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View Full Version : Wall Street Journal: Conservatives became target in 2008

5/29/2013, 03:51 PM
The Obama campaign played a big role in a liberal onslaught that far predated Citizens United.


5/29/2013, 05:04 PM
So, the message sent to conservative groups was along the lines of: "oppose us and risk losing your money and your freedom."

This also has that Rahm aroma.

5/29/2013, 07:12 PM
he's knooows nothing...

5/30/2013, 08:46 AM
Y'know, I think I'd be just fine with Citizens United being overturned....just so long as no union or other org could agglomerate and donate money, either.
How about this: the only donations possible should be legal individuals and limit a donation to $200 per annum.