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View Full Version : Let's list the counties that "helped" the USA during our disasters...

6/21/2013, 03:11 PM
I KNOW...before all you libs go crazy, the USA is the richest country ever...blah blah blah...MAYBE, just MAYBE if we would spend some of that aide at HOME FIRST the country just might be in a better position to help more..crazy thought.

Thanks to ALL of the countries who helped the U.S. after hurricane "Sandy" & the Oklahoma Tornado's
I think it is highly appropriate at this time we send THANKS to all of the countries that have reciprocated for our help with their disasters, misgivings, social turmoil, & poverty by returning the favor, and sending the United States of America monetary and physical help when "Sandy" ravaged our East Coast leaving dead, homelessness, and pure disaster along with the tornado's that have hit Oklahoma towns

Listed below are ALL the countries and worldwide organizations that are giving us gracious assistance.

Please assist me in Thanking these entities by passing on this email so people from all over America can join in and THANK ALL of our neighbors, to whom we have given BILLIONS!!!

1. Israel

Yes, the "list" is complete. So,THANK YOU to the People of Israel !!!
And to the rest of the World it's time to PULL the PLUG on American foreign aid !!!

6/21/2013, 03:15 PM
crickets chirping...

6/21/2013, 03:23 PM
Taiwan (http://wnow.worldnow.com/story/14924308/governor-fallin-accepts-20000-donation-for-oklahoma-disaster-relief-effort?clienttype=printable).

Goodwill isn't exclusive to wealthy countries, nor is it only a monetary gesture. For example, the Ethiopian winner of the Boston Marathon donated his winning medal (http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2013-05-26/world/39544989_1_lelisa-desisa-boston-marathon-finish-line) to honor the bombing victims.

I know there's a lot of countries that officially hate us, but there's far more helping hands out there than Israel. :)

Scott D
6/21/2013, 03:54 PM
Actually there were quite a few countries that helped in the aftermath of Katrina, thanks for trolling though.

6/21/2013, 03:56 PM
Mexico actually offered and was turned down.

Lots of people were told to stay away by the State Emergency Management folks. I don't know if for good reasons, or for bad. I've got a buddy who has a company in Austin that does those big water tanks for marathons and other big outdoor events. Basiccally a big drinking water station. He wanted to bring a bunch of them to Moore on the theory that relief workers needed to stay hydrated.
He was told to stay home.

6/21/2013, 04:56 PM
Mexico actually offered and was turned down.

Lots of people were told to stay away by the State Emergency Management folks. I don't know if for good reasons, or for bad. I've got a buddy who has a company in Austin that does those big water tanks for marathons and other big outdoor events. Basiccally a big drinking water station. He wanted to bring a bunch of them to Moore on the theory that relief workers needed to stay hydrated.
He was told to stay home.

he wasn't part of the feds... ;)

okay Scott...list em and link em...

6/21/2013, 06:02 PM
i don't care near enough to fact check wikipedia, but this list is pretty long:


you can continue your rant about whatever though

6/21/2013, 08:51 PM
I know Canada helped after hurricane Sandy.