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5/14/2013, 02:50 PM
Okay, yes a ways away...but my brother and I were discussing.

Hillary - seem logical, but maybe this latest Benghazi issue will have an effect.

Michelle O - my brother seems to think she will be the front runner, woman, black, lawyer, doesn't have "issues" besides her hubby...he thinks she has a strong chance to get elected.

anyone else?

5/14/2013, 02:57 PM
Neither are workable. I wouldn't be surprised to see the hair transplant one, Biden, get the nod...

5/14/2013, 02:58 PM
Michelle O? As long as we'll agree that no experience ever, doing anything, will be expected of our presidents.

5/14/2013, 03:04 PM
I don't think either are electable. Frankly, after 8 years of Barack Obama, American voters will likely be going Republican so long as the nominee is not batsh!t crazy.

I base this on several things:

1- These recent national headlines have not boded well for Obama and his party. From the Associated Press to the IRS, it's only a matter of time before they start associating him with the dreaded "Watergate" label.
2- Joblessness is depressing. Some seem convinced that if people could live on the public meal ticket for life nobody would ever work again. I disagree strongly with this. Jobs give people an identity, a source of pride, and a sense of independence that few other things can. Not being employed is not a guarantee of public assistance and it makes people feel helpless and worthless.
3- Republicans will get their act together. And when they do, all they have to do is point to No. 1 and No. 2 in this list to make voters listen.

5/14/2013, 03:11 PM
I'm not convinced the pubs can choose a reasonable candidate.

They have to say some very unpopular things to win the primary. Deal with your crazy Tea Party folks and you can have a shot. Otherwise, the xenophobic, racist aspects of the Republican image are going to kill it electorally.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/14/2013, 03:11 PM
Maybe George Soros can just buy the presidency. Even though the Fed is creating new money at a breakneck pace, it still might not be enough.

5/14/2013, 03:11 PM
understand...no way in hell I'd vote for either...

michelle's hubby didn't have much experience either..

5/14/2013, 03:13 PM
racists..? just because we EXPECT people to work and don't like ILLEGALS from ANY country...

5/14/2013, 03:14 PM
Hank Johnson


5/14/2013, 03:27 PM
racists..? just because we EXPECT people to work and don't like ILLEGALS from ANY country...

That right there is a racist as hell statement.

It's so bad you don't even realize you're saying it.

5/14/2013, 03:27 PM
Maybe George Soros can just buy the presidency. Even though the Fed is creating new money at a breakneck pace, it still might not be enough.

What Soros comes up with is lunch money compared to Koch & Co. next conspiracy theory please...

5/14/2013, 03:27 PM

5/14/2013, 03:38 PM
That right there is a racist as hell statement.

It's so bad you don't even realize you're saying it.

Heh...was it the "illegal" that told you it was racist?

5/14/2013, 03:42 PM
If you don't understand, then put yourself in the same category.

5/14/2013, 04:00 PM
If you don't understand, then put yourself in the same category.

Heh heh....no getting past that shrewd "jill Stein" logic.

5/14/2013, 04:19 PM
If you don't understand, then put yourself in the same category.

Could you be more vague?

5/14/2013, 04:22 PM
If the Dems select Hillary, they'll lose by 20 points. She is analogous to the intrusive social enfocers of the Rep right in that she speaks for a big part of the Dem soul, but is so repugnant to everyone else that she would drive a 'no' vote. I know I'd be there to vote for anyone against her (with Rick Santorum being an exception, I'd probably have to sit that one out and plan on staying blind drunk for the following four years. That or just kill myself.)

And Michelle? Barack was running for years before he was 'running'. Michelle has causes, but she hasn't been putting together the backing she'd need. She doesn't need the job and I don't think she wants it.

Biden might try, but I think he's going to be seen as too old.

Massachusetts governor, though (I forget his name) might be the ticket. Deval Patrick?

And against him, who do we Pubs run? Probably somebody from the straitjacket brigade. Or we could do something intelligent and get an Olympia Snowe or Susan Collins and completely wrongfoot the Dems. Olympia Snowe v. Hillary? I'd pay money to watch that.

5/14/2013, 04:29 PM
Could you be more vague?

Uh oh...you don't understand... you must be a..........

5/14/2013, 04:35 PM
I'm not convinced the pubs can choose a reasonable candidate.

They have to say some very unpopular things to win the primary. Deal with your crazy Tea Party folks and you can have a shot. Otherwise, the xenophobic, racist aspects of the Republican image are going to kill it electorally.

You Poor stupid SOB, NO one said anything about the Pubs. he wanted to discuss the Dem. front runner.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/14/2013, 04:52 PM
...we could do something intelligent and get an Olympia Snowe or Susan Collins and completely wrongfoot the Dems. Olympia Snowe v. Hillary? I'd pay money to watch that.sorry to say you are backwards on the assassment. If anyone would cause more republicans to sit on their hands than a John McCain nomination without a conservative VP choice, Snowe would likely be it.

5/14/2013, 04:55 PM
God please no more New England pubs for prez....

5/14/2013, 04:59 PM
I'd disagree, Rush, but that's not a surprise. Snowe is an intelligent person who could position herself as someone who left government in disgust at the lack of basic patriotism demonstrated by today's hyper-partisanship. I think she would gain a huge chunk of the middle, particularly if the Dems chose a polarizing candidate like Hillary. And there'd be nowhere for the right edge of the Republican party to go, anyway. Sort of back to a Reagan style candidate.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/14/2013, 05:07 PM
I'd disagree, Rush, but that's not a surprise. Snowe is an intelligent person who could position herself as someone who left government in disgust at the lack of basic patriotism demonstrated by today's hyper-partisanship. I think she would gain a huge chunk of the middle, particularly if the Dems chose a polarizing candidate like Hillary. And there'd be nowhere for the right edge of the Republican party to go, anyway. Sort of back to a Reagan style candidate.What needs to happen is for FAR MORE pubs, ESPECIALLY including those in govt. and candidates for office, to treat the MSM spins and attacks on the repub candidates as the dirty political ploys that they are, and just come out and PLACE THAT VOTE. Don't sit on your hands or vote 3rd party, or we will be abused by democrat rule yet again.

5/14/2013, 06:17 PM
This very topic came up at lunch today amongst my like-minded conservative diners. The thing we have to remember is the Electoral College, and how it is very blue-friendly. This comment was made at lunch, and while it is an exaggeration, I'm not sure how big a one it is:

"The Dems could nominate Charles Manson, and NY and CA would be in the bag for him..."

We pretty much reconciled ourselves to the idea that the US has plunged down the slippery slope... we don't trust the "Usual Suspects" electorate to pull their heads out long enough to vote GOP...

Hope we are wrong.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/14/2013, 07:18 PM
This very topic came up at lunch today amongst my like-minded conservative diners. The thing we have to remember is the Electoral College, and how it is very blue-friendly. This comment was made at lunch, and while it is an exaggeration, I'm not sure how big a one it is:

"The Dems could nominate Charles Manson, and NY and CA would be in the bag for him..."

We pretty much reconciled ourselves to the idea that the US has plunged down the slippery slope... we don't trust the "Usual Suspects" electorate to pull their heads out long enough to vote GOP...

Hope we are wrong.It matters not who the dem has as its nominee. The dem voter will vote for him or her. The nominee can be counted on to be true to authoritarian statism(socialism). The few hardcores who voted for Nader(3rd party) in 2000 have almost all learned their lesson, and they will have a huge turnout, including lots of dubiously qualified newcomers. If amnesty for illegals, including voting rights is passed before the elections, we'll be totally submerged into the new dark ages.

5/14/2013, 07:55 PM
so how did W get elected? what has magically changed since 2004?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/14/2013, 08:05 PM
so how did W get elected? what has magically changed since 2004?What is YOUR take on both subjects?

rock on sooner
5/14/2013, 08:43 PM
IMO....and only IMO...
iF Hillary runs, the Dem field is cleared and it'll be open season
on Hillary. Aint much gonna stick to her..not this Benghazi thing
or anything else. She is SMART, TOUGH, THOROUGH, EXTEMELY
WELL VERSED IN GOV'T. I don't see a Pub ANYWHERE who can
bump up against her...not Rubio, not Paul, certainly not Santorum,
Bachmann, Gingrich or any others. At this point in time, the Pubs
aint gotta snowballs chance in hell. Now, having said alla that, the
Dems will find a way to open a door and a bunch of Pubs will rush in.
SO, we are gonna wait and see. Money's on Hillary and the Right will
beat themselves crazy and wonder what happened...jus one ole feller
who's been watchin all of this stuff and chucklin a bunch....

5/14/2013, 10:13 PM
Years ago I bought a book at a used book sale about HRC and her ambitions. Hell To Pay. It was written by a lady that ended up being killed by radical mooslems on 9/11...

Anyhow, I figured I'd read it one day when HRC is outta power, if ever. Then maybe it won't seem so scary.

5/15/2013, 07:52 AM
If you don't understand, then put yourself in the same category.

hmmm...nice answer...

not one color word...I don't care what race you are...WORK, I don't care what country you come from, come in LEGALLY..why is that racists?

Mid, you know I work in an urban school...euro-american (few - poor), african - amer, asian - americ, hispanic - amer..we have them all...I tell them ALL the same, work hard, become a better reader, understand what you like to do and look for a career in THAT type of work.

But make your bull$hit statements...

Harry Beanbag
5/15/2013, 08:30 AM
Mid's trolling is strong in this thread.

5/15/2013, 08:52 AM
It matters not who the dem has as its nominee. The dem voter will vote for him or her. The nominee can be counted on to be true to authoritarian statism(socialism). The few hardcores who voted for Nader(3rd party) in 2000 have almost all learned their lesson, and they will have a huge turnout, including lots of dubiously qualified newcomers. If amnesty for illegals, including voting rights is passed before the elections, we'll be totally submerged into the new dark ages.

Again, Rush, we mysteriously coincide. The Dem nominee unless completely insane, gets most if not all Dem votes. That is also true on the Republican side. The key is that neither party controls more than, perhaps, 30% or so of the vote. There's that middle 40% +/- who decide the election. The party that can captivate them, without abandoning their core philosophy, wins.

And, to me, the sell is financial restraint (call it conservatism if you will, but that word's become so freighted that you get as many arguments amongst fellow travellers as you do with the opposed) combined with social restraint (call that liberalism or libertarianism if you will with the same caveat as above). A return to the policy planks of Eisenhower, Goldwater and Reagan would win by 20% or so. And shouldn't discomfort any but the most radical 'conservatives'.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/15/2013, 01:46 PM
There's that middle...who decide the election. The party that can captivate them, without abandoning their core philosophy, wins.


A return to the policy planks of Eisenhower, Goldwater and Reagan would win by 20% or so. And shouldn't discomfort any but the most radical 'conservatives'.

The US hasn't had a conservative win republican nomination since Reagan. What's happening I believe, is that there are many libs voting in the repub primary, in order to dilute the republicans' conservativism. Also, far too many folks are swayed by the horse crap of the MSM, and believe a moderate has a better chance to win the presidency than a conservative. The reality is that the republicans haven't fielded a conservative since Reagan, who won big both times.

5/15/2013, 01:54 PM
I hope we are still a country in 2016....

5/15/2013, 01:59 PM
That right there is a racist as hell statement.

It's so bad you don't even realize you're saying it.

No it's not. It may be xenophobic but it is not racist. And it is not racist to expect immigration policy to be molded in a way that benefits the country.....i.e. offering fast track immigration to educated individuals who will meet an economic need in this country while keeping out uneducated individuals that are likely to become a burden on our already stressed entitlement programs.

BTW, I am dubious of the need for significant immigration. It should be selective and limited. I guess that makes me a xenophobe, also.

5/15/2013, 02:05 PM
I played the xenophobe in the Dietz School marimba band...

5/15/2013, 02:15 PM
I played the xenophobe in the Dietz School marimba band...


5/15/2013, 02:17 PM
Can you remember the girl who played the xenophile? Hot stuff, but only really went after the exchange students.

5/15/2013, 03:27 PM
With such a large and growing portion of the population getting a free ride, I'm very bullish about any Repub beating the Dem in '16