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11/7/2013, 11:21 PM
Not one catch? Did I read that right?
How is that possible? I could underhand at least 3 to that kid.

11/7/2013, 11:22 PM
He was involved in a targeting penalty. The D-back was orig kicked from the game but they over turned the call. Sterling was hurt (concussion) because of play.

11/7/2013, 11:22 PM
Not one catch? Did I read that right?
How is that possible? I could underhand at least 3 to that kid.

Didn't you see him get hurt on the first pass thrown to him? Out the rest of the game.

11/7/2013, 11:23 PM
not trying to be an ***...but he got knocked out. Not sure if he had one before then or not..I doubt it. the Off sucked.

11/7/2013, 11:26 PM
Didn't you see him get hurt on the first pass thrown to him? Out the rest of the game.

No, fortunately for me I was wrangling my three children all night.
Is he ok?

11/7/2013, 11:31 PM
came back did not play..but was on sideline, said he cleared the concussion test.

11/7/2013, 11:32 PM
No, fortunately for me I was wrangling my three children all night.
Is he ok?

He was on the sidelines all night (in a sweatshirt in the second half), so at least he was well enough to stick around.

It was a vicious hit, and the reason the "targeting a defenseless player" rule was put in place. That pretty much killed our passing game, because it was only Saunders after that.

11/8/2013, 12:09 AM
Not sure why that got overturned. The baylor defender tried to cut his neck off with his forearm, and the refs didn't see fit to throw him out. The rule says a hit from the neck up...

The baylor defensive coaches seemed to be goading the defense to inflict as much injury as they could - I didn't see one coach get on that guy for that kind of hit - or the #6 punk who got TWO - count 'em TWO unsportsman like conduct penalties.

There is playing football to win, and there is playing football to get the other team's best players off the field.

11/8/2013, 01:26 AM
Not sure why that got overturned. The baylor defender tried to cut his neck off with his forearm, and the refs didn't see fit to throw him out. The rule says a hit from the neck up...

The baylor defensive coaches seemed to be goading the defense to inflict as much injury as they could - I didn't see one coach get on that guy for that kind of hit - or the #6 punk who got TWO - count 'em TWO unsportsman like conduct penalties.

There is playing football to win, and there is playing football to get the other team's best players off the field.

The defender's forearm was down by his waist. He turned so he wouldn't hit him head to head but instead hit him with the shoulder. It could have been a lot, lot worse. The refs made the right call.

11/8/2013, 01:35 AM
The defender's forearm was down by his waist. He turned so he wouldn't hit him head to head but instead hit him with the shoulder. It could have been a lot, lot worse. The refs made the right call.

The expert ref they brought in agreed as well. And he still thought the flag was correct. This sort of addresses the argument of why the flag is not picked up when the ejection is reversed. It appears they are allowing the video ref to judge intent while the refs on the field just go by what happened. I don't know if the rules say this, but I've seen this in other games as well. In this case, it was clearly hitting a defenseless receiver and the flag was justified. But the DB did not lower his helmet or launch himself and the initial contact was to the shoulder pad but slid up to the helmet. The video ref was saying the intent was not there.

VA Sooner
11/8/2013, 06:49 AM
It was a vicious hit... he was down for a bit. Watching a kid's head bounce on the turf like that is tough to see.

11/8/2013, 07:25 AM
Not sour grapes here, because Baylor was clearly the better team, but watching the game, I got the idea that Baylor players were dishing out a extra measure of dirty play. Might've been from all those years of getting firmly whipped by OU, and frustration relief. Might've been planned, and Tapper fell for it. If so, might've been coaching encouraged. At least Stoops put a stop to the (probably) prearranged illegal downfield pick plays that resulted in at least one TD, but they called it on another.

I guess it's a coaches job to step in when he sees that, but what does that say for B12 officiating when a coach has to direct their attention to a flagrant violation of the rules. I guess it happens, though.