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View Full Version : Something to file away for you poison ivy sufferers.

6/6/2013, 05:50 PM
Got a small, but very itchy amount of poison ivy going right now. Had been using the typical OTC concoctions of hydrocortizone, camphor, Benadryl spray, benzocaine, etc. None seem to work well for very long. After a little internet research I tried out a homemade paste made from baking soda and white vinegar.

For me, it was far and away the best for relieving the itch. Just put a little baking soda in a bowl, add enough vinegar to make a paste and spread it on with a finger or butter knife. Its also supposed to speed up the drying process on the rash.

It does start to flake and fall off; guess you could try to wrap something over it. Anyway, really relieved the itch for me. I had used this on some bee stings once, and forgot about it.

And cheap!

6/6/2013, 09:41 PM
Thanks. I get in every now and then in my hobby making bike trails.

6/6/2013, 09:55 PM
Best way to avoid catching that carp?
Get So bad twice when you are young that it Bout KILLs ya. then ya become IMMUNE.

6/7/2013, 12:04 AM
Best way to avoid catching that carp?
Get So bad twice when you are young that it Bout KILLs ya. then ya become IMMUNE.

i was just gonna say, i haven't had it since i was maybe 10 or so and i haven't had it again since

6/7/2013, 11:57 AM
I've crawled through the stuff. Slept in it. Never got me yet. My wife? She can look at it and bust out in oozing blisters. Hell, she's got it from washing my clothes after I've been out turkey hunting.

6/7/2013, 12:09 PM
I've crawled through the stuff. Slept in it. Never got me yet. My wife? She can look at it and bust out in oozing blisters. Hell, she's got it from washing my clothes after I've been out turkey hunting.

Yup some folk are highly allergic to it. When i was in the 10 year old range I got it so bad twice that I was covered from head to toe bottoms of my feet everywhere, Calamine was about the only treatment back then. After that second time I've never gotten it again, and Im like you I used to roam the woods hunting and fishin.

Lott's Bandana
6/7/2013, 03:05 PM
I'm allergic to everything in Oklahoma, it seems.

However, there is much, much, much, more poison oak in California than poison ivy here and I learned to pay 'tension...very, very well.

I also have learned to wear long britches and wash my clothes immediately, then run nekkid to the shower and suds the hell outa myself to make sure the oil is gone (and ticks).

The horribleness of my affliction looks like Gorbachev's forehead for weeks. Ugh.

Thanks for teh itch remedy. I wonder if it works for chiggers?

6/7/2013, 03:06 PM
I'm either not allergic to poison ivy or I've never come into contact with it.

6/7/2013, 03:15 PM
I'm either not allergic to poison ivy or I've never come into contact with it.

I'm guessing the latter.

hawaii 5-0
6/7/2013, 03:46 PM
Never got it......Never got it......Never got it......Never got it......Never got it......Never got it......Never got it......

Until I did. I was probably about 25 or so.

Thanks for the tip. I usually just went for the benadryl creme, which wasn't as effective as I've wished.

People use the term 'poison ivy' but it's usually 'poison oak'.


6/7/2013, 04:03 PM
Never got it......Never got it......Never got it......Never got it......Never got it......Never got it......Never got it......

Until I did. I was probably about 25 or so.

Thanks for the tip. I usually just went for the benadryl creme, which wasn't as effective as I've wished.

People use the term 'poison ivy' but it's usually 'poison oak'.

Poisson Ivy is a Vine

Poison oak is a small bush

We have both here in Oklahoma.

hawaii 5-0
6/8/2013, 12:44 PM
I know the difference all too well.

I would guess that 80% of contacts are due to Poison Oak.

People just use the term Poison Ivy generally.


6/8/2013, 02:33 PM
Mine is surely from the ivy. I spotted a bunch climbing up a tree near the house, which I also had a game camera in. I decided to try carefully get the camera out, then snip the ivy along the trunk to kill it.

I thought about putting a long sleeve shirt on, but figured I'd be alright if I washed up well as soon As I was done. Guess I got in too close, or didn't wash well enough.

The potion is still working. Just made another batch. Leaves some baking soda here and there.

The baking soda also came in helpful with a dog/skunk encounter today.

6/8/2013, 02:38 PM
I know the difference all too well.

I would guess that 80% of contacts are due to Poison Oak.

People just use the term Poison Ivy generally.


Maybe in Hawaii, But round these parts Folk know the difference and generally Know what the **** they got into. See cleller's post.

hawaii 5-0
6/8/2013, 07:23 PM
Maybe in Hawaii, But round these parts Folk know the difference and generally Know what the **** they got into. See cleller's post.

They don't have either in Hawaii.

I was referring to Oklahoma and North Texas, places I visit with regularity.

Oak leaves are notched, Ivy isn't.


6/8/2013, 07:36 PM
They don't have either in Hawaii.

I was referring to Oklahoma and North Texas, places I visit with regularity.

Oak leaves are notched, Ivy isn't.


Well give you a merit badge

hawaii 5-0
6/8/2013, 07:48 PM
Further reflection led me to research. Poison Ivy can also have notched leaves. Both can also vine.

Could be what I always referred to as Oak was Ivy. That's the way I was taught.

I did earn a Botony merit badge.
