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View Full Version : Wendy Davis (the Texas filibuster queen) update

1/20/2014, 10:14 AM
Lied about life's story. (http://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/headlines/20140118-as-wendy-davis-touts-life-story-in-race-for-governor-key-facts-blurred.ece)

“My language should be tighter,” she said. “I’m learning about using broader, looser language. I need to be more focused on the detail.”

In a nutshell, NOT a single teen mom. Did NOT live an extensive period of time in a trailer (only two months), did NOT earn her way to Harvard (new husband lawyer paid for that and a few years at TCU). Also, her daughters lived with that second husband after the 2005 divorce and Wendy had to pay him child support.

Not that she was going to become Texas' governor or anything, but if there was any chance, there is a far less chance now.

Ugh, women like this who need to exaggerate the truth make me sad, because it discounts true success stories.

1/21/2014, 01:03 AM
Badg, you left off she divorced said husband shortly after he made the last payment for her law degree and then handed him the kids.

1/21/2014, 01:21 AM
Badg, you left off she divorced said husband shortly after he made the last payment for her law degree and then handed him the kids.

So yer saying she Had a REAL Late term Abortion?

1/21/2014, 01:24 AM
Oh and the Obligatory "I'd Hit it!"

Curly Bill
1/21/2014, 07:18 AM
I'd hit her too! ....With my truck!!

I'm actually on her side on the abortion question, but beyond that she's a sorry *** donk, a liar (but then that's being redundant), and she has zero chance of getting elected.

1/21/2014, 07:48 AM
I'd hit her too! ....With my truck!!

I'm actually on her side on the abortion question, but beyond that she's a sorry *** donk, a liar (but then that's being redundant), and she has zero chance of getting elected.

Can I hit her in the Carnal way, Before ya go messing it all up with blood and broke bones?

Curly Bill
1/21/2014, 08:19 AM
Can I hit her in the Carnal way, Before ya go messing it all up with blood and broke bones?

Yeah, good luck! She'll prolly expect you to make a big contribution to her campaign before she'll give it up!

1/21/2014, 08:23 AM
Yeah, good luck! She'll prolly expect you to make a big contribution to her campaign before she'll give it up!

Ill Put it on a Visa then report the Card stolen WIN.:very_drunk:

1/21/2014, 09:22 AM
On a related note, you know that coach of the team that beat Baylor in the Fiesta Bowl?

Wasn't he the one that . . .

1/21/2014, 09:31 AM
Badg, you left off she divorced said husband shortly after he made the last payment for her law degree and then handed him the kids.

technically only one kid --- the other was in college by that time. but yes, the ex-husband (whose name she still carries) noted that right after the final Harvard payment, the education which he cashed out his 401K to help finance, she filed for divorce.

surely the right to abort can have a better spokesperson than Ms. Liar

1/21/2014, 09:46 AM
On a related note, you know that coach of the team that beat Baylor in the Fiesta Bowl?

Wasn't he the one that . . .

Go on....

1/21/2014, 09:54 AM
Go on....


In 2001, O'Leary left Georgia Tech to take over as the head coach for the University of Notre Dame. A few days after he was hired, inaccuracies were discovered in his published biographical sketch. The biography, which had remained more or less unchanged for two decades, stated that O'Leary had earned three letters in football at the University of New Hampshire,. However, when The (Manchester) Union Leader called UNH to research a feature story on him, the school claimed he had not even played in one game. When this came to light, O'Leary offered his immediate resignation. Notre Dame athletic director Kevin White turned it down, but then asked if there were any other inaccuracies.[10] He then admitted that he had not really earned a master's degree from "NYU-Stony Brook University," a non-existent institution and actually two separate institutions over 50 miles apart. In fact, he had taken only two courses at SUNY - Stony Brook, and never graduated.[11] When this inaccuracy came to light, Notre Dame forced O'Leary to resign.[10]

O'Leary said in a statement released that day, "Due to a selfish and thoughtless act many years ago, I have personally embarrassed Notre Dame, its alumni and fans."[12]

O'Leary blamed the inaccuracies on "resume padding" that had followed him through his career, admitting: "In seeking employment I prepared a resume that contained inaccuracies regarding my completion of course work for a master's degree and also my level of participation in football at my alma mater. These misstatements were never stricken from my resume or biographical sketch in later years."

Curly Bill
1/21/2014, 09:58 AM
Football coaches are held to higher standards than Democratic politicians though, so she's good.

1/21/2014, 10:00 AM
Football coaches are held to higher standards than Democratic politicians though, so she's good.

Heh, Spek, Oh wait.

Curly Bill
1/21/2014, 10:01 AM
Heh, Spek, Oh wait.

Yeah, no shiz! You should be given your spekker back!

1/21/2014, 10:04 AM
Yeah, no shiz! You should be given your spekker back!

Oh well, The one I hammered Hard has been Perma bained ,
It would be more fun if we all got reset to zero and it went back to anonymous. That was a fun time here LOL

Curly Bill
1/21/2014, 10:06 AM
Oh well, The one I hammered Hard has been Perma bained ,
It would be more fun if we all got reset to zero and it went back to anonymous. That was a fun time here LOL

I like the anonymous part, but I don't wanna go back to zero! :subdued:

1/21/2014, 10:08 AM
I like the anonymous part, but I don't wanna go back to zero! :subdued:


Curly Bill
1/21/2014, 10:12 AM


Remember when they took spek away and we just replied with heh to everything, about a million times a day til they brought spek back? Yep, those were good times!

1/21/2014, 10:36 AM

Remember when they took spek away and we just replied with heh to everything, about a million times a day til they brought spek back? Yep, those were good times!

Yup That was the Birth of the Posse. PG and I started "Reporting" evey post cause the Report button was where the Spek had Been. We would Report it and say Spek LOL

Tear Down This Wall
1/21/2014, 10:55 AM
Democrats don't care if their candidates lie. As long as they hand out the freebies once they are elected, she could have slaughtered a convent full of nuns for all they care.

Bourbon St Sooner
1/21/2014, 11:12 AM
So she's a hot chick who whored herself out to some lawyer dude to get through school and then dumped him the minute the check cleared so she could become a lesbian. Does that sound about right?

Tear Down This Wall
1/21/2014, 11:51 AM
Yes. That's right. But...she's a Democrat, so don't expect the Texas Donkeys to dump her. If they can scrape together enough hispanics and women, she'll be governor of Texas in spite of it.

Also, expect her to cry publicly at some point because of all this. Probably at a well-staged news conference. It's just what happens. Worked for the GOP guy out in South Carolina who had a mistress in Argentina for whom he left his first family.

That was the problem with the Weiner guy in New York. He didn't publicly cry and act contrite after he was caught. He needed to mush around behind a podium and act sorry for a few hours to get past it.

Curly Bill
1/21/2014, 01:26 PM
So she's a hot chick who whored herself out to some lawyer dude to get through school and then dumped him the minute the check cleared so she could become a lesbian. Does that sound about right?

Pretty much! Heroic story huh?

1/21/2014, 05:08 PM
Go on....

The point is, I thought you would have remembered the story but anyway, the point is the guy lied, lost a dream job however, was good at what he did, given another chance he excelled, rose through the ranks and we all know the end result.

I know there's a difference between football coaching and being a politician but it doesn't seem like this one is on the order of say Watergate or even Bridgegate. Maybe kinda Bill Clintonish . . .

1/22/2014, 01:05 AM
So she's a hot chick who whored herself out to some lawyer dude to get through school and then dumped him the minute the check cleared so she could become a lesbian. Does that sound about right?
Well, at least the whore part. I think the above description defines the word to a "t". She sold her body for money (and education), then dumped the john...

1/22/2014, 08:20 AM
So she tweeted, referring to another candidate who is paraplegic, something to the tune of, "he hasn't walked a mile in my shoes". Oops...

1/22/2014, 03:48 PM
Yeah, that would be AG Greg Abbott. I believe he had his spine crushed by a falling tree and has been a paraplegic since then. A freak accident if I recall correctly. He was running in a park and a dead tree fell on him.

1/22/2014, 04:09 PM
So she tweeted, referring to another candidate who is paraplegic, something to the tune of, "he hasn't walked a mile in my shoes". Oops...

Oh dear, so she did (http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2014/01/21/Wendy-Davis-Paraplegic-Greg-Abbot-Never-Walked-A-Day-In-My-Shoes). :(

I do not have a vote in the matter (Oklahoma resident and proud of it!), but wow. Talk about poor choice of words.

In the future, just be blunt and boring. Not cute little catchphrases that can be interpreted in bad ways, no off the cuff slogans, become a Bill Belichek clone.

I do not hate her more for saying that because I'm sure it was an honest mistake (even though she has a noted history of having trouble with honesty), but it was definitely poor timing given recent issues (as noted in the DMN link)

1/23/2014, 06:14 PM
She is a gold-digging opportunist of the worst kind. I suspect her "heroic" filibuster of the Texas anti-abortion law was a cynical, calculated effort to increase her status among progressives. She couldn't win re-election for her state senate seat much less the governorship.