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4/14/2014, 01:28 PM
Does anyone know the injury status of Flowers and others that were hurt in the spring game?

4/14/2014, 01:38 PM
Only what's been officially owned up to:

Grisson: MCL tweak, out 6-8 weeks, no surgery, back practicing in June.

Flowers: 'hyperextended knee', no surgery needed, no word on when expected to be able to run, etc, but expected to miss no practice other than the last one day (this week?).

4/14/2014, 01:39 PM
Does anyone know the injury status of Flowers and others that were hurt in the spring game?

Nothin Major. Both should be ready for the summer work.

4/14/2014, 01:48 PM
Nothin Major. Both should be ready for the summer work.

Can I get a money-back guarantee on that?


jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
4/14/2014, 01:59 PM
I just have to wonder about our running backs right now. I just can't imagine any scenario where the coaches would have allowed Ford to throw that cut block on Grissom. I also can't imagine any scenario where someone as big as Ford is would want to throw a temporary block like that when he could lock him up and take him out of the play. If you couple that block with Ross throwing a punch in the first game last year, our top 2 backs have both shown some serious lapses in judgement. And given our previous problems there with guys leaving on a dime, I just get the feeling we are in for a ride there.

4/14/2014, 03:17 PM
I just have to wonder about our running backs right now. I just can't imagine any scenario where the coaches would have allowed Ford to throw that cut block on Grissom. I also can't imagine any scenario where someone as big as Ford is would want to throw a temporary block like that when he could lock him up and take him out of the play. If you couple that block with Ross throwing a punch in the first game last year, our top 2 backs have both shown some serious lapses in judgement. And given our previous problems there with guys leaving on a dime, I just get the feeling we are in for a ride there.

I'm going to make an observation that's not going to be very popular with most Sooner fans:

Keith Ford is struggling right now.

There's no question that the kid has talent. There's no question that the kid has size. There is a question about his ability to hang onto the ball (an issue that Stoops brought up again in his post game presser). Then there's the block on Grissom...I know "instinct" takes over in some situations, but I can't imagine why he would cut Grissom, and I can't imagine the coaches were very happy about that play. That's just not a block you make in practice or a spring game. I hope Ford gets it all figured out, because I do believe he can be amazing, but there is no question he's struggling.

I'm not too worried about Ross. His bad judgement was last year, and a lot of time has passed between then and now. Add to that the coaching "praises", and I have to think he is impressing in practice and ready to contribute.

In the end, I think we'll still see a lot of Ford/Ross, but there's no question neither are as polished as what we've been used to in recent years.

4/14/2014, 03:45 PM
Can I get a money-back guarantee on that?


Double yer Money.

4/14/2014, 07:01 PM
I'm going to make an observation that's not going to be very popular with most Sooner fans:

Okay, I'll neg you now and be done with it. :friendly_wink:

Keith Ford is struggling right now.

There's no question that the kid has talent. There's no question that the kid has size. There is a question about his ability to hang onto the ball (an issue that Stoops brought up again in his post game presser). Then there's the block on Grissom...I know "instinct" takes over in some situations, but I can't imagine why he would cut Grissom, and I can't imagine the coaches were very happy about that play. That's just not a block you make in practice or a spring game. I hope Ford gets it all figured out, because I do believe he can be amazing, but there is no question he's struggling.

I'm not too worried about Ross. His bad judgement was last year, and a lot of time has passed between then and now. Add to that the coaching "praises", and I have to think he is impressing in practice and ready to contribute.

In the end, I think we'll still see a lot of Ford/Ross, but there's no question neither are as polished as what we've been used to in recent years.

I can't speak to Ford's issues, but I'm sure that block was not what he was supposed to do. I've posted this before, but I think our RBs get over-coached. That Ross incident last year was no big deal. Watching the replay, it appeared he was just hyped up on a first carry and was preparing to use a stiff arm when the play went out of bounds. He didn't let up and it made it look like a punch (and a weak one at that). Okay, sit the kid for a few series for drawing a flag or even the rest of the game. But our coaches set him for half a season. I can't think of a better way to shake a guys confidence even if that was the goal. Maybe other things happened in practice that caused the benching to be that long. But I go back through our history of highly recruited backs and this happens repeatedly. I also find it interesting that 2 backs developed at JCs by other coaches come in and do fine (Whaley, DD Williams). We can get the good ones signed (on paper), but it seems a big hurdle for us to develop them past the first couple of years into contributors on the field. Maybe it's just that way for RBs but I've often wished we had Gundy to recruit them and someone else as the position coach.

4/14/2014, 07:16 PM
Okay, I'll neg you now and be done with it. :friendly_wink:

I can't speak to Ford's issues, but I'm sure that block was not what he was supposed to do. I've posted this before, but I think our RBs get over-coached. That Ross incident last year was no big deal. Watching the replay, it appeared he was just hyped up on a first carry and was preparing to use a stiff arm when the play went out of bounds. He didn't let up and it made it look like a punch (and a weak one at that). Okay, sit the kid for a few series for drawing a flag or even the rest of the game. But our coaches set him for half a season. I can't think of a better way to shake a guys confidence even if that was the goal. Maybe other things happened in practice that caused the benching to be that long. But I go back through our history of highly recruited backs and this happens repeatedly. I also find it interesting that 2 backs developed at JCs by other coaches come in and do fine (Whaley, DD Williams). We can get the good ones signed (on paper), but it seems a big hurdle for us to develop them past the first couple of years into contributors on the field. Maybe it's just that way for RBs but I've often wished we had Gundy to recruit them and someone else as the position coach.

I don't know, Brennan Clay really developed well (it just took almost his entire time at OU, plus I think the hit in his first FSU game injured him more than we know).

We have a great group of backs (on paper) this year, we'll just have to see how they develop.

My concern with Ford comes from Bob Stoops comments right after the spring game. He was asked if any of the backs had separated themselves, and he kinda went through them all. When he was talking about Ford, he again mentioned him needing to prove he can hang on to the ball. Since that was an issue pretty early last year, it must be happening in practice if he's (Stoops) still bringing it up.

4/14/2014, 07:50 PM
I don't know, Brennan Clay really developed well (it just took almost his entire time at OU, plus I think the hit in his first FSU game injured him more than we know).

I was actually going to mention Clay as a success story. When we hit the jackpot at RB, we really hit it big (Q, AD, DM) and I don't expect those type of guys every year. But I would expect to be 2 deep in guys like Clay most the time. He wasn't spectacular and he's probably borderline making an NFL roster. But he was a solid contributor for us and a great example of development as he got better with each year in the program. I don't understand why we don't have more guys like that vs. so many guys flaming out in the first year or 2.

4/14/2014, 08:17 PM
Can Ford or Ross catch the ball like Clay or DD? I suspect Mixon will get some reps.

4/15/2014, 05:58 AM
I know Daniel Brooks will only see spot duty, but thought he looked the best showing vision and cut back ability. This is the Red-White game of course.

4/15/2014, 06:53 PM
Can Ford or Ross catch the ball like Clay or DD? I suspect Mixon will get some reps.

I know Mixon can catch (one of his strengths). Not how good Ross/Ford are at catching out of the backfield, but I suspect at least one of them can do it well enough to contribute.

4/15/2014, 06:54 PM
I know Daniel Brooks will only see spot duty, but thought he looked the best showing vision and cut back ability. This is the Red-White game of course.

I wouldn't be overly surprised if he transferred after the year (unless he somehow breaks through on the depth chart). He's a talented kid, just stuck behind a lot of really good players.