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1/3/2014, 04:34 PM
There is the consideration of again showing the SEC that it is beatable.

On the other hand, it's the Pokes…not sure my euphoric state from last night makes me so magnanimous as to root for them….

1/3/2014, 04:35 PM
IMO, the lesser of the two evils is the Pokes. Would love to see the SEC lose another game.

1/3/2014, 04:35 PM
I think for once, I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the game. Either way, we're good.

1/3/2014, 04:37 PM
After braving a peek at OP regarding our game, with the exception of the level-headed minority, they can go **** themselves. Mizzou can't score enough, force enough 3 and outs, or cause enough turnovers.

1/3/2014, 04:37 PM
I think for once, I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the game. Either way, we're good.

Bingo! Last night's game has me feeling very mellow about it.

1/3/2014, 04:38 PM
I feel your pain. I too am torn but I think I'll bite the bullet and pull for the cowboys. A good showing by the Big12 will help position us for the playoffs next season.

1/3/2014, 04:39 PM
Go Pokes. We already beat them anyway. Rub more salt into the SEC wound.

1/3/2014, 04:42 PM
I think I'll root for a back and forth game, where the Pokes lose in 3x overtime. That way both of my concerns are addressed.

1. Big XII holds its own
2. Pokes lose

1/3/2014, 04:43 PM
Okay, here's how I break it out, at least.

1. Poke is Poke, so there's some bias in favor of them losing. Or at least in looking inept; as though they won by accident.

2. I'm an OU guy, so I want what is best for OU. First, last and always. In this case, I think the best thing for OU is for Poke to win. Improves our strength of schedule and our year end ranking. Arguably helps our recruiting (though that's more of a push).

3. A poke win damages the SEC brand. And that's never a bad thing.

4. Mizzou. The clincher is that Poke is playing mizzery. Whereas I once kind of liked Mizzou, I have come, in recent years to despise them. That thing they did to Mel Gibson at the end of Braveheart? Too good for Mizzou. Too quick, too clean, too honorable.

So, it's three to one in favor of rooting for Poke.

1/3/2014, 04:46 PM
After last night it's sure makes tonight easy. Kick my feet up, smoke a cigar, swallow down some cold Bush,,,,, no worries. Rolllllllll Tide!!! Lol

1/3/2014, 04:47 PM
it'll be an easy watch since our bowl game's already done. good for poke if they win, and if they don't, their loss :stunned:

1/3/2014, 04:47 PM
I will probably root for the Pokies. They are still from Oklahoma, and I do enjoy the notion of our conference completing its teabagging of the SEC this year.

1/3/2014, 04:50 PM
This reminds me that there was a thread on landthieves complaining (or debated whether they should complain) that the Pokes bowl game was played after OUrs. I guess the idea was that bigger, more important bowls should be played later. I guess people will complain even if hung with a new rope.

1/3/2014, 04:53 PM
I'm going to pull for the Pokes. After last night, I'm in a celebratory mood, so maybe I'm in a moment of weakness...but I hope OSU wins by 50.

1/3/2014, 04:57 PM
Going for the pokes... they'll never beat us so no worries about recruiting. Beat down of the SEC coming.

1/3/2014, 05:02 PM
If you go read some of the stuff poke fans say about OU, it will be of considerable help in making your decision...

1/3/2014, 05:04 PM

1/3/2014, 05:06 PM
4. Mizzou. The clincher is that Poke is playing mizzery. Whereas I once kind of liked Mizzou, I have come, in recent years to despise them. That thing they did to Mel Gibson at the end of Braveheart? Too good for Mizzou. Too quick, too clean, too honorable.

So, it's three to one in favor of rooting for Poke. Definitely rooting for the Pokes tonight as well over those SEC (*^% rider booger eaters.

I'm going to definitely have both games on, and will be rooting to Clemson to beat the Bucknuts as well, only because I'd like to see BV do well.
I'm kind of surprised that Fox put the Cotton Bowl on at the same time as the Orange Bowl, but they obviously don't want to pizz off the NFL with a weekend game even though the early Saturday time slot is open.

1/3/2014, 05:08 PM
Ill root for the pokes. dont care one bit what their Fans think say or do. Wont care if they lose either tho.

1/3/2014, 05:09 PM
Ill root for the pokes. dont care one bit what their Fans think say or do. Wont care if they lose either tho.

You care what I say or do :angel:

1/3/2014, 06:00 PM
Never. F the Pokes. I don't need the Big XII to make a statement against the SEC. I needed OU to do that and they did. An undefeated and probably a one loss OU gets into the playoff next year regardless of what this Island of Misfit Toys Conference does.

1/3/2014, 06:04 PM
Mizzou is as much sec as Baylor...I could care less, I hope state gets ran out of the building...

1/3/2014, 06:06 PM
I want Osu and fsu both to win by 50. The more we can knock down the sec, the better for the rest of college football.

As long as espn is able to perpetrate the myth of the mighty sec, deserving teams such as msu this year will continue to get the scroogie.

1/3/2014, 06:08 PM
Mizzou is as much sec as Baylor...I could care less, I hope state gets ran out of the building...

I want Osu and fsu both to win by 50. The more we can knock down the sec, the better for the rest of college football.

So it sounds like we're all in agreement.


1/3/2014, 06:14 PM
Most everybody in the country will be watching tOSU vs. Clemson game anyway. We had the luxury of being literally the only game in town last night.

1/3/2014, 06:14 PM
I'll be cheering for OSU tonight.

And Monday I'll be a Seminole.

But not a full nole. Never go full nole.

1/3/2014, 06:31 PM
it'll be an easy watch since our bowl game's already done. good for poke if they win, and if they don't, their loss :stunned:

This. I pretty much don't care either way.

1/3/2014, 06:44 PM
I will be cheering hard for the Cowboys.

1/3/2014, 06:45 PM
Don't cut off your noses to spite your faces.
It is better for us for aggots to win.
The only thing that it might not be is in recruiting. Some state of Oklahoma or Texas recruits might be enamored with pokies if they win big. But for national caliber recruits, and that's what we want of course, it is better to enhance the Big 12's rep by having them beat down a SEC team.
Remember when they were calling us The Big 2 conference? That's not good. You don't want your conference to be a joke. Who cares if you win your conference when it is perceived as weak?
And I still feel sorry for them some for being them. They still are "little brother" to me.

Cheerin' 4 OU
1/3/2014, 06:58 PM
I'm rooting for the Pokes - hard. Year in and year out, I hate them and have nothing kind to say about their fan base, but after seeing them erupt in sheer joy when the Sooners won last night, I can't help but wanna return the favor.

1/3/2014, 07:05 PM
I'm with fadad1. they made complete fools of themselves on OP. I was buying into that whole "win for the Big XII" until they started running their hateful mouths. Now I hope they not only lose but get humiliated.

1/3/2014, 07:05 PM
I'm rooting for the Pokes - hard. Year in and year out, I hate them and have nothing kind to say about their fan base,
but after seeing them erupt in sheer joy when the Sooners won last night, I can't help but wanna return the favor.

Where you see that?

rock on sooner
1/3/2014, 07:07 PM
I'll be cheering for OSU tonight.

And Monday I'll be a Seminole.

But not a full nole. Never go full nole.

"Never go full Nole"...there is medication for that....

rock on sooner
1/3/2014, 07:08 PM
Where you see that?

Just guessin', mind you, but prolly just after his 14th Natty...

1/3/2014, 07:09 PM
I'm pulling for OSU not because of any love for the Pokes but I really enjoy seeing the SEC taken down. With another loss in the bowl season they will start to look pretty mortal. Aggie fans sure make it tough. Yesterday one of my co-workers, an OSU grad gave a "roll tide" every time he passed my door. Of course I gave him the business today. Most of the OSU fans I work with seem to receive gratification and personal validation anytime OU loses.

rock on sooner
1/3/2014, 07:09 PM
So it sounds like we're all in agreement.


Yeah, little brother needs an atta boy (er, atta man!?)....

1/3/2014, 07:10 PM
They were pretty divided over on OP.com, about half of them did erupt in joy when we scooped up that fumble. The other half were comically emo/angry at the rest for cheering for the gooners.

1/3/2014, 07:11 PM
I'm rooting for the Pokes - hard. Year in and year out, I hate them and have nothing kind to say about their fan base, but after seeing them erupt in sheer joy when the Sooners won last night, I can't help but wanna return the favor.

Too bad OP took down the thread about how OU only won because the Pokes were cheated in Bedlam. They hauled out their usual Bob Stoopid, cheating Gooners, Land Squats vocabulary and were just, well - OSWho in the purest form. Loathe that bunch.

1/3/2014, 07:28 PM
I'll be cheering for OSU tonight.

And Monday I'll be a Seminole.

But not a full nole. Never go full nole.

So you will be a semi-Nole?

1/3/2014, 07:50 PM
A couple days ago my nature was as usual; I wish for the pokes to perpetually lose. Now I'm almost apathetic...but I know if it is tight in the 4th, I'll want the Tigers to win.

1/3/2014, 07:51 PM
So you will be a semi-Nole?

Well played rookie. Well played.

1/3/2014, 08:02 PM
Too bad OP took down the thread about how OU only won because the Pokes were cheated in Bedlam. They hauled out their usual Bob Stoopid, cheating Gooners, Land Squats vocabulary and were just, well - OSWho in the purest form. Loathe that bunch.
The hate is strong in this one.

If I based my attitude towards the OU football team on a small band of hardcore jackwagon fans who hate the pokes, I would feel about OU like you towards Osu.

But that would be small minded and silly, so I don't to that. I would have deprived myself of a FANTASTICALLY fun night last night. Loved your win!

1/3/2014, 08:07 PM
Beat Misery!

1/3/2014, 08:15 PM
I'm rooting for osu. I don't seem to get the hate some of y'all get from some of them. Plus I will always and forever root against the SEC.

1/3/2014, 08:19 PM
Sure, lets cheer for them so they will have a better recruiting class next year. Good thinking.

1/3/2014, 08:20 PM
Going with the polks....we beat them.....we won our game BIG....sec losing another game...little brother will not be good next year....go cowboys....but if they lose oh well...

1/3/2014, 08:30 PM
If you go read some of the stuff poke fans say about OU, it will be of considerable help in making your decision...

Another reason why, as fans, we are so much better than they are. Btw, I'm pulling for pokes all the way.

1/3/2014, 08:50 PM
After reading through some of these, I think I finally made up my mind. If Poke wins decisively, then when they think about the bedlam loss, they're going to start thinking that they, too, could have beat 'Bama. This will make them grit their teeth even harder over bedlam.

Maybe I am a bad person for thinking this way, but I like that.

1/3/2014, 09:00 PM
Im for the pokes....................for now.
Ive been know to swing my support to the winning team in unimportant contests.

1/3/2014, 10:06 PM
Okay, here's how I break it out, at least.

1. Poke is Poke, so there's some bias in favor of them losing. Or at least in looking inept; as though they won by accident.

2. I'm an OU guy, so I want what is best for OU. First, last and always. In this case, I think the best thing for OU is for Poke to win. Improves our strength of schedule and our year end ranking. Arguably helps our recruiting (though that's more of a push).

3. A poke win damages the SEC brand. And that's never a bad thing.

4. Mizzou. The clincher is that Poke is playing mizzery. Whereas I once kind of liked Mizzou, I have come, in recent years to despise them. That thing they did to Mel Gibson at the end of Braveheart? Too good for Mizzou. Too quick, too clean, too honorable.

So, it's three to one in favor of rooting for Poke.

Yup. This is the big one for me, too. Both eATMe and Mizzou I absolutely detest (although with eATMe it'll probably go away quite a bit when punk Manziel is gone). Ever since Booger, I have absolutely loathed Mizzou, not to mention the way they whored around looking for a new conference.

1/3/2014, 10:08 PM
So far, they are looking like the not ready for prime time Pokes.

1/3/2014, 10:18 PM
I am very conflicted about this game , even as I watch. On one hand I hate Pukes and want them slapped down,on the other hand , I hate the SEC SEC SEC crap and think a Puke win combined with the Sooner win is a big step to shutting up the sisterloving renecks of the Stupid Egomainiac Cooters.The best I came up with is an improable last second win by T.Boone State as the lesser of two evils.

1/3/2014, 10:20 PM
Came into the game wanting the Pokes to win, but now that I'm here, I just want it to end. What a terribly boring game.

1/3/2014, 10:29 PM
Came into the game wanting the Pokes to win, but now that I'm here, I just want it to end. What a terribly boring game.

Pretty much this.

1/3/2014, 11:22 PM
Gotta pull for the Pokes - some Okie pride and conference name. So there are some fans from every school, and don't think twice that OU doesn't have a few too, that would make anyone hate you just because they are so obnoxious. So I overlook those poor ignorant Poke fans. The Pokes winning here is a good thing for all of us all the way around. Screw Mizzou for leaving - the SEC needs to be taken down - this is one more notch.

1/4/2014, 12:21 AM
Won't break my heart, if they lose.

But, I'd like to claim conference over the SEC again!

1/4/2014, 12:35 AM
Welp, Texas, Baylor, and OsU all $h!t the bed. And they will get to lay there in the stain of it until next Fall.

1/4/2014, 12:43 AM
I was so happy watching Venables' Clemson D crack the bucknutz. Then I switched back for the last 3 minutes of the Pokes game.

Well, that harshed my buzz. Thanks, Orange. :offended:

1/4/2014, 12:50 AM
Never, never, never, never, never, never, etc. root for the Aggies!

1/4/2014, 12:50 AM
I love the fact that osu lost the game, I love seeing them lose at the end of the game when they still had a chance to win. osu fans deserve those type of losses just for being osu fans. And if this is the MIZ ZOU team that played Awbarn in the mighty SEC title game then FSU is going to run all over Awbarn.

1/4/2014, 12:54 AM
Never, never, never, never, never, never, etc. root for the Aggies!

I tried to, because I kind of thought I should, but I just couldn't do it. Just couldn't.

1/4/2014, 01:00 AM
Being a Poke fan has to be some type of Stockhom Syndrome.

1/4/2014, 01:05 AM
I blame CowboyMRW's sig...

1/4/2014, 01:18 AM
On the other hand, WTF is up with those Mizzou helmets? It took me an entire quarter to figure out that thing on them was a tiger. Up until that point Mr. Gal and I agreed it looked like a deranged chicken.

Then it started coming together like one of those visual puzzles I usually suck at.

1/4/2014, 01:40 AM
If you live near them, you never want the pokes to win.

1/4/2014, 10:37 AM
Another day in Stillwater when there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth...

1/4/2014, 11:07 AM
For those that are fans of beautiful meltdowns:


1/4/2014, 02:22 PM
For those that are fans of beautiful meltdowns:


Good lord they gripe about us even when we're not playing them. Truly Aggie.

1/4/2014, 02:53 PM
Damn ags,the only time in my recent memory I root for them and they let me down.

1/4/2014, 03:01 PM
For those that are fans of beautiful meltdowns:


Gooner magic

hawaii 5-0
1/4/2014, 03:02 PM
On the other hand, WTF is up with those Mizzou helmets? It took me an entire quarter to figure out that thing on them was a tiger. Up until that point Mr. Gal and I agreed it looked like a deranged chicken.

Then it started coming together like one of those visual puzzles I usually suck at.

I'm still trying to figure out Michigan's helmets.
