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View Full Version : Gold...is it really in the Federal Reserve?

1/23/2014, 10:45 PM
I've been following the German request to return some of it's gold (held at the Federal Reserve), and I've seen quite a few theories about why the US wouldn't allow German inspectors into the vault, some sound reasonable, some are flat out crazy. So, I thought I'd ask the folks here what they think.

Is the US in physical possession of foreign gold, or has the Fed sold/used it?

I'm not sure what to believe yet, but I do find it odd that there has been no physical audit since the 50's.

1/24/2014, 04:35 AM
I've been following the German request to return some of it's gold (held at the Federal Reserve), and I've seen quite a few theories about why the US wouldn't allow German inspectors into the vault, some sound reasonable, some are flat out crazy. So, I thought I'd ask the folks here what they think.

Is the US in physical possession of foreign gold, or has the Fed sold/used it?

I'm not sure what to believe yet, but I do find it odd that there has been no physical audit since the 50's.

I am sure the gold is audited. My guess is that it is a classified number.

How much are the Germans requesting and why do we have their gold?

1/24/2014, 08:02 AM
I am sure the gold is audited. My guess is that it is a classified number.

How much are the Germans requesting and why do we have their gold?

Cause we got the Fort Knox, Dont ya Know nuthin?

rock on sooner
1/24/2014, 09:06 AM
Maybe the German gold was liberated in WWII...after all, Eastwood
made a movie about it.

1/24/2014, 10:43 AM
I've been following the German request to return some of it's gold (held at the Federal Reserve), and I've seen quite a few theories about why the US wouldn't allow German inspectors into the vault, some sound reasonable, some are flat out crazy. So, I thought I'd ask the folks here what they think.

Is the US in physical possession of foreign gold, or has the Fed sold/used it?

I'm not sure what to believe yet, but I do find it odd that there has been no physical audit since the 50's.

This is what a lot of people have been asking for years. Just speculating but if I had to guess I would say the US Bullion Depository will have
what they say they have, The Federal Reserve Bank I think is another story. Ron Paul tried to get these guys audited forever. I think what they were afraid they would find is that the same chunk(s) of gold have have been collateralized for various loans.

1/24/2014, 11:06 AM
The fed reserve aint held any Gold since 1934, Its all at the US Treasury
Or so I been told, I aint really got a clue.

1/24/2014, 11:22 AM
There used to be a show on The History Channel called Brad Meltzer's Decoded. They did an episode on it.


1/24/2014, 11:35 AM
The fed reserve aint held any Gold since 1934, Its all at the US Treasury
Or so I been told, I aint really got a clue.

Actually it may be semantics. The Federal Reserve SUPPOSEDLY holds more gold than the US Bullion Depository however it's not U.S. Treasury gold for the most part. They store gold for other countries. Countries like Germany have their gold stored there. I think as the world pulls back from the US dollar as a reserve currency more and more of these countries are going to want their gold back.

Curly Bill
1/24/2014, 11:59 AM
I wouldn't want the US government to hold on to anything that I really thought I might want back someday!

1/24/2014, 12:27 PM

1/24/2014, 01:42 PM
Maybe the German gold was liberated in WWII...after all, Eastwood
made a movie about it.

I couldn't get back to sleep so I googled it. Things are not as sinister as I thought. The gold has been held because Germany feared a land war with the USSR. The audit problems are on their end and the gold will get shipped out in stages.

Curly Bill
1/24/2014, 02:45 PM
I couldn't get back to sleep so I googled it. Things are not as sinister as I thought. The gold has been held because Germany feared a land war with the USSR. The audit problems are on their end and the gold will get shipped out in stages.

You wouldn't happen to know a schedule for these shipments would ya?

1/24/2014, 02:55 PM
I've seen quite a few theories about why the US wouldn't allow German inspectors into the vault

My guess is they don't want anyone to know how much is actually there, where it exactly is, how it is protected, how many levels of security are there, etc, or there would be people trying to duplicate the National Treasure/Oceans 11 movies or something crazy to get it. National secrets are secret for a reason :)

1/24/2014, 03:18 PM
My guess is they don't want anyone to know how much is actually there, where it exactly is, how it is protected, how many levels of security are there, etc, or there would be people trying to duplicate the National Treasure/Oceans 11 movies or something crazy to get it. National secrets are secret for a reason :)

Yea Those of us in The Posse dont want that Info out for every one to know either.
We got a Bcak door to the Place and go in and Get a few Lbs when we wantin a Party.

1/24/2014, 03:19 PM
You wouldn't happen to know a schedule for these shipments would ya?


Curly Bill
1/24/2014, 03:22 PM
I was thinking the Posse might hit one of these gold shipments!

1/24/2014, 03:29 PM
I was thinking the Posse might hit one of these gold shipments!

Heh. Do seem like a Logical thing fer us to try dont it .

1/25/2014, 12:32 PM
The gold is not there. It has been leased out. Sold multiple times.
The US is having to now gather the physical gold from the open market to send to Germany. It is going to take years and years to do so.
This is why gold has to rise in price. As soon as the paper gold market is exposed as fraud being done by the government to suppress the price it will take off.

1/25/2014, 05:51 PM
Screw them, possession is 9/10's the law!

1/26/2014, 02:55 AM
I thought we were storing alien technology at Fort Knox???

1/28/2014, 09:54 PM
The gold is not there. It has been leased out. Sold multiple times.
The US is having to now gather the physical gold from the open market to send to Germany. It is going to take years and years to do so.
This is why gold has to rise in price. As soon as the paper gold market is exposed as fraud being done by the government to suppress the price it will take off.

I'm not sure I buy into that completely. However, there is evidence that would seem to support that.

If that is the case, and there is a sudden run from other nations to pull their gold, the fallout would be catastrophic.

1/28/2014, 09:59 PM
I couldn't get back to sleep so I googled it. Things are not as sinister as I thought. The gold has been held because Germany feared a land war with the USSR. The audit problems are on their end and the gold will get shipped out in stages.

It all started pre-WWII, when there was legitimate fear that countries could lose their gold through war. Then, in the cold war, Germany (along with others) sent gold to the US (for similar reasons).

As for the audit, it's not on Germany's end. They've offered to send individuals and groups, and have been told "No".

In this day and age, there is no reason the US couldn't send the requested gold back in a one time transaction. They are only requesting 5% of their holdings. Nobody can really understand why the US is taking 7 years to send the gold. There is a lot of speculation, but no real answer.

Spend a little more time researching, and you'll see that this goes a little deeper.

I'm not saying anything sinister is afoot, or that there is a conspiracy. All I'm saying is that it certainly seems like a lot of folks have asked to "see the gold" over the years, and for some reason, nobody has been aloud to actually do it. Why?