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12/19/2013, 04:24 PM
Surprised nobody has started a thread about this.

I'm not a DD fan (just don't find it entertaining), but I figure Phil Robertson has the right to express his views in a magazine interview. I understand A&E not wishing to alienate their LGBT audience... but it seems a simple statement that this man's opinions are not the opinions of the A&E network would suffice in response. Did Robertson say something worthy of suspension?

Curly Bill
12/19/2013, 04:30 PM
I hate political correctness, and have little use for those that espouse it! Anyway, I've made my views known to A&E. :)

12/19/2013, 04:34 PM
The NSA knows my thoughts on the situation. That's enough for me.

12/19/2013, 05:31 PM
I support his right to free speech and their right to suspend him. This has happened multiple times to conservatives and liberals.

12/19/2013, 07:34 PM
I'm kind of surprised...but then again not...that the whole DD clan doesn't tell a/e to screw off...but $$ is a hard thing to leave behind.

Supposedly they get like $90K for speaking engagements...(maybe saw a thread about that on here?)..so much for being just a good 'ol boy. Understand I'm totally in favor of their capitalistic ways...but they espouse a big Christian belief.

Guess it'd be easy to google but I thought he basically said he was against gay marriage.

12/19/2013, 07:47 PM
Heres what He said in the interview with GC , Had nuting to do with A&E

“It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus. That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

“We’re Bible-thumpers who just happened to end up on television,” he tells me. “You put in your article that the Robertson family really believes strongly that if the human race loved each other and they loved God, we would just be better off. We ought to just be repentant, turn to God, and let’s get on with it, and everything will turn around.”

What does repentance entail? Well, in Robertson’s worldview, America was a country founded upon Christian values (Thou shalt not kill, etc.), and he believes that the gradual removal of Christian symbolism from public spaces has diluted those founding principles. (He and Si take turns going on about why the Ten Commandments ought to be displayed outside courthouses.) He sees the popularity of Duck Dynasty as a small corrective to all that we have lost.

“Everything is blurred on what’s right and what’s wrong,” he says. “Sin becomes fine.”

What, in your mind, is sinful?

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he says. Then he paraphrases Corinthians: “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

12/19/2013, 07:48 PM
By the way Ive never watched that show , Moren likely Never will, But If i was Him and his Family I'd tell A&E to **** off dip ****s,

12/19/2013, 08:14 PM
the first amendment is about laws, not whether or not you are on some dumb TV show

12/19/2013, 09:10 PM
Just when you thoght it could not get worse;

Phil Robertson's anti-gay comments aren't the only part of his interview with GQ causing controversy.The 67-year-old "Duck Dynasty" star was suspended by A&E Wednesday for calling homosexuality sinful — and putting gay people in same category as terrorists. While those quotes quickly went viral, it wasn't his only brow-raising statement in the interview; he also implied that African Americans were happier living under Jim Crow laws.

"I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once," the reality star said of growing up in pre-Civil-Rights-era Louisiana. "Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the field ... They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people' — not a word!"

Robertson continued, "Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues."

Needless to say, that hasn't gone over well either. A spokesperson for the NAACP shared a copy of the letter that they, along with the Human Rights Campaign, sent to "Duck Dynasty" network A&E. In addition to asking for the network to "denounce and repudiate Robertson's comments," they demanded that Robertson "apologizes for his vitriolic comments."

"We want to be clear why Phil Robertson's remarks are not just dangerous but also inaccurate," the letter stated, in part. "Mr. Robertson claims that, from what he saw, African Americans were happier under Jim Crow. What he didn't see were lynching and beatings of black men and women for attempting to vote or simply walking down the street."

Ironically had Phil been Al Sharpton he could have gotten away with racist homophobic remarks.

Willey needs to keep Phil away from the press. I would imagine they are going to get a damage control public relations expert and clean up Phil's image. This could cost them millions.

12/19/2013, 09:40 PM
Just when you thoght it could not get worse;

Ironically had Phil been Al Sharpton he could have gotten away with racist homophobic remarks.

Willey needs to keep Phil away from the press. I would imagine they are going to get a damage control public relations expert and clean up Phil's image. This could cost them millions.---If A&E dumps them they will get picked up by someone else for more money

12/19/2013, 09:48 PM
---If A&E dumps them they will get picked up by someone else for more money

I hope so. We love the show.

I find it ironic that they tout this as reality show and the minute Phil shows he is real they go all ape**** on him.

12/19/2013, 10:04 PM
I hope so. We love the show.

I find it ironic that they tout this as reality show and the minute Phil shows he is real they go all ape**** on him.

A very good point.

12/20/2013, 12:23 AM
The family has responded. Basically telling A&E "He gone, we gone"

We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support. The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E's decision. We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word. While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Phil would never incite or encourage hate.We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right.We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty. Again, thank you for your continued support of our family.

Curly Bill
12/20/2013, 12:36 AM
The family has responded. Basically telling A&E "He gone, we gone"

Yup. Just as you'd expect. Hopefully they'll go to another network that isn't run by pansy-*ss, politically correct, overly sensitive, communist, granola eating, dope smoking, freaks.

12/20/2013, 12:40 AM
I think this scenario is great. A bunch of wildly wealthy people espouse their beliefs. A second rate network succumbs to pressure from a vast minority.

The rich hillbillies take the highest rated show in the history of cable to another network.

What is the lesson learned?

There are consequences to your comments. There are also consequences to being ridiculously PC.

12/20/2013, 12:54 AM
maybe they will all get jobs on Faux News

12/20/2013, 01:03 AM
maybe they will all get jobs on Faux News
Perhaps Faux News won't punish them for a personal belief.

Curly Bill
12/20/2013, 01:06 AM
yermom specializes in victimhood & false outrage - this stuff is right up his alley.

12/20/2013, 05:30 AM

12/20/2013, 09:49 AM
Alrighty. We have Phil, is it? Who has at least the stage persona of being a 'red neck'. He then goes and does an interview with GQ. Now, GQ is the Daily Guide To Living for metrosexual men. This Phil character then make comments that, whether he sincerely believes or not, could not have been understood by him as anything other than highly inflammatory. Now there's a predictable kerfuffle. Outcome? Likely as not, they have to migrate the show to another network and make more money.

Anyone else seeing this as a well calculated move to up the family's take?

And, if A/E saw it coming, they might have simply said, "Great, we can't stop 'em. So, we play along, bump ratings for as long as we have 'em and do what we have to do to make our core audience happy."

The whole thing smellls like a set piece to me.

12/20/2013, 10:16 AM
I read the interview. I didn't think it was bad. I applaud his voice of Christianity. A&E is dead to me. I will not watch that network again unless they reverse course. I can't believe they would shoot the golden goose. Good luck finding a gay show that will be as popular.

12/20/2013, 10:30 AM
I seriously doubt this was a ploy by the family. Doesn't make sense

12/20/2013, 10:41 AM
I support his right to free speech and their right to suspend him. This has happened multiple times to conservatives and liberals.


Not to mention the right of the market to choose if it wishes to support the show or not.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/20/2013, 11:02 AM
I seriously doubt this was a ploy by the family. Doesn't make senseespecially considering that most, if not all networks, even those on cable, are scared shi*less of the Left and all the is PC. There is no assurance that the show will survive.

12/20/2013, 12:27 PM
What makes it great is the family doesn't give a crap what A&E thinks... Tell ole A&E to shove it.

12/20/2013, 12:33 PM
A&E and the Robertson may have a problem:

The blistering anti-gay rant – in which Robertson directly quotes from the Bible – was recorded three years ago, coming to light on the same day that the Roberston family said they were standing behind the family patriarch – stating they couldn’t see the show continuing without him.

The speech is taken from an hour long address given by the Duck Dynasty star two years before the huge hit appeared on screens nationwide.

It is also safe to assume that it was at least one year before A&E commissioned Robertson and his family to be the stars of the show, which is the highest rated cable reality program ever.

This has led to some questioning whether executives at A&E were aware of Robertson’s staunch views on homosexuality and if so, why did they green-light him and his family to star?

Robertson begins what is presumably his keynote after-dinner speech by approaching the podium holding his trademark duck calls in one hand and in the other, his Bible.
Addressing the state of the nation and how far it has strayed from the example laid out by Jesus and the Founding Fathers, Roberston begins to preach his opinions on the sexual morality of some sections of society.

While he never explicitly mentions the words homosexuality or gay, there is no doubt as to the topic of Robertson’s vitriol.

this could really hurt them ala Paula Deen.

12/20/2013, 12:43 PM
The major dispute doesn't seem to be homophobia, but rather, how far people can take their freedom of speech without getting some type of pushback from employers, the public, etc.

Maybe this just needs to play out before you can really make too many conclusions. Other than Phil being "suspended" (which has widely reported as not meaning anything at all, as filming for the next season is mostly done and there wouldn't be any way to remove Phil from the show), nothing really has happened yet. A&E still plans to air its show, it doesn't sound like Duck merchandise is getting yanked from shelves, it doesn't sound like advertisers are bailing on the show, it doesn't sound like viewers are going to stop watching.

What has happened, other than Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin having new stuff to talk about on their radio/TV shows? A meaningless suspension? Pbbbbbth

12/20/2013, 01:08 PM
yermom specializes in victimhood & false outrage - this stuff is right up his alley.

who is trumping up being a victim? it's not me. i'm just saying all the first amendment talk is stupid.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/20/2013, 01:09 PM
Could easily boost the show's ratings, at least until there are further developments.

12/20/2013, 01:13 PM
this could really hurt them ala Paula Deen.
She didn't have the highest rated cable show. Hell, weren't they happy to be rid of her and her declining ratings?

Could easily boost the show's ratings, at least until there are further developments.
Call it the Chick-fil-a effect, but will it last beyond some immediate shock value?

i'm just saying all the first amendment talk is stupid.

Most first amendment talk is. Some seem to think they have the freedom to say anything they want without recourse. Then, you ask them if they can falsely shout "Fire" in a crowded theater and not be held responsible for the ensuing chaos. Well, no, but... THEN, you ask them if they can they can file an Amber Alert when their (child-free) car is stolen so that police search for your car with a little bit more urgency. Well, no, but... THEN, you ask if it's ok to email in a bomb threat right before your Harvard final exam so you have a bit more time to study, or better yet, don't have to take the final.

The list goes on, but it's annoying how many people seem to have the mistaken idea that "free speech" means you can slander others without being sued, or say "just kidding!" after threatening to shoot up your high school.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/20/2013, 01:17 PM
Call it the Chick-fil-a effect, but will it last beyond some immediate shock value?If it stays on the air, scandal alone won't help it much.

Hey Badg, do some cartoons, pls.

12/20/2013, 01:22 PM
If it stays on the air, scandal alone won't help it much.

Hey Badg, do some cartoons, pls.

It would be fun to Microsoft Paint those damn bevos as much as they do at shaggy, but mommy baj just doesn't have the time or energy to keep up with your Interneters anymore. Hell, I haven't done a meltdown entry on basketball or football in at least a week :(

Bourbon St Sooner
12/20/2013, 01:37 PM
Actually reading the quotes, I don't find what he said to be that bad. He quoted a verse from the bible. I may not share his literal interpretation of the bible, but he's free to have that belief. I love the media spin that he said blacks were happier under Jim Crow, when that's not what he said at all. The media really are a bunch of dooshbags.

Anyways, I watch the show sometimes and it's entertaining. A&E can do what they want. I suspect the family will tell A&E to shove it if they won't bring Phil back because I don't think they are so addicted to the money like Paula Deen and others.

12/20/2013, 01:43 PM
Wife was commenting to me this morning about facebook blowing up over this, from both sides. The underlying issue is the creeping acceptance homosexuality has gained in our culture over the last 20 yrs. From a Biblical viewpoint Isaiah 5:20 says "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil..."

It seems as if that is where we are in America. Promoting homosexuality as natural and okay has become good... condemning homosexuality has become evil.

Makes one wonder what our moral standards will be like in another 20 years.

Curly Bill
12/20/2013, 01:54 PM
Statistic I just saw said viewership for the Duck Dynasty marathon A&E ran last night was down 71%. If those numbers are true I'd say that's a pretty good boycott.

It's good to see normal Americans for once get pissed off about being pissed on, and do something about it.

12/20/2013, 02:12 PM
Hey Badg, do some cartoons, pls.

Just for you, Rush:
Merry Christmas :)

12/20/2013, 02:18 PM
She didn't have the highest rated cable show. Hell, weren't they happy to be rid of her and her declining ratings?

Call it the Chick-fil-a effect, but will it last beyond some immediate shock value?

Most first amendment talk is. Some seem to think they have the freedom to say anything they want without recourse. Then, you ask them if they can falsely shout "Fire" in a crowded theater and not be held responsible for the ensuing chaos. Well, no, but... THEN, you ask them if they can they can file an Amber Alert when their (child-free) car is stolen so that police search for your car with a little bit more urgency. Well, no, but... THEN, you ask if it's ok to email in a bomb threat right before your Harvard final exam so you have a bit more time to study, or better yet, don't have to take the final.

The list goes on, but it's annoying how many people seem to have the mistaken idea that "free speech" means you can slander others without being sued, or say "just kidding!" after threatening to shoot up your high school.

It is not just the show but sponsorships. If they keep digging up dirt on Phil they could lose millions including places like Walmart, Bass Pro Shops and Cabelas. I hold little hope out that the show comes back unless Phil disappears or makes a 180 degree change....highly unlikely. They have a huge PR problem.

12/20/2013, 02:20 PM
Most first amendment talk is. Some seem to think they have the freedom to say anything they want without recourse. Then, you ask them if they can falsely shout "Fire" in a crowded theater and not be held responsible for the ensuing chaos. Well, no, but... THEN, you ask them if they can they can file an Amber Alert when their (child-free) car is stolen so that police search for your car with a little bit more urgency. Well, no, but... THEN, you ask if it's ok to email in a bomb threat right before your Harvard final exam so you have a bit more time to study, or better yet, don't have to take the final.

The list goes on, but it's annoying how many people seem to have the mistaken idea that "free speech" means you can slander others without being sued, or say "just kidding!" after threatening to shoot up your high school.

All this is totally different than what is being said. He was discussing his PERSONAL views on it all...NOT putting other people in any situation.

12/20/2013, 02:23 PM
Wife was commenting to me this morning about facebook blowing up over this, from both sides. The underlying issue is the creeping acceptance homosexuality has gained in our culture over the last 20 yrs. From a Biblical viewpoint Isaiah 5:20 says "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil..."

It seems as if that is where we are in America. Promoting homosexuality as natural and okay has become good... condemning homosexuality has become evil.

Makes one wonder what our moral standards will be like in another 20 years.

no doubt...very scary.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/20/2013, 02:29 PM
It would be fun to Microsoft Paint those damn bevos as much as they do at shaggy, but mommy baj just doesn't have the time or energy to keep up with your Interneters anymore. Hell, I haven't done a meltdown entry on basketball or football in at least a week :(I was making a sincere request, not criticizing your politics.(since you weren't being political at the time)

12/20/2013, 02:30 PM
All this is totally different than what is being said. He was discussing his PERSONAL views on it all...NOT putting other people in any situation.

Agree, I was talking more about mistaken impressions of the First Amendment. There's consequences for every action, where that action is legal or not.

It is not just the show but sponsorships. If they keep digging up dirt on Phil they could lose millions including places like Walmart, Bass Pro Shops and Cabelas. I hold little hope out that the show comes back unless Phil disappears or makes a 180 degree change....highly unlikely. They have a huge PR problem.

One of the consequences of talking about hot button and controversial issues is that they often prompt more investigation into the sources. I remember when AD's biological son died, TMZ did numerous reports on his multiple out of wedlock kids and other baby mama drama.

12/20/2013, 03:12 PM
. Good luck finding a gay show that will be as popular.

Prepare yourself for Glee: LA
Glee: Minneapolis
Glee: Chicago
Glee: Houston
Glee: Singapore
ad nauseum a la NCIS.

12/20/2013, 04:33 PM
It is not just the show but sponsorships. If they keep digging up dirt on Phil they could lose millions including places like Walmart, Bass Pro Shops and Cabelas. I hold little hope out that the show comes back unless Phil disappears or makes a 180 degree change....highly unlikely. They have a huge PR problem.
A PR problem with whom?

12/20/2013, 05:06 PM
Wonder why a Straight White guy cant speak his mind, Yet a Black and or Gay can say an do all they want?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/20/2013, 05:10 PM
Wonder why a Straight White guy cant speak his mind, Yet a Black and or Gay can say an do all they want?maybe Chiristianity and Capitalism play a role, haha.

12/20/2013, 05:16 PM
A PR problem with whom?

Corporations. Look at their track record.

12/20/2013, 05:59 PM
A really good article on this subject:


12/20/2013, 06:28 PM
A&E knew where he stood on these issues from the beginning; they were just trying to make as much money as they could before the bottom fell out. Yes, there are consequences for every action, especially if you are on the right not so much if you are on the left. What the A&E and the sponsors of the show forgot was who their target audience is for the ads run during show. I would say 98 to 99% of the people who watch the show (I am one of them) agree with what is said or we would not watch it. So, for A&E and the sponsor’s actions I can fire them, waiting to see what happens. This looks like it is going to be a bigger PR problem for A&E than for DD.

12/20/2013, 07:49 PM
I liked the comment from one of the panelists on Dr. Drew, he said the same the Pope said about homosexuality.

hawaii 5-0
12/20/2013, 08:51 PM
Just possibly the whole thing is fake. Pictures on the internet show the main characters with their families on the beach, before the show was made. They're a bunch of yuppies, clean cut, pastels. They grew out their hair for 'reality' for the show. The duck call company is real. They got rich making a bunch of dildo shaped pieces of wood that you blow and create the effect that ducks want to have sex with them.

I envy their business savvy. They sold themselves well.


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/20/2013, 09:00 PM
Just possibly the whole thing is fake. Pictures on the internet show the main characters with their families on the beach, before the show was made. They're a bunch of yuppies, clean cut, pastels. They grew out their hair for 'reality' for the show. The duck call company is real. They got rich making a bunch of dildo shaped pieces of wood that you blow and create the effect that ducks want to have sex with them.

I envy their business savvy. They sold themselves well.

5-0post 'em

12/20/2013, 09:03 PM
Just possibly the whole thing is fake. Pictures on the internet show the main characters with their families on the beach, before the show was made. They're a bunch of yuppies, clean cut, pastels. They grew out their hair for 'reality' for the show. The duck call company is real. They got rich making a bunch of dildo shaped pieces of wood that you blow and create the effect that ducks want to have sex with them.

I envy their business savvy. They sold themselves well.



12/20/2013, 09:39 PM
Bet he would not have lost his job if he was a gay aethiest who said he dsin't believe in God and thought Christians were deluded cultists.

12/20/2013, 09:43 PM
post 'em

WTF is your problem with my post? Are you to stupid to figure out I like DD a lot. We watch every show faithfully. I do not want them to be off the air. We like their values, their kids and everything about the show. Phil is like my dads family, honest, hard working, outdoorsy, and rough around the edges. I would hunt or fish with him any day of the week!

However, I also know the war the gays waged against the Boy Scouts and drying up corporate funding. They will force advertisers and companies that carry their products to drop them. This is all about fundraising for GLBT organization and they are relentless in their pursecution of anyone who does not agree with them. Right now they are digging up every speech Phil made and they are going to bury him with his own words. And to go further I have no doubt they are going to look at the hiring and diversity practices of their operations and if it doesn't fit their mode of diversity they will go after that as well. This is not about freedom of speech it is front and center of an ongoing cultural war and Phil has been drug into it. I feel sorry for the poor bastard because I do not think he has any idea how bad this is going to get. And I sincerely hope he can get this behind him. However, my gut tells me they are toast.

12/20/2013, 10:08 PM
WTF is your problem with my post? Are you to stupid to figure out I like DD a lot. We watch every show faithfully. I do not want them to be off the air. We like their values, their kids and everything about the show. Phil is like my dads family, honest, hard working, outdoorsy, and rough around the edges. I would hunt or fish with him any day of the week!

However, I also know the war the gays waged against the Boy Scouts and drying up corporate funding. They will force advertisers and companies that carry their products to drop them. This is all about fundraising for GLBT organization and they are relentless in their pursecution of anyone who does not agree with them. Right now they are digging up every speech Phil made and they are going to bury him with his own words. And to go further I have no doubt they are going to look at the hiring and diversity practices of their operations and if it doesn't fit their mode of diversity they will go after that as well. This is not about freedom of speech it is front and center of an ongoing cultural war and Phil has been drug into it. I feel sorry for the poor bastard because I do not think he has any idea how bad this is going to get. And I sincerely hope he can get this behind him. However, my gut tells me they are toast.

I think you are underestimating how sick and tired a lot of people are getting at jumping every time the cultural jihadists yelp. Their fascist tactics just make people more resentful of them and their causes.

And I would be shocked if A&E cuts off their nose to spite their faces. The more the GLBT groups squawk the more they will look like the yipping yorkies they are.The public blow back can go both ways.

12/20/2013, 10:27 PM
The public blow back can go both ways.I see what you did there...:D

12/20/2013, 10:52 PM
Just possibly the whole thing is fake. Pictures on the internet show the main characters with their families on the beach, before the show was made. They're a bunch of yuppies, clean cut, pastels. They grew out their hair for 'reality' for the show. The duck call company is real. They got rich making a bunch of dildo shaped pieces of wood that you blow and create the effect that ducks want to have sex with them.

I envy their business savvy. They sold themselves well.


I've got a video circa 1987 that says different about the beard.
http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i367/achiro1/duckcommander.jpg (http://s1090.photobucket.com/user/achiro1/media/duckcommander.jpg.html)

12/20/2013, 10:56 PM
That pic is as clean cut as I've ever seen Phil. He did several videos through the years and had a hunting show on for quite a while. One video he jumps up to shoot and the beard ends up between his shoulder and the shotgun stock. When he pulls the trigger the recoil yanks his beard and rips his head around. Pretty funny especially when they replayed it in slow mo.

Curly Bill
12/20/2013, 11:26 PM
Wonder why a Straight White guy cant speak his mind, Yet a Black and or Gay can say an do all they want?

This is the new America homeboy, get on board!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/21/2013, 12:33 AM
I think you are underestimating how sick and tired a lot of people are getting at jumping every time the cultural jihadists yelp. Their fascist tactics just make people more resentful of them and their causes.

And I would be shocked if A&E cuts off their nose to spite their faces. The more the GLBT groups squawk the more they will look like the yipping yorkies they are.The public blow back can go both ways.For our boardLefties around here who missed it the first time, or who just need to see it again, and again, etc.

12/21/2013, 01:08 AM
Remember when a MAN who stood up and spoke what he believed in was admired? People may not have agreed with him But they did admire the Fact he Stood for something.

Curly Bill
12/21/2013, 01:15 AM
Remember when a MAN who stood up and spoke what he believed in was admired? People may not have agreed with him But they did admire the Fact he Stood for something.

That was before the country, and way too many of its "men," became politically correct pu**ies!

12/21/2013, 01:20 AM
That was before the country, and way too many of its "men," became politically correct pu**ies!

Ya Know what PC stands fer dont ya?
Pussie corrected! Means yer lettin yer woman do yer thinking fer you.

Thats one of the Biggest problems these days IMHO. Men are sittin back and lettin their women tell em how to think . I call the PP= Pussie Power!

12/21/2013, 02:59 AM
I think you are underestimating how sick and tired a lot of people are getting at jumping every time the cultural jihadists yelp. Their fascist tactics just make people more resentful of them and their causes.

And I would be shocked if A&E cuts off their nose to spite their faces. The more the GLBT groups squawk the more they will look like the yipping yorkies they are.The public blow back can go both ways.


Honestly I hope you are right. I really do.

The problem is the GLBT groups are really really organized and powerful. Corporations are absolutely terrified of their power. The reason the BSA changed its membership policy is that corporate donations were drying up and it was taking a toll. There are not to many folks in the corporate world who are going to speak out because they fear the damage to their brand. I saw all this first hand as I tried to guide my scouting district through our policy changes.

The one thing GLBT groups do not get is that a lot of people find their lifestyle abhorrent. It goes beyond religious beliefs. Personally I do not give a chit but I do have a problem when it gets rammed down societies throat....and in this case without a lot of discussion.
Only time will tell who is right. Maybe Phil Robertson becomes the rally point at which people draw a line and say enough is enough.

12/21/2013, 01:26 PM
Statistic I just saw said viewership for the Duck Dynasty marathon A&E ran last night was down 71%. If those numbers are true I'd say that's a pretty good boycott.

It's good to see normal Americans for once get pissed off about being pissed on, and do something about it.

are they not watching because they are upset with A&E or the rednecks?

12/21/2013, 01:28 PM
I think you are underestimating how sick and tired a lot of people are getting at jumping every time the cultural jihadists yelp. Their fascist tactics just make people more resentful of them and their causes.

And I would be shocked if A&E cuts off their nose to spite their faces. The more the GLBT groups squawk the more they will look like the yipping yorkies they are.The public blow back can go both ways.

interesting phrase "cultural jihadis"

you mean the ones pushing laws based on their pushing their fundamentalist religion into laws for everyone else?

are you sure you aren't talking about your "small government" crowd?

12/21/2013, 02:14 PM
Hey Rush, since this post bothers you so much, why don't you defend your stance?

i'm sure you can sneak in some cutesy name for Obama that you got from your namesake

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/21/2013, 02:21 PM
Hey Rush, since this post bothers you so much, why don't you defend your stance?

i'm sure you can sneak in some cutesy name for Obama that you got from your namesakeHey Yermom; Your fear and hatred of Christianity are boring as heck, and silly. You might want to give it a rest, and move on, since it tortures you so.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
12/21/2013, 02:25 PM
Reading this thread is kind of confusing especially with regard to "free speech". There two types of free speech in the US - one mandatory and one voluntary.

The mandatory one is outlined in the Bill of Rights and forbids the government from any action against an individual for using his freedom to speak freely (which sort of includes the court system by private individuals although that exclusion is disappearing over time). This has been overridden by the government numerous times (alien and sedition acts, indian wars, japanese internment, etc)

The voluntary one is where each one of us as individuals personally refuse to attack the speaker while we argue with the speech. Call this advanced citizenship or whatever, but this aspect of free speech has never been universally accepted in the US. It has gone absolutely downhill with the troll culture that has arisen with the internet. Basically every protected party (sans Indians) that gets "offended" lashes out economically at those making the speech. I says sans Indians because it is still acceptable to be racist to them (if it was the Washington Sambos it would have been changed 30 years ago).

However, one funny part of this whole thing was when they were showing someone from the gay community getting all mad at the bestiality comment. As I've said before, everyone draws the line somewhere and get offended at anyone who draws the line either sooner or later than them.

12/21/2013, 02:35 PM
Hey Yermom; Your fear and hatred of Christianity are boring as heck, and silly. You might want to give it a rest, and move on, since it tortures you so.

how about you give it a rest pushing Christianity on people that don't want it? when people, the government included, stop marginalizing gays, maybe the "agenda" might go away

Happy Holidays Rush

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/21/2013, 02:46 PM
Happy Holidays RushMismo amigo, and Merry Christmas to you.

Curly Bill
12/21/2013, 09:38 PM
are they not watching because they are upset with A&E or the rednecks?

Boycotting A&E. Most people in the hinterlands are very much on the side of the Duck Folks.

12/21/2013, 09:49 PM
how about you give it a rest pushing HOMOSEXUALITY on people that don't want it? when people, the government included, stop marginalizing CHRISTIANS, maybe the "agenda" might go away

Happy Holidays Rush

Fixed for ya...

12/21/2013, 09:50 PM

Honestly I hope you are right. I really do.

The problem is the GLBT groups are really really organized and powerful. Corporations are absolutely terrified of their power. The reason the BSA changed its membership policy is that corporate donations were drying up and it was taking a toll. There are not to many folks in the corporate world who are going to speak out because they fear the damage to their brand. I saw all this first hand as I tried to guide my scouting district through our policy changes.

The one thing GLBT groups do not get is that a lot of people find their lifestyle abhorrent. It goes beyond religious beliefs. Personally I do not give a chit but I do have a problem when it gets rammed down societies throat....and in this case without a lot of discussion.
Only time will tell who is right. Maybe Phil Robertson becomes the rally point at which people draw a line and say enough is enough.

yup..nailed it DD

12/21/2013, 10:49 PM
That was before the country, and way too many of its "men," became politically correct pu**ies!

I remember when it all went to hell, 1983. Women became men, men became wusses and everyone lost their sense of humor.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/21/2013, 10:59 PM
I remember when it all went to hell, 1983. Women became men, men became wusses and everyone lost their sense of humor.Wow! what events from 1983 triggered this response?

12/21/2013, 11:26 PM
Wow! what events from 1983 triggered this response?

He got Married.

12/22/2013, 01:38 AM
Fixed for ya...

last time i checked Christians don't have to fight for rights that everyone else just takes for granted

oh how hard life is for Christians in this country :rolleyes:

12/22/2013, 03:11 AM
So I will preface my comments with the fact that while I was raised in the Southern Baptist church, I am not a Christian, I am Agnostic. I have a Lesbian sister and with the exception of hurting others, I could care less what anyone does in the privacy of their bedroom. But I also support another's right to believe any damn thing they want to and express those beliefs when asked. All of that being as long as you don't try to force your thoughts or beliefs down my throat. Phil isn't forcing it down anyone's throat, if you watch the show you know the families beliefs and where they are coming from. Even though I don't share their belief system, I respect that they seem to actually live by their principles and by all accounts are good people. Him believing someone's life style is wrong, doesn't mean he discriminates against them, he hates them or violates their rights, simply means he disagrees.

Some are missing a point here on the free speech issue. Yes, there are consequences to what you say (unless of course you are spouting the commonly accepted rhetoric of the day). But what Phil expressed here was his personal religious believe, which was solicited. That is protected speech and there are laws against an employer disciplining or firing someone for such things, especially when that protected speech was not committed on the job, or expressed on behalf of the employer. Sure the LGBT community can boycott or protest him if they like, but let's be realistic, they aren't the one's watching the damn show in the first place. There is less of a PR problem than some are making it out to be, because more Americans proclaim Christian principles and beliefs than not. Most people agree with Phil's comments so how is that a PR problem for them, except with a small segment of society, that their show is not targeting anyway. There are networks out there that don't kowtow to every liberal agenda or minor group that gets offended and starts screaming foul. If the show leaves A&E, they'll get aired on CMT or a similar network that shares their values, and they'll be just fine.

While I don't share his belief system, I like the show, I enjoy watching the family and their so called "reality" and they have a certain wholesomeness and love of family that this country needs to see more of. It's one of the few things on the boob tube I feel comfortable these days watching with my kids. I won't be watching any show on A&E as long as they take this stand.

Yermom - silly statement. Transgender still has obstacles to overcome, but LGB is fairly accepted these days and have more protections than the majority by far. Do they face some prejudice, sure, but they don't have to fight for rights that everyone else takes for granted anymore and haven't had to for some time. Some minority groups are just so used to screaming foul at everything that they don't know how to stop.

12/22/2013, 08:27 AM
how much of the country can they get married in or have no protections from losing their job just for being gay?

when your spouse dies and you have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes just because you are gay, you don't have the same rights as everyone else. that's just one example of why people were talking about DOMA so much this year.

12/22/2013, 10:23 AM
how much of the country can they get married in or have no protections from losing their job just for being gay?

when your spouse dies and you have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes just because you are gay, you don't have the same rights as everyone else. that's just one example of why people were talking about DOMA so much this year.

Do you have any transgender friends?

12/22/2013, 04:21 PM
Well, I'm glad to read Cracker Barrel has backed down http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/cracker-barrel-backtrack-duck-back-menu

"We made a mistake, we listened to you, and we apologize..."

If A&E had not overreacted to begin with...

12/22/2013, 04:29 PM
Do you have any transgender friends?

what does that have to do with anything?

i do have friends and family that are gay. i will say my viewpoint is vastly different than before i found out they were gay... there are a lot of factors there though

12/22/2013, 04:37 PM
what does that have to do with anything?

i do have friends and family that are gay. i will say my viewpoint is vastly different than before i found out they were gay... there are a lot of factors there though

Have you played Corso's Cornhole Challenge?

12/22/2013, 04:39 PM
is that where you make ambigously gay jokes with no context to try and look as retarted as possible, making people consider that you might have had a stroke?

no, but it sounds like you are a champ.

12/22/2013, 04:49 PM
is that where you make ambigously gay jokes with no context to try and look as retarted as possible, making people consider that you might have had a stroke?

I don't think so. I feel okay.

no, but it sounds like you are a champ.

Nope, I've never played. It was some dude in KY that won.

Curly Bill
12/22/2013, 04:50 PM
Actually Turd is making fun of you as I do from time to time as you seem to revel in being a victim, or being outrageously outraged. You somewhat remind me of the angry looking little dude that is the spokesperson for one of the various advocacy groups that was on TV the other day, and you could just tell that he's not "happy" unless he finds something to be outraged about. Well sir, that seems to be you, or it would be you except you don't seem to have the moxie to be outraged, so you tend more to the victimhood complex.

12/22/2013, 05:11 PM
did i start the thread about this? honestly, i haven't paid THAT much attention, but my understanding so far is that this is a witch hunt on this guy from an interview that was done years ago and just now coming out.

i'm just calling out this bull**** about the gay "agenda" and how Christians are persecuted. give me a break.

Curly Bill
12/22/2013, 05:22 PM
did i start the thread about this? honestly, i haven't paid THAT much attention, but my understanding so far is that this is a witch hunt on this guy from an interview that was done years ago and just now coming out.

i'm just calling out this bull**** about the gay "agenda" and how Christians are persecuted. give me a break.

I'll give ya a break, but if you don't think gays aren't the loudest, most demanding, special interest group going right now, I'm not sure what planet you're inhabiting? It's funny in a pathetic way of course because while they're shouting for tolerance from everyone else, they're the least likely to give it to anyone that doesn't fall in lockstep with their views.

I will say this: I find great humor, again in a pathetic way, in their leaders and spokespeople how they're so outraged, so offended, so mad, when they get on TV, and they're just so angry, and they're trying to look so angry, but they're really just a dorky a** little gay dude, and yet sooooooooo angry! It makes me laugh!! Makes me laugh how you laugh at an angry 5-year old that got a grape juice box for a snack instead of a fruit punch, and now they're pissed off and pouting about it.

12/22/2013, 05:33 PM
i don't disagree with you, and they often don't do themselves any favors with their choices, but not everyone is like that.

if they weren't fighting, they'd still have to hide in the closet and hope that no one finds out the truth about them

if people just stayed out of everyone else's business, this wouldn't be a discussion.

Curly Bill
12/22/2013, 05:40 PM
i don't disagree with you, and they often don't do themselves any favors with their choices, but not everyone is like that.

if they weren't fighting, they'd still have to hide in the closet and hope that no one finds out the truth about them

if people just stayed out of everyone else's business, this wouldn't be a discussion.

I WISH everyone would stay out of everyone's business! Can we include the government in that?!?! (and I mean economically, along with social and privacy matters)

I do agree that not everyone is like that. I have a cousin who is lesbian, and it's not an issue. We spent prolly 30 minutes over Thanksgiving talking about all manner of things and it was very pleasant, but had she "got in my face" about her rights or I have to respect her, or I can say this but I can't say that, like so many of these advocacy groups do, than we would have had a problem.

Finally it just pisses me off to hear people constantly whine about tolerance and having to respect them, when they're the last to offer it up to the other side.

Lastly...does any of this stuff make y'all think of the gay militant dudes from Seinfeld like it does me?

12/22/2013, 06:16 PM
well, if everyone would let the gays get married where they wanted, you wouldn't hear near as much about it

and i'm so not wearing a pin

Curly Bill
12/22/2013, 06:18 PM
well, if everyone would let the gays get married where they wanted, you wouldn't hear near as much about it

I don't buy that for a second. They'd find something else to be angry about.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/22/2013, 08:27 PM
I don't buy that for a second. They'd find something else to be angry about.Some sort of retributions/entitlements, most likely.

12/22/2013, 08:54 PM
There's plenty of places for them to get "married". They need to move there and live happily ever after. Oh, and shut up while they're at it. I mean, if they don't want Phil espousing his views, they should set an example by keeping their perversion low-key.

12/22/2013, 09:26 PM

12/23/2013, 01:47 PM
First off we have a basic difference of opinion on "why" people are gay...THAT is the main argument in this whole thing. You come from the "born that way" camp (such as race)...me and most folks (not all on here) that disagree with homosexuals having "rights" because they are gay...are from the "not born that way". I don't say choice, because I'd say most isn't, lots of reasons..some are by choice, but science has yet to PROVE it's genetic.

Secondly, YES the gay organizations DO HAVE AN AGENDA..and it's all about acceptance, making folks believe it's "natural". IF you don't believe that then you are on a different planet.

*yes, I have several relatives that are gay..figured you'd bring that up.

12/23/2013, 01:48 PM
well, if everyone would let the gays get married where they wanted, you wouldn't hear near as much about it

and i'm so not wearing a pin

bull crap

12/23/2013, 01:49 PM
Finally it just pisses me off to hear people constantly whine about tolerance and having to respect them, when they're the last to offer it up to the other side.


funny isn't it....they want EVERYONE else to accept THEIR beliefs but don't allow anyone else to have their own beliefs...

12/23/2013, 05:19 PM
funny isn't it....they want EVERYONE else to accept THEIR beliefs but don't allow anyone else to have their own beliefs...

12/24/2013, 07:15 AM
Hand waiving in a room. Correct me if I am wrong. Did Phil ever advocate discriminating against gays? I am pretty sure he was of the love the sinner hate the sin mentality. I did not read anywhere that he has advocated discrimination.

BTW, I am reading the GQ article and all I have to say is that the media not GQ have done a real hit job on the Robertsons. Did they report that Willey advocates the adoption of mixed race children? One of his sons is adopted. Oh and the joke is on the MSM because the money they have earned allows them to go out and evangilize a lot more.

12/24/2013, 07:46 AM
First off we have a basic difference of opinion on "why" people are gay...THAT is the main argument in this whole thing. You come from the "born that way" camp (such as race)...me and most folks (not all on here) that disagree with homosexuals having "rights" because they are gay...are from the "not born that way". I don't say choice, because I'd say most isn't, lots of reasons..some are by choice, but science has yet to PROVE it's genetic.

Secondly, YES the gay organizations DO HAVE AN AGENDA..and it's all about acceptance, making folks believe it's "natural". IF you don't believe that then you are on a different planet.

*yes, I have several relatives that are gay..figured you'd bring that up.

Why does it matter if it is a choice or not? What business is it of yours?

12/24/2013, 08:07 AM
Why does it matter if it is a choice or not? What business is it of yours?

No it doesn't.

I think my issue with all of this is there are legitimate problems with gay lifestyle. Unprotected sex, lots of partners, a denial that there a lot of issues with anal sex and problems with depression.

I do not want any descrimination against gays and I support gay marriage. Having said that I realize a bunch of people do not agree with me and there are even more who have problems with gay lifestyle.

From what I have read on this board no one is advocating discrimination other than marriage. I would bet 100% of the folks on this board favor civil unions.

12/24/2013, 08:11 AM
We all know that guys get the gheys from mommy treating them like a little girl at a young age, and for girls, they only need to play fast pitch softball for more than two seasons to get it...

12/24/2013, 09:13 AM
See IMHO this is what wrong with America. A man gets asked in an interview for his Honest feelings , Rather than LIE and do the PC thing he simply states his beliefs , Then Is vilified for those beliefs.

If I was Phil? Id just tell em all to **** off dip ****s.
And No I have NEVER watched a single episode.

12/24/2013, 09:45 AM
Bradshaw talking about Phil keeping him on the bench for two years. Good stuff.


12/24/2013, 09:52 AM

12/24/2013, 11:26 AM
Well, from what I read this morning in the Tulsa World, it looks like the day when Oklahoma is forced to recognize homosexual "marriage" is fast approaching. The courts will have their heavy-handed say.

But the courts cannot change my view on this so-called lifestyle. It is an abomination before God, and I am very sorry for those people caught up in the perversion, which must be very deep-seated.

There's nothing to be done to prevent folks from engaging in homosexuality, no more than many other deviant human behaviors And a cavalier attitude towards it has blossomed across the world, at least according to the MSM. Now those of us that feel it to be wrong are the ones being castigated for our opinion...Phil merely stating his opinion in response to a question harmed no one. Yet look at the result. All we're asking for is a little tolerance.

12/24/2013, 11:41 AM
how much of the country can they get married in or have no protections from losing their job just for being gay?

when your spouse dies and you have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes just because you are gay, you don't have the same rights as everyone else. that's just one example of why people were talking about DOMA so much this year.

There are now many states they can get married and I acknowledge that is a problem still, but doesn't deprive basic rights. My sister got married without a problem providing her spouse rights to her company insurance and life insurance. Go to a state where it's legal and marry, then live where you do and the legal protections for those coverages are then in place. As for no protections from losing their job...no where in the country since federal labor law provides protection across the entire country. The noise coming from the LGBT community these days would make you think they are black and living in 1960 Mississippi and it's just nothing like that. They aren't fighting for basic rights they are trying to be a completely protected class and it's simply not necessary.

The problem with the marriage issue, is they are trying to force churches to marry them, that don't advocate homosexuality. They can have civil unions, they can go to churches that are ok with it. But they can't force a church, whose religion is against it because now you are infringing on their freedom of religion. But they aren't happy with the avenues they have, they want to force everyone else to assimilate.

12/24/2013, 11:50 AM
Common sense artical by a gay writer in the NY Times:


12/24/2013, 12:21 PM
There are now many states they can get married and I acknowledge that is a problem still, but doesn't deprive basic rights. My sister got married without a problem providing her spouse rights to her company insurance and life insurance. Go to a state where it's legal and marry, then live where you do and the legal protections for those coverages are then in place. As for no protections from losing their job...no where in the country since federal labor law provides protection across the entire country. The noise coming from the LGBT community these days would make you think they are black and living in 1960 Mississippi and it's just nothing like that. They aren't fighting for basic rights they are trying to be a completely protected class and it's simply not necessary.

The problem with the marriage issue, is they are trying to force churches to marry them, that don't advocate homosexuality. They can have civil unions, they can go to churches that are ok with it. But they can't force a church, whose religion is against it because now you are infringing on their freedom of religion. But they aren't happy with the avenues they have, they want to force everyone else to assimilate.


12/24/2013, 12:29 PM
They already have judges forcing bakers to make ghey wedding cakes for them.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/24/2013, 01:09 PM
The problem with the marriage issue, is they(gays) are trying to force churches to marry them, that don't advocate homosexuality. They can have civil unions, they can go to churches that are ok with it. But they can't force a church, whose religion is against it because now you are infringing on their freedom of religion. But they aren't happy with the avenues they have, they want to force everyone else to assimilate.and, are trying to get the democrat advocating governments to aid them by applying government power , and creating legalities with governments, both local and national, that wouldn't be approved by a vote of their citizens.

12/24/2013, 01:36 PM
and, are trying to get the democrat advocating governments to aid them by applying government power , and creating legalities with governments, both local and national, that wouldn't be approved by a vote of their citizens.
The equal protection clause was approved many moons ago. No need to create legalities when they already exist.

12/24/2013, 01:43 PM
They already have judges forcing bakers to make ghey wedding cakes for them.
I know, and the next thing you know restaurants will be forced to sell beastiality fried chicken.

12/24/2013, 02:33 PM
Why does it matter if it is a choice or not? What business is it of yours?

you said that the gay organizations don't have an agenda..yes they do. You said that Christians were shoving THEIR beliefs down peoples throats...I pointed out the gay groups do the same. The issue with all of it comes down to my statement above. People born black, white, red, brown, yellow....or african decent, euro decent, hispanic decent, asian decent, native american decent...ARE born that way. That is where basic human rights are protected.

Personally I could care less if they get married...but make it civil. You advocate the right of the gays to sue a church/business because they don't believe in gay marriage? Where are THEIR rights? That is where the argument for the gays is, they want people who have religious beliefs that do not support it to make them support it.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/24/2013, 03:44 PM
The equal protection clause was approved many moons ago. No need to create legalities when they already exist.Marriage has a definition, and it is between male and female.(and, only humans) no big wup. Been that way for...ever.

12/24/2013, 03:56 PM
you said that the gay organizations don't have an agenda..yes they do. You said that Christians were shoving THEIR beliefs down peoples throats...I pointed out the gay groups do the same. The issue with all of it comes down to my statement above. People born black, white, red, brown, yellow....or african decent, euro decent, hispanic decent, asian decent, native american decent...ARE born that way. That is where basic human rights are protected.

Personally I could care less if they get married...but make it civil. You advocate the right of the gays to sue a church/business because they don't believe in gay marriage? Where are THEIR rights? That is where the argument for the gays is, they want people who have religious beliefs that do not support it to make them support it.

well, until you start talking about silly things like health insurance. of course, personally, i don't understand why the government is involved in anything but civil unions. any religious crap should be between you and your church

Ton Loc
12/24/2013, 03:58 PM
My favorite thing about all these "stories" -

So much false outrage and strong opinions about something some old rich dude said. I'll never understand the importance people assign to someone or something that holds no real importance.

Bunch of dummies - Love your family, pay your bills, stop being dicks to each other and shut up with the constant bitching and whining. Damn, the world would change overnight with that simple request. Instead we're all distracted from what's really important by false media stories based on fake reality shows.

12/24/2013, 03:58 PM
Marriage has a definition, and it is between male and female.(and, only humans) no big wup. Been that way for...ever.

it's not even that consistent in The Bible. there are plenty of cultures that do lots of crazy things with marriage, so "been that way forever" is a little meaningless.

Ton Loc
12/24/2013, 04:01 PM
Marriage has a definition, and it is between male and female.(and, only humans) no big wup. Been that way for...ever.

That is complete bull**** but carry on...

Hell, I can't even follow my own advice about not being a dick...

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/24/2013, 05:06 PM
That is complete bull**** but carry on...

Hell, I can't even follow my own advice about not being a dick...Your comment comes as a complete surprise. haha

12/24/2013, 05:22 PM
They already have judges forcing bakers to make ghey wedding cakes for them.

yea they call em "FRUIT" cakes.

12/24/2013, 10:39 PM
well, until you start talking about silly things like health insurance. of course, personally, i don't understand why the government is involved in anything but civil unions. any religious crap should be between you and your church

with dumba$$ in office that'll be taken care of real...quick.

Have a Merry Christmas...

12/25/2013, 08:06 AM
Marriage has a definition, and it is between male and female.(and, only humans) no big wup. Been that way for...ever.

Actually for most of history it has been about gaining social status, wealth, alliances and property. Baby girls are aborted in India by the millions because the parents have to pay huge dowries to the groom's family. In Africa they are sold into slavery and prostitution. The marriages that the west have enjoyed (man and woman) is a pretty recent affair in human history. And in truth it is a legal contract not a religious one because when you divorce the state legal system is the only way out....that and murder. :beguiled:

12/25/2013, 08:07 AM
yea they call em "FRUIT" cakes.

Good one.

Have a Merry Christmas you old fart. :)

12/25/2013, 08:17 AM
Good one.

Have a Merry Christmas you old fart. :)

Backatcha :angel:

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/25/2013, 11:51 AM
Actually for most of history it has been about gaining social status, wealth, alliances and property. Baby girls are aborted in India by the millions because the parents have to pay huge dowries to the groom's family. In Africa they are sold into slavery and prostitution. The marriages that the west have enjoyed (man and woman) is a pretty recent affair in human history. And in truth it is a legal contract not a religious one because when you divorce the state legal system is the only way out....that and murder. :beguiled:and a MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, too!

12/25/2013, 03:01 PM
and a MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, too!

This is video is for you:


Have a Merry Christmas!

God of Glory...Lord of Love!

12/26/2013, 06:03 PM
Surprised it took this long. JJ is wanting a meeting in the next 72 hours with A&E and Cracker Barrel...This guy is a race baiting piece of ****...

Jesse Jackson decided to share his thoughts on Phil Robertson, weighing in on the controversy that's been heavily debated by "Duck Dynasty" fans and critics alike.

In a statement to FOX411, Jackson opened up about Robertson's comments in a GQ interview, during which the A&E star made negative, graphic statements about homosexual sex and the lack of racism in pre-Civil Rights South.
Jackson charged that the Robertson family patriarch, who was suspended indefinitely from his reality show, is worse than the driver who told Rosa Parks to give up her seat.

“These statements uttered by Robertson are more offensive than the bus driver in Montgomery, Alabama, more than 59 years ago,” Jackson said in a statement. “At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law. Robertson’s statements were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was ‘white privilege.’”
Jackson and his Rainbow PUSH coalition are demanding to meet with A&E and Cracker Barrel, who briefly pulled "Duck Dynasty" merchandise off its shelves before quickly deciding to sell the products again.
"We are requesting a sit down meeting with the CEO of Cracker Barrel and A&E in the next 72 hours to discuss our position," a statement said.

When the "Duck" dad was speaking with the magazine, he opened up about growing up in pre-Civil Rights era Louisiana.
“I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person... The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them," Robertson said. "I’m with the blacks, because we’re white trash. We’re going across the field.... They’re singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!”
Robertson also discussed homosexual sex, using graphic descriptions that outraged many, including the group GLAAD, who demanded that A&E take action to silence the star.
He was swiftly suspended from the series, and his family has since stated that they "cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm."
A&E has not released any further information about the fate of their No. 1 show. "Duck Dynasty's" fifth season is set to premiere on Jan. 15.


12/26/2013, 06:33 PM
Surprised it took this long. JJ is wanting a meeting in the next 72 hours with A&E and Cracker Barrel...This guy is a race baiting piece of ****...


Wouldn't it be great if one of these coporations told JJ to go **** himself.

12/26/2013, 06:52 PM
Don't know why CB would give JJ an audience

12/26/2013, 07:02 PM
Wouldn't it be great if one of these coporations told JJ to go **** himself.

If they Need someone to do it, Im available fer FREE!

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/26/2013, 07:19 PM
Don't know why CB would give JJ an audienceFear of all hell coming to them if they refuse him. You(any business is) are at the mercy of the PC.

12/26/2013, 08:42 PM
I really doubt if much of CBs clientele would leave if CB didn't meet with JJ....in fact, is JJ even relevant any more?

12/26/2013, 08:56 PM
in fact, is JJ even relevant any more?Depends on how you vote...

12/27/2013, 12:46 AM
If CB were brave enough to deny the mouthy jerk, I'd drive 40 miles (one way) to eat at the closest CB on a regular basis.

12/27/2013, 10:36 AM
If CB were brave enough to deny the mouthy jerk, I'd drive 40 miles (one way) to eat at the closest CB on a regular basis.


12/27/2013, 12:28 PM
Surprised it took this long. JJ is wanting a meeting in the next 72 hours with A&E and Cracker Barrel...This guy is a race baiting piece of ****...


We find 'Common Ground'
Merry New Year.

12/27/2013, 01:20 PM
Not even sure why this would be considered racist enough (it isn't at all) for JJ to get involved. His funds must be running low.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/27/2013, 01:30 PM
Not even sure why this would be considered racist enough (it isn't at all) for JJ to get involved. His funds must be running low.If he can find a way to extort, he will take his shot.

12/27/2013, 05:13 PM
Not even sure why this would be considered racist enough (it isn't at all) for JJ to get involved. His funds must be running low.

it isn't the race..it's the Rainbow PUSH coalition..and their homo agenda...that's who is with with as well.

12/27/2013, 06:37 PM
As expected, AE backed off (http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/12/27/duck-dynasty-to-resume-filming-with-phil-robertson-ae-announces/)

12/27/2013, 07:49 PM
As expected, AE backed off (http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/12/27/duck-dynasty-to-resume-filming-with-phil-robertson-ae-announces/)

As they should have. What LBGT people are going to watch DD? I find the show boring, but there are obviously many that like it.

12/28/2013, 12:23 AM
As expected, AE backed off (http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/12/27/duck-dynasty-to-resume-filming-with-phil-robertson-ae-announces/)

Good for A&E. I am amazed they backed off. If they are smart they will embrace their family values and run with it. There is a large section of society including yours truly who likes Andy Griffith style shows.

12/28/2013, 07:12 AM
There is a large section of society including yours truly who likes Andy Griffith style shows.Andy is rolling over in his grave at a comparison between TAGS and DD. He may be chuckling a little bit but he is still rolling over.

12/28/2013, 08:32 PM
I'm sure glad A&E came to their senses. Otherwise we'd have all these principled Sooner fans who would have no choice but to boycott watching the Sugar Bowl on ESPN who's parent company is the same evil Disney Co. that is parent to A&E. That would have been tougher to swallow than a Cracker in a Barrel.

12/28/2013, 09:18 PM
I'm sure glad A&E came to their senses. Otherwise we'd have all these principled Sooner fans who would have no choice but to boycott watching the Sugar Bowl on ESPN who's parent company is the same evil Disney Co. that is parent to A&E. That would have been tougher to swallow than a Cracker in a Barrel.

Too dayum bad Phil dint say anything about the Illegal beaners, Hell he coulda had the Tri-fecta of Piszin off the downtrodden :very_drunk:

12/28/2013, 09:37 PM
JJ is meeting with the 'crackers' at Cracker Barrell?

12/28/2013, 09:52 PM
JJ is meeting with the 'crackers' at Cracker Barrell?

They gonna serve Fried chicken and fer desert they gonna give him BBQ watermelon

12/28/2013, 11:29 PM
All the talk about A&E backing off is hogwash.

There was never any controversy at least as far as A&E was concerned.

The entire affair was orchestrated to drum up publicity for the new season.

12/29/2013, 12:58 AM
All the talk about A&E backing off is hogwash.

There was never any controversy at least as far as A&E was concerned.

The entire affair was orchestrated to drum up publicity for the new season.

But is this really the kind of publicity they would want? Phil's comments were inflammatory and hopefully the family learned a lesson about dealing with the print media.

12/29/2013, 02:27 AM
Too dayum bad Phil dint say anything about the Illegal beaners, Hell he coulda had the Tri-fecta of Piszin off the downtrodden :very_drunk:

trifecta is one of my favorite words.

12/29/2013, 02:36 AM
trifecta is one of my favorite words.

Well see Ole Phil caint hold a Light to the Vet when it comes to Pissin off the Homos, Blacks, beaners, Joos and whatever else there is out there to Pizz off LOL

And the funny part is I aint racist a Bit, Ill be the 1st to buy a beer in any crowed and enjoy the company.
I just like stirrin the Meltin Pot that is America,

12/29/2013, 03:15 AM
Well see Ole Phil caint hold a Light to the Vet when it comes to Pissin off the Homos, Blacks, beaners, Joos and whatever else there is out there to Pizz off LOL

And the funny part is I aint racist a Bit, Ill be the 1st to buy a beer in any crowed and enjoy the company.
I just like stirrin the Meltin Pot that is America,

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTYxMTU0ODQ4M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzIwMjAxMDE@._ V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg

12/29/2013, 03:41 AM
http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTYxMTU0ODQ4M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzIwMjAxMDE@._ V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg

It dint werk Bro LOL

12/30/2013, 11:23 AM
All the talk about A&E backing off is hogwash.

There was never any controversy at least as far as A&E was concerned.

The entire affair was orchestrated to drum up publicity for the new season.

Ding, ding ding!!!!! Winnah!

Even shows like the Sopranos get stale. A careful brand manager has to keep the target moving to hold increasingly jaded consumers engaged. A&E and The Family have successfully turned viewership into a culture wars statement now. That should successfully lock in a sizeable demographic for another 2-3 seasons and might drive a little expansion of the viewer pool due to rubbernecking style interest.
Smart move, particularly as we head into an election year.
Will it ultimately limit the lifespan of the show? Maybe, but the lifespan of this show was already self-limited. It wasn't going to last 10 or 15 seasons, so they might as well pump it while they can.
Can a 'Director's Cut' home edition with Phil opining on topics of the day be far behind?

12/30/2013, 07:06 PM
Ding, ding ding!!!!! Winnah!

Even shows like the Sopranos get stale. A careful brand manager has to keep the target moving to hold increasingly jaded consumers engaged. A&E and The Family have successfully turned viewership into a culture wars statement now. That should successfully lock in a sizeable demographic for another 2-3 seasons and might drive a little expansion of the viewer pool due to rubbernecking style interest.
Smart move, particularly as we head into an election year.
Will it ultimately limit the lifespan of the show? Maybe, but the lifespan of this show was already self-limited. It wasn't going to last 10 or 15 seasons, so they might as well pump it while they can.
Can a 'Director's Cut' home edition with Phil opining on topics of the day be far behind?

Maybe, but this seems unlikely. The show is already number 1 in cable ratings. This whole issue is dumb on all levels. They should and can say what they want. A/E can and do what they want. I really don't understand the whole everyone is upset thing. They do and did what all networks do in this situation. Sit back and go with the crowd that makes them the most money. In this case religious zealots who simply cried the loudest. Who gives a **it, who gives a **ck.

"You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?" –Mark Twain