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View Full Version : Fun Stoops interview

1/16/2014, 12:49 PM
Loosest Bob Stoops I've ever seen. From August, 2012


1/16/2014, 12:57 PM
Adrian Peterson was doing jump squats on the tallest plyometric box holding 70-pound dumbbells in each hand?! :D

I can understand why Bob was having more fun --- those two guys are fun. I've never gotten to watch their show, but I love when they cut into ESPN's other shows and the dad just kind of sits there nodding and smiling while the talking guy talks.

Bob probably also appreciated the chance to get asked about stuff that the local media usually doesn't. I'm not faulting the locals, because they have to worry about the here-and-now more --- player injuries, assistants taking other jobs, the upcoming opponent, etc. With an offseason ESPN interview, Bob can talk about how his brothers argue with him like brothers instead of assistants and how football has made him cry

1/16/2014, 04:12 PM
I can understand why Bob was having more fun --- those two guys are fun. I've never gotten to watch their show, but I love when they cut into ESPN's other shows and the dad just kind of sits there nodding and smiling while the talking guy talks.

Trust me...you DON'T want to watch that show. It's painful to watch it for more than a couple minutes.

1/16/2014, 04:15 PM
Dan Lebatard, his dad, and some black guy....all kinds of.....

Scott D
1/16/2014, 04:18 PM
I can't watch his show, but Le Batard will always have a good spot in my personal opinion of him due to what he did with his Baseball HoF vote, and the subsequent crying and moaning the BBWA did afterwards.

1/17/2014, 01:09 AM
Regardless any opinions on the man (LeBetard)... he almost always gets a good interview. I've taken issue with some of his stuff in the past, but the people he gets on his shows, seem to like him... which leads me to believe, most of the unlikeable stuff, is probably just schtick to keep people listening/talking.

Thanks for posting, one of the better interviews with Coach Stoops.

1/17/2014, 07:29 AM
Thanks for the post. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

1/17/2014, 09:30 AM
Trust me...you DON'T want to watch that show. It's painful to watch it for more than a couple minutes.

ah ok. i assume that if it was a good show they'd put it when i'd be able to watch it (like the Mike & Mike morning slot). Ah well, this was still a fun interview with Stoops :)