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8/13/2013, 03:29 PM
Rubio: Without Immigration Reform, Obama Could Legalize Millions
Tuesday, 13 Aug 2013 03:51 PM
By Bill Hoffmann

President Barack Obama could soon find himself tempted to legalize millions of undocumented workers, Sen. Marco Rubio warned Tuesday.

The only way to stop that scenario is to press on with immigration reform, he insisted.

"I believe that this president will be tempted, if nothing happens in Congress, to issue an executive order as he did for the Dream Act kids a year ago, where he basically legalizes 11 million people by the sign of a pen," Rubio said on the Florida talk radio station WFLA.

"Now we won't get any E-Verify, we won't get any border security, but he'll legalize them," he added.

Rubio, who has led GOP support of a bill which would give legal status to those working illegally in the United States, said he took his stance because the time has come to come to grips with the illegal immigration problem in the country.

"It only gets worse as time goes on," he said.

"Unless we’re going to try to round up and deport 11 million people, something that not even the most vociferous opponent of the bill proposed, then we are going to have to at some point address this issue."

Under the bill, undocumented immigrants who were in the U.S. before Dec. 31, 2011 can apply for "provisional" resident status and eventually have the option of following a 13-year plan to become legal citizens.

Rubio is spending the first week of the Senate's summer break on a tour of his home state of Florida in a bid to whip up public support for his plan to defund the Affordable Care Act.

On Monday, the Republican lawmaker journeyed to Jacksonville, where he made a speech at the local Rotary Club chapter, TampaBay.com reports.

He later spoke at his alma mater, the University of Florida, and then addressed the Gainesville Chamber of Commerce.

On Tuesday, Rubio was to address his quest to stop Obamacare in Panama City.
And on Wednesday, he was scheduled to speak with small business owners in Pensacola.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/rubio-obama-immigration-reform/2013/08/13/id/520184#ixzz2bsnE3E9z

I guess Rubio doesn't get the big picture...legalization isn't the same thing as citizenship...and 11,000,000 illegals won't be voting. Obama has already given temporary status to these illegals.

And Marco, your senate bill gives Obama all the waivers he needs to drop border security and/or enforcement.

8/14/2013, 11:45 AM
Rubio is a ****tard if he thinks we need legalization in order to prevent a finding... This guy is a koolaid drinker...

I have lost faith in the supposed conservatives of Rubio and Ryan...

8/14/2013, 12:11 PM
Rubio's logic....let's legalize them all before Obama does it....

but, but we'll have border security and everify...

which Obama can also ignore unless there are no waivers granted to the president.

8/15/2013, 09:47 AM
Y'all better stick with Michele Bachmann. She's your man.

8/15/2013, 10:59 AM
Cruz and maybe Paul seem to be much better choices, juan.

But I know you have our best interests at heart so thanks for the advice.

8/15/2013, 11:03 AM
So juan...do you think the house will cave to amnesty for 11,000,000 illegals? Will there be a party at your house if they do? Will your family and extended family vote repub in future elections as a show of grattitude for the pubs magnanimous gesture to forgive the invaders sins?

8/16/2013, 07:14 PM

8/16/2013, 07:34 PM
So juan...do you think the house will cave to amnesty for 11,000,000 illegals? Will there be a party at your house if they do? Will your family and extended family vote repub in future elections as a show of grattitude for the pubs magnanimous gesture to forgive the invaders sins?

I doubt the house will. I think they will attempt to do the Dream Act, but they are gov't people so they will **** it up and the black market will continue to rule.