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View Full Version : I think the last Obama supporter must have lived in Detroit

7/19/2013, 07:16 AM
because no one seems interested in taking up for him right now.

Of course, no one (in the media) seems interested in addressing his pattern of lies and deceptions, either.

7/19/2013, 08:21 AM
Is this the closest we'll get to a Detroit-went-bankrupt discussion?

OK then... WOW! Detroit went bankrupt yesterday! Thoughts?

7/19/2013, 12:56 PM
can we sell it to Canada or something?

7/19/2013, 01:23 PM
Is this the closest we'll get to a Detroit-went-bankrupt discussion?

OK then... WOW! Detroit went bankrupt yesterday! Thoughts?

I saw some other discussion of the Detroit/Bankruptcy issue where Obama came down hard on Romney for suggesting Detroit needed to go bankrupt, inferring that Romney was foolish and callous for such a position. "Mitt Romney would let Detroit go bankrupt!"

What has changed in 8 months that now Obama is going to also allow it?

I suppose Obama spent more money in the ensuing months, losing more of our money.

7/19/2013, 01:24 PM
Hard to believe. Such a beautiful city. Seems like a great place to live and work. Just leaves me scratching my head how a city like Detroit could go bankrupt.:jaded:

Scott D
7/19/2013, 04:40 PM
God I wish this board had a middle finger emoticon.

Quite frankly Obama has 0 to do with allowing or preventing Detroit from declaring bankrupcy.

7/19/2013, 05:21 PM
i knew you would show up eventually :D

7/19/2013, 06:38 PM
why doesn't Eminem bail it out?

7/19/2013, 06:44 PM
God I wish this board had a middle finger emoticon.

Quite frankly Obama has 0 to do with allowing or preventing Detroit from declaring bankrupcy.

Here, Who ya want it aimed at?


7/19/2013, 07:22 PM
God I wish this board had a middle finger emoticon.

Quite frankly Obama has 0 to do with allowing or preventing Detroit from declaring bankrupcy.

Did Romney foresee the bankruptcy? What was Obama's reaction to that?

7/19/2013, 08:22 PM
Did Romney foresee the bankruptcy? What was Obama's reaction to that?

In most of those cases he was not talking about Detroit the City but Detroit the Big 3...

In any case...

GM went bankrupt
Chrysler went bankrupt - then sold to Fiat...so technically Chrysler is no longer a US auto manufacturer..

Now the city...so he loses on all accounts....

7/19/2013, 09:41 PM
Hard to believe. Such a beautiful city. Seems like a great place to live and work. Just leaves me scratching my head how a city like Detroit could go bankrupt.:jaded:

I believe a series of corrupt administrations, each worse than the one preceding it, had a lot to do with it.

Scott D
7/20/2013, 04:07 PM
i knew you would show up eventually :D

of course I would. It's not a paradise, but I'm going to defend the area I live in.

Scott D
7/20/2013, 04:15 PM
I believe a series of corrupt administrations, each worse than the one preceding it, had a lot to do with it.

Honestly, I don't think any administration was more corrupt than that of Coleman A. Young. The problem further down the road closer to now can be rated into a few minor issues.

The City Council fought Dennis Archer all the way through his terms as Mayor, Archer is a good man but he was fighting a losing battle, he knew it and moved on after his terms, but he tried. I won't mention Kilpatrick's time because he is in jail where he belongs for his theft. I believe that Dave Bing tried his best as mayor, that being said once again he had a City Council that fought him every step along the way.

I'm 100% behind what Kevyn Orr is doing, and has been doing. I'm 100% behind the bankrupcy filing, I fully understand why he filed, and why the motion by a mid-level judge blocking the filing will ultimately fail.

What I believe will come out of the end of this process are much needed changes including the relegation of the City Council members from being a full time job w/ benefits to being what it should be which is a part time job.

I'm behind what Dan Gilbert and Mike Ilitch are doing to a point with their efforts to revitalize development downtown and understand the necessity of it, despite the concerns that some current residents have of their homes/apartments being priced out of their income range.

Most people look at this city and see burned out buildings, high crime rates and urban decay. That isn't what I see when I look at the city, I see the potential that the city has provided it has the opportunity to be restored. It's like when you look at an old home that was built so beautifully that well over 150 years later it's standing and the bones are in better shape than newer homes that have been built in the last 20 years. It may not be the "looker" that the newer home is, but the potential it has to be so much more than the newer home gets overlooked because of it's current poor condition.

7/20/2013, 05:25 PM
of course I would. It's not a paradise, but I'm going to defend the area I live in.

Know nothing about the Place, never been there, Prolly Never will be.
This I do know, Every area has Probs and needs Good Peeps to fix em.
Good Luck Bro.

7/20/2013, 08:27 PM
Know nothing about the Place, never been there, Prolly Never will be.
This I do know, Every area has Probs and needs Good Peeps to fix em.
Good Luck Bro.
I've been there. It's a **** hole.

7/20/2013, 09:23 PM
The airport was okay, I guess

7/20/2013, 10:09 PM
I just read a little bit about Kevyn Orr. He sounds smart, capable, and knowledgeable about how to deal with some of the issues Detroit is facing. Nothing like some of the past mayors.

Of course, he was appointed, not elected.

7/22/2013, 03:06 PM
God I wish this board had a middle finger emoticon.

Quite frankly Obama has 0 to do with allowing or preventing Detroit from declaring bankrupcy.
No, but the political party and the principles they espouse did.

7/22/2013, 03:09 PM
Hard to believe. Such a beautiful city. Seems like a great place to live and work. Just leaves me scratching my head how a city like Detroit could go bankrupt.:jaded:

You are kidding, right?

7/22/2013, 03:11 PM
There are a lot more cities that are going the way of Detroit. Lots promised, nothing paid for and politicians and voters not wanting to see the handwriting on the wall.

7/24/2013, 04:47 PM
I was painfully watching that sorry leftist Ed Shultz the other night (don't ask me why, maybe I didn't think my BP was high enough) and the simpletons that watch his show were all tweeting to him about Detroit, and every single one of them blamed it on the GOP and their Governor Rick Snyder.

Really? A city that has been solidly democrat for the last 50 plus years and they blame the plight of Detroit on Republicans? That was so ridiculous that I just had to laugh out loud. But then I had to remind myself that these are the same folks that put that incompetent nut back in thw WH for another four years....and it all made perfect sense to me then.

7/24/2013, 05:56 PM

7/24/2013, 06:28 PM
I was painfully watching that sorry leftist Ed Shultz the other night (don't ask me why, maybe I didn't think my BP was high enough) and the simpletons that watch his show were all tweeting to him about Detroit, and every single one of them blamed it on the GOP and their Governor Rick Snyder.

Really? A city that has been solidly democrat for the last 50 plus years and they blame the plight of Detroit on Republicans? That was so ridiculous that I just had to laugh out loud. But then I had to remind myself that these are the same folks that put that incompetent nut back in thw WH for another four years....and it all made perfect sense to me then.

What a tired, yet never ending refrain. Its always someone else's fault.

"I'm outta money because you didn't give it to me." I committed a crime because someone else did or didn't do something for me.

Scott D
7/25/2013, 02:20 PM
I was painfully watching that sorry leftist Ed Shultz the other night (don't ask me why, maybe I didn't think my BP was high enough) and the simpletons that watch his show were all tweeting to him about Detroit, and every single one of them blamed it on the GOP and their Governor Rick Snyder.

Really? A city that has been solidly democrat for the last 50 plus years and they blame the plight of Detroit on Republicans? That was so ridiculous that I just had to laugh out loud. But then I had to remind myself that these are the same folks that put that incompetent nut back in thw WH for another four years....and it all made perfect sense to me then.

It's quite silly to pin any blame on Snyder. In fact, Snyder's probably been the best governor in the time that I've lived here. Granted there have only been three of them in that time, and Jennifer Granholm was easily the worst of the three. The problem is a bit different than just blaming either party, despite the fact that Detroit is heavily democrat which quite honestly means little since so few of the residents ever exercise their right to vote.

And fwiw, the card on Bing may say that he's democrat, but he was considered all but a card carrying republican by those running against him in the past.

7/26/2013, 09:04 AM
It's quite silly to pin any blame on Snyder. In fact, Snyder's probably been the best governor in the time that I've lived here. Granted there have only been three of them in that time, and Jennifer Granholm was easily the worst of the three. The problem is a bit different than just blaming either party, despite the fact that Detroit is heavily democrat which quite honestly means little since so few of the residents ever exercise their right to vote.

And fwiw, the card on Bing may say that he's democrat, but he was considered all but a card carrying republican by those running against him in the past.

So the fact that since very few folks actually voted in the elections of democrats, that gives them a pass on the destruction caused by those officials?

Dems and their positions on the issues, high taxes, high regulations, antibusiness policies, deficit spending and giving the labor unions everything they ever wanted led to the downfall of Detroit, so I am not sure I understand your logic.

Scott D
7/26/2013, 10:23 PM
So the fact that since very few folks actually voted in the elections of democrats, that gives them a pass on the destruction caused by those officials?

Dems and their positions on the issues, high taxes, high regulations, antibusiness policies, deficit spending and giving the labor unions everything they ever wanted led to the downfall of Detroit, so I am not sure I understand your logic.

what's difficult to understand. I simply stated that the people trying to blame Snyder is just silly since it's not the state government that was responsible. Trying to make this party based is silly because in a place where the average is 34% voter turnout there really is no true voting power. Quite frankly, I would argue that other than periodically having a propensity for corruption (Archer and Bing being exceptions), the mayor of Detroit really has very little power, and even less influence. I could argue that the citizens there vote democrat mainly because there is usually never a republican on the ballot. Even this year, certain candidates attempted to portray another candidate who is white as a Republican despite the fact that he is a Democrat. Much like the same tactic they used against Dave Bing when he ran for mayor.