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View Full Version : Mac Brown Calling for Limits on CFB Staff Sizes

7/23/2013, 06:26 PM
Does this guy do anything but whine anymore?

Brown, in a conversation with ESPN's Mark Schlabach: "Alabama has had so much success and its staff is so much bigger than others. Might need a cap or number to make it more fair." Mark went on to say that Coach Mack Brown said AFCA and NCAA are working on possible cap for staff sizes in college football.

Hey Coach February, if Te*as needs some help on its staff then why don't you shift some people from your Longhorn Network over to the sidelines?

7/23/2013, 08:27 PM
Funny that he makes this statement on the heels of hiring Greg Robinson as an "analyst" to do nothing but watch video and offer advise to the coaching staff.

7/24/2013, 01:38 AM
Funny that he makes this statement on the heels of hiring Greg Robinson as an "analyst" to do nothing but watch video and offer advise to the coaching staff. I noticed that tonight while reading about the Big 12 coach's presser on some link from another board to the DMN or DFW.com.
Seems like ole Mack has more staff gophers, more 5 star recruits and more $ than just about anyone, and he still bitches. Last I read was he was bitching about the LWh Network taking up too much of his time, and then he crowed in that article about being the prez. of the Coach's association.
If their D sucks like last year in the first 2 or 3 games, he'll probably dump Manny (no D) Iaz before the RRR and bring back Robinson as their DC. Manny should've jumped ship like their OC that went to Arkie State (and
Boom) did.

7/24/2013, 09:53 AM
Mack should be worrying about Bob Stoops' staff that's buried deep in his nether regions, not how many more crappy coaches he should be able to hire.

7/24/2013, 09:57 AM
Does this guy do anything but whine anymore?

Oh no you DIDN'T, SABANball!

“I think that the way people are going no-huddle right now, that at some point in time, we should look at how fast we allow the game to go in terms of player safety. The team gets in the same formation group, you can’t substitute defensive players, you go on a 14-, 16-, 18-play drive and they’re snapping the ball as fast as they can go and you look out there and all your players are walking around and can’t even get lined up. That’s when guys have a much greater chance of getting hurt when they’re not ready to play."

"It's not really a great scenario. You play your way into the [SEC] championship game, which means you're the best team in your division… It doesn't seem quite right, but it is what it is. I don't really know what me commenting about it is going to do to change it. But I don't feel good about it."

Need I go on?

Herr Scholz
7/24/2013, 07:37 PM
Ha ha. Not only does your coach whine, Sabanball, but do YOU do anything anymore but whine about Brown?

7/24/2013, 07:40 PM
Ha ha. Not only does your coach whine, Sabanball, but do YOU do anything anymore but whine about Brown?

That's all it took to get you to pop up? I would've posted that a long time ago on the recruiting forum!

7/24/2013, 11:56 PM
Oh no you DIDN'T, SABANball!

Need I go on?

Do I need to pull some recent quotes from Bob about another conference? I didn't think so. As long as keeps putting hardware and crystal balls in the trophy case, Nick can talk like that 24/7 for all I care. The point is that Mac is being very hypocritical and with all the money his program has, why would he say such a thing? Everybody knows that Texas can match anyone in staffing, facilities, resources, etc. Hell, he even hired Patrick Suddes off our staff just recently in an effort to build up his OWN support staff. If money can buy it, Te*as can get it.

If Mac wants to know what the REAL problem is with Te*as football and its 21-16 record since 2010, he just needs to look in the mirror.

7/25/2013, 04:17 AM
I teach History at a Houston area High School, we have more football coaches, trainers, film analysts and Scouts than OU.

7/25/2013, 09:23 AM
Do I need to pull some recent quotes from Bob about another conference?

I'm not the one starting threads on Mack whining, dear... at least not this week. :mack:

7/25/2013, 11:59 AM
Brown, in a conversation with ESPN's Mark Schlabach: "Alabama has had so much success and its staff is so much bigger than others. Might need a cap or number to make it more fair."

I don;t think Texas was all that concerned about 'fair' in regard to the potential of the LHN or the fact that they rake in the most money of any college athletic department. It seems to Mack 'fair' only applies when it's someone other than The Horns having a perceived advantage. If someone like Bill Snyder said this, giving his status as a coaching legend at a school with limited resources ... thats one thing ... but a school with a host of advantages over everyone else complaining about something not being 'fair' is pathetic.

7/25/2013, 12:29 PM
the LHN or the fact that they rake in the most money of any college athletic department

Your Aggie is showing :)


Bourbon St Sooner
7/25/2013, 12:54 PM
Do I need to pull some recent quotes from Bob about another conference?

Bob wasn't complaining he was simply pointing out that johnny reb thinks his **** don't stink when in reality johnny reb has plenty of **** that stinks to high heaven.

7/25/2013, 12:54 PM
Your Aggie is showing

To quote that great American orator Popeye the Sailor Man ... "I yam what I yam and tha's all what I yam." ;)

7/25/2013, 03:44 PM
To quote that great American orator Popeye the Sailor Man ... "I yam what I yam and tha's all what I yam." ;)

Please don't let your dislike of Mack to blind you to what he is saying. He is right about this. Nick has a bunch of retired coaches that don't do anything al year but watch film of prospects. I am betting Bob agrees. Many schools can't afford this or are unwilling to pay for it.

Herr Scholz
7/25/2013, 03:48 PM
The point is that Mac is being very hypocritical and with all the money his program has, why would he say such a thing? Everybody knows that Texas can match anyone in staffing, facilities, resources, etc. Hell, he even hired Patrick Suddes off our staff just recently in an effort to build up his OWN support staff. If money can buy it, Te*as can get it.
Since you're obviously ignorant about it despite it being pointed out before, Mack Brown is the current President of the American Football Coaches Association. He's been voted in and asked to weigh in on situations like this for ALL of college football because he has the respect of his peers. Of course Texas could afford it, genius. It's really not a hard concept (for most) Sorry you're so butthurt about him for whatever reason.


7/25/2013, 03:54 PM
I teach History at a Houston area High School, we have more football coaches, trainers, film analysts and Scouts than OU.

Are you bragging of complaining?

7/26/2013, 01:46 AM
Since you're obviously ignorant about it despite it being pointed out before, Mack Brown is the current President of the American Football Coaches Association. He's been voted in and asked to weigh in on situations like this for ALL of ccollege football because he has the respect of his peers. Of course Texas could afford it, genius. It's really not a hard concept (for most) Sorry you're so butthurt about him for whatever reason.


All the more reason then he should not be, at least publicly, criticizing a fellow member of that organization. Do you really think that's collegial, professional, or reflective of the honor that comes with that position? Also, given that he himself has the LHN, the comment itself just smacks of total hypocrisy. If you can't see that, Herr, then you need professional help.

I actually respected Mac earlier in his career--from the time I started following him at OU in '84 until he won the NC in '05. But I'm afraid he's gone off the deep end and frankly never recovered from Jan 2010 when Nick Saban disrupted his grand plan to retire with his 2nd NC.

With what AM is doing combined with the other state schools, and OU continuing to dominate you in the RRS each yr, I suspect Mac's career will now end ugly and you guys will wish that you had promoted Will Muschamp when you had the chance....

7/26/2013, 08:02 AM
I'm afraid he's gone off the deep end and frankly never recovered from Jan 2010 when Nick Saban disrupted his grand plan to retire with his 2nd NC.
Nick Saban is either Satan himself or has a direct line to him. There have been absolutely no national championships at Bammer under Nick that haven't had at least one asterisk.

:mack: If Colt would've played...

Herr Scholz
7/26/2013, 09:53 AM
All the more reason then he should not be, at least publicly, criticizing a fellow member of that organization.
Drama queen much? He was discussing the wisdom of the policy for the college game and mentioned Bama since that is the school driving this issue.

Do you really think that's collegial, professional, or reflective of the honor that comes with that position?
Yes I do. The President is asked to give his opinion on issues affecting the game, genius. Moreover, Mack Brown has more class in his pinky finger than Saban has in his entire body. Has Saban won more titles than Brown? Yes he has but he'll never garner the respect Brown does because he doesn't have his integrity and character.

7/26/2013, 10:12 AM
Yes he has but he'll never garner the respect Brown does because he doesn't have his integrity and character.

He doesn't have yella teef either.

7/26/2013, 10:16 AM
Heh, readin Saban and Herr going at it made me think of this THREAD


7/26/2013, 10:54 AM
He doesn't have yella teef either.

But Nick Saban is shorter than everyone, including me.

Mack: 1
Nick: 1

Herr Scholz
7/26/2013, 02:04 PM
Concerning this issue of support staff, I'm not sure Saban isn't breaking the rules on some of his analysts already anyway. Mack Brown just hired former DC Greg Robinson to provide analysis (quality control, video reveiw, self and opponent scouting, etc.) He will be doing the vast majority of this from his home in L.A. because these positions are not allowed to coach the players anyway (due to coaching limits). Of course that hasn't stopped Saban from having these analyst guys sit in on player meetings regularly. He's always pushing the envelope of what he can get away with. Saban lives in the gray area.

The guy's shown zero ethics concerning screwing recruits over on an annual basis by over recruiting them and then screwing them at the end of the recruiting cycle once their other options have disappeared. He'll do whatever it takes to win, be it legal, ethical or otherwise. Some say this is the way to go. Personally, I wouldn't want such an obvious and complete d*uche nozzel as my HC.

7/26/2013, 03:18 PM
Concerning this issue of support staff, I'm not sure Saban isn't breaking the rules on some of his analysts already anyway. Mack Brown just hired former DC Greg Robinson to provide analysis (quality control, video reveiw, self and opponent scouting, etc.) He will be doing the vast majority of this from his home in L.A. because these positions are not allowed to coach the players anyway (due to coaching limits). Of course that hasn't stopped Saban from having these analyst guys sit in on player meetings regularly. He's always pushing the envelope of what he can get away with. Saban lives in the gray area.

The guy's shown zero ethics concerning screwing recruits over on an annual basis by over recruiting them and then screwing them at the end of the recruiting cycle once their other options have disappeared. He'll do whatever it takes to win, be it legal, ethical or otherwise. Some say this is the way to go. Personally, I wouldn't want such an obvious and complete d*uche nozzel as my HC.

I am no Alabama fan but you are wrong on one thing. Saben has broken no rules. He has taken advantage of there not being a rule covering how many he may hire to watch film on recruits. I do believe most D1 coaches support Mack's effort to get this practice regulated.
There is a need now for schools to have at least one or two such employees because of junior recruiting. They need to watch junior film because the coaches are busy coaching and as soon as the season is over they are on the road offering these juniors. Saben saw the need for this early and jumped on it. Problem is that he hired a goodly number of former coaches and lots of D-1 schools can't afford this practice, or at least to the extent that Bama is doing it.

7/26/2013, 10:50 PM
Personally, I wouldn't want such an obvious and complete d*uche nozzel as my HC.

I am not going to attack you personally. Only saying that from the other side of the fence, the bama side in this case, he does not seem so bad.

Wasn't so long ago folks south of the Red River said some pretty disparaging things about the way The King recruited. Thing is, everything Barry did as a recruiter was legal at the time.

As an aside to that, folks north of the Red River scratch their heads at a fanbase that actually kinda brags about fielding the last all-white national champion football team. Seems OUr coaches recruiting black football players long before ole Darrel did came back to bite sa*et on the butt for several years.

7/28/2013, 11:54 AM
Actually, after thinking about it, I think most Texas fans agree with Herr and Mac Brown and would be delighted to see their staff reduced-- by one. Guess which one, Herr?(I'll give you a hint--his initials are MB)

Maybe TX ought to unload some coaches including Brown and invite Patterson and his TCU staff to relocate to Austin. He will have to be dismissed, he obviously is not the type to retire any time soon on his own. Deep down, though, I hope they keep Mac around in Austin for a long time.;) No other coach has done so little with so much and the horns won't be a threat to dominate OU or dethrone the Tide anytime soon.;)

Herr Scholz
7/29/2013, 09:41 AM
That may very well be true, Sabanball, but the fact remains that your coach is a d*uchebag who screws kids over. At least Mack Brown has integrity and honesty going for him.

7/29/2013, 09:59 AM
Honesty? He recently said that Ash showed glimpses of Colt and Vince... :D

Herr Scholz
7/29/2013, 01:29 PM
I am no Alabama fan but you are wrong on one thing. Saben has broken no rules. He has taken advantage of there not being a rule covering how many he may hire to watch film on recruits. I do believe most D1 coaches support Mack's effort to get this practice regulated.

Yes, but my point on him living in the gray area is that he has these guys sitting in on player meetings, skirting the rules of how many coaches a team may have. That's how he's pushing the envelope in this case.

The NCAA spells out how many coaches and what types of coaches a football team may employ in Article 11 of its rulebook. Following is the exact language from the NCAA manual.

NCAA Article 11: Conduct and Employment of Athletics Personnel:

11.7.2 Football Bowl Subdivision - There shall be a limit of one head coach, nine assistant coaches and two graduate assistant coaches who may be employed by an institution in bowl subdivision football.