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5/14/2013, 09:46 AM
Okay, so I was listening to the radio just now as I was getting ready to head out for a morning run and I heard where Angelina Jolie just came public with the news that she underwent a double masectomy earlier this year.

Naturally this topic interests me very much and I applaud her for the decision she made and for being willing to share her story.

As a 4 year survivor myself, I underwent gene testing back when I was on chemo and thankfully didn't test positive for the gene or else I would have surely made the same decision. In fact, I had a bit of a scare a few weeks ago and my immediate thought was that if it had come back, the girls were going to go and go right then and there with no regrets. Over the years I've known a lot of women who have either had breast cancer or had a loved one or friend with it and it amazes me that so many of us still are hesitant to undergo a procedure such as this. I think for most women having boobs is what gives us part of our "identies" as women and so many of us become emotionally attached to them and the thought of getting rid of them (even if you get nice new ones to replace the old ones) it just too much for some of us.

Kudos to Angelina for taking control of her health and going through with something so life-altering. According to what I'm hearing, she had an 87% chance of getting breast cancer had she opted to hold onto her boobs.

5/14/2013, 10:04 AM
Angelina Joliie without boobs keeps Brad Pitt

Sandra Bullock with boobs 'loses' Jesse James.

Life is indeed full of mystery.

5/14/2013, 10:24 AM

You know how I feel about that whole Sandra Bullock thing. Some men are just impossible to keep happy and shouldn't be given the time of day.

So serious question then..... Do you guys find Angelina more or less attractive now?

5/14/2013, 11:03 AM

You know how I feel about that whole Sandra Bullock thing. Some men are just impossible to keep happy and shouldn't be given the time of day.

So serious question then..... Do you guys find Angelina more or less attractive now?

I'd have to see Before an after Pics of her Boobs.

Kelly Bundy did the same thing 5 years ago.


5/14/2013, 11:09 AM
She's an exotic looking woman which I find attractive, but it's her confident vibes that I find most appealing and I suspect that is what attracted Brad Pitt.

5/14/2013, 01:57 PM
I wish her the best...

Will she ever make out with her brother again?

5/14/2013, 02:33 PM
She's an exotic looking woman which I find attractive, but it's her confident vibes that I find most appealing and I suspect that is what attracted Brad Pitt.

True, true, but I feel his treatment of Jennifer Anniston was selfish and rude. And I'd tell little Jen that as I stroked her hair, held her close and comforted her

5/14/2013, 02:40 PM
I'd agree with any woman's decision with those odds...but I also agree, a woman without boobs, is unappealing to me...will she get fakes?, I would imagine.

5/14/2013, 03:01 PM
She's an exotic looking woman which I find attractive, but it's her confident vibes that I find most appealing and I suspect that is what attracted Brad Pitt.
Pretty face. Little boy body. Billy Bob's leftovers.
Great actress.

5/14/2013, 03:04 PM
So wait, she didn't actually have cancer, but the possibility of maybe getting cancer one day made her get a masectomy?

Am I understanding this right?

5/14/2013, 03:15 PM
yup...it's the new rage, I think Miss America had it done as well.

5/14/2013, 03:40 PM

Lifetime Risk of Developing or Dying From Cancer
Risk of developing - 44.81%
Risk of dying from - 23.08%
Risk of developing - 38.17%
Risk of dying from - 19.39%

Wouldn't it be a bitch if she got another form of cancer after having that done? Ladies, please don't start having your boobs removed.

5/14/2013, 04:01 PM
I know the odds were not in her favor as far as avoiding breast cancer, but it seems crazy to me to have both breasts removed as a completely preventative measure.

I don't know what my risks are for testicular cancer, but I know I'm not that into prevention!

5/14/2013, 04:27 PM
Sicem, she was a special case, mutant gene, 90% chance of developing an aggressive form of breast cancer. Not applicable to the general population.

5/14/2013, 05:18 PM
If I can touch em, they're real.

5/14/2013, 05:22 PM
84%? 90%? 65%? The numbers vary depending on who you talk to. I have a major issue with it as a preventative. There are way to many other factors involved and the whole "DNA says you're going to get sick" thing doesn't always hold water. What happens if they were to find a cure for breast cancer next year? Monitor aggressively and treat aggressively if found but I will never agree with preventative removal.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/14/2013, 05:30 PM

You know how I feel about that whole Sandra Bullock thing. Some men are just impossible to keep happy and shouldn't be given the time of day.

So serious question then..... Do you guys find Angelina more or less attractive now?Just a guess, but I doubt really that Angelina cares much what anybody thinks. She assessed the operations a life or death thing, and she's got massive amounts of money. if he leaves, she would prolly handle it fine.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/14/2013, 05:34 PM
I know the odds were not in her favor as far as avoiding breast cancer, but it seems crazy to me to have both breasts removed as a completely preventative measure.

I don't know what my risks are for testicular cancer, but I know I'm not that into prevention!have you already feared penicular cancer?

Sorry, just couldn't resist. my bad.

5/14/2013, 06:25 PM
She Still has boobs....!!!!

5/14/2013, 07:20 PM
If I can touch em, they're real.

IF I can touch em Im HAPPY

5/14/2013, 08:11 PM
Now here is where a woman should have complete control of HER body, At least she aint killing an innocent baby.

Sides this says she made this decision after much Medical advice and after seeing her Mother die a horrible death from the shat.
You go gurl , May you live long and prosper.


5/14/2013, 08:57 PM
84%? 90%? 65%? The numbers vary depending on who you talk to. I have a major issue with it as a preventative. There are way to many other factors involved and the whole "DNA says you're going to get sick" thing doesn't always hold water. What happens if they were to find a cure for breast cancer next year? Monitor aggressively and treat aggressively if found but I will never agree with preventative removal.

So you're saying that if this were your wife/daughter/mother you would be perfectly fine with her keeping her breasts knowing that there was at the very least a 75% chance she would contract a particularly nasty form of breast cancer.

I've been that person who has had to be "treated aggressively." I promise that if you were to ever see that first hand you would not make such a casual statement such as this. The reality of treating cancer aggressively is ugly. And hard. And not something I would wish on my very worst enemy.

This particular preventative removal took her from around a 90% chance of getting this down to under 10%. That's pretty damned sigificant. Especially considering that if she were to get breast cancer it wouldn't be the regular old garden variety that most women get and that has a 90% survival rate. No.... if she were to develop it, then it would be a very nasty, very aggressive tumor that more than likely would out-agressive whatever treatment the docs decided to throw at her. And throw it they would.

Been there, done that and I quite literally have the physical and emotional scars to prove it. There is no preventative surgery that could have been worse than that.

5/14/2013, 09:48 PM
So you're saying that if this were your wife/daughter/mother you would be perfectly fine with her keeping her breasts knowing that there was at the very least a 75% chance she would contract a particularly nasty form of breast cancer.

I've been that person who has had to be "treated aggressively." I promise that if you were to ever see that first hand you would not make such a casual statement such as this. The reality of treating cancer aggressively is ugly. And hard. And not something I would wish on my very worst enemy.

This particular preventative removal took her from around a 90% chance of getting this down to under 10%. That's pretty damned sigificant. Especially considering that if she were to get breast cancer it wouldn't be the regular old garden variety that most women get and that has a 90% survival rate. No.... if she were to develop it, then it would be a very nasty, very aggressive tumor that more than likely would out-agressive whatever treatment the docs decided to throw at her. And throw it they would.

Been there, done that and I quite literally have the physical and emotional scars to prove it. There is no preventative surgery that could have been worse than that.
No what I am saying is that the stats that you just quoted are pretty much unproven bs used as scare tactics. I don't blame her for making the decision...at all. What I have issue with is that doctors and researchers have barely scratched the surface of what we truly understand in regards to genetics, cancer, neurology, and immunity yet they go around quoting these stats as complete. Lifestyle changes can overcome many genetic predispositions, why not this one? My great grandmother died from colon cancer, should I look into removing my colon? Or should I make sure and have regular colonoscopies, increase fiber and stay away from foods shown to increase risk?

5/14/2013, 09:51 PM
And to clarify, when I said, "monitor aggressively" I mean if someone is at increased risk do regular MRI testing ,or whatever testing your doctor recommends, to catch it early so that treatment can be administered early and effectively.

5/15/2013, 06:27 AM
And to clarify, when I said, "monitor aggressively" I mean if someone is at increased risk do regular MRI testing ,or whatever testing your doctor recommends, to catch it early so that treatment can be administered early and effectively.

I understood.

What I don't think a lot of people understand about this scenario though is that these stats aren't just random BS. They are pretty damned accuate.
Another point many fail to understand is that even early treatment is brutal. Absolutely. Brutal. Oh, and I love how people just automatically assume it will be effective. Once diagnosed with this kind of cancer, even with early and aggressive treatment you're looking at about a 74% survival rate.

It's not like having a double masectomy is life-threatening and it's a helluva lot cheaper than chemo and radiation. And more chemo. Why not have this preventative procedure and cut the risks 10-fold?

5/15/2013, 06:30 AM
I understood.

What I don't think a lot of people understand about this scenario though is that these stats aren't just random BS. They are pretty damned accuate.
Another point many fail to understand is that even early treatment is brutal. Absolutely. Brutal. Oh, and I love how people just automatically assume it will be effective. Once diagnosed with this kind of cancer, even with early and aggressive treatment you're looking at about a 74% survival rate.

It's not like having a double masectomy is life-threatening and it's a helluva lot cheaper than chemo and radiation. And more chemo. Why not have this preventative procedure and cut the risks 10-fold?

Plus I dont think it makes ya Puke like Chemo Nor make yer hair fall out.

5/15/2013, 07:33 AM
I understood.

What I don't think a lot of people understand about this scenario though is that these stats aren't just random BS. They are pretty damned accuate.
Another point many fail to understand is that even early treatment is brutal. Absolutely. Brutal. Oh, and I love how people just automatically assume it will be effective. Once diagnosed with this kind of cancer, even with early and aggressive treatment you're looking at about a 74% survival rate.

It's not like having a double masectomy is life-threatening and it's a helluva lot cheaper than chemo and radiation. And more chemo. Why not have this preventative procedure and cut the risks 10-fold?
I'm really not sure what you are arguing here. You asked a question but it looks like you already have your opinion and are just looking for people to agree with you. You also act as if I don't know that cancer completely sucks. It sucks, in all forms it sucks. What I am saying is that there is so much more to gene expression than we know right now, we are barely scratching the surface and I think it is way premature to be making these sorts of decisions.

5/15/2013, 07:36 AM

5/15/2013, 07:37 AM
Not trying to be rude or anything...do most women get implants, or are there issues since there was cancer? Just curious. Congrats on your recovery!

5/15/2013, 11:00 AM
I had testicular cancer and said testicle was removed in it's early cancerous stage. I did 15 radiation treatments.
The testicle had become noticably abnormal. Nothing wrong with being proactive.

5/15/2013, 11:45 AM
So, mainline medical opinion is, to some degree, 'BS', but someone blogging for something called 'greenmedinfo' is the Gospel? I'd sure as hell question my doctor before lopping off any body part preventatively; but there would come a time when I'd probably go with the best ruling consensus.

5/15/2013, 12:04 PM
So, mainline medical opinion is, to some degree, 'BS', but someone blogging for something called 'greenmedinfo' is the Gospel? I'd sure as hell question my doctor before lopping off any body part preventatively; but there would come a time when I'd probably go with the best ruling consensus.
Did I say it was gospel? I don't necessarily agree with everything in his article but it does make you think about some things a bit. And to say the stats being thrown around are mainline medical is naive. I can guarantee that the majority of medical doctors don't think that removing body parts as a preventative is a great habit to get into.

5/15/2013, 12:15 PM
No, you never used the word 'gospel'. My bad. You did refer to doctors throwing 'BS' around, however. Please know that I will defend your right to decide for yourself in the event that some doctor recommends cutting a cyst out or even removing your little toe on account of data that he feels is compelling.

5/15/2013, 02:22 PM
Not trying to be rude or anything...do most women get implants, or are there issues since there was cancer? Just curious. Congrats on your recovery!

Heh, so are you asking about my situation personally, or what normally happens?

5/15/2013, 02:31 PM
I'm really not sure what you are arguing here. You asked a question but it looks like you already have your opinion and are just looking for people to agree with you. You also act as if I don't know that cancer completely sucks. It sucks, in all forms it sucks. What I am saying is that there is so much more to gene expression than we know right now, we are barely scratching the surface and I think it is way premature to be making these sorts of decisions.

Okay so first of all, I didn't ask a question. I originally started a thread giving kudos for a famous actress in her bold decision.

I can handle people disagreeing with me. Happens all day every day and as far as I'm concerned a world where everybody is on the same page would be a very boring place indeed.

That being said, I do have issues with the perceived thought process of "oh well, if someone does get cancer, then you can just treat it. Nothing to see here, move on."

Yes, there are many things about gene expression that we do not know. OTOH, there are many things we do know and one thing we know for sure is that testing BRCA1 positive is a very bad thing when it comes to your chances of developing breast cancer.

I still fail to understand why someone would consider taking preventative measures that make sense and have been proven to substantially decrease a person's chances of developing cancer wouldn't be the best option.

Not everyone who smokes develops lung cancer, but you wouldn't find me arguing that stopping smoking is a bad idea.

As far as I'm concerned, I greatly admire Angelina for taking this step and also coming out publicly with it. She is in a field where image is everything and she was brave enough to take the steps she needed to take to have the best chance she could have to stay alive and healthy for her family.

5/15/2013, 03:00 PM
So wait, she didn't actually have cancer, but the possibility of maybe getting cancer one day made her get a masectomy?

Am I understanding this right?

87% chance of getting breast cancer.

5/15/2013, 03:01 PM
Yes, there are many things about gene expression that we do not know. OTOH, there are many things we do know and one thing we know for sure is that testing BRCA1 positive is a very bad thing when it comes to your chances of developing breast cancer.
No, we don't know that FOR SURE and that is my entire point. We don't know enough to know or not.

I still fail to understand why someone would consider taking preventative measures that make sense and have been proven to substantially decrease a person's chances of developing cancer wouldn't be the best option.

This is false as well. It hasn't been "proven" at all. It's a theory. It's a theory that makes sense on the surface but I will say this one last time, gene expression is way to complex to think we know much of anything at this point.
I saw this guy speak a while back, some incredible stuff. This interview just scratches the surface.
As crazy as it seems, there's also some pretty amazing research being done that shows a positive impact on gene expression just through positive thinking. And no I'm not saying to think your way to health but I believe 100% that there is a lot to positive thinking and healing.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/15/2013, 03:02 PM
She was scared shi*less about her situation, and said "eff it, IDGAS about anything else here, except surviving. I have plenty of moolah, and can be comfortable, regardless of career or relationship with hubby". or, something like that. Prolly a smart move. She can now make well-paid advertising for several causes, if she wants.

5/15/2013, 03:06 PM
84%? 90%? 65%? The numbers vary depending on who you talk to. I have a major issue with it as a preventative. There are way to many other factors involved and the whole "DNA says you're going to get sick" thing doesn't always hold water. What happens if they were to find a cure for breast cancer next year? Monitor aggressively and treat aggressively if found but I will never agree with preventative removal.

She had reconstructive surgery (aka boob job) so I don't see what the issue is. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't agree with preventative removal. I don't think that anyone who lost a loved one to this type of breast cancer would agree with you.

rock on sooner
5/15/2013, 03:21 PM
I had a cancerous lesion removed, because the doctor said that
if I didn't and tried radiation then there a CHANCE that it could
metastasize and spread. It left an area that required stitching
and a rather unsightly appearance. My situation is much less an
issue than what Jolie did or F&G went through but I'm having a hard
time understanding a back and forth with a cancer survivor about
percentages and prophylatic intervention.

5/15/2013, 03:53 PM
I had a cancerous lesion removed, because the doctor said that
if I didn't and tried radiation then there a CHANCE that it could
metastasize and spread. It left an area that required stitching
and a rather unsightly appearance. My situation is much less an
issue than what Jolie did or F&G went through but I'm having a hard
time understanding a back and forth with a cancer survivor about
percentages and prophylatic intervention.

Gonna do my best to turn you green ros!

I still don't get the argument... Makes no sense to me.

5/15/2013, 03:57 PM
No, we don't know that FOR SURE and that is my entire point. We don't know enough to know or not.

This is false as well. It hasn't been "proven" at all. It's a theory. It's a theory that makes sense on the surface but I will say this one last time, gene expression is way to complex to think we know much of anything at this point.
I saw this guy speak a while back, some incredible stuff. This interview just scratches the surface.
As crazy as it seems, there's also some pretty amazing research being done that shows a positive impact on gene expression just through positive thinking. And no I'm not saying to think your way to health but I believe 100% that there is a lot to positive thinking and healing.

Okay, I'm trying very hard to not be a complete *** here, but can you please answer the following question. If your wife/daughter/mother/sister tested positive for the BRCA1 gene, you would be perfectly willing to entrust their future survival to the power of positive thinking rather than take measures known to increase survival?

5/15/2013, 04:07 PM
Achiro, Here is how this thing boiling down. You may be correct that we don't have everything nailed down so far as gene expression is concerned. In fact I'd be so bold as to opine that we probably won't, ever. Hell's Bells, we don't really know, fully, how aspirin works and people were drinking willow bark tea thousands of years ago. What we've got are strong indications and the best judgement of today/now.
And we've got boobs. I like 'em, I presume you do, too. But, frankly, other than building the self esteem of high school girls and feeding infants, they really don't serve a vital life purpose. So, they're expendable.
But then we've got pain, risk, cost, etc associated with any surgery. (I'm not a fan of plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes.)

It seems to me that, under the circumstances, Jolie's decision makes excellent sense and that it was her decision. And that, probably because she wanted to get out ahead of a media circus, she thought it best to make a press release and be done with it.

Since it is not nearly as likely that you will be faced with the same decision, it's kind of a throw away, but you will have my full support in the event that you do face the same decision and decide to keep your breasts.

5/15/2013, 04:17 PM
Heres the deal Like I said before. It Her Tits, Her life Her decision why we even debating this ****?
Achiro The only question I saw her ax was , do we think this broad is More/Less desirable.

Hell from what little I know about this , They just open em up scrape out the Fillin then pack em back with silicone. Instant presto Boob job.

Better than takin a chance on dying I lost a Sister inlaw and her daughter to that crap.

5/15/2013, 04:35 PM
Heres the deal Like I said before. It Her Tits, Her life Her decision why we even debating this ****?
Achiro The only question I saw her ax was , do we think this broad is More/Less desirable.

Hell from what little I know about this , They just open em up scrape out the Fillin then pack em back with silicone. Instant presto Boob job.

Better than takin a chance on dying I lost a Sister inlaw and her daughter to that crap.


You should open up your own clinic with this exact description of how you would perform boob jobs. :glee:

5/15/2013, 04:59 PM

You should open up your own clinic with this exact description of how you would perform boob jobs. :glee:

After I drooled all over my 1st customer You wimmens be up in arms sayin I was a Provert.Id be saying STFU an make me a sammich,:drunk:

5/15/2013, 05:09 PM
Heh, so are you asking about my situation personally, or what normally happens?

lol..no not you, in general. I know several women with boob jobs for cosmetic reasons...didn't know if the cancer issues makes a diff..which if it doesn't, then it really doesn't matter..just put fakes in.

5/15/2013, 05:59 PM
I had a cancerous lesion removed, because the doctor said that
if I didn't and tried radiation then there a CHANCE that it could
metastasize and spread. It left an area that required stitching
and a rather unsightly appearance. My situation is much less an
issue than what Jolie did or F&G went through but I'm having a hard
time understanding a back and forth with a cancer survivor about
percentages and prophylatic intervention.
I guess that I want to give my patients all their options and the consequences involved, not just tell them what they want to hear. I guess you consider that a bad thing?

Okay, I'm trying very hard to not be a complete *** here, but can you please answer the following question. If your wife/daughter/mother/sister tested positive for the BRCA1 gene, you would be perfectly willing to entrust their future survival to the power of positive thinking rather than take measures known to increase survival?
"Known to increase survival" this is not true so stop saying it. It is an UNknown and that is my entire point. Just because they said it on the news at 5 "health report" doesn't make it true. Breast removal as prevention is fringe, not mainstream. There are no long term studies as to the efficacy or side effects.
As to your question of my wife, and this is from her, not just my words. As of what we know for now there sure as hell wouldn't be any removal of her breasts. We would monitor closely, probably scan more often and use MRI instead of just mammograms. Tweak some lifestyle choices, and yes maintain positive thoughts toward her health. Dwelling and worrying about it all the time would be the worst thing someone could do.

Heres the deal Like I said before. It Her Tits, Her life Her decision why we even debating this ****?
Achiro The only question I saw her ax was , do we think this broad is More/Less desirable.

Hell from what little I know about this , They just open em up scrape out the Fillin then pack em back with silicone. Instant presto Boob job.

Better than takin a chance on dying I lost a Sister inlaw and her daughter to that crap.
Here is the debate in a nutshell OV. Because some Hollywood chick did this, suddenly people think it is a mainstream idea that is researched thoroughly and always has positive outcomes. That narrative has continued throughout this thread, even you just said, "better than takin a chance on dying". When, in fact, we don't know for sure that it has that effect at all. That gene isn't just about breast cancer, there are other types of cancers involved. If the gene wants to express itself it will whether there is a breast there or not.
Also to clarify, just because someone has been found positive for this gene does not mean they have cancer just that they are at increased risk.

And the last thing here is just another clarification, breast reconstruction after mastectomy isn't just packing them back with silicone. It is a massive surgery that involves,among other things, moving muscles around, it takes several hours to complete and can have long term complications. Seriously, look it up, it is incredible(and awesome) what they are able to do but nothing like breast enhancement surgery.

5/15/2013, 06:17 PM
Im making Light of it with the silicone joke. F&G went thru Breast cancer a few years ago, I know for a fact she will live with the Fear of it recurring the rest of her life.
AJs Momma just died of Cancer Im sure she just dint go Oh **** I Might get that **** lets cut em off.
Like you said you want YOUR patients to Know all their Options. Im sure Her doctor felt the same.

5/15/2013, 08:19 PM
"Known to increase survival" this is not true so stop saying it. It is an UNknown and that is my entire point. Just because they said it on the news at 5 "health report" doesn't make it true. Breast removal as prevention is fringe, not mainstream. There are no long term studies as to the efficacy or side effects.
As to your question of my wife, and this is from her, not just my words. As of what we know for now there sure as hell wouldn't be any removal of her breasts. We would monitor closely, probably scan more often and use MRI instead of just mammograms. Tweak some lifestyle choices, and yes maintain positive thoughts toward her health. Dwelling and worrying about it all the time would be the worst thing someone could do.

It is absolutely true so please stop telling me to stop saying it. This is like saying that someone with a faulty CFTR gene won't get cystic fibrosis if they just keep a positive attitude. My oncologist's wife's mother died of breast cancer. His wife's aunt died from breast cancer. His wife carries the BRCA1 gene and guess what? As soon as she was finished with having and nursing children, she was in for a double masectomy. He told me that he recommends all of his patients who test positive for this gene to seriously-- VERY seriously consider the move. This is a man who deals with and treats cancer for a living. He's one of the smartest people I know and so is his wife (who is also a pharmacist.)

You can choose to tweak lifestyle all you want but at the end of the day I prefer to rely on more than just sunshine, unicorns, and happy thoughts for my healthcare.

5/15/2013, 08:24 PM
lol..no not you, in general. I know several women with boob jobs for cosmetic reasons...didn't know if the cancer issues makes a diff..which if it doesn't, then it really doesn't matter..just put fakes in.

Okay, gotcha. Well, I obviously know a few women besides myself. A couple of them opted for no replacement boobs, and one of them got the replacement boobs and loves them. I personally opted for breast reduction since this was going to be my golden opportunity to have the insurance company completely pay for it. So no fakes here, just less of what I had.
If I had tested BRCA positive though, I would have had double masectomy with reconstruction and an oophorectomy since the risk is also so highly associated with ovarian cancer.

rock on sooner
5/15/2013, 08:57 PM
I guess that I want to give my patients all their options and the consequences involved, not just tell them what they want to hear. I guess you consider that a bad thing?

"Known to increase survival" this is not true so stop saying it. It is an UNknown and that is my entire point. Just because they said it on the news at 5 "health report" doesn't make it true. Breast removal as prevention is fringe, not mainstream. There are no long term studies as to the efficacy or side effects.
As to your question of my wife, and this is from her, not just my words. As of what we know for now there sure as hell wouldn't be any removal of her breasts. We would monitor closely, probably scan more often and use MRI instead of just mammograms. Tweak some lifestyle choices, and yes maintain positive thoughts toward her health. Dwelling and worrying about it all the time would be the worst thing someone could do.

Here is the debate in a nutshell OV. Because some Hollywood chick did this, suddenly people think it is a mainstream idea that is researched thoroughly and always has positive outcomes. That narrative has continued throughout this thread, even you just said, "better than takin a chance on dying". When, in fact, we don't know for sure that it has that effect at all. That gene isn't just about breast cancer, there are other types of cancers involved. If the gene wants to express itself it will whether there is a breast there or not.
Also to clarify, just because someone has been found positive for this gene does not mean they have cancer just that they are at increased risk.

And the last thing here is just another clarification, breast reconstruction after mastectomy isn't just packing them back with silicone. It is a massive surgery that involves,among other things, moving muscles around, it takes several hours to complete and can have long term complications. Seriously, look it up, it is incredible(and awesome) what they are able to do but nothing like breast enhancement surgery.

The Doc who did the surgery told me that my primary care physician
gave me good advice...aint been a hint since!

I'm guessing, mind you, but I'm thinking that F&G didn't make her life
altering decision based on the 5 o'clock news. While any removal is
not mainstream, again, guessing here, those that go from 87% certainty
to 5% liklihood, will disagree.

As to your wife and the decisions that you make, it is YOURS, and that
is, for you, right on. For you to suggest otherwise is disengenious at a
minimum. That's why multiple opinions existl.

And, ifn you aint figgered Vet's humor yet, ya prolly should sleep on it
and then axe tha question agin...jus sayin...

5/15/2013, 09:11 PM

You know how I feel about that whole Sandra Bullock thing. Some men are just impossible to keep happy and shouldn't be given the time of day.

So serious question then..... Do you guys find Angelina more or less attractive now?

First, I have to congratulate you on kicking cancer in the ***. I know it's never fully gone, but I love that you keep fighting.

As for Angelina, I think she is as attractive as she's ever been. In other words, it makes no difference to me. Now, 20 years ago, I might have felt differently, but I'm older and wiser. If anything, it makes me look at her with a little more respect. That's a courageous thing she did.

5/15/2013, 09:14 PM
It is absolutely true so please stop telling me to stop saying it. This is like saying that someone with a faulty CFTR gene won't get cystic fibrosis if they just keep a positive attitude. My oncologist's wife's mother died of breast cancer. His wife's aunt died from breast cancer. His wife carries the BRCA1 gene and guess what? As soon as she was finished with having and nursing children, she was in for a double masectomy. He told me that he recommends all of his patients who test positive for this gene to seriously-- VERY seriously consider the move. This is a man who deals with and treats cancer for a living. He's one of the smartest people I know and so is his wife (who is also a pharmacist.)

You can choose to tweak lifestyle all you want but at the end of the day I prefer to rely on more than just sunshine, unicorns, and happy thoughts for my healthcare.

All I can add is that Jolie and Pitt have the means to consult with the top doctors in the world, which I'm pretty sure they would have done. If, after that consultation, she opted for the procedure, then it speaks volumes about it's effectiveness.

rock on sooner
5/15/2013, 09:27 PM
After I drooled all over my 1st customer You wimmens be up in arms sayin I was a Provert.Id be saying STFU an make me a sammich,:drunk:

Aw Vet, yew must have a tape worm, yew ALWAYS want a sammich!:highly_amused:

5/15/2013, 11:47 PM
Aw Vet, yew must have a tape worm, yew ALWAYS want a sammich!:highly_amused:

Got to keep up my energy.

5/16/2013, 09:00 AM
So what sort of sammich do you prefer?

5/16/2013, 09:11 AM
Okay, gotcha. Well, I obviously know a few women besides myself. A couple of them opted for no replacement boobs, and one of them got the replacement boobs and loves them. I personally opted for breast reduction since this was going to be my golden opportunity to have the insurance company completely pay for it. So no fakes here, just less of what I had.
If I had tested BRCA positive though, I would have had double masectomy with reconstruction and an oophorectomy since the risk is also so highly associated with ovarian cancer.

guess Angelina is having the ovaries taken out as well.

5/16/2013, 09:15 AM
So what sort of sammich do you prefer?

Bacon, what else?

5/16/2013, 09:53 AM
You're right. In the sammich world there really is bacon.....and then everything else way, way behind. My bad.

5/16/2013, 10:00 AM
You're right. In the sammich world there really is bacon.....and then everything else way, way behind. My bad.

heh , we may as well go ahead an jack this thread
IMHO the Bestest sammich is toasted bread. Mayo or MW yer choice. a layer of bacon over a slice of cheese,Then a thick slab of Mater. lightly salted. nother layer of bacon, then a layer of avocado with garlic powder, then another layer of bacon.Close it up and Pig out.

5/16/2013, 10:41 AM
First, Angelina Jolie wasn't attractive to me before, so IDGAS whether she has tittage or not.

Second, Julia Roberts is > than Jolie in the hotts category, so IDGAS whether she has tittage or not either.

Third, I'm an ***/leg man. Tits are OK, but I just can't get all shook up about them. I will say that this would be the perfectly acceptable time to get some fake tittage. I've been very outspoken about my disdain for fake tittage on healthy women, but in this case it'd be cool.

Fourth, I'm with Howie on the "this is an example of a woman being in control of her own body" deal. Killing their unborn child is not.

5/16/2013, 10:42 AM
Fifth, nothing beats a fried pastrami, swiss, lettuce, tomato and dijon mustard sammich. Nothing.

5/16/2013, 10:47 AM
Fifth, nothing beats a fried pastrami, swiss, lettuce, tomato and dijon mustard sammich. Nothing.

Bacon, pure an simple BACON.

5/16/2013, 10:50 AM
pastrami is a worthy meat.

Equally worthy is a sliced leftover steak, jalapeno pepper, tomato and avocado sammich.

5/16/2013, 10:55 AM
pastrami is a worthy meat.

Equally worthy is a sliced leftover steak, jalapeno pepper, tomato and avocado sammich.

Yea but Dean says he dont even really like the titties . so that tells ya about how well ya should trust HIS judgement about anything.:fat:

5/16/2013, 11:35 AM
Yea but Dean says he dont even really like the titties . so that tells ya about how well ya should trust HIS judgement about anything.:fat:

I never said I didn't like them. I said they're not near as important as the vitals. Titties are like hot dogs. ***/legs/coochie is like pastrami, bacon, ham, roast beef, turkey.

5/16/2013, 12:37 PM
titties can be like prime rib.....just sayin.

5/16/2013, 12:59 PM
Yeah, I'll just keep an open mind.

It's sort of situational.

5/16/2013, 02:09 PM
I never said I didn't like them. I said they're not near as important as the vitals. Titties are like hot dogs. ***/legs/coochie is like pastrami, bacon, ham, roast beef, turkey.

Still think yer thinkin is suspect tho if ya think ANY things better than BACON.

rock on sooner
5/16/2013, 03:17 PM
heh , we may as well go ahead an jack this thread
IMHO the Bestest sammich is toasted bread. Mayo or MW yer choice. a layer of bacon over a slice of cheese,Then a thick slab of Mater. lightly salted. nother layer of bacon, then a layer of avocado with garlic powder, then another layer of bacon.Close it up and Pig out.

Yew fergot thick sliced sweet onion (Vidalia), then it be bestest!

5/16/2013, 03:23 PM
Yew fergot thick sliced sweet onion (Vidalia), then it be bestest!

Ya eat that on the side, The sammich is pretty dayum thick as is.

rock on sooner
5/16/2013, 03:28 PM
Ya eat that on the side, The sammich is pretty dayum thick as is.

Welp, MY side would be very cold malt beverage so gotta put
the onion inside, thick er otherwise...:triumphant:

5/16/2013, 03:37 PM
I'm doing left over prime rib sandwiches tonight with roasted onions and provolone. Any suggestions for additions?

5/16/2013, 03:42 PM
I'm doing left over prime rib sandwiches tonight with roasted onions and provolone. Any suggestions for additions?

Bacon, Nuff said

Scott D
5/16/2013, 04:47 PM
Pretty face. Little boy body. Billy Bob's leftovers.
Great actress.

eh Billy Bob got Jonny Lee Miller's leftovers ;)

5/16/2013, 05:33 PM
Right on Deaner. Ihave always been a leg man. You could be Katy Perry with perfect tits but knock kneed and cankled and meh. That's why I married a D-1soccer player. Wheels baby.
Don't forget Jolie had an ugly dyke girlfriend before that.

5/16/2013, 05:45 PM
Plus she's got some seriously effed up lips.

5/16/2013, 07:42 PM
Fifth, nothing beats a fried pastrami, swiss, lettuce, tomato and dijon mustard sammich. Nothing.

Has to be the right kind of pastrami. I've had some really ****ty pastrami sammiches.

5/16/2013, 07:54 PM
Has to be the right kind of pastrami. I've had some really ****ty pastrami sammiches.

There we go, Lets get this thread back on track. Bacon
Now even if you Get some Bad bacon its still wonderful bacon.Bacon is Kinda like the Sex. Worst is still pretty dayum GREAT

5/16/2013, 08:55 PM
Vet, you need to get some Baconaise for your sammiches. It's bacon flavored mayonnaise.


5/16/2013, 09:01 PM
Vet, you need to get some Baconaise for your sammiches. It's bacon flavored mayonnaise.


Dayum Looks like sompun I really want, Now I gotta ax myself do I want it bad enough to go to Wally Weird?
That seems to be the only place reasonably close that carry's it.
I did see some bout ordering it By phone er some pun.
Ill check into it.

5/16/2013, 09:01 PM
Okay, so I start a thread about boobies and you guys end up talking about bacon?


rock on sooner
5/16/2013, 09:08 PM
Vet, ya know, yew could git that stuff and have bacon flavored
salads, bacon flavored hot dogs, brats, burgers, chicken, shrimp,
scallops, baked potatoes, mac n cheese and not have ta cut inta
yer bacon stash...think about it!!

5/16/2013, 09:08 PM
Okay, so I start a thread about boobies and you guys end up talking about bacon?


Were Men what can we say, Boobs is Good, Bacon is Good , pretty much same subject.:excitement:

5/16/2013, 09:09 PM
Vet, ya know, yew could git that stuff and have bacon flavored
salads, bacon flavored hot dogs, brats, burgers, chicken, shrimp,
scallops, baked potatoes, mac n cheese and not have ta cut inta
yer bacon stash...think about it!!

Think I might sneak my *** into Wally Weird and snag a jar . Or better yet My Ex DIL owes me a few favors, Ill get HER to get it.

rock on sooner
5/16/2013, 09:10 PM
Okay, so I start a thread about boobies and you guys end up talking about bacon?


F&G, ya know Vet said he wuz gonna jack tha thread and ya know
how rilly short the tention span is with Soonerfans..jes guessin
but ifn ya wait just a bit sumbody will git back on topic....mention
boobies couple more times...:excitement:

rock on sooner
5/16/2013, 09:14 PM
Were Men what can we say, Boobs is Good, Bacon is Good , pretty much same subject.:excitement:

Naw, Ive had both and they aint tha same...:glee:

5/16/2013, 09:14 PM
F&G, ya know Vet said he wuz gonna jack tha thread and ya know
how rilly short the tention span is with Soonerfans..jes guessin
but ifn ya wait just a bit sumbody will git back on topic....mention
boobies couple more times...:excitement:

Like I said Boobies an Bacon, My 3 favoritest things in the world. Hell Ifen ya cut the Boobies Off then it just leave Bacon for me to enjoy. See It all works together.

5/16/2013, 09:16 PM
Naw, Ive had both and they aint tha same...:glee:

Dint say they taste the same, I said we Love em bout the same , Well except fer Dean he's an *** man er sompun.Prolly even like somethin called Pastrami over bacon also .

5/16/2013, 09:16 PM
... and for goodness sakes (cause I'm not done nagging here yet), please try to include something healthy on the sandwich.

Deep six the bacon, add in some lean turkey breast and load up on lots of veg on the thing. Avocado spread instead of mayo. Oh, and somebody please keep Vet away from the Wal-Marts so he can't be tempted to buy any bacon dogs either.

And NO...... I'm not making the damn sammiches! :mad:

5/16/2013, 09:19 PM
... and for goodness sakes (cause I'm not done nagging here yet), please try to include something healthy on the sandwich.

Deep six the bacon, add in some lean turkey breast and load up on lots of veg on the thing. Avocado spread instead of mayo. Oh, and somebody please keep Vet away from the Wal-Marts so he can't be tempted to buy any bacon dogs either.

And NO...... I'm not making the damn sammiches! :mad:

OOOH yea I gonna have to go now, I almost forgotted about the Bacon Dogs. :very_drunk:

5/16/2013, 09:20 PM
Here she comes LOL

rock on sooner
5/16/2013, 09:21 PM
... and for goodness sakes (cause I'm not done nagging here yet), please try to include something healthy on the sandwich.

Deep six the bacon, add in some lean turkey breast and load up on lots of veg on the thing. Avocado spread instead of mayo. Oh, and somebody please keep Vet away from the Wal-Marts so he can't be tempted to buy any bacon dogs either.

And NO...... I'm not making the damn sammiches! :mad:

There ya go, F&G, mention breast sum more and it'll werk...:biggrin:

5/16/2013, 09:23 PM
There ya go, F&G, mention breast sum more and it'll werk...:biggrin:

Did someone say

rock on sooner
5/16/2013, 09:25 PM
Welp, gotta go git beauty rest...havta go to St Louis fer a
niece's graduation. Lookin forward ta seein how this thread
turns out...heh...g'nite...

5/16/2013, 09:28 PM
Welp, gotta go git beauty rest...havta go to St Louis fer a
niece's graduation. Lookin forward ta seein how this thread
turns out...heh...g'nite...

Look at my new Sig
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRUcFkMUT341eO9KC_xO8AfPRCdqm8uD gUOG5qHaNQ_sM7-NLZ1

Scott D
5/17/2013, 01:17 PM
mmm bacon boobs.

5/17/2013, 02:36 PM
mmm bacon boobs.

hell yes...bacon flavored boobies...

5/17/2013, 05:40 PM
Well if it's gotta be bacon then make it bacon boobs. I sure as hell don't wanna think about bacon flavored cooch.

5/17/2013, 05:47 PM
Well if it's gotta be bacon then make it bacon boobs. I sure as hell don't wanna think about bacon flavored cooch.

Ask an Ye shall receive