL

Welp, as I have said before, Vet's gotta Ph D in Agitatin'..so I'm OK
there. I'm left of center on a bunch of stuff that I won't go into here.
I'm gonna tell ya if you're off base, no matter the topic, 'cause I agree
on stuff that is RIGHT or LEFT. I'm kinda funny that way because I believe
I reason things out. Even funnier is the fact that the right has some good
ideas, the same as the left. What sucks is either side thinks they're right
and the other side isn't...this is everything from gun control to Libya to
Afghanistan to Iraq to Obamacare to Keystone to VA to fixing all that is

Having said all that....well, get after it!

rock on sooner
5/28/2014, 08:18 PM
Libs are *****'s.

Rilly, TF, C'mon....

5/28/2014, 10:43 PM
Rilly, TF, C'mon....

Heh, hes being Honest LOL. he aint a bad dude for an Old grouch .i

5/29/2014, 06:03 AM
I don't want to argue individual political topics. I'm just curious if you all feel that you identify very strongly with one side of the political spectrum or if there are issues on both sides that you strongly disagree with.

I have strongly disagreed with a majority of the foreign policies of the governing establishment. After a careful and realist approach to handling the collapse of the Eastern Bloc and the Soviets, our foreign policy has come off the rails. Both sides are guilty of playing globo-cop and it drives me insane to have so few dissenting voices regarding the issue.

5/29/2014, 12:57 PM
My problem is I'm not center on anything. I am far right when it comes to economic policy... far left on social issues... As a result, I pretty much disagree with everyone on something. I hate when people that work 10 hours a week eat better than me, carry an iphone, drive a decent car and live in a decent place with 3 kids. I also have no problem with legalizing pot (not a smoker), gay civil unions/rights etc..., and believe our military is too big. So I am against about every politician on a big issue.

5/29/2014, 02:49 PM
My problem is I'm not center on anything. I am far right when it comes to economic policy... far left on social issues... As a result, I pretty much disagree with everyone on something. I hate when people that work 10 hours a week eat better than me, carry an iphone, drive a decent car and live in a decent place with 3 kids. I also have no problem with legalizing pot (not a smoker), gay civil unions/rights etc..., and believe our military is too big. So I am against about every politician on a big issue.----I am with you only I am in the middle on social policy-----We could form the REDRAT party

5/29/2014, 03:53 PM
The system is gamed by those who have been in power too long or those who have money. Since both Democrats and Republicans fall into those categories yes it is annoying, but there's also not much you can do about it, with the exception of your local reps and the presidential election.

As I love to point out, our district ousted our Congressman in 2012. He was getting too mainstream politically and wasn't representing our district anymore, he had to go. Our new guy, while a bit tea party, doesn't seem to forget where he's from.

I'm talking about ex-Rep. John Sullivan an current Rep. Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma's first district.

I am starting to get a bit turned off by Inhofe's unending climate change crusade, but am fully armed with the knowledge that he can't stay in office forever at his age, so I expect him to retire (willfully or naturally) soon a la Coburn. Should be interesting to see who Oklahoma's other senator will be come November.

5/29/2014, 11:05 PM
lol, I'm right....on most everything.

BUT I do think both sides are basically in bed with each other and just playin us as dumba$$es, and we just keep playin along.

Curly Bill
5/29/2014, 11:43 PM
I'm right on most all economic issues. Center, or even slightly left of center on some social issues.

5/30/2014, 08:20 AM
Right - disillusioned with the political process as a whole - if you're not a millionaire you can't even run for dog catcher in this environment.

5/30/2014, 11:12 AM
My problem is I'm not center on anything. I am far right when it comes to economic policy... far left on social issues... As a result, I pretty much disagree with everyone on something. I hate when people that work 10 hours a week eat better than me, carry an iphone, drive a decent car and live in a decent place with 3 kids. I also have no problem with legalizing pot (not a smoker), gay civil unions/rights etc..., and believe our military is too big. So I am against about every politician on a big issue.

I'm like RedRex-on social policy I just don't prioritize it very highly so I wouldn't usually vote against a candidate for his social views. I usually align with pubs but I'm sick of the pub establishment too.

5/30/2014, 04:59 PM
The politicians themselves don't bother me nearly as much when I remind myself they are just actors given a script. They can come across as passionate about whatever issue they need to. And has been demonstrated time and again in our world of video, they can be passionate in the complete opposite direction than what they were a few years or even months prior. I would like to think it means they are open minded and flexible, but it seems to always coincide with the party platform, so I remain cynical.

As far as interacting in a political debate with other people, it seems mostly pointless unless done in person. People have keyboard personalities often different from how they come across in person. I was at a seminar yesterday on the subject of being genuine. The speaker's claim was that to truly interact with others, one must do 2 things: lose the self righteousness and display some vulnerability. That had a ring of truth to it as I think back on the meaningful relationships in my life. All my real friends display these traits when interacting with me and they are also the ones with whom I would feel comfortable debating political issues. In thinking about it, it answers the question for me of why I have close friends with very different beliefs than myself and it doesn't get in the way of being friends.

But who is going to open and genuine on the internet? (Heck, I'm young, handsome and single in my match.com profile -- just kidding, dear!). Being self-righteous and getting in the best barb seems to be the goal in political forums.

5/31/2014, 10:05 AM
Yes, I agree completely. Message boards are fertile ground for visceral reactions to red meat issues. Mainly a place to vent frustration and come out swinging with relative impunity. The distance from mind to mouth in a room full of living breathing human beings is exponentially longer than mind to fingers sitting alone behind the keyboard.

6/5/2014, 12:48 AM
I'm an anarchist. I don't see a big difference between the "two" sides of the political spectrum. They both essentially want the same thing in the end. Control over the lives of everyone else.