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View Full Version : Bama fan goes crazy on OU student

1/3/2014, 01:32 PM
She was obviously trying to congratulate the young lad

1/3/2014, 01:36 PM
LMAO - thanks for posting.

1/3/2014, 01:39 PM
Would like to know the story behind that.

1/3/2014, 01:42 PM
She was obviously trying to congratulate the young lad
The Sooner fans really showed good restraint.

1/3/2014, 01:42 PM
i know that by and large bama fans are good people, but there sure are a lot of videos and stories of bad bama behavior out there recently. so, in case any of the bad apples are reading, please don't poison any trees on campus. we really don't care about the trees, but molly shi would probably bawl her eyes out

1/3/2014, 01:43 PM
By now, she's back at her trailer, drinking a little pick-me-up of Barnett's vodka ($9.59/half gallon at your local grog shop...and damn good for the price), room temp, out of a jelly glass. Possibly yelling at her three kids (each with their own surname!)

White trash is as white trash does.

1/3/2014, 01:44 PM
Classy all the way, mama gotta be proud.

Ringing the bell like a true Bama Belle.

Lol! Crazy drunk Bama chic, is crazy!

1/3/2014, 01:47 PM
i know that by and large bama fans are good people, but there sure are a lot of videos and stories of bad bama behavior out there recently

the ones that get their degree from Bama are usually pretty good folk ... it's the t-shirt bunch that's a mixed bag. Just listen to ol Paul Finebaum's show to get a picture of the finge of that fanbase.

1/3/2014, 01:48 PM
I bet she had angry sex with her brother last night..

1/3/2014, 01:53 PM
i know that by and large bama fans are good people, but there sure are a lot of videos and stories of bad bama behavior out there recently.
I've taken my lumps for it, but I've always gotten along with Bama fans. I've always felt that our programs share similar tradition. Every fan base has bad apples and our own is no exception.

However, while I maintain a level of respect for our fallen foe, this was just too funny not to post.

1/3/2014, 01:57 PM
i know that by and large bama fans are good people, but there sure are a lot of videos and stories of bad bama behavior out there recently. so, in case any of the bad apples are reading, please don't poison any trees on campus. we really don't care about the trees, but molly shi would probably bawl her eyes out

Probably nothing to worry about but maybe we should post some guards around a few of the nicer trees on campus anyway.

1/3/2014, 02:01 PM
Music made the video. Brilliant!

1/3/2014, 02:02 PM
There will always be bad behavior among winning teams fans... it's up to the good people to suppress it.

1/3/2014, 02:03 PM
Probably nothing to worry about but maybe we should post some guards around a few of the nicer trees on campus anyway.

We should probably appoint some frat pledges to the duck pond too to make sure nobody suspicious is feeding the ducks

1/3/2014, 02:05 PM
By now, she's back at her trailer, drinking a little pick-me-up of Barnett's vodka ($9.59/half gallon at your local grog shop...and damn good for the price), room temp, out of a jelly glass. Possibly yelling at her three kids (each with their own surname!)

White trash is as white trash does.

No, all 3 kids had the same dad - Mr. Peter Gozeinya

Scott D
1/3/2014, 02:05 PM
wouldn't it be easier to get an ankle bracelet on Harvey Updyke so it'd be easier to monitor him?

1/3/2014, 02:07 PM
Sabanball's mom is pissed!

Scott D
1/3/2014, 02:10 PM
sure you boys haven't made the brazzers joke yet?

1/3/2014, 02:14 PM
Some people are just angry, angry inside. The old alkee-ol opens the gate and releases the hounds. Most likely the younger fella was adding a little heat to an already boiling-over kettle. Assault charges would apply.......but by the looks of the end of the video, I doubt any will come.....nor should they.

Roll and Stumble Tide! I bet she feels like a real jackass this morning.....payday always comes.

1/3/2014, 02:19 PM
Would like to know the story behind that.

Hurricanes are what is behind that no doubt....

1/3/2014, 02:42 PM
Could well be. Hurricanes, next to Singapore Slings are one of the most nauseatingly disgusting cocktails ever invented by man.

1/3/2014, 02:54 PM
Obviously drunk. With the video, an assault charge would be a slam dunk.

1/3/2014, 03:26 PM
I love her Roy "Superman" Williams re-enactment.


1/3/2014, 03:32 PM
Sabanball's mom is pissed!


1/3/2014, 03:44 PM
There will always be bad behavior among winning teams fans... it's up to the good people to suppress it.

Yep. Sad but true. Every program has its small percentage of knucklehead fans. I have a lot of good friends who graduated from LSU. They say (and I believe them) that their sh*t fans usually never took a single class at the university.

Another good friend of mine is a USC fan. She says their garbage is the South Central Vatos who also never took a single class at SC. She once smacked one such dude in the head during a game and said, "You've got an SC sweater on. Show some class." Apparently this gang-banger put his tail right between his legs.

I was at the last OU-Nebraska game in Arlington. On the way out, I encountered an OU fan heckling a group of Nebraska fans that were minding their own business. Believe me, I felt like confronting him, but was in mixed company at the time and thought it wise not to do so.

Tear Down This Wall
1/3/2014, 03:52 PM
Would like to know the story behind that.


1/3/2014, 03:59 PM
Drunk,violent, and inbred is no excuse.

1/3/2014, 04:04 PM
Hurricanes are what is behind that no doubt....

Yep. Pretty easy to explain.

1/3/2014, 04:07 PM
Agree. She should have spent a few days in jail.

1/3/2014, 04:19 PM
Drunk,violent, and inbred is no excuse.

First two. She's too hot to be inbred. She's also too crazy for it to make any difference how hot she is.

1/3/2014, 04:21 PM
Drunk,violent, and inbred is no excuse.

If true then this is going to have a lot of their fans scrambling for a new means of denialbility.

1/3/2014, 04:29 PM
First two. She's too hot to be inbred. She's also too crazy for it to make any difference how hot she is.

I was thinking the same. I'd love to have her jump on me, but in an entirely different context.

1/3/2014, 04:32 PM
First two. She's too hot to be inbred. She's also too crazy for it to make any difference how hot she is.

I've seen some hot inbreds if their cousin-parents are attractive. Need a closer look to see if her eyes point in the same direction to really know for sure.

1/3/2014, 04:37 PM
The young man showed great restraint. As did several folks around. I would have caused a melee when she jumped on me and I wrestled her moose-knuckle to the ground.

1/3/2014, 04:45 PM
cut and pasted from another site...

UPDATE: Turns out, we learned what caused this fracas. The student who got jumped is Oklahoma junior Michael Connolly, and he provided Extra Mustard with some context:

It was toward the end of the third quarter. My friends and I were sitting in the aisle of the Oklahoma section that directly bordered Alabama fans, so we were technically in different sections than the woman but really just a few rows ahead of her. She was the only one standing up in the Alabama section at that point, because the rest of the fans were so pissed off that they were losing.
She was also sitting with her two young daughters, who were little blonde girls. Her teenaged old son was sitting about five seats away from them.
At the beginning of the game, they were kind of talking s—. They did an “SEC” chant right after the first touchdown of the game, and we all thought we were screwed at that point. So once we started winning, they shut their mouths and my crew of 6-10 people just started talking a lottttt of s—, specifically me and my friend who you can see waving the towel in the background of the video.
At one point she went up to get a beer, and was kind of talking s— to us when she got back. She just kept flicking us off and stuff during the game. A few times, my friend yelled in the direction of her group of ‘Bama fans, “I yell ‘Roll Tide’ when I eff my cousin,” but since she was the only one standing it seemed like it was directed only at her.
At this point her 16-year-old son, who weighs about 120 pounds, told us to come up and fight him. We were like, “No, come down here.”
That was when the woman came down and the video started. She was screaming at me, and sticking her tongue out at me so I asked, “Are you trying to make out with me?” And my friend was yelling “Kiss her! Kiss her!”
That’s when she walked away, and then jumped me. When she kicked me, it left giant boot marks on my shirt. I’m not sure if the guy restraining her was her husband or not—they weren’t sitting right next to each other—but she was kicked out of the game and her two daughters were crying.

1/3/2014, 04:50 PM
I wonder if it's possible to get her name and address so that we can send her 'get well soon' cards. That would be a classy gesture.

1/3/2014, 04:55 PM
Hmmmm. If the facts are as presented, it sounds like there is blame to place on both sides.

1/3/2014, 04:59 PM
I like the "I yell Roll Tide when I eff my cousin!" part.

1/3/2014, 05:53 PM
As the most famous Alabaman Forrest Gump said, "stupid is as stupid does." Pretty apt here.

1/3/2014, 06:57 PM
omg somebody plz plz plz plz for the love of all that is holy on teh internets post a version of this video that uses "Wrecking Ball" for the soundtrack.

Edit: Haha! Gold.


1/3/2014, 07:04 PM
Glad to here she was asked to leave .
The bama fans I encountered all the time I was there were classy and nice.
And let me just say last call was right after 3rd quarter started .
I think it was tough on them when their buzz wore off AND they started losing .

1/3/2014, 07:16 PM
Uh oh, looks like the internet has found her after she posted about it on her facebook wall. Interviews incoming!

1/3/2014, 07:19 PM
Drunk Bitch

1/3/2014, 07:25 PM
As a Tennessee fan I have been dealing with those inbreeds all of my life. They are the only fan base in America that can win a national championship, and still look like a bunch of losers.

He OU played any other SEC team, the entire SEC, except Bammer, would have been behind them. Since you played the Crimson Turds, the entire SEC was behind OU.

1/3/2014, 07:47 PM
Cuz that's how she rolls! Classic!

1/3/2014, 07:52 PM
lol she gave an interview w/ yellowhammer saying she was NOT drunk, only had a couple of drinks and would do it again if she had to.. :very_drunk:

rock on sooner
1/3/2014, 07:59 PM
Just guessin' here, but ifn she were a guy there would have been a brawl...
short right cross to the chin point would have cooled it all off.....

1/3/2014, 08:10 PM

Well, this may shock everyone, but the following are true of her: Melissa and her son believe in engaging in a fist fight if one's "personal honor" is challenged; a picture of a four wheeling ATV excursion, including tire tracks in the sand, made it to her photo section on Facebook; her husband has a "y" at the end of her name (Jimmy); she lives in a town of about 134 people in Alabama; her oldest child appears to be more than half her age.

1/4/2014, 02:12 AM
At first, I thought the guys could have handled themselves better. Especially after reading their side of it.

But then, I read the mom's and knew she was trying to blow smoke. "Oh, they were talking crap from the beginning... I was just defending the honor of my boy..." (which she since deleted).

She's full of it. No pity. And if she's got any $$$, I'd go for a chunk of it. One of those kicks, had he not moved... could have done some serious damage.

1/4/2014, 02:47 AM
Others say she was drunk

From the bama forum hollamd 77 posts
Her account is not accurate. I was 5 rows up. First off, she was drunk when she got to the stadium and was hammered when she turned into a flying squirrel. The husband did a poor job of handling the situation...not with the OU kids, but in cutting her off and grabbing a Dasani. Honestly, she probably should have been taken home long before the incident.
Secondly, the OU kids were directing their SEC chant at the number of Bama fans who first started the chant after the first TD. She was the only one standing the entire game and took it personally. She was in her own world dancing by herself and bouncing around like Mary Poppins...didn't appear in tune with her kids at all.
The OU kids were not angels, but the hundreds of other folks around them had no issues with their behavior...just kids being kids.
Don't like defending the enemy, but hard to read her recollection of events and not speak up. Roll Tide.
( they are appalled and embarrassed )
hollamd 77 posts
Her account is not accurate. I was 5 rows up. First off, she was drunk when she got to the stadium and was hammered when she turned into a flying squirrel. The husband did a poor job of handling the situation...not with the OU kids, but in cutting her off and grabbing a Dasani. Honestly, she probably should have been taken home long before the incident.
Secondly, the OU kids were directing their SEC chant at the number of Bama fans who first started the chant after the first TD. She was the only one standing the entire game and took it personally. She was in her own world dancing by herself and bouncing around like Mary Poppins...didn't appear in tune with her kids at all.
The OU kids were not angels, but the hundreds of other folks around them had no issues with their behavior...just kids being kids.
Don't like defending the enemy, but hard to read her recollection of events and not speak up. Roll Tide.

1/4/2014, 03:55 AM
Another video of Crazy Bama Mom has surfaced. Apparently happened just before she decided to have her meltdown. Naw....she doesn't look drunk at all.


1/4/2014, 09:22 AM
Others say she was drunk

From the bama forum hollamd 77 posts
Her account is not accurate. I was 5 rows up. First off, she was drunk when she got to the stadium and was hammered when she turned into a flying squirrel. The husband did a poor job of handling the situation...not with the OU kids, but in cutting her off and grabbing a Dasani. Honestly, she probably should have been taken home long before the incident.
Secondly, the OU kids were directing their SEC chant at the number of Bama fans who first started the chant after the first TD. She was the only one standing the entire game and took it personally. She was in her own world dancing by herself and bouncing around like Mary Poppins...didn't appear in tune with her kids at all.
The OU kids were not angels, but the hundreds of other folks around them had no issues with their behavior...just kids being kids.
Don't like defending the enemy, but hard to read her recollection of events and not speak up. Roll Tide.
( they are appalled and embarrassed )
hollamd 77 posts

now THAT is funny

King Barry's Back
1/4/2014, 09:57 AM
By now, she's back at her trailer, drinking a little pick-me-up of Barnett's vodka ($9.59/half gallon at your local grog shop...and damn good for the price), room temp, out of a jelly glass. Possibly yelling at her three kids (each with their own surname!)

White trash is as white trash does.

Yes, your point is well taken, her behavior does make you think she's just plain white trash.

BUT, doesn't she seem dressed pretty well for that? I'd expect a low class white trash to weigh about 25 more lbs, and be wearing ulgy mom jeans and a too tight BAMA sweatshirt in style in the mid-80s. She looks pretty stylish, especially for a football fan sitting in the upper decks.

I am wondering if this is one of the best examples ever captured on film of one of those "if it happens in N'awlins it stays in N'awlins" events that are so common in the Easy. Just a few too many hurricanes for the little wifey, you know? Maybe she smoked something and she wasn't quite sure what it was? I'm sure none of that would happen back home, but that kind of stuff just happens down there.

1/4/2014, 10:06 AM
Well, it's a sports venue. Unless they only allow fans from one team in the stadium, and even then there could be issues, then fans are going to cheer when their team does well And yeah. Opposing fans are gonna take offense to it. Some are going to brag. It's a 2 way street. That's what makes sports and especially college football exciting. That's the fun of it. When it goes to physical confrontation is where it crosses the line. I'm sure everyone was jawing. When she took it to the next level and launched into the crowd and started kicking, she crossed that line and got removed from the stadium. I agree the sooner fans did the right thing by being restrained. Had her husband gotten involved this likely could have went south in a hurry. I think he did the right thing by trying to restrain her albeit he could have done that a little better so she could have finished watching her team lose. But, I'm sure if she would have exited after the game some sort of altercation would have happened then.

1/4/2014, 10:34 AM
Apparently she says she wasn't intoxicated...she says she only had a couple of drinks!



1/4/2014, 10:38 AM
Made it on Breitbart.com.

1/4/2014, 10:43 AM
why couldn't she have just popped out her boobies and rubbed them in the dudes face....the female version of the lsu teabagger....I'd rather see that.

1/4/2014, 10:46 AM
She was well dressed......

1/4/2014, 02:41 PM
Apparently she says she wasn't intoxicated...she says she only had a couple of drinks!

That she cannot even play the inebriation card somehow makes her behavior worse in my opinion.

1/4/2014, 03:31 PM
My cousin's wife sent me this. They're Auburn people and loved the game and ensuing madness by this woman. Funny stuff:

1/6/2014, 05:08 AM
What really irks me about this whole situation, is the fact that security chose not to press charges. Their reason being because the other group had been rowdy the entire game.... You have got to be ****ing KIDDING me. What a load of ****. She not only endangered the kid by kicking his face multiple times, but she endarged anyone else around by flinging herself into a crowd, what if there had been a small child there she hadn't seen? Yeah nice example MOM. And then she "apologizes" by saying she would do it again. Stay classy michelle.

But the assault thing... If any man would have done this, he would have gone straight to jail and faced multiple assault charges. How ****ing ridiculous.

1/6/2014, 08:19 AM
At first, I thought the guys could have handled themselves better. Especially after reading their side of it.

But then, I read the mom's and knew she was trying to blow smoke. "Oh, they were talking crap from the beginning... I was just defending the honor of my boy..." (which she since deleted).

She's full of it. No pity. And if she's got any $$$, I'd go for a chunk of it. One of those kicks, had he not moved... could have done some serious damage.
You'd sue her?

1/6/2014, 08:23 AM
Couldn't the kids she attacked press charges?

1/6/2014, 08:37 AM
My cousin's wife sent me this. They're Auburn people and loved the game and ensuing madness by this woman. Funny stuff:

The tweet about stepping in crap was freakin' hysterical! Thanks for posting.

1/6/2014, 11:21 AM
Everyone's behavior was wrong! There is no need to needle the opposing fans, they already feel bad enough. Just root for YOUR team! That is enough. Another way to handle all of this was for someone to get the security people to quiet the group and the lady down. I can't stand it when people don't understand you are there to watch the game, and distractions in the stands makes you miss what is going on. And in THaT game a lot was going on!!!
I probably yell louder and stand more than any one around me, but is only for rooting for my team. The poor woman has a REAL problem, and I pity her family for the embarrassment she must cause them. Because I guarantee you, her drinking problem isn't just is one night.

1/6/2014, 12:45 PM
She looks pretty hot in the other video. I'd hit it.

1/6/2014, 05:03 PM
I was thinking the same. I'd love to have her jump on me, but in an entirely different context.

If thats what she does when she gets excited do you really want to know what she does in the throws of passion?:hororr:

1/6/2014, 05:16 PM

1/6/2014, 06:07 PM
Did you see how close she got a boot-kick to the face on that guy?

1/6/2014, 06:20 PM
If you want to see what happens when this type behavior is not controlled, see world soccer.

1/6/2014, 06:23 PM
She looks pretty hot in the other video. I'd hit it.

That puts her in an elite group, right?

1/6/2014, 07:20 PM
Couldn't the kids she attacked press charges?

Well the security guys advised him not to