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View Full Version : I almost feel sorry for Old Vince wonderlick

7/26/2013, 04:17 PM
He has a ****ing degree from UT and still says he didnt KNOW what he was signing, That boy must have powerful head aches from being so dayum Stupid,

He Now fixing to lose all his shat.


7/26/2013, 04:59 PM
I have no sympathy for uber-stupid people. $300K for a birthday party? Stupid ****ing whorn. At least he's got his degree now. Maybe he can go management up at the McD's or something.

7/26/2013, 05:09 PM
I have no sympathy for uber-stupid people. $300K for a birthday party? Stupid ****ing whorn. At least he's got his degree now. Maybe he can go management up at the McD's or something.

Dint say I DID feel sorry said ALMOST. Plus had to take a shot at the whorns at the same time :surprise:

7/26/2013, 05:15 PM
I kind of do at this point. Vince's problem is representative of the larger problems of money mismanagement among guys who just have no clue how to save, invest, or otherwise not spend money. I think some teams offer money management classes, but I don't know if the NFL or any other leagues actually mandate it. They SHOULD if they don't. I know it's hard to feel sorry for a guy making millions to play a sport who goes on to squander it, but sad is sad, no matter how much money is involved.

7/26/2013, 05:50 PM
I kind of do at this point. Vince's problem is representative of the larger problems of money mismanagement among guys who just have no clue how to save, invest, or otherwise not spend money. I think some teams offer money management classes, but I don't know if the NFL or any other leagues actually mandate it. They SHOULD if they don't. I know it's hard to feel sorry for a guy making millions to play a sport who goes on to squander it, but sad is sad, no matter how much money is involved.

If some one is TOO ****in stupid to not read a contract and understand it then they are too ****ing stupid to Take a Money management class and understand it.

Hell remember Most of these guys Have a Degree from a University. Now If you gonna borrow almost 2 mil at 20% interest then You dont deserve any pity

7/26/2013, 07:03 PM
He has a ****ing degree from UT and still says he didnt KNOW what he was signing, That boy must have powerful head aches from being so dayum Stupid,

He Now fixing to lose all his shat.

http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/vince-young-may-sell-possessions-pay-off-1-121416290.htmlThe PROPER term of diparagement for VY is Fumbles Wonderlic McScramble

7/26/2013, 07:26 PM
I kind of do at this point. Vince's problem is representative of the larger problems of money mismanagement among guys who just have no clue how to save, invest, or otherwise not spend money. I think some teams offer money management classes, but I don't know if the NFL or any other leagues actually mandate it. They SHOULD if they don't. I know it's hard to feel sorry for a guy making millions to play a sport who goes on to squander it, but sad is sad, no matter how much money is involved.

They do. All rookies get a lecture on how to not go broke 10 mins after getting paid. Too many rooks been going broke.

7/26/2013, 07:28 PM
I kind of do at this point. Vince's problem is representative of the larger problems of money mismanagement among guys who just have no clue how to save, invest, or otherwise not spend money. I think some teams offer money management classes, but I don't know if the NFL or any other leagues actually mandate it. They SHOULD if they don't. I know it's hard to feel sorry for a guy making millions to play a sport who goes on to squander it, but sad is sad, no matter how much money is involved.

If some one is TOO ****in stupid to not read a contract and understand it then they are too ****ing stupid to Take a Money management class and understand it.

Hell remember Most of these guys Have a Degree from a University. Now If you gonna borrow almost 2 mil at 20% interest then You dont deserve any pity

He signed power of attorney to financial manager and claims they never told him about the loan or received the money. Not sure but that can not be legal even if you have power of attorney.

7/26/2013, 08:36 PM
The PROPER term of diparagement for VY is Fumbles Wonderlic McScramble

Too dayum wordy :friendly_wink:

Scott D
7/26/2013, 10:15 PM
It's covered in the rookie symposium as was said earlier.

The problem is that when it comes to money they tend to go with people they know rather than people who are knowledgable.

7/26/2013, 10:54 PM
I will bash this guy for the color of the uni he wore in college but not for having money woes, no matter how much he was paid.

One of OUr own, who shall remain nameless (hint: he has more than one baby mama), was at one time reduced to selling autographs to make those child support payments so cut Vinnie some slack cause the county sheriff sure ain't.

7/27/2013, 07:37 AM
I will bash this guy for the color of the uni he wore in college but not for having money woes, no matter how much he was paid.

One of OUr own, who shall remain nameless (hint: he has more than one baby mama), was at one time reduced to selling autographs to make those child support payments so cut Vinnie some slack cause the county sheriff sure ain't.

I'll make fun of the Idiot. Our guy Made those payments tho dint he, If its who Im thinking of He got behind Sold his stuff to Pay it and now has done alright for himself, I see NO comparison.

7/27/2013, 09:44 AM
You have to assume that everyone has at lest handled some cash, and grows to understand its value in some way by the time they are a college grad.

Lunch combo at McDonalds= $5-7.

Decent apt rent (guessing) $800-1000

Decent used car $10,000

That type of learning should teach anyone (with a functioning brain) that its ridiculous to spend $300,000 on a party, drop $10,000 at a restaurant, or spend millions on a house you don't really need.

I guess the brain part is why we might feel sorry for Vince.

7/27/2013, 10:04 AM
You have to assume that everyone has at lest handled some cash, and grows to understand its value in some way by the time they are a college grad.

Lunch combo at McDonalds= $5-7.

Decent apt rent (guessing) $800-1000

Decent used car $10,000

That typed of learning should teach anyone (with a functioning brain) that its ridiculous to spend $300,000 on a party, drop $10,000 at a restaurant, or spend millions on a house you don't really need.

I guess the brain part is why we might feel sorry for Vince.

Just come out an say it the Dude is a ****in idiot.
If he had a dollar and you told him Ice cream cones were 50 cents he'd try to buy 3 and expect change.

7/27/2013, 10:13 AM
I still don't understand how people never had money before can just completely blow it all.
I've had some really tight times in my life and I actually learned from it.

7/27/2013, 01:07 PM
I still don't understand how people never had money before can just completely blow it all.
I've had some really tight times in my life and I actually learned from it.

me too, however sadly most people don't.

I think the main difference between these athletes and us every day peeps is the amount of money made. Average peeps do the same thing for the most part but it never makes the news because 1. they arent famous and 2. its on a much smaller scale.

There will always be a certain percentage of the population that will spend $2 for every $1 they earn, those that live marginally within their means, and those that "get it" and live completely within their means. I'm more in the third category, though sometimes life circumstances force me into the second category for brief periods of time. I happen to be related to a few peeps in the first category and it is so frustrating that intelligent, educated people can be so ****ing stupid with money.

7/27/2013, 02:35 PM
The only thing here that's sad to me is that a whole bunch of football players needed to take loans to "get by" during the strike/lockout/whatever the hell it was. People who do not plan for hardship are idiots. Football players or not. A person making a brazillion dollars per hour isn't gonna get a drop of sympathy from me when he's broke if he misses a paycheck.

Dave Ramsey's head would ****ing explode if he talked to some of these geniuses.

Lott's Bandana
7/27/2013, 03:42 PM
20-point vig.


The players are locked out. Quick! I need 2 million! (how does this form in one's brain?)

7/27/2013, 03:56 PM
This is what happens when all you care about is being a pimp and a playa.....!!!!

7/27/2013, 04:35 PM
The only thing here that's sad to me is that a whole bunch of football players needed to take loans to "get by" during the strike/lockout/whatever the hell it was. People who do not plan for hardship are idiots. Football players or not. A person making a brazillion dollars per hour isn't gonna get a drop of sympathy from me when he's broke if he misses a paycheck.

Dave Ramsey's head would ****ing explode if he talked to some of these geniuses.

Fer Sho he wasnt the Only idiot. Just the One from saxet LOL

7/27/2013, 06:59 PM
Maybe Dupree can hook VY up with a truckdriving gig. At least Marcus didn't wait around for help, he got a job.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
7/28/2013, 01:53 AM
I have no sympathy for uber-stupid people. $300K for a birthday party? Stupid ****ing whorn. At least he's got his degree now. Maybe he can go management up at the McD's or something.

Did you see that Tarell Brown lost 2 million dollars in salary (from 2.875 million to .7 million) because he didn't realize that his contract penalized him for not working out in San Fran (basically if he missed offseason workouts all escalator clauses were void). He then fired his agent.

7/28/2013, 08:47 AM
I bet the price of a bone-in Ribeye just doubled at the ole VY Steakhouse!

7/28/2013, 10:01 AM
I bet the price of a bone-in Ribeye just doubled at the ole VY Steakhouse!

After seeing a few pictures, I don't think I'd want ANYTHING "bone-in" of Vince Young's. Specifically his meat.

7/28/2013, 03:43 PM
I bet the price of a bone-in Ribeye just doubled at the ole VY Steakhouse!
Except Vince has absolutely nothing to do with "his" steakhouse. They just pay him for his name (which is a rather paltry sum) and an occasional personal appearance.

Scott D
7/28/2013, 09:28 PM
Except Vince has absolutely nothing to do with "his" steakhouse. They just pay him for his name (which is a rather paltry sum) and an occasional personal appearance.

and here Herr was saying that it was as truly the same as Billy having his BBQ joints in 3 states at least.

7/29/2013, 09:35 AM
Vince will probably find it liberating to be free of his money burden. As noted in 30 for 30's "Broke," friends and relatives stop calling to ask for money if they don't think you have any.

Go truck driving with Dupree, use your UT education or just give up being a millionaire. Quite frankly, it hasn't worked out as well for you as being a non-millionaire.

7/29/2013, 10:22 AM
Yep, I pretty much can't feel bad for any adult that spends money like it's going out of style. Of course, that is part of the issue here. The greater extent of hip hop culture is all about showing off what you have or just bought. Not that it doesn't pervade the caucasian community, there's heaping plenty of "keep up with the Joneses" in whitebread. This country has been spiraling into another gilded age of showing off decadence. The last time, this didn't end so well.

7/29/2013, 10:48 AM
MTV Cribs has been so helpful to them societies.

7/29/2013, 12:25 PM
I am amazed that a person can lose and not have anything to show for a $30 million dollar guaranteed money...

7/29/2013, 01:02 PM
the idiot made over $34 MILLION and has nothing...what an idiot. I MIGHT make $1 million in my entire lifetime...I have no sympathy for that jacka$$.

7/29/2013, 02:50 PM
Ok Lets try an Help him out with Ideas of something he would be good at and maybe make a few Bucks

He could hire himself out as a Bad example of Money management in an Econ class

7/29/2013, 03:32 PM
I'd hire him to pick worms off my tomater plants. Next?

7/29/2013, 03:56 PM
I'd hire him to pick worms off my tomater plants. Next?

OOOOHH good one I bet he would be good at findin the whorn worms

7/29/2013, 04:25 PM
He is like any number of athlete, actors or musicians (watch a Behind the Music episode, most have this subject in there) who are naive when it comes to the "business side" of their career and put their trust in the wrong people. Just like what happened with Dupree and the "Reverend" in his life I think Vince fell victim to the same type of thing. While he no doubt wasted a bunch of money he didn't go through all of his guaranteed money by himself, there were a whole lot of family and so-called friends who helped burn it up.

7/30/2013, 05:59 PM
The saddest thing about all of this is the old guys that are either dead or old and disabled. The guys that worked a second job while playing football for next to nothing. The guys that made the way for guys like VY to even sign a huge contract.

Wonder what those guys think when they read about the bankrupt player du jour?

7/30/2013, 06:46 PM
Maybe Dupree can hook VY up with a truckdriving gig. At least Marcus didn't wait around for help, he got a job.

Do you REALLY want that idiot behind the wheel of a 90,000 Lb rig?

7/30/2013, 06:47 PM
The saddest thing about all of this is the old guys that are either dead or old and disabled. The guys that worked a second job while playing football for next to nothing. The guys that made the way for guys like VY to even sign a huge contract.

Wonder what those guys think when they read about the bankrupt player du jour?

They think" What a POS loser that clown is"

next question.

7/30/2013, 08:03 PM
The saddest thing about all of this is the old guys that are either dead or old and disabled. The guys that worked a second job while playing football for next to nothing. The guys that made the way for guys like VY to even sign a huge contract.

Wonder what those guys think when they read about the bankrupt player du jour?

Mickey Mantle was signing baseballs for $50 each a month before he died, probably because he had to rather than felt like it. VY spent 10x more on his birthday party than Mantle made after winning baseballs Triple Crown. To be on the roster of a professional team in the big three sports today is an automatic qualifier to the millionaires club. Incredible that someone can mess that up.

7/30/2013, 08:52 PM
Mickey Mantle was signing baseballs for $50 each a month before he died, probably because he had to rather than felt like it. VY spent 10x more on his birthday party than Mantle made after winning baseballs Triple Crown. To be on the roster of a professional team in the big three sports today is an automatic qualifier to the millionaires club. Incredible that someone can mess that up.

What surprises (well, not anymore) me is how often we hear about this kind of thing.

7/30/2013, 09:42 PM
Mickey Mantle was signing baseballs for $50 each a month before he died, probably because he had to rather than felt like it.

Well, getting a new liver due to being an alkie is 'spensive!

7/30/2013, 10:53 PM
Mickey Mantle was signing baseballs for $50 each a month before he died, probably because he had to rather than felt like it. VY spent 10x more on his birthday party than Mantle made after winning baseballs Triple Crown. To be on the roster of a professional team in the big three sports today is an automatic qualifier to the millionaires club. Incredible that someone can mess that up.
My grandfather played off/on for the Packers in the early 40's and worked in the salt mines in Souix Falls, SD during the off season. You played back then because of a love for the game, in any sport.