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View Full Version : Adrian Peterson says he's against gay-marriage

5/27/2013, 12:14 PM
It will be interesting to see the Vikings fans reaction towards him after these comments.


5/27/2013, 12:23 PM
Vikings fans will likely only care about winning. Reggie White was very outspoken about his views on homosexuality as an ordained minister (his football nickname was the "Minister of Defense") and Packer fans temporarily (and not a majority of them) booed for a bit because I think more than anything else they didn't really like his outspokenness, not necessarily disagreeing with his views. It's like, "OK Reggie, thanks Reggie, what ever you say Reggie, but we really don't care. Sack the opposing quarterback please."

5/27/2013, 12:36 PM
AD is a racist, misogynist, bigoted homophobe! :rolleyes:

5/27/2013, 01:25 PM
I don't think he should, but he will definitely catch heat for this.

5/27/2013, 01:26 PM
What's popular is not always right...

5/27/2013, 01:29 PM
Charles Barkley had interesting things to say. Start at 10:15:

5/27/2013, 01:39 PM
Maybe its Just Me, I didnt see where he said he was against it, Just that he didnt believe in it. I saw No condemnation in his statements , Just him simply stating his feelings .

5/27/2013, 01:58 PM
how many kids does he have?

i'm guessing he's not much for straight marriage either

5/27/2013, 02:01 PM
how many kids does he have?

i'm guessing he's not much for straight marriage either


5/27/2013, 03:13 PM
Maybe its Just Me, I didnt see where he said he was against it, Just that he didnt believe in it. I saw No condemnation in his statements , Just him simply stating his feelings .

Doesn't matter. Unless you're an ardent and vocal supporter of gay marriage, you're a raging hater, bigot and homophobe. That's just the way it is these days.

5/27/2013, 03:25 PM
Doesn't matter. Unless you're an ardent and vocal supporter of gay marriage, you're a raging hater, bigot and homophobe. That's just the way it is these days.

Well then call me all that and a ****in Racist bastard also.

5/27/2013, 03:26 PM
He said he loves Gay people, he doesn't judge them, he just doesn't agree with Gay Marriage...that is a common theme among Christians, whether right or wrong. He didn't say anything hateful

5/27/2013, 04:24 PM
Peterson basicially said that he doesn't care about peoples sexual preference, but he's not going to pound the streets about it. That's not even really an "against gay marriage stance".

What's become ESPN obsession with all this anyway? They are acting like they never heard of gay people before.

5/27/2013, 05:08 PM
Doesn't matter. Unless you're an ardent and vocal supporter of gay marriage, you're a raging hater, bigot and homophobe. That's just the way it is these days.

yup...even in the federal agencies now...if you are SILENT, do not say anything bad, that is not acceptable you must be vocally supportive of the gay rights crap.

5/27/2013, 05:10 PM

What's become ESPN obsession with all this anyway? They are acting like they never heard of gay people before.

really? abc/espn biggest promoters and supporters of gays....ummm, maybe an agenda that supports and tries to force everyone to believe it's normal behavior?

Sorry didn't mean to get political, but that is where it's at.

Scott D
5/27/2013, 08:49 PM
What's so bad? I'm against gay marriage and I'm also against straight marriage. I'm completely against gay straight marriage.

5/27/2013, 08:55 PM
I didn't know that slaves could have thoughts on marriage, be it straight or gay. He's still a slave, yo?

And I don't care about what a workout beast has to say about societal issues. He's paid to run with a foo'ball, not come up with anything that appears thoughtful.

5/27/2013, 09:13 PM
OMG! How dare he? The media is out to "out" these bigots who think sticking your pole in someones dirty *** is anything but noble and completely moral.

F ESPN (and all media) and the horse they rode in on.

Like Jeepman said, these liberals in govt agencies are now saying just being silent on the issue is unacceptable and a sign of disapproval. You must praise their lifestyle choice or be fired. Well to hell with them. Time to stand up for what you believe in.

5/27/2013, 09:30 PM
Oh! Here we go with the poor persecuted ones that can't catch a break, no matter how much they are against the whole "pursuit of happiness" jibberish that they cling to when it's a gun subject. AD is free to be against gay marriage all he wants, BUT he may want to NOT have any kids outta wedlock, for he looks like a hypocrite by speaking up on marriage.

5/27/2013, 09:43 PM
Oh! Here we go with the poor persecuted ones that can't catch a break, no matter how much they are against the whole "pursuit of happiness" jibberish that they cling to when it's a gun subject. AD is free to be against gay marriage all he wants, BUT he may want to NOT have any kids outta wedlock, for he looks like a hypocrite by speaking up on marriage.

Dude, nobody is forcing liberals to get a gun bc its the right thing to do. Just live and let live right? well why cant you accept the fact that the majority of this country aint buying your bull****?

Liberals dont just want to have their rights, they want to arrest you and persecute you for hate speech if you don't agree.

I don't care if you like dudes, but you won't stop until every organization including christian organizations accept your perversity. Well guess what? It aint happening.

5/27/2013, 09:53 PM
Dude, nobody is forcing liberals to get a gun bc its the right thing to do. Just live and let live right? well why cant you accept the fact that the majority of this country aint buying your bull****?

Liberals dont just want to have their rights, they want to arrest you and persecute you for hate speech if you don't agree.

I don't care if you like dudes, but you won't stop until every organization including christian organizations accept your perversity. Well guess what? It aint happening.


5/27/2013, 10:38 PM
Why should anybody care what AD thinks on the subject anymore than they should care what you or I think about it? It pisses me off that whoever was doing the interview planted a stupid question so that they'd get his opinion on it. He didn't come to that interview wanting to talk about it, but they pulled his opinion like it was teeth. I mean, seriously, when was the last time somebody was questioned about a freaking kicker being waived? The only reason they brought it up was to bring up the topic of gay marriage.

5/27/2013, 11:06 PM
I get what you are saying ELC, and I typically cant stand the media, but they ask that stuff because they are paid to get headlines. Athletes are often dry and bland, or really stupid. While AD has had a misstep before with his slavery comment, I respect that when he is asked something he answers it honestly.

5/28/2013, 08:41 AM
Dude, nobody is forcing liberals to get a gun bc its the right thing to do. Just live and let live right? well why cant you accept the fact that the majority of this country aint buying your bull****?

Liberals dont just want to have their rights, they want to arrest you and persecute you for hate speech if you don't agree.

I don't care if you like dudes, but you won't stop until every organization including christian organizations accept your perversity. Well guess what? It aint happening.

You may want to check that majority part...
And, ah yes, the "big brother" paraoia card. I must have missed the part where someone was locked up for being against gay marriage.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.... unless you're...

Herr Scholz
5/28/2013, 10:04 AM
"To each his own, [but] I'm not with it," he said.

That's the sentiment I find contradictory. Either you support the notion of "live and let live" or you don't. You can't be against something and then turn around and say you're not against it.

5/28/2013, 10:26 AM
I think we perhaps underestimate the man's intellect. Was it an unsuitable question for a sports interview? Absolutely. But we've already overdone the hate for journalists. We should simply chalk this guy up as one more headline whore and be done with him and his career.
What AD said, however, is, I believe a fairly honorable position. You can unpack his statement as 'While I personally do not believe in gay marriage, I understand that others do and I will take no action against them other than registering my opinion'. And his other statements would indicate that he separates the issues of being gay and morality from the narrower issue of gay marriage.
All in all, I think he was true to his own beliefs while indicating a pretty mature social outlook whilst responding to an asshat. Overall, well done, AD.

5/28/2013, 10:54 AM
Dude, nobody is forcing liberals to get a gun bc its the right thing to do. Just live and let live right? well why cant you accept the fact that the majority of this country aint buying your bull****?

The majority of Americans do support same-sex marriage.

5/28/2013, 10:58 AM
The majority of Americans do support same-sex marriage.

Prove it. and not with some stupid assed Graph or Pole ya pull out yer asz.

Herr Scholz
5/28/2013, 11:22 AM
Prove it. and not with some stupid assed Graph or Pole ya pull out yer asz.
So, since you've ruled out providing actual proof via math, what would you like to see on the subject? The fact that so many politicians have come out in support of it is simple anecdotal evidence that a majority of voters support it. Politicians don't move on topics like this unless they know it's safe.

5/28/2013, 11:27 AM
So, since you've ruled out providing actual proof via math, what would you like to see on the subject? The fact that so many politicians have come out in support of it is simple anecdotal evidence that a majority of voters support it. Politicians don't move on topics like this unless they know it's safe.

As usual you know nothing about what Im sayin, matlock made the statement, He always pulls some weird assed graphs,charts and Poles to back up his statements. Im simply askin him to prove his assertions with some more concrete.

The Great Liberal state Of California just a few years ago banned Ghey marriage by a 52.24% versus 47.76%
vote . And thats in a State of very liberal folk.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
5/28/2013, 11:35 AM
"To each his own, [but] I'm not with it," he said.

That's the sentiment I find contradictory. Either you support the notion of "live and let live" or you don't. You can't be against something and then turn around and say you're not against it.

Sure you can, it is a matter of scope. When he is talking about "To each their own" he is talking about global US scope, but when he goes I'm not with it - he moves to personal scope. You could have substituted Pepsi in there and it would have worked the same.

The core problem that is missed by most people is that our national laws tend to only reflect biblical principles on sins against other people (murder, assault, robbery, theft, etc). It is pretty much silent on personal sins (gluttony, greed, lust (above a certain age that is), non-public drunkenness, etc) which gay marriage falls into.

This is why someone can take the stance "I'm against it, but I think it should be legal".

5/28/2013, 11:38 AM
What's so bad? I'm against gay marriage and I'm also against straight marriage. I'm completely against gay straight marriage.

lol...nice one

Tear Down This Wall
5/28/2013, 12:03 PM
Fags are gross. Thank you, Adrian.

Unfortunately, this type of things is going to keep happening this year - interviewers baiting athletes into gay marriage talk. This isn't something Peterson volunteered. Because he's a Viking, they went down the Chris Kluwe road with him.

Thank you, Adrian, for being honest. Homosexuality is gross. Not every is down with it, for sure.

The anus is the final chain of the digestive system; it's not a sexual organ. People who use it for sex are mentally unstable and need to shipped to Austin, Boston, San Francisco, or Boulder to keep their diseases confined to certain parts of the country. Gross buttsex freaks. Stay away from the rest of us.

5/28/2013, 12:50 PM
The Great Liberal state Of California just a few years ago banned Ghey marriage by a 52.24% versus 47.76%
vote . And thats in a State of very liberal folk.

You KNOW that was all the Mormons' fault...cause they spent sooooooooooooooooo much money on that election. ;)
(If that was really the case, why isn't Mitt Romney president?)

5/28/2013, 01:10 PM
For one reason, because the vast majority of the rest of the country is not nearly as credulous and easy to trick as Californians.

5/28/2013, 01:33 PM
I don't see why public figures, including athletes, have to take a position on an issue like this in the first place. They have a right to their private opinions and views just like everyone else.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
5/28/2013, 01:39 PM
You KNOW that was all the Mormons' fault...cause they spent sooooooooooooooooo much money on that election. ;)
(If that was really the case, why isn't Mitt Romney president?)

More about demographics - certain minorities tend to overwhelmingly be against gay marriage.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
5/28/2013, 01:39 PM
I don't see why public figures, including athletes, have to take a position on an issue like this in the first place. They have a right to their private opinions and views just like everyone else.

Because news organizations are in the business of selling advertising.

Herr Scholz
5/28/2013, 02:54 PM
Personally, I couldn't care less what other consensting adults do with each other. It affects my life zero. I don't appreciate however people telling others what they can and cannot do.

BTW, there are observed cases of homesexuality in about 1,500 different animal species. Only one of those species has a problem with it.

5/28/2013, 03:09 PM
yes, Herr, and several of us have pointed out that the incidence of this behaviour (roughly 10%) is static in every human society ever studied (past or present). But it doesn't really matter to the truly opposed.

Scott D
5/28/2013, 03:16 PM
I told my wife she won't get a divorce. I'm onto what the government is trying to do here. The government needs to quit being so gay.

Scott D
5/28/2013, 03:19 PM
And the government isn't gay for women. It's uncomfortable like the back seat of a volkswagen for women.

5/28/2013, 04:54 PM
Personally, I couldn't care less what other consensting adults do with each other. It affects my life zero. I don't appreciate however people telling others what they can and cannot do.

BTW, there are observed cases of homesexuality in about 1,500 different animal species. Only one of those species has a problem with it.

So then Herr. what you are saying is that animals are better than us?How about its a known fact that in just about every animal species the Males often fight to the death over breeding rights to the best females. Yet only ONE species has a problem with that.

5/28/2013, 05:03 PM
Why didn't ESPN ask Tim Tebow what he thinks on the matter?

5/28/2013, 05:14 PM
Why didn't ESPN ask Tim Tebow what he thinks on the matter?

They dint figure a 40 year old virgin would have an opinion?

5/28/2013, 05:34 PM
Personally, I couldn't care less what other consensting adults do with each other. It affects my life zero. I don't appreciate however people telling others what they can and cannot do.

BTW, there are observed cases of homesexuality in about 1,500 different animal species. Only one of those species has a problem with it.

yes, Herr, and several of us have pointed out that the incidence of this behaviour (roughly 10%) is static in every human society ever studied (past or present). But it doesn't really matter to the truly opposed.

Also, the debate is over the marriage issue, which animals don't really represent well.

5/28/2013, 06:45 PM
yes, Herr, and several of us have pointed out that the incidence of this behaviour (roughly 10%) is static in every human society ever studied (past or present). But it doesn't really matter to the truly opposed.

there are also higher percentages of abnormalities as well....so this argument is void. I'd venture to guess 5% of that 10% are the lipstick lesbian variety. They obviously choose to do the behavior because it's "the in thing" in their area, line of work, whatever. yes even with the obvious "bad vibes" from some of the general public.

Obviously I don't believe it's "normal", but I also could care less unless you (the media, gay organizations, etc.) try to make me change my beliefs or my families beliefs. It's the same as me telling you it's wrong...don't tell me it's right.

I said earlier, let the church's decide. Join a church that allows it if that's what ya want.

5/28/2013, 07:42 PM
The anus is the final chain of the digestive system; it's not a sexual organ. People who use it for sex are mentally unstable and need to shipped to Austin, Boston, San Francisco, or Boulder to keep their diseases confined to certain parts of the country. Gross buttsex freaks. Stay away from the rest of us.

Unless it's a chick wanting buttsex from a dude, in which case I'm totally cool with it. lol

5/28/2013, 07:43 PM
I get what you are saying ELC, and I typically cant stand the media, but they ask that stuff because they are paid to get headlines. Athletes are often dry and bland, or really stupid. While AD has had a misstep before with his slavery comment, I respect that when he is asked something he answers it honestly.

Yeah, I know that's what they do, but they didn't always do that. Just in the era of the 24 hour news cycle where their job changed from reporting the news to creating the news.

5/28/2013, 10:38 PM
Unless it's a chick wanting buttsex from a dude, in which case I'm totally cool with it. lol

So yer sayin as long as a DUDE can hide his dick and Nutsack yer ok with puttin it in the Poopchute?

Herr Scholz
5/29/2013, 09:58 AM
Also, the debate is over the marriage issue, which animals don't really represent well.
The observed and documented evidence about homosexuality in animal species simply shows that it's a ubiquitous occurence in nature, that it's natural, that they're born that way. Social conservatives hate this fact since it gets in the way of their morality arguments. As far as marriage goes, do you oppose all people who can't procreate getting married as well, say old heterosexual people or hetero women who can't conceive?

Tear Down This Wall
5/29/2013, 10:21 AM
Leave it to liberals to equate humans to animals.

Some animals also eat their own vomit. Do we want government sanctioned vomit-eating just because a few animals have been observed doing it?

If you want to eat vomit, go ahead and eat vomit, but stay away from the rest of us and don't hassle the government and other entities about it. Same with your gay buttsex. Keep it to yourself and quit asking everyone to accept your vomity buttsex.

That's what Adrian said...in a nutshell.

5/29/2013, 10:43 AM
Join a church that allows it if that's what ya want.

Is it okay with you and Mr. Santorum if I don't join a church? You're entitled to your beliefs and no one is making the slightest attempt to change them here. You're not entitled to your own facts, but we need not slog through that again, here. And no one, to my knowledge is trying to legally require any church to perform wedding ceremonies against their will. A live and let live atttitude is probably for the best all 'round.


5/29/2013, 10:53 AM
Leave it to liberals to equate humans to animals.

Some animals also eat their own vomit. Do we want government sanctioned vomit-eating just because a few animals have been observed doing it?

If you want to eat vomit, go ahead and eat vomit, but stay away from the rest of us and don't hassle the government and other entities about it. Same with your gay buttsex. Keep it to yourself and quit asking everyone to accept your vomity buttsex.

That's what Adrian said...in a nutshell.

then maybe the "not natural" talking point maybe needs to be put to rest...

how about you go to church and leave me and anyone else that doesn't want to out of it?

5/29/2013, 11:07 AM
I'm against gay threads. They're not natural. Unless the chicks are both really hot.

Tear Down This Wall
5/29/2013, 11:29 AM
then maybe the "not natural" talking point maybe needs to be put to rest...

how about you go to church and leave me and anyone else that doesn't want to out of it?

Hmmm. I've posted about buttsex and vomit. Which one of those is tantamount to government-forced church attendance?

You are making some sort of leap there. If you read me, and I think Adrian Peterson correctly, it's: "Don't force your (fill in the blank activity) on me. If you want to do it, do it."

That fits buttsex and church. I advocate neither buttsex nor church attendance unless either are activities you prefer. The government should not be in the business of forcing us to accept either.

As far as I know, there are no laws in America that force people to go to church, so it's a non-issue. Currently, laws are being passed to force acceptance of buttsex advocates.

So, do like Adrian, and stick to the subject.

5/29/2013, 12:11 PM
there aren't laws against buttsex

but there are laws against gays getting married. as long as that law exists, and there are gays, you'll get to hear about this

and those laws are because of people forcing their religion on other people

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
5/29/2013, 12:18 PM
and those laws are because of people forcing their OPINION on other people


As I said above, if it was religion, then there would be gluttony laws and prohibition as well. These laws are the 16th century version of seat belt, child seat, and other nanny state issues.

edit: and there are sodomy laws in pretty much every state ;-)

5/29/2013, 12:22 PM
When the Buttsex is Outlawed Only Outlaws will have the Buttsex.

5/29/2013, 12:29 PM
Weren't sodomy laws pretty much overturned by SCOTUS in the 1980's (XXXXXX v. Georgia if memory serves)?

Herr Scholz
5/29/2013, 01:31 PM
there aren't laws against buttsex

but there are laws against gays getting married. as long as that law exists, and there are gays, you'll get to hear about this

and those laws are because of people forcing their religion on other people
This. And how is homosexual marriage becoming legal "forcing" anything on heterosexuals? It's not. Live and let live.

Herr Scholz
5/29/2013, 01:33 PM
Leave it to liberals to equate humans to animals.
Umm, wow? What are we then, plants? Gases? You know, being socially conservative and anti science really don't have to go hand in hand. Or maybe they do, I don't know.

5/29/2013, 01:38 PM
hey herr, how bouts you update your avatar. just a suggestion.

5/29/2013, 01:41 PM
The observed and documented evidence about homosexuality in animal species simply shows that it's a ubiquitous occurence in nature, that it's natural, that they're born that way. Social conservatives hate this fact since it gets in the way of their morality arguments. As far as marriage goes, do you oppose all people who can't procreate getting married as well, say old heterosexual people or hetero women who can't conceive?

Just demonstrating that marriage can be viewed apart from animals, rutting, etc. If you're open minded and a credit to Austin, surely you can understand that some people believe marriage is an institution that has historically involved one man and one woman.
Can you allow some people to stick to that view without getting all wet in your bevo-briefs?

Herr Scholz
5/29/2013, 01:42 PM
hey herr, how bouts you update your avatar. just a suggestion.


5/29/2013, 01:45 PM
Weren't sodomy laws pretty much overturned by SCOTUS in the 1980's (XXXXXX v. Georgia if memory serves)?

Yup. It was a Great day for us Proverts who like to PITA.

Herr Scholz
5/29/2013, 01:49 PM
Just demonstrating that marriage can be viewed apart from animals, rutting, etc. If you're open minded and a credit to Austin, surely you can understand that some people believe marriage is an institution that has historically involved one man and one woman.
Can you allow some people to stick to that view without getting all wet in your bevo-briefs?
Believe what you want. Just don't force your views on others. And marriage has absolutely NOT involved simply one man and one woman historically, even in the Bible. I know people believe that but it doesn't give them the right to limit others' rights.

5/29/2013, 02:16 PM
Yup. It was a Great day for us Proverts who like to PITA.

Good. I thought I remembered that. Not that it mattered too much. It may shock younger posters, but way back in the 1980's, in the 1970's even, there was lots and lots of sodomy going around. And not only gays, either. Why, I remember right in Norman, Oklahoma, America, I lived with three other guys in a rent house out on East Boyd. And one of those guys was having pretty much open sodomy with his girlfriend on a daily basis! We thought that it was rather uncouth to engage in this, mostly because the rest of us either didn't have girlfriends at the time or our girlfriends had 'issues' about engaging in loud, explicative sodomy when everyone else was home. It made them want to leave and go back to their place rather than hang out with the guys afterwards. Bad juju.
So, we had to get the message across someway and that led to use of a massive old Crown amplifier to blast The Stranglers, 'Bring On The Nubiles' into his door at about 250 dB. And that, in turn, led to giggles which led to more musical selections which led to NPD showing up which led to them eyeing the living room and doing what is now known as a face palm. ?And then instructing us to turn the damn music off and try very very hard to be less stupid in our future lives.
All of that due to consensual sodomy. Dangerous stuff.

5/29/2013, 02:20 PM
Believe what you want. Just don't force your views on others. And marriage has absolutely NOT involved simply one man and one woman historically, even in the Bible. I know people believe that but it doesn't give them the right to limit others' rights.

If you'll look at the thread, I never stated my views, let alone tried to force it on anyone. You've been pretty much pushing your point upon others, though.

OK marriage has historically been the domain of males to females only. Happy?

All ready for the father/daughter brother/sister mother/son marriages, too I suppose?

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
5/29/2013, 02:27 PM
Believe what you want. Just don't force your views on others. And marriage has absolutely NOT involved simply one man and one woman historically, even in the Bible. I know people believe that but it doesn't give them the right to limit others' rights.

heh, you might want to read it again. Polygamy isn't present until right before the flood when they talk about one of Cain's line flouting it. For the most part, it is used as an example of men who have runaway avarice in possessing women (david and soloman). Jacob being the one exception because he was tricked into taking 2 to get the wife he signed up for. Concubine culture is a little tougher, since it isn't used as negative examples on men, but women (Abraham, Jacob).

Using Leviticus as an example against homosexuality is a little tough as well. The problem was that the Israelites at the time were lemmings and followed anything (golden calf, rebellion against moses). Homosexuality and rape culture were things that spread like wildfire (Sodom/gomorrah and the tribe of benjamin in judges). People who have these inherent sin strongholds tend to be pack animals, thus punishments for things that could disintegrate their culture had to be severe.

I just can't see a roaming mob of rapists lasting too long in the US.

Herr Scholz
5/29/2013, 02:56 PM
If you'll look at the thread, I never stated my views, let alone tried to force it on anyone. You've been pretty much pushing your point upon others, though.

Umm, no. I'm saying everyone should be able to live the way they want and marry who they want without others forcing their religious views on them. The argument that who someone else marries infringes on your rights is ridiculous to me. That's who's "pushing their point" on others.

All ready for the father/daughter brother/sister mother/son marriages, too I suppose?
I don't know what part of consenting adults is so confusing or dangerous.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
5/29/2013, 03:04 PM
Umm, no. I'm saying everyone should be able to live the way they want and marry who they want without others forcing their religious views on them. The argument that who someone else marries infringes on your rights is ridiculous to me. That's who's "pushing their point" on others.

Heh, so if it has any religious connotations you are against it. However, if someone pushes their personal pet peeve on you then you are okay with it. Thus if an atheist pushed any type of marriage restrictions you'd be okay with it.

Herr, everyone draws a line somewhere. Christianity draws the line at Man/Woman, Islam/Judaism are a little more vague and allow polygamy. It then filters on down the spectrum.

Are you okay with incest?
Are you okay with arranged marriages?
Are you okay with concubines?
Are you okay with Dowered Marriages?
Are you okay with pedophilia type marriages?
Are you okay with bestial marriages?
Are you okay with Wildling-Style marriages (successful kidnap = they are my wife)?
Are you okay with Marrying Dead people?

So if you draw the line here then the debate is about WHERE the line is drawn, not that it IS drawn.

5/29/2013, 03:15 PM
We already see that Herr is OK with incest, just a little timid about coming out and saying it.

Once you've cracked open the equal protection pandora's box, all kinds of interesting things could occur.

5/29/2013, 03:17 PM
The Great Liberal state Of California just a few years ago banned Ghey marriage by a 52.24% versus 47.76%
vote . And thats in a State of very liberal folk.

True, but a comparatively low turnout in that election. And that was five years ago. Numerous polls now show support to be well above 60 percent.

People are tired of dragging their knuckles on the ground.

5/29/2013, 03:21 PM
Reagan was into anal.

5/29/2013, 03:26 PM
Incest - no. Too much bad genetics, though that burns out in 3-5 generations.
Arranged marriages - more good there than meets the eye. Ref: modern Japan/Korea
Concubines - hell yeah. If a person is going to have some on the side, it ought to be an official relationship with legal protections.
Dowered marriages - might work, depends
Pedo - nope
Bestial - why does this come up time and again? No one is asking for this. Is this something that runs through the minds of 'anti's' as a real option? If so, dude, you are one strange ranger.
Wilding - nope, no consent
Necro - see response to bestial. Are we going to be asked about dead animals now?

And I'm fine if a line is drawn that is founded in the moral philosophy of some religion or other, Just so long as that philosophical argument doesn't rely on 'Because Beelzebub said so' or arguments in a similar vein to float itself.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
5/29/2013, 03:30 PM
We already see that Herr is OK with incest, just a little timid about coming out and saying it.

Once you've cracked open the equal protection pandora's box, all kinds of interesting things could occur.

Yep and be perfectly okay in the eyes of the constitution. I really wish that the framers of the constitution would have had the foresight to define "judicial review" in the original articles.

At least he isn't bringing up the current abortion argument that drives me bonkers -> "We have to keep it legal because otherwise they'll go to illegal clinics." 500,000 pedophiles are like "wha?" does that mean we can make pedophilia legal too?

5/29/2013, 03:34 PM
Reagan was into anal.

I'm trying to picture Nancy's face.

And it's troubling.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
5/29/2013, 03:34 PM
Bestial - why does this come up time and again? No one is asking for this. Is this something that runs through the minds of 'anti's' as a real option? If so, dude, you are one strange ranger.

It is a spectrum. This is the side where marriage isn't an inter-species arrangement.

If you are against consent, then arranged/dowered marriages are out for you as well. Arranged means that the parents put together the marriage contract for the children but there isn't any monetary gain. Dowered means the same except that they are offering the child to the highest bidder. Both of these types take place between children to be married at some pre-determined age (whereas the pedo one would be between an adult and the child with the same conditions).

edit: Also concubines are a slippery slope as well since most of these are debt repayment situations

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
5/29/2013, 03:36 PM
I'm trying to picture Nancy's face.

And it's troubling.

It would explain the hollowed out cheeks

5/29/2013, 04:08 PM
JKM, suggest you look at arranged marriages more closely. It can also incorporate the 'omiai keikon' of current era Japan in which girls and boys are hooked up by moms, aunts and a professional arranger. There's input from all the parties including the couple...but it's also very arranged.
Likewise dower can be pretty benign.

Concubinage is interesting. Only in China, right now are there legal protections. It's essentially a rich man's game, but he is obligated there, at least, to keep his 'little wife' provided for. Think of it as the rich guy does: a golf club membership with a high monthly minimum...and you can never drop out.

Tear Down This Wall
5/29/2013, 04:24 PM

As I said above, if it was religion, then there would be gluttony laws and prohibition as well. These laws are the 16th century version of seat belt, child seat, and other nanny state issues.

edit: and there are sodomy laws in pretty much every state ;-)


Also, I so love this thread. I do so love having a Longhorn eagerly fulfill the Austinite stereotype that most of us down here in Texas have of them. Liberal queer banging buttsex fags. That is Austin and UT to the hilt.

It's been a good month - UT's wonderlic-challenged QB gets an "education" degree from Harvard @ Texas, and OU's NFL MVP declares he's "not down with" gay marriage. It's a good month to be a Sooner football fan!

5/29/2013, 04:39 PM
There is a poll about this issue up right now on the ObamaFest board here. You might be surprised at the current tally. Guess there is no harm mentioning it.


Scott D
5/29/2013, 05:55 PM
I just can't see a roaming mob of rapists lasting too long in the US.

we've had a congress for over 200 years ;)

5/29/2013, 06:10 PM
Weren't sodomy laws pretty much overturned by SCOTUS in the 1980's (XXXXXX v. Georgia if memory serves)?

Upheld in the 80s, actually (Bowers vs. Hardwick). Overturned in 2003 (Lawrence vs. Texas).

Scott D
5/29/2013, 06:22 PM
And none of you are looking at the big picture. Lawyers are drooling over the mint they'll have access to with legalized gay marriage. Divorce lawyers just can't wait.

5/29/2013, 08:47 PM
I didn't know that slaves could have thoughts on marriage, be it straight or gay. He's still a slave, yo?

And I don't care about what a workout beast has to say about societal issues. He's paid to run with a foo'ball, not come up with anything that appears thoughtful.

Dude, twice in one night. WTF are you paid for? Shooting a couple pics? Maybe you should STFU about it? Maybe?

5/29/2013, 08:51 PM
Also, why does it take a butt-sex homo thread to bring Herr outta the wooodwork? Where's Lid? HMMMMMMM>>>>

5/29/2013, 08:57 PM
Also, why does it take a butt-sex homo thread to bring Herr outta the wooodwork? Where's Lid? HMMMMMMM>>>>

He's being Buttsexed elsewhere now a days. said hes thru here and wont be back

Herr Scholz
5/30/2013, 02:32 PM
At least he isn't bringing up the current abortion argument that drives me bonkers -> "We have to keep it legal because otherwise they'll go to illegal clinics."
How is that argument different than the gun freaks saying "Don't make new laws because the criminals won't obey them anyway"? I'm thinking you give credence to 1 of these over the other.

As far as the slippery slope arguments for gay marriage, I find them too silly to respond to. Believe what you want, just don't discriminate against other consenting adults because of your religious beliefs, that's all. Personally, I object to that dickless, fat drug addict Rush Limbaugh having the right to marry. He's on wife # 3 or 4 and has yet to produce any offspring.

Herr Scholz
5/30/2013, 02:33 PM
Also, why does it take a butt-sex homo thread to bring Herr outta the wooodwork? Where's Lid? HMMMMMMM>>>>
I've been posting here again for the past year or so.

rock on sooner
5/30/2013, 02:47 PM
How is that argument different than the gun freaks saying "Don't make new laws because the criminals won't obey them anyway"? I'm thinking you give credence to 1 of these over the other.

As far as the slippery slope arguments for gay marriage, I find them too silly to respond to. Believe what you want, just don't discriminate against other consenting adults because of your religious beliefs, that's all. Personally, I object to that dickless, fat drug addict Rush Limbaugh having the right to marry. He's on wife # 3 or 4 and has yet to produce any offspring.

I think it's a boon to mankind that Limbaugh hasn't reproduced.

5/30/2013, 02:51 PM
Personally, I object to that dickless, fat drug addict Rush Limbaugh having the right to marry. He's on wife # 3 or 4 and has yet to produce any offspring.

Thank Giod for small blessings.

Tear Down This Wall
5/30/2013, 04:06 PM
Also, why does it take a butt-sex homo thread to bring Herr outta the wooodwork? Where's Lid? HMMMMMMM>>>>

He'll be back if Texas can ever figure out a way to get up on us again. So...it'll be awhile. If you ask me, he's probably wise to keep a low profile during the Manny Diaz Era of Longhorn football.