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2/10/2014, 11:44 PM
course being in KC it's been non-stop. Not sure if this goes here...or political thread...or both! lol.

Everyone in the media is supporting it...they did ask one GM who said "sadly, yes it will effect his draft...because of the locker room, in 10 yrs hopefully not" It'll be interesting to see how this plays out next year.

2/11/2014, 12:10 AM
Mo has SUCKED for years whats one more player?

2/11/2014, 12:50 AM
I read some pro scout projected this guy as a possible 69th pick...

hawaii 5-0
2/11/2014, 01:20 AM
I bet there's been gays on football teams for many years.

More than just butt slappin' for a good play.

Only now it's out in the open. The guy has courage.


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/11/2014, 02:06 AM
Mo has SUCKED for years whats one more player?har

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/11/2014, 02:08 AM
I bet there's been gays on football teams for many years.

More than just butt slappin' for a good play.

Only now it's out in the open. The guy has courage.

5-0he will be roundly lauded by the Media. It WILL be interesting to see how/if he figures into the NFL draft.:tears_of_joy::star::nightmare::applouse::co ncern::cold::lemo::cupcake::torn::topsy_turvy:

2/11/2014, 02:25 AM
Surprised is was a CFB player getting ready for the draft. From what I read, there were rumors at the senior bowl, so he came out instead of having rumors flying around the combine. Probably the right call for him. Too bad it wasn't a player that projected much higher in the draft - that would have made it much more interesting. In a case like that, the GM/HC would be caught between a media blitz of drafting the guy balanced by the fear that a division rival might get him and use the player against him. Sometimes real life needs a better writer :) Regardless, he won't be the only openly gay player for long.

2/11/2014, 07:18 AM
I'm announcing that I'm a heterosexual poster on Soonerfans.com . Oh, who gives a rats patootie? This will be a media feeding frenzy over a player I never heard of until this week.

But could someone explain to me how this is any different from putting a heterosexual male on a girl's soccer team and using the same locker room?

2/11/2014, 07:26 AM
Am I the ONLY sick bastage that reads this tread title as MUD End is Ghey?
Course his end is MUD he been puttin it in the sewer Pipe!

2/11/2014, 08:03 AM
I'm announcing that I'm a heterosexual poster on Soonerfans.com . Oh, who gives a rats patootie? This will be a media feeding frenzy over a player I never heard of until this week.

But could someone explain to me how this is any different from putting a heterosexual male on a girl's soccer team and using the same locker room?

We could explain it to you but from what you have said you wouldn't understand.

2/11/2014, 08:16 AM
I'm announcing that I'm a heterosexual poster on Soonerfans.com . Oh, who gives a rats patootie? This will be a media feeding frenzy over a player I never heard of until this week.

But could someone explain to me how this is any different from putting a heterosexual male on a girl's soccer team and using the same locker room?

We could explain it to you but from what you have said you wouldn't understand.

So let me understand here yer sayin YOU ARE Ghey? and incapable of explaining?
See where I went to skool if sompun was explained then the person that had the subject explained to em Then in Fact UNDERSTOOD The subject.

Ton Loc
2/11/2014, 08:18 AM
I'm announcing that I'm a heterosexual poster on Soonerfans.com . Oh, who gives a rats patootie? This will be a media feeding frenzy over a player I never heard of until this week.

But could someone explain to me how this is any different from putting a heterosexual male on a girl's soccer team and using the same locker room?

It would be the same as putting a lesbian on a girls soccer team though. Whoops, too late.

Besides, there have been and there are tons of gay dudes in the NFL, NBA, and whatnot. If it wasn't for the media turning everything into a giant ****storm this wouldn't be a big deal. And in a week, we'll all forget about it anyway.

2/11/2014, 08:19 AM
this way he gets to whine when he's picked late and it will be a spectacle the whole draft

of course, if there were rumors before and now it's out in the open it kinda makes sense. he could drop his draft stock for being gay but not even come out. this way he's a hero. someone can take him just for the publicity.

wouldn't they love him on the Niners? i'm gonna guess he ain't going to Minnesota...

2/11/2014, 08:33 AM
this way he gets to whine when he's picked late and it will be a spectacle the whole draft

of course, if there were rumors before and now it's out in the open it kinda makes sense. he could drop his draft stock for being gay but not even come out. this way he's a hero. someone can take him just for the publicity.

wouldn't they love him on the Niners? i'm gonna guess he ain't going to Minnesota...

Whine cry and Pisz an moan.

2/11/2014, 09:19 AM
Am I the ONLY sick bastage that reads this tread title as MUD End is Ghey?
Course his end is MUD he been puttin it in the sewer Pipe!

lol..nice one

2/11/2014, 09:24 AM
It would be the same as putting a lesbian on a girls soccer team though. Whoops, too late.

Besides, there have been and there are tons of gay dudes in the NFL, NBA, and whatnot. If it wasn't for the media turning everything into a giant ****storm this wouldn't be a big deal. And in a week, we'll all forget about it anyway.

or girls bball team, softball team...etc. For the record I don't support the homo agenda at all, but it's a bit ironic that the college and hs women's sports world is filled with lesbians and it isn't an issue now - guess folks now just expected it..so to speak. I do think certain colleges are more "open" to gays on the teams...not officially but kids know which coaches either endorse it or just simply tolerate it.

2/11/2014, 09:34 AM
But could someone explain to me how this is any different from putting a
heterosexual male on a girl's soccer team and using the same locker room?

You want the guy in a girl's locker room / bathroom? Don't we already have a thread on the evils of that?

Do we need separate gay locker rooms?

There's always been gay guys on sports teams - even the NFL . The only difference here is you at least know which one is gay.

2/11/2014, 09:38 AM
You want the guy in a girl's locker room / bathroom? Don't we already have a thread on the evils of that?

Do we need separate gay locker rooms?

There's always been gay guys on sports teams - even the NFL . The only difference here is you at least know which one is gay.

back in the 70s rumors were that there 4 NFL QBs that were the Ghey. Butt only the Center knew for sure!

2/11/2014, 09:56 AM
back in the 70s rumors were that there 4 NFL QBs that were the Ghey. Butt only the Center knew for sure!

Didn't Terry Bradshaw come out a couple of years ago? Or maybe I misunderstood something...

2/11/2014, 10:12 AM
What ever happened to an announcement of top athletes and their homosexuality? Who ever drafts this guy will be receiving a lot of PR. I would have to think it would be a team from up north or west coast.

2/11/2014, 10:12 AM
this way he gets to whine when he's picked late and it will be a spectacle the whole draft

of course, if there were rumors before and now it's out in the open it kinda makes sense. he could drop his draft stock for being gay but not even come out. this way he's a hero. someone can take him just for the publicity.

wouldn't they love him on the Niners? i'm gonna guess he ain't going to Minnesota...

I see no motivation behind whining, but the rest of your post makes sense. This was going to happen to some player pretty soon and it happened to land on him. Younger people are much less likely to be secretive about their sexuality and some of these kids are going to find out later in life that they are professional level athletes. Then it's too late to scurry into the closet for their career because too many people already know.

I figure the team that gives him a chance is less dependent on the fan culture than the strength of the organization and HC. So he'll probably go to a strong playoff level team, which actually makes it tougher to make the team unless they happen to be thin at his position.

2/11/2014, 10:20 AM
When is one in the Pinkle coming out?

2/11/2014, 10:34 AM
He did it for the movie. In the future there will be a movie titled '52'. All about how he was the FIRST openly gay (man who takes other men's penises in his mouth and up his anus) to be in the NFL. Society will be told if this kind of lifestyle bothers you, you are WRONG.

I am speaking for ONLY ME, if I am still able to have an opinion in this country. I am phobed about men who take other men's penises in their mouth and allow them to put their penises up into their ani.

2/11/2014, 10:36 AM
He did it for the movie. In the future there will be a movie titled '52'. All about how he was the FIRST openly gay (man who takes other men's penises in his mouth and up his anus) to be in the NFL. Society will be told if this kind of lifestyle bothers you, you are WRONG.

I am speaking for ONLY ME, if I am still able to have an opinion in this country. I am phobed about men who take other men's penises in their mouth and allow them to put their penises up into their ani.

I knew we'd get one of these eventually.

2/11/2014, 10:44 AM
I knew we'd get one of these eventually.

"one of these" If by one of these you mean a man who is phobed about men who take other men's penises in their mouths and swallow their semen and allow another man to split his anus with his penis, yep. I am "one of these".

p.s. To all who this doesn't phobe I don't care. (see what I did, "To all") pffffft!

2/11/2014, 10:51 AM
"one of these" If by one of these you mean a man who is phobed about men who take other men's penises in their mouths and swallow their semen and allow another man to split his anus with his penis, yep. I am "one of these".

p.s. To all who this doesn't phobe I don't care. (see what I did, "To all") pffffft!

I mean a post that doesn't have anything to do with this guys ability to play. I understand people get annoyed by the press, but that is going to happen when a first time event occurs. This guy is doing you a favor if he manages to break this barrier. It will become like lesbians in women's sports in that people will stop talking about it.

2/11/2014, 10:58 AM
And in a week, we'll all forget about it anyway.

We can only hope. If the homosexual lifestyle is indeed normal and as American as apple pie, why is this news? just leave it alone.

If it is none of our business what others do in their bedrooms, why is this news? Why should we care?

2/11/2014, 11:09 AM
I mean a post that doesn't have anything to do with this guys ability to play. I understand people get annoyed by the press, but that is going to happen when a first time event occurs. This guy is doing you a favor if he manages to break this barrier. It will become like lesbians in women's sports in that people will stop talking about it.

Oh, ok. I get up this morning and like every morning I go to SF to check and see if there is any SOONER FOOTBALL INFORMATION today which could entertain me and there is a thread about a Missouri player announcing he is gay and I should have known it was about his playing abilities. Right?

2/11/2014, 11:10 AM
I guess it's significant now because it's an SEC football player headed to the NFL Draft, but I really don't view it as a big deal.

For example, it was once a big deal when Rosa Parks sat on a bus. If a black woman did that today, not a big deal.

Now that we got this milestone out of the way, we can all look forward to hopefully hearing about this issue a lot less when it comes to football

2/11/2014, 11:12 AM
You know, for several years people have known that various popular musicians and movie stars were gay and it didn't seem to matter. You still liked their music or their performances. If it was talked about, it was an afterthought, or maybe a little joke. Kinda how it should be. We didn't dwell on a person's gayness because it was a private matter, and not something that made people particularly comfortable.

Now it seems that has been turned on its head. Of course, the macho element of sports is a bit different than the kind of accepting atmosphere you find in the arts, so I guess there's a desire to break down whatever wall is perceived to be there. Yet I'm still of the belief that some things are better off left unsaid. Respect everybody unless they give you a reason not to. Being gay may gross me out, but it's not a reason for me to disrespect somebody. At the same time, I'm really tired of hearing about so-and-so coming out and being gay and then having sportswriters turn into the morality police. Just play the damn game and do your best. Who you make it with is nobody's business.

That doesn't mean you stay in the closet. I can only imagine how hard it is for people to come out to their friends and especially their immediate family, and I certainly understand Sam's desire to get out in front of the story in case the speculation hurts his stock. But I'm tired of hearing about it and tired of being told how I should think. It is a private, moral matter, and such things always create private, moral opinions. It's kinda like abortion-- a personal issue that's best not at the forefront of any dinner table conversation.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

2/11/2014, 11:17 AM
I guess it's significant now because it's an SEC football player headed to the NFL Draft, but I really don't view it as a big deal.

For example, it was once a big deal when Rosa Parks sat on a bus. If a black woman did that today, not a big deal.

Now that we got this milestone out of the way, we can all look forward to hopefully hearing about this issue a lot less when it comes to football
He's gay and he's fast!

I have nothing against gay folk. I just don't need to hear about it.
Or if Richard Gere really does like Buddha Gerbils.

2/11/2014, 11:19 AM
Oh, ok. I get up this morning and like every morning I go to SF to check and see if there is any SOONER FOOTBALL INFORMATION today which could entertain me and there is a thread about a Missouri player announcing he is gay and I should have known it was about his playing abilities. Right?

You know there are lots of threads about football in general here - especially in the off season. But okay, I will say with confidence there will be an openly gay Sooner football player someday. I'm pushing 60, but I put odds on it happening in my lifetime. OUr concern will be whether or not he can help up beat the horns. And we'll debate whether OUr gay guy is better than the horn's gay guy.

2/11/2014, 11:25 AM
I can see where it would be helpful to do this before the draft. For both sides.
I also know it's probably a terrible weight to carry for some of these guys who live in such a world of machismo.
So be gay, play football and let's move on.

2/11/2014, 12:46 PM
Picasso and badger raise some interesting points. Still not convinced of the newsworthiness. I'm just weary of the in-your-face coverage all things homosexual receive these days. We get it. They're proud of being perverted. Can we at least keep it out of the sports pages?

2/11/2014, 01:20 PM
Liberal media will never let this die down. We will always remember...or be reminded.

2/11/2014, 01:30 PM
Picasso and badger raise some interesting points. Still not convinced of the newsworthiness. I'm just weary of the in-your-face coverage all things homosexual receive these days. We get it. They're proud of being perverted. Can we at least keep it out of the sports pages?

I think that the newsworthiness dies down with the first to do something. Man on the moon? Already been done, but we all know who was first (Neil Armstrong).

Liberal media will never let this die down. We will always remember...or be reminded

It will die down, because nobody else will be "first." I really think that's the only reason it's being talked about so much, not because it's part of a liberal media conspiracy agenda or anything, but just a milestone firsties thing.

I hope that people aspire to be known for more than just being the "first" at something, because in retrospect, just being "first" isn't as great as being the best. Some day, it will not being a big deal to be an openly gay NFL football player. But, it will always be a big deal to be a Pro Bowler, Super Bowl winner, or Hall of Famer.

2/11/2014, 01:56 PM
Picasso and badger raise some interesting points. Still not convinced of the newsworthiness. I'm just weary of the in-your-face coverage all things homosexual receive these days. We get it. They're proud of being perverted. Can we at least keep it out of the sports pages?

It's in the news because it's relevant to both sports and society in general. This is an area where sports can make something that is a grey area into something black and white, and elevates sports to being more important than just entertainment. Sports at the pro level is the ultimate meritocracy and having a secret rule that denies participation based on something other than merit goes against our country's fabric, IMO. The NFL understands this and just wants to get past it on back to business. It will be news until then.

stoops the eternal pimp
2/11/2014, 02:09 PM
Did not have a great Senior Bowl..Draft stock was slipping regardless of anything off of the field.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/11/2014, 02:29 PM
He did it for the movie. In the future there will be a movie titled '52'. All about how he was the FIRST openly gay (man who takes other men's penises in his mouth and up his anus) to be in the NFL. Society will be told if this kind of lifestyle bothers you, you are WRONG.

I am speaking for ONLY ME, if I am still able to have an opinion in this country. I am phobed about men who take other men's penises in their mouth and allow them to put their penises up into their ani.You, dear, are uncaring, callous, insensitive, and bigoted, in an evil, neanderthal pinhead(NTTAWWT)sort of way. You are chastising a "natural" act, and are hereby pronounced as an unenlightened political entity.

2/11/2014, 02:50 PM
Did not have a great Senior Bowl..Draft stock was slipping regardless of anything off of the field.

In that case, I take back what I said earlier... this story will not be finished till after the NFL offseason, because the story will first be about why he wasn't a top pick (by people who never watch the draft or the NFL), then it will be why he wasn't chosen on day 1 or 2 of the draft, or even worse, day 3, then it will be about him being cut in the preseason... not because he's on a deep with a deep depth chart or because mid-round(or no round) picks are easy to cut, but because he just had to open that closet door.

If it's any consolidation, think about how often the media used to be Tebowing and how much they mention Tebow now. That's what you're potentially looking at right here.

2/11/2014, 03:00 PM
Did not have a great Senior Bowl..Draft stock was slipping regardless of anything off of the field.

This is why I said it would be more interesting if it were a player projected to go higher in the draft. Or a current, well established NFL player in his prime. I'm sure this guy didn't want to be first since he is already fighting an uphill battle. But it does appear he is good enough that some team will either draft him or sign him as a FA.

2/11/2014, 03:05 PM
Not sure about his ability at the NFL level but if I were GM I wouldn't touch this guy with a ten foot pole.

2/11/2014, 03:08 PM
Not sure about his ability at the NFL level but if I were GM I wouldn't touch this guy with a ten foot pole.

Just read this. No pun intended about the ten foot pole thing.

2/11/2014, 03:13 PM
Not sure about his ability at the NFL level but if I were GM I wouldn't touch this guy with a ten foot pole.

But what if he had abilities similar to Clowney? If you passed on him and and he goes to a division rival and sacks your star QB right out of the playoff, you might become an EX-GM.

2/11/2014, 03:16 PM
Wouldn't it be funny if he were Mr Irrelevant

2/11/2014, 03:24 PM
Wouldn't it be funny if he were Mr Irrelevant

Post of the day!

2/11/2014, 03:32 PM
But what if he had abilities similar to Clowney? If you passed on him and and he goes to a division rival and sacks your star QB right out of the playoff, you might become an EX-GM.

The guy would have to be the second coming of Lawrence Taylor before I would even consider it. There will be a huge media firestorm around this. This is a media cause celebre. Owners, coaches and players are going to be inundated with reporters hounding them all the way. Wonder what the press conferences will become like? I'm sure some HC like Belichick would just love handling reporters questions about stuff like this. That doesn't even take into account the guys who will never feel comfortable sharing a locker room with an openly gay team mate. It's just going to be one long huge distraction. Who needs it?

2/11/2014, 03:41 PM
I think most GMs will react as you suggest until the novelty wears off. They are very fear driven and jobs have little security in the NFL. I predict it will be a strong organization like the Pats that sign this guy. Most HCs are either on the hot seat or soon to be on the hot seat. You'd have to think Pats, Seahawks, 49ers, and maybe Ravens. I could maybe envision a team with a visible owner that likes the spotlight and doesn't mind meddling such as the Cowboys or Redskins.

2/11/2014, 03:55 PM
Maybe the "Midnight Cowboys". I understand their GM is pretty secure in his job so maybe they go out on a limb.

2/11/2014, 03:59 PM
The irony of all of this is that the anon GMs are saying this is a big deal because of locker room culture, the same locker room culture that is undoubtedly the most gay part of football.

2/11/2014, 04:52 PM
Oh, ok. I get up this morning and like every morning I go to SF to check and see if there is any SOONER FOOTBALL INFORMATION today which could entertain me and there is a thread about a Missouri player announcing he is gay and I should have known it was about his playing abilities. Right?

the reason I put it on here, is because the media "love" it gets...which is total bs. I'm not phobed about it...it just actually makes me sick. The pc and libs want everyone to think it's NORMAL...it isn't (but that's for the political thread!) Less than 10% of the population does this. I put it here because it's football related. It's a dead period...and this is college football information. Being in KC it's all about how great and brave he is..blah blah blah. The news asked a NFL gm about his draft issue...

2/11/2014, 04:54 PM
This is why I said it would be more interesting if it were a player projected to go higher in the draft. Or a current, well established NFL player in his prime. I'm sure this guy didn't want to be first since he is already fighting an uphill battle. But it does appear he is good enough that some team will either draft him or sign him as a FA.

maybe he did this at THIS TIME because of that...kind of like smart saying the guy used a racial slur when in reality he called him a piece of crap~

2/11/2014, 05:07 PM
The guy would have to be the second coming of Lawrence Taylor before I would even consider it. There will be a huge media firestorm around this. This is a media cause celebre. Owners, coaches and players are going to be inundated with reporters hounding them all the way. Wonder what the press conferences will become like? I'm sure some HC like Belichick would just love handling reporters questions about stuff like this. That doesn't even take into account the guys who will never feel comfortable sharing a locker room with an openly gay team mate. It's just going to be one long huge distraction. Who needs it?

Yes, but after the frenzy was over you would be left with a great player. Have you heard anything about that Noter Dame dude lately?

stoops the eternal pimp
2/11/2014, 05:31 PM
This is why I said it would be more interesting if it were a player projected to go higher in the draft. Or a current, well established NFL player in his prime. I'm sure this guy didn't want to be first since he is already fighting an uphill battle. But it does appear he is good enough that some team will either draft him or sign him as a FA.

Oh he definitely will get drafted.. for sure. And if anyone thinks scouts are just now hearing the news, you are fooling yourselves.. While it's a news flash to the public, most scouts probably knew a little after coming out to his teammates.

I have a 4th round grade on him myself.

2/11/2014, 05:41 PM
As long as he dont try to **** the Football or the Zebras on the 50 yard line at 1/2 time I dont care what he does. But like most Im kinda sick of hearing about this ****.

2/11/2014, 05:55 PM
Oh he definitely will get drafted.. for sure. And if anyone thinks scouts are just now hearing the news, you are fooling yourselves.. While it's a news flash to the public, most scouts probably knew a little after coming out to his teammates.

I have a 4th round grade on him myself.

Agreed. This is why I am not saying he is courageous or trying to be a ground breaker. He is being pragmatic and trying to optimize his chances of playing in the NFL. It appears he "came out" to his Mizzou for the same reason - they all knew already. So everyone that matters already knew, so he is trying to change the conversation when he gets to the combine. He's just "coming out" to the NFL so he isn't peppered with probing questions by the scouts and having to deny it when they already know.

2/11/2014, 05:59 PM
Ok Back to the Jokes

Will he be Laying serious wood to the Opposing players?

2/11/2014, 06:40 PM
Ok Back to the Jokes

Will he be Laying serious wood to the Opposing players?

He certainly stuck it to Clelf in the Cotton bowl. Probably turned a bunch of PC/lib Poke fans into card carrying homophobes.

2/11/2014, 06:54 PM
He certainly stuck it to Clelf in the Cotton bowl. Probably turned a bunch of PC/lib Poke fans into card carrying homophobes.

So Yer sayin he got "Deep Penetration":D

2/11/2014, 07:00 PM
So Yer sayin he got "Deep Penetration":D

Naw, just giving Chelf a friendly tip. "Watch your blind side"

2/11/2014, 07:14 PM
You, dear, are uncaring, callous, insensitive, and bigoted, in an evil, neanderthal pinhead(NTTAWWT)sort of way. You are chastising a "natural" act, and are hereby pronounced as an unenlightened political entity.

Thank you sir, or do you prefer hermaphrodite.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/11/2014, 07:31 PM
Thank you ___, or do you prefer hermaphrodite.Asexual(NTTAWWT) will do. Don't bend over, just to be sure...and, watch the high notes. They're giveaways.

2/11/2014, 08:24 PM
I could care less. If he happens to get drafted by my team, and plays well, I'll cheer him just the same. If he plays poorly, I'll yell at him just the same.

You know, there are a lot of things people do in their bedroom, and I don't need to hear about any of it.

As an interesting FYI, there has been at least one gay player at OU in the past decade. He is not "open" (at least I don't think), but it's not exactly a secret. I'm not going to announce who it was, but it was someone that played a lot. I just wonder how people would view this if it were one of our own...

2/11/2014, 08:44 PM
I could care less. If he happens to get drafted by my team, and plays well, I'll cheer him just the same. If he plays poorly, I'll yell at him just the same.

You know, there are a lot of things people do in their bedroom, and I don't need to hear about any of it.

As an interesting FYI, there has been at least one gay player at OU in the past decade. He is not "open" (at least I don't think), but it's not exactly a secret. I'm not going to announce who it was, but it was someone that played a lot. I just wonder how people would view this if it were one of our own...

Im like you bro. I dont care if they Like Lolly pops or would rather dip in the Icecream bowl. as long as they PLAY well
and dont cause trouble.

2/11/2014, 08:51 PM
It won't be a big issue for the players. Most teams have one or two gay players that they already know about.

2/11/2014, 10:55 PM
I'm kinda of a live and let live guy--what goes on behind goes on behind closed door between any three people is just fine with me.

2/11/2014, 10:59 PM
I'm kinda of a live and let live guy--what goes on behind goes on behind closed door between any three people is just fine with me.

Ah, the 'ol 3way. Takes me back to my college days… sigh.

2/12/2014, 01:05 AM
Ah, the 'ol 3way. Takes me back to my college days… sigh.

You did Daisy chains in College? http://www.olevetpossehideout.com/forums/images/smilies/eek.gif

2/12/2014, 01:20 AM
man, Jon Stewart is brutal sometimes...


stoops the eternal pimp
2/12/2014, 09:35 AM
I could care less. If he happens to get drafted by my team, and plays well, I'll cheer him just the same. If he plays poorly, I'll yell at him just the same.

You know, there are a lot of things people do in their bedroom, and I don't need to hear about any of it.

As an interesting FYI, there has been at least one gay player at OU in the past decade. He is not "open" (at least I don't think), but it's not exactly a secret. I'm not going to announce who it was, but it was someone that played a lot. I just wonder how people would view this if it were one of our own...

yup..not sure we are talking the same person, but he was a good player.. not sure how many of the media members knew, but some of them did because i heard it from one of them first.

2/12/2014, 09:45 AM
yup..not sure we are talking the same person, but he was a good player.. not sure how many of the media members knew, but some of them did because i heard it from one of them first.

Theres been more than one. The deal is they dint necessarily try to Hide it so much as they didnt Flaunt it. Just went about their business and left everyone alone.

Curly Bill
2/12/2014, 10:18 AM
Dallas should draft him - they could have the one-two punch of Romo and Homo!

2/12/2014, 10:22 AM
Dallas should draft him - they could have the one-two punch of Romo and Homo!


Curly Bill
2/12/2014, 10:25 AM
And I don't have a particular link, but apparently this guys/gals dad has made some pretty strong statements that are not at all supporting his son!

2/12/2014, 10:26 AM
man, Jon Stewart is brutal sometimes...

Sad but true. It's hard to defend traditional marriage when half of traditional marriages end in divorce. There is a lot worse things to be accused of than being accused of being gay. It's not illegal here to be gay and you cannot be arrested here for being gay. Sometimes it's associated with crimes such as pedophilia and such, but I'd venture a guess that it's just as common with heterosexual people as homosexual people.

As such, I don't view being gay as being a character flaw. I just don't see it as a discussion point worth discussing.

And I don't have a particular link, but apparently this guys/gals dad has made some pretty strong statements that are not at all supporting his son!

Reports suggest that he texted his dad, but not before telling teammates, coaches, friends, and practically everyone else close to him first in person. Perhaps it wasn't about being gay, it was about being the last on the list to tell, and not even being man enough to say it to daddy's face.

2/12/2014, 10:58 AM
In the end, I don't want to spend a 4th or 5th round pick on a guy that will bring all this attention/controversy to my team. The risk outweighs the potential reward. If it were a proven player like Robert Quinn I wouldn't hesitate to break out the check book, and I'd be fine drafting a first round grade player like Clowney, but it's just not worth it to a guy who probably won't ever amount to much as a player.

2/12/2014, 11:34 AM
Reports suggest that he texted his dad, but not before telling teammates, coaches, friends, and practically everyone else close to him first in person. Perhaps it wasn't about being gay, it was about being the last on the list to tell, and not even being man enough to say it to daddy's face.

I read a bio on him posted somewhere, and he is not close to his dad. His folks split early in his life and he lived with his mom. The guy's been through a lot with 1 brother killed and another missing and presumed dead. 2 other brothers in jail. As we hear in so many of these stories, he used football as his way out of a tough life. I wouldn't use the phrase "not man enough" to describe this guy.

2/12/2014, 11:45 AM
I've heard that when he goes back to his hometown, he usually stays at a friends' house rather than his parents. I thought the text was weird, but it doesn't sound like they were close at all. I don't condone homosexuality, but he still seems to be the bright spot of this dysfunctional family.

2/12/2014, 11:48 AM
Theres been more than one. The deal is they dint necessarily try to Hide it so much as they didnt Flaunt it. Just went about their business and left everyone alone.

Exactly. Unlike all that flaunting we got from LJ and Whitney.

2/12/2014, 12:35 PM
I read a bio on him posted somewhere, and he is not close to his dad.
Maybe he's reaction in NY Times is more about not being bitter about being texted, so much as regret about not having a better relationship with his son, the son that is even has "Jr" at the end of his name

Unlike all that flaunting we got from LJ and Whitney

Not sure that was their fault. It's not like they went out of their way to let everyone know they were dating/engaged/married at OU. It was like the Paris twins' dad getting timeout interviews every game... he was just there being a supportive daddy, he didn't tell TV to get cameras in his face after every point/rebound

2/12/2014, 01:04 PM
Not sure that was their fault. It's not like they went out of their way to let everyone know they were dating/engaged/married at OU. It was like the Paris twins' dad getting timeout interviews every game... he was just there being a supportive daddy, he didn't tell TV to get cameras in his face after every point/rebound

The LJ and Whitney thing is a feel good story all us OU fans enjoyed following. Just commenting that folks that think the status quo of gays staying in the closet if they want to play ball is not going to fly in the future. I have a daughter that is about Michael Sam's age and people around her being gay doesn't even register with her. She is not trying to be PC or liberal or anything like that - she is honestly "gay blind". And from what I can tell, her long time friends that my wife and I have known since elementary school are the same way. Not sure about the reason as I don't even recall the subject coming up in our house. But the reason doesn't really matter - there are future players coming up that will be openly gay before they develop into pro-level prospects. They won't have the choice of just being secretive about it as the cat will be out of the bag already.

2/12/2014, 03:13 PM
Gay blind? Seriously? Are you that ****'n stupid, or just trying to make a kid look hip? Sheesh...

2/12/2014, 03:23 PM
Gay blind? Seriously? Are you that ****'n stupid, or just trying to make a kid look hip? Sheesh...

That's my kid you're talking about, doosh-nozzle. I don't have a term for it - you tell me what it is. I'm just saying she has het and gay friends and coworkers and she has zero pre-conceived biases based on that. I'm a typical old baby boomer born and raised in OK with all the cultural conditioning that comes with it, so it didn't come from me. I'm not saying she is hip, in fact from all I can see she is typical of her age group that will be ruling the country in a decade or 2.

2/12/2014, 03:36 PM
Yes, I have a friend that is mexican. I never noticed it. I must be "brown blind".

2/12/2014, 03:50 PM
Yes, I have a friend that is mexican. I never noticed it. I must be "brown blind".

I have no idea what point your making. And there are people that have biases against Mexicans.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/12/2014, 04:01 PM

2/12/2014, 04:02 PM
Wow so many comments in this thread remind me why I don't live in a socially conservative environment anymore. Why do people care so much about what other people do in their own bedroom? I wish people could just grow up.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/12/2014, 04:07 PM
Wow so many comments in this thread remind me why I don't live in a socially conservative environment anymore. Why do people care so much about what other people do in their own bedroom? I wish people could just grow up.Tell it to the MSM and the MS Sports Media. Looks to me most people here are commenting on how the coming out event is going to effect football, and maybe other sports.

2/12/2014, 04:16 PM
Well...His future as a center is over....You can not play center with a boner......!!!!

2/12/2014, 04:18 PM
Tell it to the MSM and the MS Sports Media. Looks to me most people here are commenting on how the coming out event is going to effect football, and maybe other sports.

Yes, it's been a thoughtful discourse here, for the most part.

2/12/2014, 04:24 PM
Well...His future as a center is over....You can not play center with a boner......!!!!

You can't? Can you play football in general with one, or would there be too much risk of injury?

2/12/2014, 04:31 PM
You can't? Can you play football in general with one, or would there be too much risk of injury?

A game usually last around 3 hours, so shouldn't be a problem. But with these spread offenses, games are longer and if they happen to go into OT:

"If erection persists more than four hours, call your physician."

(so much for thoughtful discourse)

2/12/2014, 04:44 PM
Wow so many comments in this thread remind me why I don't live in a socially conservative environment anymore. Why do people care so much about what other people do in their own bedroom? I wish people could just grow up.

It's the creeeping public acceptance caused by a relentless PR campaign. The media's attempt to promote and institutionalize homosexuality as a normal, healthy and viable lifestyle just rubs on a lot of people the wrong way, me included. Most people aren't wanting to go on witch hunts into America's bedrooms but don't want a gay agenda shoved down their throats either (pun). Just don't want to listen to sports and have social issues at the forefront. The Bob Costas's of the world love this kind of crap. I guess because it gives them a heightened sense of importance as would-be intellectuals and agents of social change. They are looking for the next Jackie Robinson type crusade.

Sam has decided to put himself at the forefront. Just put a sock in it and play ball.

2/12/2014, 04:45 PM
Wow so many comments in this thread remind me why I don't live in a socially conservative environment anymore. Why do people care so much about what other people do in their own bedroom? I wish people could just grow up.

Relax. Some of the conversation is no different than the conversation that is going on nationally, and rightfully so, because this is a relatively new issue. Sure, there have been gay athletes for years, but this guy would be the first openly gay athlete in the NFL. So, it's a big deal; therefore, causing discussion. Some of the discussion is the usual attempt at humor, mostly lame, that happens on this board, and message boards all over. And lastly, we have some invoking their political views, for and against. I would guess that message boards for Notre Dame, Alabama, and UC Berkeley would be similar. So, you can take your elitist "remind me why I don't live in a socially conservative environment" comments and shove them.

As far as that goes, I couldn't care less what the dude does in his bedroom. If he can get it done on the field for my Dolphins, I will root for him.

2/12/2014, 04:51 PM
Mods, can this thread be locked or moved to Obamafest? Sick of seeing this crap. I come to a college football board for enjoyment, escapist pleasure, etc, not to be reminded about the toilet plunge our larger society in embracing.

2/12/2014, 05:11 PM
Mods, can this thread be locked or moved to Obamafest? Sick of seeing this crap. I come to a college football board for enjoyment, escapist pleasure, etc, not to be reminded about the toilet plunge our larger society in embracing.

Has nothing to do with Obama or politics. It's sports and society. Not sure where that should be filed, but it feels like the thread has run its course.

But locking a thread for everyone just because it doesn't suit you should not be an option. You not reading it certainly is an option.

2/12/2014, 05:44 PM
You are correct on several counts Boulder. I typically avoid the homosexual threads unless I'm in a feisty mood. If I feel that way I head to obamafest. Just like to glance at football stuff once in awhile. Irritating that a thread about a Mizzou homosexual has gotten so much play. We're not gonna convince each other, yada, yada. I'll try to ignore it or just stay away for awhile until the thread is very dead.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/12/2014, 05:49 PM
You are correct on several counts Boulder. I typically avoid the homosexual threads unless I'm in a feisty mood. If I feel that way I head to obamafest. Just like to glance at football stuff once in awhile. Irritating that a thread about a Mizzou homosexual has gotten so much play. We're not gonna convince each other, yada, yada. I'll try to ignore it or just stay away for awhile until the thread is very dead.not so fast! stand up and fight, like a man!(NTTAWWT)

2/12/2014, 06:38 PM
It's the creeeping public acceptance caused by a relentless PR campaign.

A great many people have paid a high price for being gay so I don't fault people for being excited that that price seems to be going down. I'm glad it is becoming more and more acceptable to be different.

This guy puts it better than I can https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Olc5C4SXAYM&feature=youtube_gdata_player

2/12/2014, 06:46 PM
So, you can take your elitist "remind me why I don't live in a socially conservative environment" comments and shove them.
As far as that goes, I couldn't care less what the dude does in his bedroom. If he can get it done on the field for my Dolphins, I will root for him.

I can't help that I enjoy a place where people have less qualms about being gay, if socially conservative works for you by all means take it. I've just found that social conservatives are overly concerned about exactly who does what to whom and how. It gets very old and is a small issue in the scheme of things.

2/12/2014, 06:57 PM
I can't help that I enjoy a place where people have less qualms about being gay, if socially conservative works for you by all means take it. I've just found that social conservatives are overly concerned about exactly who does what to whom and how. It gets very old and is a small issue in the scheme of things.

So you living in San Francisco huh?
Be sure and wear some flowers in your hair.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/12/2014, 06:58 PM
I can't help that I enjoy a place where people have less qualms about being gay, if socially conservative works for you by all means take it. I've just found that social conservatives are overly concerned about exactly who does what to whom and how. It gets very old and is a small issue in the scheme of things.Take your complaint to the Media, who is responsible for the hoopla. (you MIGHT be misguided and perhaps too concerned about religious stereotypes)

2/12/2014, 07:20 PM
Take your complaint to the Media, who is responsible for the hoopla. (you MIGHT be misguided and perhaps too concerned about religious stereotypes)

I agree they are blowing this up so they can sell more ads, if you really want to stall the gay agenda don't watch. I'm curious, what am I misguided about and what are these stereotypes you've think I've fallen prey to. BTW I was born and raised in Oklahoma so I know what is real and what is a stereotype.

Curly Bill
2/12/2014, 07:26 PM
Yay! OUby35 can pat himself on the back for being more "enlightened" than some others are!

We can put you on the list with Bob Costas and Colin Cowherd - there now, feel better?

2/12/2014, 07:27 PM
The LJ and Whitney thing is a feel good story all us OU fans enjoyed following. Just commenting that folks that think the status quo of gays staying in the closet if they want to play ball is not going to fly in the future. I have a daughter that is about Michael Sam's age and people around her being gay doesn't even register with her. She is not trying to be PC or liberal or anything like that - she is honestly "gay blind". And from what I can tell, her long time friends that my wife and I have known since elementary school are the same way. Not sure about the reason as I don't even recall the subject coming up in our house. But the reason doesn't really matter - there are future players coming up that will be openly gay before they develop into pro-level prospects. They won't have the choice of just being secretive about it as the cat will be out of the bag already.

No doubt about it, the next generation just doesn't seem to care. Without going into a discourse about it, I think it's overall a good thing, but I've always thought what people did behind closed doors was none of my business anyway.

It is only a matter of time before there is a gay "superstar" in one of this countries big 4 leagues.

2/12/2014, 07:28 PM
Oh, and I'm probably going to move this to the Obama forum. I think we all saw that coming anyway.

Curly Bill
2/12/2014, 07:30 PM
Oh, and I'm probably going to move this to the Obama forum. I think we all saw that coming anyway.

So...you're saying Obammy likes the gheys?

2/12/2014, 07:33 PM
Oh, and I'm probably going to move this to the Obama forum. I think we all saw that coming anyway.

Aint Political . Im makin jokes . Move it to the South Oval.

2/12/2014, 07:34 PM
So...you're saying Obammy likes the gheys?

Him an Bob Costa seem to.

Curly Bill
2/12/2014, 07:38 PM
Him an Bob Costa seem to.

Man, I sure wish I could be as enlightened as those guys!

2/12/2014, 07:42 PM
no..it's about SPORTS...leave it here~

I don't think he'll make a roster...better? lol

Curly Bill
2/12/2014, 07:44 PM
So you living in San Francisco huh?
Be sure and wear some flowers in your hair.

I spent a week in ol San Fran once when I was out-processing from the Navy. I was prepared not to like it, but it was great! The Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, the Pacific coast, great food.

I'd go back in a heartbeat to check it all out again, but I'm not near "enlightened" enough to want to live there.

...and I didn't actually see any of teh gheys with my own eyes, so that was nice!

2/12/2014, 08:06 PM
You can't? Can you play football in general with one, or would there be too much risk of injury?

Have you ever tried to snap a football with a boner.....??/.....Yes...!!!...The risk of injury is great......!!!

2/12/2014, 08:07 PM
I spent a week in ol San Fran once when I was out-processing from the Navy. I was prepared not to like it, but it was great! The Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, the Pacific coast, great food.

I'd go back in a heartbeat to check it all out again, but I'm not near "enlightened" enough to want to live there.

...and I didn't actually see any of teh gheys with my own eyes, so that was nice!

Maybe you're just "gay blind".

2/12/2014, 08:09 PM
Have you ever tried to snap a football with a boner.....??/.....Yes...!!!...The risk of injury is great......!!!

I bet she hasnt. Prolly would cause a few tho if she bent over to snap one

2/12/2014, 08:21 PM
Maybe you're just "gay blind".

Man, you just can't leave it alone. I urge you to give me the proper term - I fully admit mine was lame.

XXX is a heterosexual person that holds no biases or preconceptions towards gay individuals.

Please supply the "XXX" for me. I wrote "gay blind" and even quoted it to show I made it up. I thought the context was self evident.

2/12/2014, 08:36 PM
Wow so many comments in this thread remind me why I don't live in a socially conservative environment anymore. Why do people care so much about what other people do in their own bedroom? I wish people could just grow up.

I had never heard of Michael Sam until this post. He is the one who told the world as a man he takes other men's penises in his mouth and up his anus. And then the 'media' the NFL began to applaud his 'courage'. What the $%&* dude I'm 55 years old and because I can't fathom a man wanting to suck on another man's penis or have him split his anus with his penis I ain't grown?

2/12/2014, 09:02 PM
So...you're saying Obammy likes the gheys?

As soon as 53% of Americans liked them he was on board. Just like now that 53% of people like weed he's getting on board.

2/12/2014, 09:19 PM
I had never heard of Michael Sam until this post. He is the one who told the world as a man he takes other men's penises in his mouth and up his anus. And then the 'media' the NFL began to applaud his 'courage'. What the $%&* dude I'm 55 years old and because I can't fathom a man wanting to suck on another man's penis or have him split his anus with his penis I ain't grown?

Age isn't always related to maturity. He said he was gay and nothing more. You are the one who wants to talk all about penises and anuses. It absolutely takes courage to be different especially in the NFL where your life can be on the line. One little miscue because someone doesn't like you and you can end up with a head injury. A sign of maturity would be empathizing with someone who is so different from you that you can't fathom what their motivations are.

2/12/2014, 09:24 PM
Age isn't always related to maturity. He said he was gay and nothing more. You are the one who wants to talk all about penises and anuses. It absolutely takes courage to be different especially in the NFL where your life can be on the line. One little miscue because someone doesn't like you and you can end up with a head injury. A sign of maturity would be empathizing with someone who is so different from you that you can't fathom what their motivations are.

Empathy def; The feeling you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions.

Not even close.

2/12/2014, 09:27 PM
Empathy def; The feeling you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions.

Not even close.

This one is better:
the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner; also : the capacity for this

2/12/2014, 10:42 PM
Wow so many comments in this thread remind me why I don't live in a socially conservative environment anymore. Why do people care so much about what other people do in their own bedroom? I wish people could just grow up.

Careful bro. It's turning out that social liberals kinda want to control your personal life too.

2/12/2014, 11:30 PM
I really don't understand why this thread has to rathole into political/liberal/conservative issues or proclamations of disgust over various body orifices. All that stuff is irrelevant. The story is a player that has not broken any laws that we know of either local/national or NCAA and now wants to enter the NFL based on his abilities. Yet, for no written rule, it is questioned whether he should be allowed or will be secretly black balled. The issue is simple, but powerful and clearly relevant to CFB, the NFL, other sports and society in general. If he does well at the combine, all eyes will be on the draft. I chuckle at the thought of the NFL GMs sweating it out hoping some other guy hits the button first. It will be interesting to see which team has the fortitude to do it - might be worth a pole if it gets that far.

2/12/2014, 11:31 PM
Careful bro. It's turning out that social liberals kinda want to control your personal life too.

I think you have social and political liberals confused.

2/13/2014, 12:03 AM
I have a daughter that is about Michael Sam's age and people around her being gay doesn't even register with her. She is not trying to be PC or liberal or anything like that - she is honestly "gay blind". And from what I can tell, her long time friends that my wife and I have known since elementary school are the same way. Not sure about the reason as I don't even recall the subject coming up in our house. But the reason doesn't really matter - there are future players coming up that will be openly gay before they develop into pro-level prospects. They won't have the choice of just being secretive about it as the cat will be out of the bag already.

Yep. Gay acceptance is most definitely a generational thing. Folks younger than 30 pretty much universally don't give a damn. Most people under 40 don't either. Keep in mind that TV shows for the last 15 years have been forcing gay characters into shows, whether as "the gay couple next door" or "the zany gay friend" or somebody who isn't overtly gay but sure acts like it. The roles are almost entirely empathetic (Downton Abbey being the one exception). Just about every show nowadays inserts some kind of gay subplot. Even the The Walking Dead did it last season when they inserted a couple lesbians completely out of the blue (I suspect those girls will show up again this season). Contrast this to prior years when you simply didn't have gay characters or there were guys doing gay caricatures (Eddie Murphy in quite a few movies) or just gay bad guys (Diamonds Are Forever comes to mind). And not that I'm an old fuddy duddy when it comes to surfing porn, but I'd venture a guess and say the overexposure to porn (particularly lesbian porn) has also lightened the hostile mood toward gays. I'm sure the sociologists would have a ball analyzing this stuff, but I'm quite confident that everything I've said is a factor, as is the general left side of the political spectrum that country is on right now.

Anyway, my feeling is pretty much summed up with this post...

It's the creeeping public acceptance caused by a relentless PR campaign. The media's attempt to promote and institutionalize homosexuality as a normal, healthy and viable lifestyle just rubs on a lot of people the wrong way, me included. Most people aren't wanting to go on witch hunts into America's bedrooms but don't want a gay agenda shoved down their throats either (pun). Just don't want to listen to sports and have social issues at the forefront. The Bob Costas's of the world love this kind of crap. I guess because it gives them a heightened sense of importance as would-be intellectuals and agents of social change. They are looking for the next Jackie Robinson type crusade.

Sam has decided to put himself at the forefront. Just put a sock in it and play ball.

2/13/2014, 12:38 AM
Yep. Gay acceptance is most definitely a generational thing. Folks younger than 30 pretty much universally don't give a damn.

I think you're right and it will actually work out well for those who seem to care so much - at least the ones that claim they just don't want so much media hype over it. It will very quickly become a non-issue because the main target group for the media don't give a damn.

2/13/2014, 10:02 AM
I really don't understand why this thread has to rathole into political/liberal/conservative issues or proclamations of disgust over various body orifices. All that stuff is irrelevant.

I really don't understand how this thread has to rathole into making men putting their penises into other men's mouths and into their anus' irrelevant.

2/13/2014, 11:04 AM
The younger generation wasn't exposed to the San Francisco bath house epidemic - now it's all just "what happens in someone's bedroom is none of your business" - trouble is, when it's 50-100 different bedrooms, bad things can happen.

2/13/2014, 11:55 AM
The younger generation wasn't exposed to the San Francisco bath house epidemic - now it's all just "what happens in someone's bedroom is none of your business" - trouble is, when it's 50-100 different bedrooms, bad things can happen.

And that affects this player's ability to rush the passer how?

2/13/2014, 01:34 PM
agree totally with ELC...and this post~

It's the creeeping public acceptance caused by a relentless PR campaign. The media's attempt to promote and institutionalize homosexuality as a normal, healthy and viable lifestyle just rubs on a lot of people the wrong way, me included. Most people aren't wanting to go on witch hunts into America's bedrooms but don't want a gay agenda shoved down their throats either (pun). Just don't want to listen to sports and have social issues at the forefront. The Bob Costas's of the world love this kind of crap. I guess because it gives them a heightened sense of importance as would-be intellectuals and agents of social change. They are looking for the next Jackie Robinson type crusade.

Sam has decided to put himself at the forefront. Just put a sock in it and play ball.

2/13/2014, 01:41 PM
No getting back to the original post...does he have the talent to make it? I guess my underlining reason might have been to question his motive. Really? why tell everyone...if he is a tweener then maybe he came "out" because he could use the publicity and shame a team into taking him..even at a low round. Ya know the media is going to be all over this ****. I would even guess he'll be invited to the draft center so the nfl can show the world they are accepting even though he wouldn't have been invited otherwise.

Some have said his stock was slipping anyway due to Sr Bowl workouts..game..whatever.

This will be interesting to see unfold.

2/13/2014, 02:01 PM
No getting back to the original post...does he have the talent to make it? I guess my underlining reason might have been to question his motive. Really? why tell everyone...if he is a tweener then maybe he came "out" because he could use the publicity and shame a team into taking him..even at a low round. Ya know the media is going to be all over this ****. I would even guess he'll be invited to the draft center so the nfl can show the world they are accepting even though he wouldn't have been invited otherwise.

Some have said his stock was slipping anyway due to Sr Bowl workouts..game..whatever.

This will be interesting to see unfold.

From everything I've read, the reason he came out is because he was already out and retreating wasn't a viable alternative. Several players have complained over the last few years that scouts are asking weird questions at the combine that are probing to see if a player is gay w/o asking directly. Since it was widely known by insiders already, even before his admission at Mizzou, he would be in a no-win at the combine by trying to deny it. So he (his agent, really), decided to flip the table on the discussion and I think it is the smart move. Had he not said anything, the scouts could claim he was being evasive and untruthful during interviews and justified a low ranking based on that. Now the onus is on the teams to judge him fairly based on his physical results and more honest interviews. Also, the lights and cameras will be on them with much scrutiny on whether they are being fair or not.

I seriously doubt this guy wanted to be first. But he was an undersized 2 star player out of HS who probably didn't think much about future NFL chances. If the NFL had been his dream earlier, he probably would have stayed secretive about his sexuality. Too late now. I find the strategy very interesting too. I saw another interesting twist today on ESPN website. Apparently, a bunch of potential corporate sponsor have been contacting his agent, so this brings $$$ into the equation. I could even seen a current NFL player seeing this and coming out to beat Sams to the punch of being first.

2/13/2014, 03:29 PM
I dropped my wallet in San Francisco....I kicked it all the way to Oakland before I bent over to pick it up.......

2/13/2014, 03:47 PM
I dropped my wallet in San Francisco....I kicked it all the way to Oakland before I bent over to pick it up.......


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/13/2014, 04:04 PM
No getting back to the original post...does he have the talent to make it? I guess my underlining reason might have been to question his motive. Really? why tell everyone...if he is a tweener then maybe he came "out" because he could use the publicity and shame a team into taking him..even at a low round. Ya know the media is going to be all over this ****. I would even guess he'll be invited to the draft center so the nfl can show the world they are accepting even though he wouldn't have been invited otherwise.

Some have said his stock was slipping anyway due to Sr Bowl workouts..game..whatever.

This will be interesting to see unfold.deserves a second read.

2/13/2014, 04:24 PM
As far as why he came out, I'm pretty convinced he had little choice as I outlined above. I do think this puts pressure on all the clubs to be transparent on their evaluation. If he had remained silent and they knew he was gay, but the public didn't, they could have easily black balled him w/o explanation. But I don't think this pressure would go far enough to make someone draft him if they didn't think had the ability. I could even believe Goodell might call a trusted owner and call in a favor. Something like "if he's the highest on your board when your turn comes up, take him", but never just a mandate to take him. Would love to have mic'd up flies on the wall at the combine and draft.

2/13/2014, 05:01 PM
Im thinkin that the Only ones from here on out that should express an opinion about this are those who have sucked a dick. The rest of us should just make Jokes.

2/13/2014, 05:18 PM
I have no opinion to express but I gotta ****load of jokes.

2/13/2014, 05:47 PM
Im thinkin that the Only ones from here on out that should express an opinion about this are those who have sucked a dick. The rest of us should just make Jokes.

Fine idea to suggest such a rule. But only a mod that who has sucked a dick should be able to pass and enforce such a rule.

2/13/2014, 06:10 PM
Fine idea to suggest such a rule. But only a mod that who has sucked a dick should be able to pass and enforce such a rule.

There ya go with an Opinion. Guess we know where YOU fit .

2/13/2014, 06:46 PM
There ya go with an Opinion. Guess we know where YOU fit .

Well, it is a choice if I believe all those experts out there.

2/13/2014, 06:49 PM
Well, it is a choice if I believe all those experts out there.

You dont have to defend your Choice. Its ok to Tackle the Tight ends of the world.

2/13/2014, 07:33 PM
You dont have to defend your Choice. Its ok to Tackle the Tight ends of the world.

I feel liberated Vet, thanks. Maybe I'll exercise my truly American right to choose today!

But I need training; doesn't the government provide me with some for free? Any affirmative action deals I can get in on?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/13/2014, 07:51 PM
I feel liberated Vet, thanks. Maybe I'll exercise my truly American right to choose today!

But I need training; doesn't the government provide me with some for free?you want free govt. male "escorts"? or just free govt. condoms?

2/13/2014, 08:01 PM
you want free govt. male "escorts"? or just free govt. condoms?

Heck, I don't know. I just know I want something free along with special privileges. You taxes payers need to help me out here cause this is scary stuff.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/13/2014, 08:13 PM
Heck, I don't know. I just know I want something free along with special privileges. You taxes payers need to help me out here cause this is scary stuff.it's all good, and all for you, baby. just make a mark beside those that are identified as democrats, on that ballot thingy you mark up, in November.

or, if that doesn't suit you, just don't make any marks on that ballot, or just vote for the candidate ID'd as independent, or Libertarian. It's all good.:obama icon:

2/13/2014, 08:55 PM
Since this thread is getting the attention....I posted a link in the South Oval. THAT is what ya do.


2/13/2014, 09:51 PM
Heck, I don't know. I just know I want something free along with special privileges. You taxes payers need to help me out here cause this is scary stuff.

You dont want the Govt. Fu*kin ya They dont use Anal lube or KY.

2/13/2014, 09:55 PM
Since this thread is getting the attention....I posted a link in the South Oval. THAT is what ya do.


You just like the Ghey Links dont ya ? :applouse:

2/13/2014, 11:11 PM
Mercy, this repellent thread has not died an AIDS-related death yet? Is it at least HIV+ ?

Don't get the homosexual admiration on a Sooner football board. Guess it truly is a sign of the bizzare times we live in. Otherwise known as the 2014 offseason.

2/13/2014, 11:17 PM
Mercy, this repellent thread has not died an AIDS-related death yet? Is it at least HIV+ ?

Don't get the homosexual admiration on a Sooner football board. Guess it truly is a sign of the bizzare times we live in. Otherwise known as the 2014 offseason.

Don't knock it until you've tried it. You can choose to do so, you know. I did just a couple of hours ago and so far, so good.

2/14/2014, 10:43 AM
This thread: Me and my buddies are sittin around and I tell'em I've been asked to join a racketball league and that I like suckin dicks and takin'em up my butt.

To a man they all start sayin, 'You can't join a league, your backhand is for $#!T!"

2/14/2014, 09:41 PM
The media flood gates have opened:


Scott D
2/14/2014, 11:58 PM
I think all of you are awfully worked up over something that doesn't impact your life in one single bit....just sayin'

2/15/2014, 12:16 AM
It does impact one's life when a person comes out and makes public what should be private. It impacts because you have to see it splashed all over message boards and newspapers, for some reason they think everyone needs to know about the lifestyle they have chosen.

2/15/2014, 12:22 AM
It does impact one's life when a person comes out and makes public what should be private. It impacts because you have to see it splashed all over message boards and newspapers, for some reason they think everyone needs to know about the lifestyle they have chosen.

Totally agree. Especially all those het people that insist and wearing their wedding rings to flaunt in my face. And why do they insist on displaying those annoying picture of the wifey and 2.1 kids and golden retriever and their desks? I don't need t be constantly reminded of their lifestyle choice.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/15/2014, 02:24 AM
If it's no big deal, then don't make a big deal about it...Media.

2/15/2014, 10:06 AM
Worked up? Did you say 'worked up'? When my anus/rectum gets worked up in the morning it stimulates ... well feces. When I can get the little woman, 'worked up' in the morning her vagina produces the most creamy smooth duck butter on the planet.

I'm thinking and it may only be MY opinion but it seems this would put a damper on MICHAEL SAM'S morning lovin it he has to check the packed status of his lover's anus. Which could really affect his game. Which is what this thread is about right? His game?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/15/2014, 02:31 PM
Inquiring minds want to know, if one's digestive system was to artfully craft a brown projectile that resembles a penis and expel it from one's anus, is that similar to homosexual sex in reverse?:concern::uncomfortableness:

2/15/2014, 03:05 PM
This thread is Goin to sh*t in a hurry!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/15/2014, 03:19 PM
This thread is Goin to sh*t in a hurry!ain't nothin' abnormal about sh*t.

2/15/2014, 04:33 PM
I just get worked up about the timing of his announcement. "You don't draft me, oh it's because I'm gay." You cut me, oh, it's because I'm gay." To heck with all this "courage" crap. Elton John showed courage when he went through this in the '70's. Regardless of what I think about the lifestyle, it's pretty well a protected species at this juncture.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/15/2014, 04:57 PM
I just get worked up about the timing of his announcement. "You don't draft me, oh it's because I'm gay." You cut me, oh, it's because I'm gay." To heck with all this "courage" crap. Elton John showed courage when he went through this in the '70's. Regardless of what I think about the lifestyle, it's pretty well a protected species at this juncture.the whole subject is PC. PC = censorship and/or control by the Left, and it's horsesh*t.

2/15/2014, 05:04 PM
I just get worked up about the timing of his announcement. "You don't draft me, oh it's because I'm gay." You cut me, oh, it's because I'm gay." To heck with all this "courage" crap. Elton John showed courage when he went through this in the '70's. Regardless of what I think about the lifestyle, it's pretty well a protected species at this juncture.

Would you expect him wait until after he's not drafted? That would be dumb, IMO.

2/15/2014, 07:30 PM
Did my daily check-in...yep, the homo thread is still somehow alive. Guess I'll do my part to pump this silliness, that's become the American thing to do...or is it the Queer Nation thing to do? Or is there a difference anymore? Celebrate Perversity!

I've decided to be bemused rather than irritated by this dumbazz thread. Yes, I made that choice.

2/15/2014, 07:55 PM
It is silly that this is news worthy, but in the world of pro sports, especially football, it is big news because it is still taboo to be openly gay (at least in male sports). Who hasn't had openly gay male co-workers or work associates, and how often has their sexuality disrupted anything work-wise? Almost never. It seems especially silly how NFL team management are so concerned about his potential impact on their team, while at the same time drafting and signing felons and an ape child like Incognito? It really seems like these jock businesses are decades behind the times.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/16/2014, 01:25 AM
It's the Media that's preoccupied with him coming out. They love to stir up sh*t, and try to goad anybody into condemning it. If it's not race-baiting, it butt-baiting. Easy to foment, silly turmoil.

2/16/2014, 10:19 PM
Well he hasn't gotten too much air play since the Olympics hit full swing. We'll probably hear about it again for the draft, but it will be one of many storylines.