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View Full Version : Snake Salvation

9/24/2013, 11:40 PM
Has anyone else seen this show on the National Geographic channel? Truly a combination of the bizarre but fascinating. Follows 2 pastors and their families of Pentecostal churches in Tennessee that also incorporate snake handling as part of their worship because of a few passages in the bible that talk about serpents.

They actively seek out venomous cottonmouth vipers and rattlesnakes and even if they get bit the do not seek medical attention. I'm all for freedom of religion, but this just leaves me absolutely bewildered.

9/25/2013, 09:10 AM
They put bonnets on them during easter.......

9/25/2013, 09:57 AM
There are many people who just can't handle big ideas.

10/2/2013, 09:23 AM
Has anyone else seen this show on the National Geographic channel? Truly a combination of the bizarre but fascinating. Follows 2 pastors and their families of Pentecostal churches in Tennessee that also incorporate snake handling as part of their worship because of a few passages in the bible that talk about serpents.

They actively seek out venomous cottonmouth vipers and rattlesnakes and even if they get bit the do not seek medical attention. I'm all for freedom of religion, but this just leaves me absolutely bewildered.

Wheres the Back door?
They dont have one!
Reckon where they WANT one?

10/4/2013, 01:30 AM
Wheres the Back door?
They dont have one!
Reckon where they WANT one?

I love that song.

I am afraid they are miss using that verse. It was not meant for people to go find snakes and handle them. It is for if the snake finds you, like when Paul was bitten by the viper when he was gathering fire wood and he shook it off into the fire. They are forgetting about the verse that states “Thou shall not tempt the LORD your GOD.”

By the way I am Pentecostal and we would never do anything like that.

10/4/2013, 01:45 AM
In a small congregation way deep in the south
There's a small group of people with a big cotton-mouth
Singin' good snake, lucky snake, for God's sake don't bite me snake.

Well, they're weedin' out the hypocrites, throwing out the fakes
Yeah you might fool your brother but you can't fool a snake
Singin' good snake, lucky snake, for God's sake don't bite me snake.

Well everybody shake a snake and glory hallelujah
Its'a love one another or the snake'll sock it to ya
Singin' good snake, lucky snake, for God's sake don't bite me snake.

10/4/2013, 06:07 AM
Maybe they're handling small snakes cause it's a metaphor for something else...