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View Full Version : What Is The Biggest Cause Of Divorce In This Country?

10/13/2013, 08:25 AM
Financial issues. So why is it a surprise that we have such a big divide over how the government goes about collecting and spending money? I think the reasonable thing to do allow the electorate to get a divorce and allow the free-spending progressives go their own way and the fiscal conservatives go their way.

10/13/2013, 08:48 AM
what does that even mean?

i think the two party system is what is killing us here.

10/13/2013, 08:53 AM
Biggest cause of Divorce? Marriage Ya dumas!

10/13/2013, 01:18 PM
Financial issues. So why is it a surprise that we have such a big divide over how the government goes about collecting and spending money? I think the reasonable thing to do allow the electorate to get a divorce and allow the free-spending progressives go their own way and the fiscal conservatives go their way.

Are we talking session here???
"I'm In"!

10/13/2013, 08:20 PM
Are we talking session here???
"I'm In"!

10/13/2013, 11:12 PM
The main cause of divorce today is a lack of commitment. More specifically, it is a lack of commitment to pledges already made.

The analogy to our current state, when it comes to marriage, is stark. If they did even 1/10th of the things promised we wouldn't be in this mess.

We are basically have a failing marriage discussion where both people are lying to each other about how it isn't that bad.

10/13/2013, 11:32 PM
Sorry my previous post was ill placed.

Fan makes a fantastic point. I would like to hear the argument against political views living by their own standards.

10/14/2013, 06:31 AM
Financial issues. So why is it a surprise that we have such a big divide over how the government goes about collecting and spending money? I think the reasonable thing to do allow the electorate to get a divorce and allow the free-spending progressives go their own way and the fiscal conservatives go their way.

Actually I think not spending enough time together has moved to number one. Could be wrong though.

i think the causes are two fold. First is women entering into the work force in mass. This has hurt the family structure far greater than anything I can think of in the US. This has caused a glut of labor and depressed wages for three decades. You can certainly tie in money here because most families who have two incomes are seeking higher standards of living.

The second cause is that divorce is two damn easy. Use to be you had to stick it out and work it out. Not anymore. Go online and file.

10/14/2013, 08:12 AM
It's not taboo.

10/14/2013, 12:29 PM
Just like in my marriage/divorce...one side just wants to sit on their a$$ and not do anything to move forward...so I got tired of it and moved on. Took several years pre-divorce to justify...

Me = Pubs
ex = dems...


10/17/2013, 05:34 PM
Are we talking session here???
"I'm In"!

Just neither side start shooting this time, like y'all did at Ft Sumter.

(Seriously, though, not a chance in Hades it would happen peacefully now.)

rock on sooner
10/17/2013, 06:28 PM
Biggest cause of Divorce? Marriage Ya dumas!

Heh! Geez Vet, yer brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/17/2013, 06:31 PM
Heh! Geez Vet, yer brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, Humble also.

rock on sooner
10/18/2013, 08:31 PM
I know, Humble also.

Izzat wut those three said?

10/19/2013, 02:20 PM
I'm increasingly of the opinion that monogamy is hard, somewhat unnatural, and that most of us aren't as "civilized" as we pretend that others ought to be.

10/19/2013, 06:05 PM
I'm increasingly of the opinion that monogamy is hard, somewhat unnatural, and that most of us aren't as "civilized" as we pretend that others ought to be.

Im an Animal. Ill **** anything.

10/28/2013, 02:10 PM
Biggest cause of Divorce? Marriage Ya dumas!

Marriage causes 100% of all divorces. In fact, if we eliminated marriage altogether, divorce would be unknown and we could get rid of divorce attorneys, too!

10/28/2013, 02:16 PM
I'm increasingly of the opinion that monogamy is hard, somewhat unnatural, and that most of us aren't as "civilized" as we pretend that others ought to be.

It's pretty well accepted in academic circles who study such things (sociologists and anthropoligists) that serial monogamy is the basic condition for humans....along with a large dollop of fooling around. It seems that somewhere between 13 and 17 years is about 'average' for pair bonds and that our current society's rate of approximately 10% of kids not having the dads they think are their dads is also about average. (I've always found the data both fascinating and depressing when you dig into it and discover that of these bio-dads, a large percentage are fathers, uncles and brothers of the married 'dad'.

10/29/2013, 12:49 AM
(I've always found the data both fascinating and depressing when you dig into it and discover that of these bio-dads, a large percentage are fathers, uncles and brothers of the married 'dad'.
That's just creepy although I've often wondered who fathered Obama's kids.

11/7/2013, 11:28 AM
Also evolution has favored guys who like to sleep around and spread their genes. Evolution has favored women who will stick with and raise their children.

11/7/2013, 11:33 AM
Also evolution has favored guys who like to sleep around and spread their genes. Evolution has favored women who will stick with and raise their children.
In human society there is a difference between a sperm donor and a father although we seem to be doing our damndest to eliminate the role of the latter in our society.

11/7/2013, 12:03 PM
Yes. Long term 'genetic success' is only partly due to number of offspring you can create. Those offspring have to, in turn, make little copies of their DNA. Social animals put more of their future into the role of parenting than, say, insects.

One neat 'solution' to this issue (promiscuity vs. parenting) was worked out in some native American societies where children were born into the clan of their mother and the male parenting role was taken on by the mother's brother(s). Different way to live, certainly, but not necessarily a bad option.