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2/16/2014, 02:34 AM
Seems like there oughta be a thread somewhere commemorating a USA body blow to the pride of Mother Russia. I saw Vladimir Posner, former chief commie apologist during the Cold War, the other night on NBC. When Bob Costas asked how Russia might fare in her own Olympics, Posner offered a very candid assessment: "If we win Gold in hockey, nothing else matters...if we lose in hockey, nothing else matters."

So for us jingoistic posters that get a kick out of prodding the old Red Bear, enjoy...


mods, feel free to move wherever you feel it fits...just let us red-blooded guys that really don't care about winter sports much enjoy this...


2/16/2014, 06:59 AM
The best quote coming out of the Olympics so far: When asked if he felt like a hero after scoring the overtime goals vs. Russia, TJ Oshie replied, "The true heroes are the ones that wear cammo; I'm not one of them".. What a class act!


2/16/2014, 12:00 PM
Although this does not rival the 1980 Miracle On Ice in Lake Placid, it was still a great win. This time around, nearly everyone on the ice on both teams plays in the NHL, and you can tell based on the quality of play, and some of them are probably teammates. Nevertheless, it was still highly satisfying, given the importance Russia places on hockey and their rise in nationalism of late. Sochi is kind of a dressed up fantasy world in which Russia tries to appear bigger and more advanced than in reality. It is a large nation with an unproductive work force and a largely alcoholic male population, and a world influence hanging by the thread of their petro exports. Let's see how long that lasts. USA!

2/16/2014, 12:13 PM
I posted something similar to this on Facebook recently and I will reiterate it here. Most of the Russian players hone their skills in the NHL which is located in the USA! If you watch and listen to the background of many of these world athlete's they train in America. Nothing will ever dethrone America as the top power of the world in all facets of life.

2/16/2014, 12:32 PM
And when you thought it couldn't get any better, you find something like this....
****Potential Spoiler Alerts may be found in this link****


2/17/2014, 11:41 AM
And we may never see hockey like this again. Word is the NHL owners absolutely hate having to suspend operations at the peak of hockey season every four years while their players run home to play for the mother country and will consider not allowing it to happen again, ever.

2/17/2014, 12:17 PM
Speaking of the Olympics, my son-in-law said he saw a story that said that the guy in charge of the Opening Ceremonies was found dead in his hotel room the next day (after the Olympic Rings mess). Did anyone else see this story?

2/17/2014, 02:32 PM
Speaking of the Olympics, my son-in-law said he saw a story that said that the guy in charge of the Opening Ceremonies was found dead in his hotel room the next day (after the Olympic Rings mess). Did anyone else see this story?

It was the headline of a satire website, so no, it is not true. However, that poor guy will have quite a future in his administrative job overseeing carp production in Siberia. Mother Russia needs him.

That is one country of which I am very wary. Their economy is overly dependent on their oil and gas exports. They really have little else in terms of economic world influence. As prices decrease and other sources of energy are found, their economy becomes kaput. Their workers are famously alcoholic and unproductive and have no memory of free enterprise. A significant percentage of Russian adult males are alcoholic- serious drunks, in fact. This is a national crisis by any definition, and with these other factors and their rising nationalism fueled by the head spook Putin (can you imagine how many murders he ordered while he was the head of the KGB?) and their modest trade ties with us, I'm afraid a coming economic downturn will lead to a new cold war of sorts.

2/17/2014, 02:38 PM
It was the headline of a satire website, so no, it is not true. However, that poor guy will have quite a future in his administrative job overseeing carp production in Siberia. Mother Russia needs him.

That is one country of which I am very wary. Their economy is overly dependent on their oil and gas exports. They really have little else in terms of economic world influence. As prices decrease and other sources of energy are found, their economy becomes kaput. Their workers are famously alcoholic and unproductive and have no memory of free enterprise. A significant percentage of Russian adult males are alcoholic- serious drunks, in fact. This is a national crisis by any definition, and with these other factors and their rising nationalism fueled by the head spook Putin (can you imagine how many murders he ordered while he was the head of the KGB?) and their modest trade ties with us, I'm afraid a coming economic downturn will lead to a new cold war of sorts.

OK. I knew I hadn't seen anything about it.

2/17/2014, 03:55 PM
It was the headline of a satire website, so no, it is not true. However, that poor guy will have quite a future in his administrative job overseeing carp production in Siberia. Mother Russia needs him.

That is one country of which I am very wary. Their economy is overly dependent on their oil and gas exports. They really have little else in terms of economic world influence. As prices decrease and other sources of energy are found, their economy becomes kaput. Their workers are famously alcoholic and unproductive and have no memory of free enterprise. A significant percentage of Russian adult males are alcoholic- serious drunks, in fact. This is a national crisis by any definition, and with these other factors and their rising nationalism fueled by the head spook Putin (can you imagine how many murders he ordered while he was the head of the KGB?) and their modest trade ties with us, I'm afraid a coming economic downturn will lead to a new cold war of sorts.

Lex, be calm. Russia today is, in the famous statement "Zaire. With nuclear weapons" Their global clout is based on their military and their energy exports....but they produce more than enough food, so they can feed themselves. They will enjoy Putin's hobby of tweaking the US (Snowden type things) and will harbor hackers, fraud artists and counterfeit goods makers but will not, for a long time, pose a real threat to us. (Good Lord do I love that the Turks (fun loving rascals that they are) allowed two US cruisers through the Dardenelles so that there's a US naval presence in the Black Sea). Now, to the Euroweenies, they pose a threat; particularly to those who want to do away with armed forces. But the real threat is of a Russia that's too weak and thus entices the Chinese to go take all that nice Siberian land and resource base. Because I don't think Vlad or the boys would hesitate for a minute to turn a few Chinese population centers into smoking holes. And THAT would be a major league mess for our diplo-types to go clean up.

2/17/2014, 05:57 PM
And when you thought it couldn't get any better, you find something like this....
****Potential Spoiler Alerts may be found in this link****


But seriously, did y'all see it? If that had happened to us, in RUSSIA, we would have never gotten over it. Rules is rules, but wow, that goal was barely off it's place.

2/17/2014, 05:59 PM
Nothing will ever dethrone America as the top power of the world in all facets of life.

I wish that were true.
But it's not.
I won't even go into the troubles we are in. I'll just base the "it's not true" on the fact nothing lasts forever.

2/17/2014, 08:01 PM
Lex, be calm. Russia today is, in the famous statement "Zaire. With nuclear weapons" Their global clout is based on their military and their energy exports....but they produce more than enough food, so they can feed themselves. They will enjoy Putin's hobby of tweaking the US (Snowden type things) and will harbor hackers, fraud artists and counterfeit goods makers but will not, for a long time, pose a real threat to us. (Good Lord do I love that the Turks (fun loving rascals that they are) allowed two US cruisers through the Dardenelles so that there's a US naval presence in the Black Sea). Now, to the Euroweenies, they pose a threat; particularly to those who want to do away with armed forces. But the real threat is of a Russia that's too weak and thus entices the Chinese to go take all that nice Siberian land and resource base. Because I don't think Vlad or the boys would hesitate for a minute to turn a few Chinese population centers into smoking holes. And THAT would be a major league mess for our diplo-types to go clean up.

That all makes sense, Kanto. I agree a weak Russia creates or risks instability world wide. I am troubled by the thought of an economically weak and unstable giant with a large military. In those times, their leaders will naturally fan the flames with traditional enemies in order to distract from their internal woes and hold onto power. I sense this to some degree with Russia in recent years. And on our end, our powerful military industrial complex has a great argument to blow billions more taxpayer dollars. I had not thought of China in this mix, but you make a good point. Funny how it seems Russia has great natural resources, but her people are not one of them; China lacks natural resources but for her people; and we are blessed with both.

2/17/2014, 08:17 PM
But seriously, did y'all see it? If that had happened to us, in RUSSIA, we would have never gotten over it. Rules is rules, but wow, that goal was barely off it's place.

I gotta agree with you on this. There would be all kind of features and interviews with hockey officials on NBC about the home cooking. You have to give the refs credit for disallowing the goal in Russia with Putin present. I wish college football refs were that ballsy.

2/17/2014, 10:11 PM
Hey, we still owe the Reds big time from the absolute gold medal rip-off in basketball in the 1972 Olympics. That was a fiasco of Mega-Oregon proportions. Look it up before you feel sorry for Putin's boys.

2/18/2014, 02:12 AM
I must break you.

2/18/2014, 09:41 AM
Lex, I think the past is prelude: look at Georgia. The Russians got pissed, invaded....but then didn't stay. Hell, they've limited themselves to mucking around in Ukraine's politics. The UKRAINE for crying out loud. THE BLACK EARTH itself. If they've not going to go nuts over that it'll take an invasion to get them into a good old fashioned killing rage.
Putin himself is apparently one of the world's wealthiest men (last estimate I saw had him at somewhere north of $25 bill all safe in Swiss banks) and the rich have far more at stake in peace than the rest of us. He doesn't want a war. He's making mad bank off of peace. And he's got the military on a very short leash. He saw what happened to Gorbie.

2/18/2014, 10:11 AM
Nobody likes a winner.

Russians are bitchin 'bout the call in hockey and canucks don't like it cuz our dancing skaters took the gold and theirs had to settle for silver.

Suck it!

2/18/2014, 11:10 AM
I do have to admit that I was surprised to see that the ref who disallowed the goal was an American. Would it really be that hard to make sure that no refs from either country playing officiated a game?
We'd be stuck to the ceiling if a Russian ref had made the same call against us.

Mind you, we'd be right and the Russians are wrong.

But still....

2/18/2014, 11:16 AM
Yeah, I don't blame the Russkies for bein' hot and bothered. But I'm glad they are. And they still have the opportunity to advance to the medal round. The officials do need to be from a neutral nation, how did that happen?

2/18/2014, 12:29 PM
Hey, we still owe the Reds big time from the absolute gold medal rip-off in basketball in the 1972 Olympics. That was a fiasco of Mega-Oregon proportions. Look it up before you feel sorry for Putin's boys.

I remember watching that game as a kid and I was furious for a long time afterwards. The documentaries and articles I have seen and read about the game indicate the outcome resulted from both the incompetence and bias of the game officials, confusion, and the unauthorized interference by some stuff shirted old British international basketball president (did the Brits even play hoops?) who came out of the stands and with absolutely no authority demanded that time be put back on the clock for the Soviets. What was forgotten about that game was the U.S. trailed the entire game until near the end when Doug Collins hit the free throws and we then "won." Henry Iba coached a slow half court game which played right into the Russians' hands. Also, many of our best college players including Bill Walton did not go out for the team. Yes, it was a royal screwing of the first degree, kind of an Oregon/Texas Tech rip off combined. It was one strange Olympics, full of tragedy, controversy, and early 70s weirdness - the Israeli hostage situation and incompetent German response, the fake Marathon runner at the end, U.S. sprinters failing to show up for their qualifying heat, and the smelly 30 year old Russians celebrating their gift gold medal with the silver medal podium empty.

2/18/2014, 01:41 PM
and the unauthorized interference by some stuff shirted old British international basketball president (did the Brits even play hoops?) who came out of the stands and with absolutely no authority demanded that time be put back on the clock for the Soviets.

Why on earth would a Brit want to help the Soviets in anything? Bizarre.

Bourbon St Sooner
2/18/2014, 01:45 PM
Them bitching means we won. Suck it losers! And the thug-in-chief was in the building which made it even better.

2/18/2014, 02:18 PM
Them bitching means we won. Suck it losers! And the thug-in-chief was in the building which made it even better.

Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Better dead than Red! In your pinko face, Putin!

2/18/2014, 02:18 PM
Why on earth would a Brit want to help the Soviets in anything? Bizarre.

His name was Dr. Renato William Jones, a Brit and giant in the international game who was rightfully credited with the growth of basketball world wide, including the USSR. It was known he had developed ties with the Soviets over his years as head of the international hoops federation and had long believed the end of U.S. dominance would be good for the sport. It was also known he was a fan of that soviet team and admired their skills. So, he obviously had motives unrelated to his nationality and the politics of the day. In fact he had learned the game while studying n the US as a young man. His bio states he was a former British spy, so as a natural spook he probably had shifting loyalties. After long denying his role, he finally admitted he was responsible for the final 3 seconds being placed back on the clock and the fact he really had no authority to intervene.

2/18/2014, 02:25 PM
Yes, neutral officials. How about Cuba?

2/18/2014, 03:23 PM
If he was a British spy (MI5 or 6) he was probably a Soviet agent all along. One of the most penetrated services in the world. Several US presidents used them to gauge Soviet receptivity to US negotiating ideas. All they had to do was present the idea for consideration to British intelligence and they'd get the Soviet reaction in 3-4 days.

2/18/2014, 03:32 PM
If he was a British spy (MI5 or 6) he was probably a Soviet agent all along. One of the most penetrated services in the world. Several US presidents used them to gauge Soviet receptivity to US negotiating ideas. All they had to do was present the idea for consideration to British intelligence and they'd get the Soviet reaction in 3-4 days.

Thanks for nothing, Kanto - you just ruined every James Bond movie for me. I thought all hot Russian babes (only 4-5 of them exists at any given time) were all secret agents who were extremely vulnerable to 007's charm.

2/18/2014, 03:46 PM
Unless they were running them in relays, there are more than 4-5...there must have been at least 50 of them holding the national signs at the Olympics opening ceremony (well, excepting that one poor one who had to wear pants (because she was introducing Iran) instead of the Ice Princess slit-to-the-waist skirts.

2/18/2014, 06:13 PM
If he was a British spy (MI5 or 6) he was probably a Soviet agent all along. One of the most penetrated services in the world. Several US presidents used them to gauge Soviet receptivity to US negotiating ideas. All they had to do was present the idea for consideration to British intelligence and they'd get the Soviet reaction in 3-4 days.

Did the British leadership know of and tolerate the infestation of double agents back then? I mean, the most famous of them were part of an intellectual counterculture and active in Marxist and Communist groups while studying at the most elite colleges at Cambridge like Trinity and King's in their youth, so it just seems beyond belief they were properly vetted and approved for such high level intelligence work in England.

2/19/2014, 09:19 AM
My evaluation is that it was a result of the stupidity of class-ism. Philby and his ilk were from the proper families and had gone to the right schools. They spoke with proper accents and knew which fork to use for fish. They laughed at jokes in Latin and French. How on earth could they possibly be traitors?
It was also the result of an ideological war with roots in the late nineteenth century (and if one wanted extra credit, you could draw further lines back to the years of revolution of the 1840's) in which the intelligentsia of Western Europe became increasingly besmitten by the faux-scientific appeal of Socialism (or, more appropriately von Hayek's 'Planning'). By the time the British establishment realized that these bright young men really weren't on the team anymore, a great deal of damage had already been done.
We could go on for eons on the topic, but I think that's the outline of my thesis.

2/19/2014, 12:10 PM
BTW, the evil empire lost to Finland, so they won't be medaling.

2/19/2014, 12:51 PM
BTW, the evil empire lost to Finland, so they won't be medaling.

Amazing. I watched that game until the end of the first period and the Finns were up 2-1. I didn't see how it turned out.

2/19/2014, 01:30 PM
Wow, hockey is srs bidness in Russia.


2/19/2014, 01:47 PM
BTW, the evil empire lost to Finland, so they won't be medaling.

Hip, Hip, Hurrah! Now, I don't really care how Team USA finishes...sure I hope they medal, but if they don't, it'll be like when the US gets knocked out of the World Cup. Say what? When does college football start?

Vodka sales were gonna be up in Russia no matter...

2/19/2014, 02:09 PM
Normally I don't give 2 ****s about hockey at all. I will admit though that I had to smile when I learned last Saturday that Team USA had beaten Russia in their own backyard.

Kinda reminds me what it feels like to hand whorn their butts in Dallas every year. In fact, did anybody else think that Russia's coach sounded a bit like Mack after the game?

2/19/2014, 02:46 PM
Just looked at the stats from the Canada/Latvia game. The Canadians outshot the Latvians 57-16 but only won 2-1. Latvia's goalie must be a beast.

2/19/2014, 02:58 PM
I've always wondered why somebody doesn't just get a giant sumo wrestler, put him in pads and position him in front of the goal. Just sit his *** down. Hell, there'd only be two 6" square windows at either upper corner that would remain open and some of the those guys have quick hands. You'd win forever.

2/19/2014, 03:03 PM
Normally I don't give 2 ****s about hockey at all. I will admit though that I had to smile when I learned last Saturday that Team USA had beaten Russia in their own backyard.

Kinda reminds me what it feels like to hand whorn their butts in Dallas every year. In fact, did anybody else think that Russia's coach sounded a bit like Mack after the game?

"Let me answer that one for Alexander..."

2/19/2014, 03:09 PM
Just looked at the stats from the Canada/Latvia game. The Canadians outshot the Latvians 57-16 but only won 2-1. Latvia's goalie must be a beast.

That's one thing I dislike about hockey. A team can be completely outplayed but a good goalie can undo this. The position can at times play too important of a role. I think the game would be better with a much smaller goal and no goalie.

I'd say the same is true for baseball at the lower levels. A really crappy team can beat a good team as long as they have a great pitcher. That's not true as you get to more competitive levels and at lower levels pitchers aren't allowed to pitch day after day.

In other sports, a player who is significantly better than his peers can take over but there aren't positions that have such an elevated significance.

2/19/2014, 03:12 PM
My evaluation is that it was a result of the stupidity of class-ism. Philby and his ilk were from the proper families and had gone to the right schools. They spoke with proper accents and knew which fork to use for fish. They laughed at jokes in Latin and French. How on earth could they possibly be traitors?
It was also the result of an ideological war with roots in the late nineteenth century (and if one wanted extra credit, you could draw further lines back to the years of revolution of the 1840's) in which the intelligentsia of Western Europe became increasingly besmitten by the faux-scientific appeal of Socialism (or, more appropriately von Hayek's 'Planning'). By the time the British establishment realized that these bright young men really weren't on the team anymore, a great deal of damage had already been done.
We could go on for eons on the topic, but I think that's the outline of my thesis.

That would make sense, especially back then. We lived in England for a year in the mid 1960s and Dad said one time he made a joke with his Brit co-workers about our royal heritage (not true), the sort of thing Americans laugh off and counter with jokes about peasant stock. Well, every Brit's ears perked up, listening with complete seriousness. I think before then Dad did not realize the importance the Brits placed on socioeconomic class.

2/19/2014, 03:30 PM
BTW, the evil empire lost to Finland, so they won't be medaling.

Way cool! This is probably worse for Russia than it would be for us if our NBAers failed to medal in the Summer Olympics.

2/19/2014, 03:33 PM
And my best friend's dad, a nuclear engineer and Lancaster Bomber rear gunner vet with 25 missions (which ought to buy you some props) was from the wrong side of the tracks, so to speak, and ultimately had to become Australian and move halfway around the planet before he could get a job doing more than drafting...over someone else's signature.

it's so innate in Americans that we don't often think of how liberating it is to be free from the tyranny of one's birth.

2/19/2014, 03:40 PM
How does the top 2 teams in the world draw each other? Sweden has had such an easy group and bracket side, it isn't even funny!

2/19/2014, 04:07 PM
That would make sense, especially back then. We lived in England for a year in the mid 1960s and Dad said one time he made a joke with his Brit co-workers about our royal heritage (not true), the sort of thing Americans laugh off and counter with jokes about peasant stock. Well, every Brit's ears perked up, listening with complete seriousness. I think before then Dad did not realize the importance the Brits placed on socioeconomic class.

Back in the late 80s, my ANG unit was deployed to England. During some free days we went to London to see the sights...staying at an RAF base because it was so cheap. On day we left our housing and were headed to the main gate...up runs a Brit, red-faced and huffing, stammering out instructions. We had violated all sorts of protocol it seems. The area of the base were walking through was reserved for RAF officers and their families. Wouldn't be proper to have American enlisted men out and about. He quickly escorted us to the gate, doing us a great favor he claims, but to please not re-enter the base at these particular premises...

Hey, the US military can get their panties in a wad very quickly over rank as well. But I've never seen it be a problem just walking down a sidewalk.

2/19/2014, 04:31 PM
Way cool! This is probably worse for Russia than it would be for us if our NBAers failed to medal in the Summer Olympics.

Probably true. It shouldn't be true though. We still dominate basketball more than the Russians dominate hockey.

When they did completely dominate hockey, it was in an era where we were sending college kids. Had we put together all stars from the NHL to comprise the US and Canadian teams that 1980 team wouldn't have been the lock they thought they were. They were considered the best team on the planet and that's probably true but it wasn't unheard of for NHL teams to beat them. (The USSR went 5-3-1 against NHL teams although they did route the NHL all stars the year before.)

We had a bad run in basketball for a few years even with our NBA players but once we started really taking it seriously, sent our best players, and built a real team we've won the gold. That won't continue forever but for now there's still a significant gap between us and the rest of the world. It is still a shock when we don't win the gold in basketball. Nobody would be shocked if Canada beat Russia in hockey.

2/19/2014, 04:52 PM
We are to Basketball as Brazil is to Soccer.

2/19/2014, 05:17 PM
We are to Basketball as Brazil is to Soccer.

I wouldn't even say that. Brazil is the best team in the world over the years but they're hardly a lock to win the world cup nor is it a complete shock when they don't win. (They didn't make the finals in 2006 or 2010.) Maybe in Brazil it's a shock but not to the rest of the world.

To Brazil's credit, soccer is much more competitive world-wide. Basketball has improved tremendously and the NBA is now filled with really good international players but it still is nowhere near soccer as far as competitiveness on a global scale.

2/19/2014, 05:46 PM
oh, you're right,, but why let that deflect a good analogy.

Now, for a real mystery of the sporting world: why isn't Nigeria kicking butt in hoops? Close to 200 million in population split between Hausa/Fulani (think spindly centers), Yoruba's (Power Forwards) and Ibo's (point guards). They ought to be on the podium every four years.

2/19/2014, 06:01 PM
oh, you're right,, but why let that deflect a good analogy.

Now, for a real mystery of the sporting world: why isn't Nigeria kicking butt in hoops? Close to 200 million in population split between Hausa/Fulani (think spindly centers), Yoruba's (Power Forwards) and Ibo's (point guards). They ought to be on the podium every four years.

I'm not sure where hoops ranks in sports popularity in Nigeria. I know soccer is quite popular and there was talk some years ago about how Nigeria and other African teams were on the cusp of international dominance, but it never happened. Then we could go on about resources, training, etc., but those all go without saying.

I think the only Olympic sport I badly want us to win every four years is men's hoops. Maybe it's the memory of the 1972 fiasco or the fact it is our sport and our NBAers are kings of the sport. I am concerned how the rest of the world has caught up and make some games quite competitive. Our all stars play like an all star team while the recent Spanish team plays like a team which has been together for a decade. In 2012 they led us in the second half until our talent closed the deal. It would be nice if we could have mostly the same players for years. Then we would be virtually unbeatable.

2/19/2014, 06:33 PM
It would be nice if we could have mostly the same players for years. Then we would be virtually unbeatable.

Yes, but I doubt that would happen. There was a time where we could send the NBA champions as our olympic team. But these days with so many international players on most teams, it wouldn't work. I'm always a little disappointed when I hear someone say they're not going to play on Team USA. I understand that it's a decent time commitment, and it conflicts with the off-season, but I just think the opportunity to represent your country once every 4 years should be a big deal.

2/19/2014, 08:31 PM
Fortunately, it appears most of the top NBA players go out for the team. I think the only exception was a few Olympics ago when a lot of them got scared off by terrorism and we produced that subpar team which lost to Puerto Rico and ended up with the bronze. I think we have won gold in all other games since they started letting NBA players participate, Dream Team forward.

2/19/2014, 08:45 PM
And my best friend's dad, a nuclear engineer and Lancaster Bomber rear gunner vet with 25 missions (which ought to buy you some props) was from the wrong side of the tracks, so to speak, and ultimately had to become Australian and move halfway around the planet before he could get a job doing more than drafting...over someone else's signature.

it's so innate in Americans that we don't often think of how liberating it is to be free from the tyranny of one's birth.

That's pathetic. One of Bomber Harris' boys deserved better. Frankly, I would want anyone who survived 25 WWII bomber missions over Europe in my company and by my side, because he must be on the Lord's good side.

2/19/2014, 11:25 PM
I've said for years that if soccer ever gained a strong popularity in the inner cities and money followed, USA would start to dominate on the world scene. Think of athletes like Deion Sanders with his speed running down the sideline past the defense.

Oh, and as far as representing your country, nothing got me more twisted up than a deal that wasn't even an Olympic situation. A few years back the cheater Alex Rodriguez decided to play for the Dominican Republic in some baseball competition even though he was born and raised in the US (New York and Miami). I guess his parents were born there and he spent some time there. Weak sauce.. If it had been the Olympics, I would have really thrown a gasket. Of course, I also hate all of the athletes that are moving around from country to country to compete. Just this year I watched a guy who was South Korean in the last games and Russian now. WTH?

Ok, back to the topic at hand..

2/20/2014, 12:01 AM

2/20/2014, 09:52 AM
I think the only Olympic sport I badly want us to win every four years is men's hoops. Maybe it's the memory of the 1972 fiasco or the fact it is our sport and our NBAers are kings of the sport. I am concerned how the rest of the world has caught up and make some games quite competitive. Our all stars play like an all star team while the recent Spanish team plays like a team which has been together for a decade. In 2012 they led us in the second half until our talent closed the deal. It would be nice if we could have mostly the same players for years. Then we would be virtually unbeatable.

I feel the same way about basketball. We are a much more cohesive team than we were before coach K took over. Obviously the gap has closed significantly from the original Dream Team years.

I don't know that we can dominate all the opponents anymore because the other teams are so good and have so many great NBA players on them. We're not going to win every gold medal. That's just impossible with the competition that is out there. I think right now it's like the OKC Thunder playing a mediocre NBA team. We'll win most of the time but in a one game format we will lose some games.

I'm sure the gap will continue to close as well. I don't think we can improve our way out of it.

2/20/2014, 09:58 AM
I've said for years that if soccer ever gained a strong popularity in the inner cities and money followed, USA would start to dominate on the world scene. Think of athletes like Deion Sanders with his speed running down the sideline past the defense.

I'm sure there are Deion Sanders type players in the soccer world today. Obviously the Jamaicans have their share of really fast guys.

Soccer is too big world wide for us to dominate. We're not the only country that produces athletes.

Now, you are correct that we could be much better than we are today if we took soccer more seriously. While it has grown over the years, soccer is still a girl's sport in the U.S. The majority of the boys who play the game are suburban white kids who weren't athletic enough to play on the football or basketball teams.

I get irritated when I hear foreigners chastise Americans because we suck at soccer. (Our national team doesn't suck either...) They obviously have no idea where soccer ranks in the pecking order of sports here.

2/20/2014, 10:18 AM
I was sitting in a bar in Aussie a few years ago during the Rugby World Cup when some drunk azzhole started in on the poor US team. Down the bar another Aussie cut in saying that the first guy should be bloody happy the yanks didn't pay too much attention to rugby because if we did no one else would ever win a championship.

2/20/2014, 03:32 PM
I was sitting in a bar in Aussie a few years ago during the Rugby World Cup when some drunk azzhole started in on the poor US team. Down the bar another Aussie cut in saying that the first guy should be bloody happy the yanks didn't pay too much attention to rugby because if we did no one else would ever win a championship.

heh...good story. Makes me proud to be an American!

2/20/2014, 03:51 PM
How does the top 2 teams in the world draw each other? Sweden has had such an easy group and bracket side, it isn't even funny!

Because of the tournament format.

Sweden won their group, and had the best goal differential, so they are the overall #1 seed. USA won their group, but had a smaller differential, thus the #2 seed. They keep going that way until all teams are seeded.

If Canada had taken care of business, then we wouldn't have seen them until the gold medal match. They screwed it up, and now one of us is probably going home with the bronze.

I will say that I don't think either group was tougher than the other. The Sweeds and Fins both play very good hockey, and of course Canada is pretty damn good. The US really only had to deal with Russia.

2/20/2014, 04:21 PM
The US women's hockey team pulled a prototypical Poke Choke today. I mean Stillwater would be proud.

2/20/2014, 07:25 PM
The US women's hockey team pulled a prototypical Poke Choke today. I mean Stillwater would be proud.

Classic case of pulling defeat from the jaws of victory. AKA the OSU slogan.

2/20/2014, 10:19 PM
That was a bunch of gals that were none too happy coming in second in the world!

2/21/2014, 06:36 PM
If anyone thought for a moment that Russia would impress the world with the Sochi games, even after reports of the fraud and bribery involved to get the games for Russia and the initial reports of backward living conditions in Sochi, well then the Russians put an end to that possibility in their favorite area of corruption - sports. They lived down to their reputation in the women's figure skating competition. This will not get the press of the Munich basketball ripoff, but in many ways it is worse.

The Russian winner was their second best skater who had never won a major competition before and her winning score was something like 20 points better than her previous personal best, an unheard of leap in scoring in skating. She did nail the technical part, but she beat the queen of the sport, the South Korean defending champ, with style and artistry scores similar to the Korean's, who is known as one of the most artistic skaters of all time. The judging panel was also stacked with Russian friendly old Eastern block judges, including one who was previously suspended after conspiring with a Russian judge to fix a previous Olympic skating event.

I don't care much about this sport, but I am irritated that this all smacked of the old fashioned Soviet sports cheating, so apparently things never change with the Russians. U.S. Skating experts who had no dog in this fight were shocked
by the outcome and felt it might be the biggest travesty ever in the sport. One expert felt that if it had been fairly judged, the Russia would easily have the bronze at best. it was even suggested this was every bit as scandalous as the Tonya Harding trailer park posses assault on Nancy Kerrigan, though it will probably be forgotten in the press in a few days.

2/21/2014, 06:44 PM
re: the ice skating deal. The IOC has already come out with their "nothing to see here" declaration. Surprise, surprise.

2/21/2014, 07:36 PM
sun rises in the east, water is wet, Russians cheat...

2/21/2014, 07:54 PM
Perhaps you could write off some of the old Soviet cheating as part of the Cold War competition with the West, but now what is the reason? My guess is Russian society is corrupt to the core, so this sort of thing comes natural, even on a world stage where others with some scruples and integrity might care. Also, after their hockey team fell on their drunken faces, the Russians were especially in need of a big hero and success. I have the feeling the Sochi facilities in a few years will look like Sarajevo's after the civil war.