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12/21/2013, 07:36 PM
lol...the interviewer, Brian...umm ugh can't think of his name... says "how can anyone who says they are not a racists use the N word, the most offensive word to african americans"...

to the interviewer....ummm, you've never been around blacks, a ball court, etc...they throw the n word out faster than jack...so apparently it isn't THAT offensive.

12/21/2013, 08:41 PM
I'd like every swing'n dick that go's on a tirade about people who use the word ******, to swear under the threat of perjury that they never do or have said it. Then give them a lie detector test. ****'n hypocrites...

12/22/2013, 01:30 AM
Being outraged gets ratings and attention. True intention doesn't really matter anymore. The era of outrage for the sake of principle has passed, we live in the era of outrage for the sake of attention.

12/23/2013, 01:50 PM

12/23/2013, 02:37 PM
Fake outrage it is. Picking letters from the alphabet and arranging the letters in a particular order is nothing but letters from the alphabet arranged in a particular order. Weak minded people will let those arrangement of letters control how they feel. It's all fake outrage by extremely weak minded individuals. JMHO

12/25/2013, 08:57 PM
thank god there are no pics of Paula Deen's junk

12/25/2013, 09:07 PM
i'm pretty much with Tim Allen on this one.


"(The phrase) 'the n-word' is worse to me than n-----,' " said Allen, who spoke to me on a day when the controversy ignited over Paula Deen's admitted use of that slur in 1986.

just uttering the word is offensive? not even directed at anyone?

get over yourselves, please.

Paula Deen admitting to saying it 30 years ago is nothing compared to the other crap she was accused of

12/26/2013, 11:52 AM
It's a tempest in a teapot. Utterly worthless of public of comment. Just like the guy sitting behind me at the thunder game last Sunday. When KD said 'Happy Holidays' on the Jumbotron this genius muttered angrily 'MERRY CHRISTMAS' as though someone had personally insulted him.
We've become a nation of pussies unless we quit this nonsense soon.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/26/2013, 12:10 PM
It's a tempest in a teapot. Utterly worthless of public of comment. Just like the guy sitting behind me at the thunder game last Sunday. When KD said 'Happy Holidays' on the Jumbotron this genius muttered angrily 'MERRY CHRISTMAS' as though someone had personally insulted him.
We've become a nation of pussies unless we quit this nonsense soon.but...but, you just made a public comment expressing outrage...

Ton Loc
12/26/2013, 12:56 PM
Black people could not care less about what Paula Deen said 30 years or minutes ago. For some reason its the uppity sensitive always apologizing whitey that causes the biggest fuss about this.

12/26/2013, 02:53 PM
but...but, you just made a public comment expressing outrage...

A valid point, but do you really disagree with what I said? Or is it just your abiding butthurt at my presence that commanded response?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/26/2013, 03:21 PM
A valid point, but A)do you really disagree with what I said? or B) is it just your abiding butthurt at my presence that commanded response?Neither. I was simply making a valid point. Your presence is expected, and we sometimes agree on some things. On A) we would be better off if fewer people made less effort to change the country, I believe.

12/26/2013, 03:26 PM
The best lack all conviction.
Passion is an enemy of ordered discourse.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/26/2013, 03:50 PM
The best lack all conviction.
Passion is an enemy of ordered discourse.not sure what you mean on the first sentence. What is your def. of an ordered discourse?

12/26/2013, 04:06 PM
It's a quote from, I believe, The Wasteland.

Just that the screaming and yelling and vitriol that seems to dominate public debate of late is useless and distracts from the core issues.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/26/2013, 04:21 PM
It's a quote from, I believe, The Wasteland.

Just that the screaming and yelling and vitriol that seems to dominate public debate of late is useless and distracts from the core issues.Seem to me most discussions on the tube are offensive, and not worth one's time, mostly because one or both parties try to dominate. They filibuster and interrupt, and the moderator, if there is one, won't take charge and enforce sensible order.

12/26/2013, 04:46 PM
Which is okay on the tube. It's when the pols themselves forget how to do anything else that there ceases to be an exchange. And, unfortunately, that's where we are today.

Listen to a Cole or Coburn talk about policy vs our younger pols and it'll make you cry. The current crop are so pitifullly unequipped to even participate that it's painful to listen to them.

12/28/2013, 07:32 AM
About 2-3 days after the uproar started about this I was flipping channels and Came across a Paul Moony( black comic,for those who don't know).I decided to listen for a little bit, in roughly 2 minutes he used ****** 32 times. At one point he said Obama is MY ******. How can anyone take blacks sweriously about how harmful the word ****** is when they themselves don't treat it that way?

12/28/2013, 10:31 AM
About 2-3 days after the uproar started about this I was flipping channels and Came across a Paul Moony( black comic,for those who don't know).I decided to listen for a little bit, in roughly 2 minutes he used ****** 32 times. At one point he said Obama is MY ******. How can anyone take blacks sweriously about how harmful the word ****** is when they themselves don't treat it that way?


12/28/2013, 03:35 PM
Black people could not care less about what Paula Deen said 30 years or minutes ago. For some reason its the uppity sensitive always apologizing whitey that causes the biggest fuss about this.
This. [/thread]