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View Full Version : What The "Bomb Throwing" Tea Party Members Have Done

10/3/2013, 11:52 AM

But hey, they are all ignorant, selfish, racist rednecks.....right?

Meanwhile the Democrats(the so-called party of the little guy) have rushed in to fill the void.

Synergism in DC means making as many people dependent on handouts so the big corporations can line up at the federal government trough and make an even bigger profit through the federal entitlement programs so they can continue to pay CEO's and upper management millions in bonuses and hedge funds can continue to make huge profits for their very wealthy clients.

10/3/2013, 12:51 PM
We'll see.

I suspect there are a few TP members that may not get re-elected for their next term. I know a lot of them come from favorable areas, and will be fine, but the way this thing is shaking out, their really taking it in the mouth.

10/3/2013, 03:50 PM
We'll see. They may be taking it on the face in the national media, but if people in their districts are paying real attention then they should be fine.

10/3/2013, 03:57 PM
That's what happens when you try to change the status quo and rattle the cage of the big cats who like the current system.

10/5/2013, 10:20 AM
While the TP congressionals maybe targeted next election, watching the ridiculousness that now passes for government this last week makes me wonder why anyone would vote for an incumbent senator or congressperson . . .

10/5/2013, 10:37 AM
While the TP congressionals maybe targeted next election, watching the ridiculousness that now passes for government this last week makes me wonder why anyone would vote for an incumbent senator or congressperson . . .

Agreed, Throw the bums OUT.

10/5/2013, 11:37 AM
The sad thing is the "choice" usually comes down to a radical who will tow the party line on both sides because that is all that the national parties push through the primary process. Occasionally a party rogue makes it through the primaries but that is the exception.

10/5/2013, 12:28 PM
so the teabaggers aren't funded by the Koch brothers anymore?

10/6/2013, 10:50 PM
The Tea Party group is just following the leftists playbook, Rules for Radicals by their spiritual leader and community organizer inspiration, Saul Alinsky.

Forbes - Ten Ways Republicans Are Giving President Obama A Taste Of His Own Alinsky (http://www.forbes.com/sites/economaney/2013/10/01/ten-ways-republicans-are-giving-president-obama-a-taste-of-his-own-alinsky/)

10/8/2013, 10:16 AM
We'll see. They may be taking it on the face in the national media, but if people in their districts are paying real attention then they should be fine.

...and with all the bad news, maybe some on the fence are starting to pay "tention"!