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View Full Version : Arias Found Guilty

5/8/2013, 03:51 PM
She has been found guilty of first degree murder.

5/8/2013, 04:04 PM
As the crazy skank should be.....!!!!!

5/8/2013, 08:02 PM
If they had acquitted her, Nancy Grace's head would have exploded.

5/8/2013, 08:11 PM
If they had acquitted her, Nancy Grace's head would have exploded.

Silver lining? ;)

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
5/8/2013, 08:12 PM
She'll be a little love muffin in Ladies Detention!

Well, maybe that's what she wants, anyway.

rock on sooner
5/8/2013, 08:18 PM
I agree that she is guilty, based on what I have seen of the
trial and in the media, but, imo, there is something else afoot...
Gonna be interesting to see/hear what defense council does...

5/8/2013, 08:20 PM
I agree that she is guilty, based on what I have seen of the
trial and in the media, but, imo, there is something else afoot...
Gonna be interesting to see/hear what defense council does...

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRf7qMdFoj15QzbNmPKq1H26ONv7tTpz svFOgCrR6u4FfOgRugdvA

rock on sooner
5/8/2013, 08:31 PM
Heh, gotta be some sort of nut case defense there, cause she's
a frickin nutcase and why there was no insanity or diminished
capacity defense, I caint figger....

5/9/2013, 10:59 AM
Interesting poal by TMZ:

5/9/2013, 11:09 AM
Interesting poal by TMZ:

I would "DO" all 3 but I'd rather not.

5/9/2013, 11:49 AM
Amanda Knox is innocent -- wouldn't put her in the same category as the other two.

5/9/2013, 11:59 AM
Amanda Knox is innocent -- wouldn't put her in the same category as the other two.

How do you KNOW shes innocent. They want to try her again.

5/9/2013, 12:17 PM
How do you KNOW shes innocent. They want to try her again.

I think only she knows whether she did it or not; however, I don't think she did it nor do I believe there is enough evidence to convict her in an American court. The problem is that Italy is a bit more corrupt with looser standards of conduct for both the prosecution and police investigators. They couldn't get by with some of that **** in the US.

I hope to God the US doesn't extradite her if she's charged again in Italy.

5/9/2013, 12:32 PM
I think only she knows whether she did it or not; however, I don't think she did it nor do I believe there is enough evidence to convict her in an American court. The problem is that Italy is a bit more corrupt with looser standards of conduct for both the prosecution and police investigators. They couldn't get by with some of that **** in the US.

I hope to God the US doesn't extradite her if she's charged again in Italy.

Yep. In the U.S., they never could argue all of the sexual deviance/satanic worship type junk without someone to testify as to those facts. They haven't offered any actual evidence in the case and all of the potentially damaging physical evidence was thrown out. It's a total kangaroo court down there.

rock on sooner
5/9/2013, 12:44 PM
Yep. In the U.S., they never could argue all of the sexual deviance/satanic worship type junk without someone to testify as to those facts. They haven't offered any actual evidence in the case and all of the potentially damaging physical evidence was thrown out. It's a total kangaroo court down there.

With apologies to kangaroos everywhere!

5/9/2013, 12:49 PM
With apologies to kangaroos everywhere!

May be a Kangaroo system But Its their Laws ,Their Country, She was there when this happened.We have an extradition treaty with them. if they ask we have to send her back. Or we **** up any chance of getting anyone back from there.

5/9/2013, 01:18 PM
Amanda Knox never would have been charged if the prosecutor hadn't had a hair up his butt about George Bush and 'Amerika' in general. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

rock on sooner
5/9/2013, 01:36 PM
May be a Kangaroo system But Its their Laws ,Their Country, She was there when this happened.We have an extradition treaty with them. if they ask we have to send her back. Or we **** up any chance of getting anyone back from there.

Yup, sure is their law...but, remember, this is the country that has
had something like 34 gov't's since WWII.

FWIW, I followed this more than casually, listening to different U.S.
legal types addressing the sheer incompetence of the investigation,
chain of evidence handling, local legal types, lack of forensic evidence,
etc. and came to the conclusion that this was a HUGE rush to judgement
on the part of the Italians and Miss Knox was caught in the middle of
it all. Don't know if she is guilty or not but really looked like she was

5/9/2013, 01:44 PM
Yup, sure is their law...but, remember, this is the country that has
had something like 34 gov't's since WWII.

FWIW, I followed this more than casually, listening to different U.S.
legal types addressing the sheer incompetence of the investigation,
chain of evidence handling, local legal types, lack of forensic evidence,
etc. and came to the conclusion that this was a HUGE rush to judgement
on the part of the Italians and Miss Knox was caught in the middle of
it all. Don't know if she is guilty or not but really looked like she was

I pretty much agree with yer assessment , Im just sayin we pretty much gonna HAVE to ship her back IF they ask.

5/9/2013, 01:59 PM
I pretty much agree with yer assessment , Im just sayin we pretty much gonna HAVE to ship her back IF they ask.

Not really.

Here's a copy of the Treaty:


Reading it over, I think the best defense is that Article X(2)(A) requires a summary of facts of the case which must provide a reasonable basis to believe that the person sought committed the offense. Article XI provides that if the requesting documentation isn't up to snuff, the person in custody (she'd probably be out on bond) would be released. It would be pretty easy reading the evidence, especially applying American principles to conclude the Italian courts have not provided a reasonable basis to believe she killed Kercher.

Weaker, but still viable might be Article V, which provides that extradition shall not be granted when the offense for which the extradition is requested is a political offense, which this very arguably is at this point such a political situation that the prosecutor can't be seen to let off the gas on his prosecution.

Weakest, but again maybe serviceable is Article VI, which states that extradition shall not be granted when the person sought has been convicted or acquitted.

5/9/2013, 02:30 PM
I tried to read up on that some, and unfortunately came to the conclusion that some of these Italian investigators are just numbskulls and kooks.

If you glance over the evidence and circumstances, you should have bells ringing in your head that this Rudy Guede guy looks like someone you'd want to really look closely at. A man trying to force a woman into sex, is rebuffed, and kills her. Very solid, logical premise. He'd been arrested for burglary two days before, and was armed with a large knife. A man that looked like him was seen running down the street about the time of the murder, almost knocking people down. His DNA was on the victim, inside the victim, on her clothes, and his bloody handprint was found on a pillow under her body.

From the outset, though, the investigators seemed to want to believe in some far-fetched, complicated, and slightly outlandish scenario involving Knox, her boyfriend and kinky sex.

It reminded me of "The Monster of Florence" killings, where the chief investigator went into a wild tangent of satanic rituals, etc, and focused on a doctor and pharmacist.

There seems to be some tendency for them to look for big conspiracies rather than garden variety violent criminals.

This is a rare time when the USA should rattle its big stick and tell the Italians to forget it.

5/9/2013, 04:21 PM
It's the same prosecutor from the Monster of Florence cases.

5/9/2013, 06:46 PM
It's the same prosecutor from the Monster of Florence cases.

Unbelievable. This guy is a nutcase.

For those who haven't heard of the earlier case of serial killings: Indicted 20 people in his satanic conspiracy on the "monster" killings, including some govt officials.

When a reporter wrote a piece on his nutty theory, (later a book) the prosecutor had him thrown in jail, and accused him in the satanic coverup:

5/9/2013, 07:25 PM
I think only she knows whether she did it or not; however, I don't think she did it nor do I believe there is enough evidence to convict her in an American court. The problem is that Italy is a bit more corrupt with looser standards of conduct for both the prosecution and police investigators. They couldn't get by with some of that **** in the US.

I hope to God the US doesn't extradite her if she's charged again in Italy.

She is innocent. From what I've seen (which granted, isn't a lot), they didn't even have enough to hold her if it had happened here. The best part of the states case was a witness that put her in the apartment. The witness turned out to be a crack head, whose DNA was all over the scene. He confessed later that he couldn't remember seeing her there.

So, his blood (and semen) were found all over the scene, and he "can't remember seeing her there"? Sounds foolproof!

The prosecutor in the case has a track record of some crazy trumped up charges against people in the past. Very interesting (read: crooked).

5/9/2013, 09:09 PM
Is there some reason why anyone should care? I honestly thought this was the dude I heard about on the radio today who kidnapped some chicks in Detroit or somewhere.

Scott D
5/10/2013, 11:47 AM
Is there some reason why anyone should care? I honestly thought this was the dude I heard about on the radio today who kidnapped some chicks in Detroit or somewhere.

that **** was in Cleveland. In Detroit if a woman gets kidnapped they usually find her dead body within days.

5/10/2013, 11:56 AM
that **** was in Cleveland. In Detroit if a woman gets kidnapped they usually find her dead body within days.
