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View Full Version : The Following

12/31/2013, 02:23 PM
Anyone but me watch this show? I thought season 1 was pretty decent. My wife stopped watching it because it was "too sick and twisted" so what does that say about me. :tongue: I did notice that it is on Netflix if you get a chance. Season 2 starts next week I think.

12/31/2013, 02:29 PM
We watched and liked it. Unfortunately, I don't remember how the first season ended, but I'm sure they will recap it.

12/31/2013, 03:12 PM
We watched and liked it. Unfortunately, I don't remember how the first season ended, but I'm sure they will recap it.

There was a recap show on Sunday night at 11pm. Thought that was weird. The only reason I knew it was on was that my TIVO picked it up.

12/31/2013, 03:12 PM
I stopped watching it because in my opinion it just got too ridiculous.

1/5/2014, 01:53 PM
I was intrigued by the premise and watched most of season 1 but tired of it. The body count was a little excessive for my taste and it seemed that at some point, Kevin Bacon's character would start suspecting everyone, stop taking anyone at face value, but no, he just kept getting burned. The number of people under the killer's influence was beyond believable even by the standards of television.

1/5/2014, 03:45 PM
Definitely over the top, but my wife and I were hooked. Season one ended with Bacon's neighbor slashing him and "apparently" killing his wife. It was indescribable that they would head directly to his apartment after all the drama that just happened.

So I want to know if she miraculously survived the knifing. Hard to see how they make another full season out of it unless the main protaganist survived the explosion in the dock house.

1/5/2014, 07:28 PM
It is like a mashup of The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad with a little bit of CSI thrown in except instead of taking the good parts of each show they scooped up all the outtakes and spliced em together.

I did not feel empathy for either of the two main characters nor any of the victims.

The only semi-interesting part was the subplot involving Emma, Jacob and Paul, which they screwed when they killed off Jacob, a waste of good sexual tension they worked so hard to instill in the show.

1/29/2014, 07:31 AM
Ah, Joe looked like he had an orgasm after his first killing in over a year. Yes, he's alive.

Bacon's trying to do his own work apart from the authorities.

And those twins are freeeeky.

1/29/2014, 12:02 PM
I stopped watching it because in my opinion it just got too ridiculous.

Yep. Most ridiculous show I've seen, and that includes later seasons of 24. I managed to get through all of season 1, but only cuz I felt like I had invested a lot of time. Resolved not to watch season 2 and I haven't.

1/29/2014, 02:35 PM
My wife watches it.