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4/16/2014, 04:07 PM


4/17/2014, 04:48 PM
Does being a pothead also cause you to lie?



4/17/2014, 05:04 PM

Apparently the study is right.

4/17/2014, 06:11 PM

Apparently the study is right.

Dude you need to let yer Man crush with W go. I dont think he likes you.
Stick to current events ok?

4/17/2014, 06:19 PM
Dude you need to let yer Man crush with W go. I dont think he likes you.
Stick to current events ok?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA says the people who still run against carter and brought up something Ted Kennedy did in 1969.

These events are current, Obama is still digging us out of the hole bush put us in.

4/17/2014, 06:24 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA says the people who still run against carter and brought up something Ted Kennedy did in 1969.

These events are current, Obama is still digging us out of the hole bush put us in.

****in Idiot.

4/17/2014, 07:32 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA says the people who still run against carter and brought up something Ted Kennedy did in 1969.

These events are current, Obama is still digging us out of the hole bush put us in.

I missed those posts. I saw the ones where Fan posted some links though.

4/18/2014, 12:19 PM

Apparently the study is right.

You won't get an argument from me.

Regarding Ted(Thank God he's dead) Kennedy, please enlighten us about what law Bush pushed through that changed the entire ethnic and demographic makeup of the country forever insuring a permanent underclass like the lying woman-killing bastard did.

Feel free to call me a racist and a bigot again.

4/18/2014, 02:51 PM
You won't get an argument from me.

Regarding Ted(Thank God he's dead) Kennedy, please enlighten us about what law Bush pushed through that changed the entire ethnic and demographic makeup of the country forever insuring a permanent underclass like the lying woman-killing bastard did.

Feel free to call me a racist and a bigot again.

I don't have to, because you showed it again. First off you read one article from some rightwingunt crackpot website and now act like it is gospel. You act as if changing the entire ethnic and demographic makeup of the country is bad. We are America. People from all over the world come and have been coming to our country to have a better life. This is no different than when the Irish started coming over during the famine. Same things were said about them, now look, even your boy reagan celebrated his Irish roots. Hell,we damn near have a national holiday for them, well us.

4/18/2014, 03:16 PM
Serious question: I wonder if drug use in the 60s and 70s is linked at all to the increase in dementia and alzheimer's.

4/18/2014, 05:34 PM
I don't have to, because you showed it again. First off you read one article from some rightwingunt crackpot website and now act like it is gospel. You act as if changing the entire ethnic and demographic makeup of the country is bad. We are America. People from all over the world come and have been coming to our country to have a better life. This is no different than when the Irish started coming over during the famine. Same things were said about them, now look, even your boy reagan celebrated his Irish roots. Hell,we damn near have a national holiday for them, well us.
LOL. Typical liberal hypocritical ******. You are quick to whine like a little beyotch when Ol' Vet calls you a name but you have no problem engaging in name-calling when you disagree with somebody.

You are too stupid to even understand the reasons behind the influx of poor immigrants into this country. Why do you think big businesses and corporations are all for immigration reform? Who do the illegals and chain immigrants from 3rd world countries really hurt.....the really rich Republicans or the poor black and white families with whom they are competing for jobs and resources?

Ted Kennedy wasn't a champion for the poor and downtrodden. He was a prostitute for big corporations and elitists like george Soros. And idiots like you are too ignorant to realize you are being used as mindless pawns to keep bringing in more and more cheap labor that in turn keeps our ever growing underclass dependent on their Democratic plantation owners.

Have you even given a thought as to why income for the poor and middle class have been stagnant for over a decade? Or why the income gap is exploding between the top 5% and the bottom 30% of income earners? Of course you haven't. You've been too busy lapping up the emotional swill put out by the Democrats like a retarded chihuahua. Geezus.

4/18/2014, 05:45 PM
LOL. Typical liberal hypocritical ******. You are quick to whine like a little beyotch when Ol' Vet calls you a name but you have no problem engaging in name-calling when you disagree with somebody.

You are too stupid to even understand the reasons behind the influx of poor immigrants into this country. Why do you think big businesses and corporations are all for immigration reform? Who do the illegals and chain immigrants from 3rd world countries really hurt.....the really rich Republicans or the poor black and white families with whom they are competing for jobs and resources?

Ted Kennedy wasn't a champion for the poor and downtrodden. He was a prostitute for big corporations and elitists like george Soros. And idiots like you are too ignorant to realize you are being used as mindless pawns to keep bringing in more and more cheap labor that in turn keeps our ever growing underclass dependent on their Democratic plantation owners.

Have you even given a thought as to why income for the poor and middle class have been stagnant for over a decade? Or why the income gap is exploding between the top 5% and the bottom 30% of income earners? Of course you haven't. You've been too busy lapping up the emotional swill put out by the Democrats like a retarded chihuahua. Geezus.

Did i call you a name? No. Vet has no counter-point, just name calling. Closing down factories to ship jobs overseas and doing everything they can to bust unions has nothing to do with it?


4/18/2014, 05:52 PM
Did i call you a name? No. Vet has no counter-point, just name calling. Closing down factories and shipping jobs overseas and doing everything they can to bust unions has nothing to do with it?


I simply refuse to wrestle with a Pig.

4/18/2014, 05:54 PM
I simply refuse to wrestle with a Pig.

Admitting you don't give any counter points, sweet.

4/18/2014, 06:01 PM
I simply refuse to wrestle with a Pig.

Admitting you don't give any counter points, sweet.

Yer response is exactly why Moran. Theres a 1000 idiots Just like you that have come thru here over the years spoutin yer idiotic drivel No Matter what is said You and Your type spin it, shape or change it to suit yer own agenda.

So yea Ima just Insult the hell out of yer Ignorant asz

4/18/2014, 06:04 PM
Did i call you a name? No. Vet has no counter-point, just name calling. Closing down factories to ship jobs overseas and doing everything they can to bust unions has nothing to do with it?

What do you consider calling somebody a racist and bigot? Have you liberals become so used to screeching those terms out that it's become second nature? You are
truly amazing and the sad thing is there are a hell of a lot of Democratic voters just like you who make decisions based on the same emotional level.

4/18/2014, 06:17 PM
It could also possibly explain his munchies and desire to eat fido.

4/18/2014, 06:36 PM
What do you consider calling somebody a racist and bigot? Have you liberals become so used to screeching those terms out that it's become second nature? You are
truly amazing and the sad thing is there are a hell of a lot of Democratic voters just like you who make decisions based on the same emotional level.

Look at my post, I didn't call you one. I said you are showing it.

I vote democratic because I KNOW trickle down, supply side, when the rich do better everyone else does better "economics" which is really a political philosophy not an economic one, which is why it does not work.

4/21/2014, 11:55 AM
Serious question: I wonder if drug use in the 60s and 70s is linked at all to the increase in dementia and alzheimer's.
No takers?

I vote democratic because I KNOW trickle down, supply side, when the rich do better everyone else does better "economics" which is really a political philosophy not an economic one, which is why it does not work.
There are other reasons besides trickle down and supply side for voting for Republicans, but admittedly, they might be viewed as bad reasons and symptoms of crony/party politics that everyone hates:
- Seniority results in better placement for pork and getting legislation heard in federal government. Why does Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe get leadership roles despite being part of the U.S. Senate's minority party? Because he's old and very experienced in the Senate.
- Recent partisan groups make working across party lines difficult. It is a bad time to be labeled a moderate at the federal level. Legislation by Republicans in the U.S. House is more likely to pass or at least be heard than legislation by Democrats, as Speaker Boehner is fighting to keep his leadership job.
- Decide the winner instead of the loser. I am a registered Republican in Oklahoma mostly because our closed primaries mean that most election winners are determined in the primary (or runoff if necessary) rather than the general election. Our local Congress seat (Tulsa area's District 1) didn't even draw any opponents for Jim Bridenstine, for example.

Like I said, they are bad reasons and reasons to hate politics, but very legitimate and worth considering. If you want representation, sometimes you have to go with the lesser of the evils.

4/21/2014, 01:19 PM
These events are current, Obama is still digging us into a deep hole.