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11/18/2013, 09:51 PM
well, looks like colleges are now dropping their coverage for students.

Premiums went up from $100 a semester to $900

Good job Obama.


11/19/2013, 09:28 AM

11/20/2013, 12:52 PM
Watching the ilk that voted for this moron suffer is pretty entertaining.

http://imageshack.com/a/img841/9494/9w6n.png (http://imageshack.com/i/nd9w6np)

11/20/2013, 01:12 PM
This has been part of the design from the beginning. This is also one of the reasons the costs estimates for the ACA, while already almost triple the initial predictions, are still going to be shockingly low. One of the tenets is that a slew of young healthy people will now buy "better" insurance and those new funds will help pay for the older sick people. The problem is that these kids don't have the money for the "better" plans. Where it just gets silly is when you realize that these kids are going to have to pay a penalty/tax for not having enough money to buy the "better" plans. So now they will be paying more than they were AND they lost their coverage. Well done.

11/20/2013, 01:40 PM
I looked into getting a new plan for my 18 yr old son (still in HS this year)...he's had his own since 14 due to $800 monthly payment for family coverage with my school...

His options are premiums in the $120-$160 range (now $165) BUT his deductible will go from $1500 to $5000 to $10,000. Along with only a 50% coverage.

11/20/2013, 03:34 PM
A friend of ours lost her coverage and ours went up per a notice we recieved yesterday.Of course we all know it wa W's fault. :D

11/20/2013, 06:17 PM
I looked into getting a new plan for my 18 yr old son (still in HS this year)...he's had his own since 14 due to $800 monthly payment for family coverage with my school...

His options are premiums in the $120-$160 range (now $165) BUT his deductible will go from $1500 to $5000 to $10,000. Along with only a 50% coverage.

Jeepman, are you sure he is eligible to buy that type of program?

I just got my notice--premiums went up 30%. According to BCBS of Oklahoma, it went up because "there are two new Affordable Care Act fees. Because of these fees, we must adjust your premium."

11/20/2013, 07:39 PM
before he was 18, the only ins company was BCBS, now that he is 18, Coventry is coming up as an option.

The policy he has had for several years started about $110 premium, with 80/20, $20 doc office visit...deductible of $1500.

Now the policies that are available, premiums run from $50 to $200...the problem is almost all but about 2 out of 20 have deductibles of $3600 to $10,000. Then some of the coverage is only 50%. I did find one with Coventry for about $130 with $25 office, $1750 deductible and 80/20.

Just read on the evil Fox news that next fall they expect 50-100 MILLION more policies to be dropped.

11/20/2013, 08:25 PM
Yesterday, in a Congressional hearing, the IT guru for Obamacare testified, and clarified a second time that "Obamacare as a complete software system" is only 40% done at this time.
He said that 60% of the system remains to be created; mostly the "back room" stuff like billing and payments on the exchanges!!!
What??? :boxing:

He did say that the registration processes are "essentially complete"!

When asked it they would "test" those new system before bringing the,m on line.......the answer was not......
GOD Help Us!
The patients are running the insane asylum!

11/20/2013, 11:08 PM
There is a provision in the ACA that the taxpayers will make up any loss incurred by the insurance companies during the first 3 years of the takeover. The insurance companies sold what little of their souls they had left to get into bed with Obama. I hope those that did so go down in flames.

BTW, the attrition of physicians through retirement and career changes is actually accelerating faster than first feared. The ER department I work in is down 30% on physician staffing.

11/20/2013, 11:38 PM
There is a provision in the ACA that the taxpayers will make up any loss incurred by the insurance companies during the first 3 years of the takeover. The insurance companies sold what little of their souls they had left to get into bed with Obama. I hope those that did so go down in flames.

BTW, the attrition of physicians through retirement and career changes is actually accelerating faster than first feared. The ER department I work in is down 30% on physician staffing.
If you are interested in reading about this pile of ****, just look up "Risk Corridors."

11/21/2013, 09:56 AM
Come on Libs tell me how well this stupid law is going to work---------Please also tell me how well the Gov't runs programs

11/21/2013, 10:14 AM
BTW, the attrition of physicians through retirement and career changes is actually accelerating faster than first feared. The ER department I work in is down 30% on physician staffing.

So in other words, young people need to get into the health profession if they want to get employed, which we could have all predicted anyway with you old fart Baby Boomers retiring and all? :D

11/21/2013, 11:15 AM
Watching the ilk that voted for this moron suffer is pretty entertaining.

http://imageshack.com/a/img841/9494/9w6n.png (http://imageshack.com/i/nd9w6np)


the dumas'es that voted for this guy will finally feel the pain and hopefully see themselves for dupes they are...

i love how the dimwits and our dear leader is calling it the ACA instead of what it is - Obamacare...