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View Full Version : Bob Stoops on paying stipends: Players get plenty already

4/10/2013, 12:51 PM
From Sporting News: (http://aol.sportingnews.com/ncaa-football/story/2013-04-10/oklahoma-bob-stoops-paying-players-stipend-ed-obannon-scholarships-heupel)

Lots of good quotes throughout. here's one:

“You know what school would cost here for non-state guy? Over $200,000 for room, board and everything else,” Stoops said. “That’s a lot of money. Ask the kids who have to pay it back over 10-15 years with student loans. You get room and board, and we’ll give you the best nutritionist, the best strength coach to develop you, the best tutors to help you academically, and coaches to teach you and help you develop. How much do you think it would cost to hire a personal trainer and tutor for 4-5 years?

“I don’t get why people say these guys don’t get paid. It’s simple, they are paid quite often, quite a bit and quite handsomely.”

Definitely worth a mouse click of your time.

Sooner in Tampa
4/10/2013, 01:05 PM
I agree with everything he said.

rock on sooner
4/10/2013, 01:10 PM
As a college grad who worked two jobs and had the GI Bill (late 60's
and early 70's), I had no student loans to pay back...no money, either.
My daughter just finished up her BSN in nursing, after getting a Spanish
language degree is looking at $63K plus in student loans for about seven
years of study at two colleges, both in state. I shudder to think what would
have been had she gone out of state.

As a big college sports fan, I thought that maybe the athletes should get a
stipend. After reading what Stoops had to say, I'm not so sure....$200k
college education...debt free...is a helluva deal...with only self starting efforts
to expend to get a degree from a great university.

4/10/2013, 01:21 PM
If the student-athletes choose the... what we can call "Auburn route (http://www.sportsbybrooks.com/ex-auburn-players-claim-systematic-pay-to-play-29592)..."

“I changed my major, so my classes didn’t interfere no more but I didn’t bother to go because I knew I was only there to play football.”

or "THE Ohio State route (http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/college/football/bigten/2004-11-26-ohio-state-remedial-classes_x.htm)..."

claims by more former Ohio State football players that tutors wrote papers for them

then definitely they're not getting paid, because they're not getting an education.

4/10/2013, 02:11 PM
If the student-athletes choose the... what we can call "Auburn route (http://www.sportsbybrooks.com/ex-auburn-players-claim-systematic-pay-to-play-29592)..."

or "THE Ohio State route (http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/college/football/bigten/2004-11-26-ohio-state-remedial-classes_x.htm)..."

then definitely they're not getting paid, because they're not getting an education.

Unfortunately OU has this issue too. I know of 3 first hand accounts of this very same thing while i was at OU.

Sooner in Tampa
4/10/2013, 04:11 PM
If the student-athletes choose the... what we can call "Auburn route (http://www.sportsbybrooks.com/ex-auburn-players-claim-systematic-pay-to-play-29592)..."

or "THE Ohio State route (http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/college/football/bigten/2004-11-26-ohio-state-remedial-classes_x.htm)..."

then definitely they're not getting paid, because they're not getting an education.

Then that is on them...only 1% of them are going to make it in the NFL

I Am Right
4/10/2013, 06:51 PM
Good Post

4/10/2013, 10:06 PM
What about food and water? Shouldn't they get paid for that? It's not like they have time to go work a job, their sport is their job.

4/10/2013, 11:57 PM
What about food and water? Shouldn't they get paid for that? It's not like they have time to go work a job, their sport is their job.

Trust me, a student athlete doesn't go hungry. They may be broke with very little to no cash on hand, but they do not go hungry.

VA Sooner
4/11/2013, 12:37 AM
Agree with Bob... kids just don't see the money being spent on them though.

4/11/2013, 02:04 AM
Why shouldn't the student athletes be able to market their own likenesses though? And do paid interviews, advertising and that sort of thing? I wonder what Stoops' opinion on that is?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/11/2013, 02:25 AM
The football guys bring in LOTS AND LOTS of money to the university. I would like to see them at least get a small paycheck for their discretionary use. They work a heavy number of hours while in school, between the academic and football requirements. Bob Stoops is right, but a small paycheck would help a lot, I believe.

4/11/2013, 04:47 AM
Screw athletes getting a stipend. What about workers at fortune 100 companies? Should they be paid more because the company is raking in profits? What about professors? Should they be paid more for putting certain universities on the map? Simple answer is Hell No! These students gets benefits beyond what any other university student gets. If they were so poor and broke we wouldn't see them on the news with a crack pipe in their right hand and a bong in their left. They make plenty and get creature comforts many are not afforded at college.

I for one applaud Bob for standing up for this ludicrous notion of paying players. They get paid.

4/11/2013, 08:16 AM
Glad to hear Stoops hold the line on this. We've begun a society that thinks everyone needs to get paid for anything they do, whether its slipping on a sidewalk, or being invited to take a chance at landing won of the world's highest paying jobs.

4/11/2013, 08:25 AM
I have personally been involved with feeding OU football players. Housing them too. Trust me, they eat VERY well. They also receive the very best health/medical care, get all kinds of freebies (shirts/shoes/hats/sweats/ipods/etc.). The notion of paying them above this is ludicrous.

Also, the whole "marketing their likeness" would ruin any kind of team atmosphere/espirit de corps. You'd have some prima donna (we've already got that problem) getting all the attention while the guys who play their guts out ain't getting dick. You throw big bucks into that mix and you'd open up a can of worms that would never be controlled.

It ain't broke, don't try and fix it. Good on Bob for having the cajones to speak up about it.

4/11/2013, 08:44 AM
Day 2: Stoops is taking a hammering in the media. (http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/bob-stoops-12-465-75-salary-today-thinks-145012307--ncaaf.html) (yahoo sports link)

The issue that some seem to have is not what was said, it was who said it. Someone decided to divide his annual salary by 365 and determine how much Stoops made that day (it was a little over $12K). I didn't watch Mike&Mike, but apparently Greenie went off on Stoops cuz he's so highly paid or something, I don't know.

4/11/2013, 08:52 AM
Don't like the deal an FBS scholarship offers? Go work at Wendy's.

I'm getting pretty sick of hearing people who haven't accomplished ****, bitching about the few that make the money. Guess what? Bob Stoops was a broke *ss college kid too...then he worked for it.

4/11/2013, 08:56 AM
Here's one of the quotes from comments section...

I have a better idea. How about we pay people like a Stoops a reasonable salary and use the rest on scholarships for people who are not gifted athletically. There are a lot of very smart people out there who can not afford to attend college without putting themselves in debt for life.

Where do they grow people like this?

Bourbon St Sooner
4/11/2013, 09:00 AM
I hate when people say that Universities are getting rich off sports. No they aren't. Only a handful of college athletic departments are self funding. Truthfully, the only people getting rich are the coaches, which is why it's easy for the media to open up on Stoops. But what's Stoops going to do? They asked a question and he gave an answer. And he's right. So suck it Greenie!

4/11/2013, 09:18 AM
"Greenie" is the last person i care to hear from when it comes to football or any sport for that matter. Skip Bayless barely beats him. There are some on this board who are far more knowledgeable on football than greenie

4/11/2013, 09:26 AM
Day 2: Stoops is taking a hammering in the media. (http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/bob-stoops-12-465-75-salary-today-thinks-145012307--ncaaf.html) (yahoo sports link)

The issue that some seem to have is not what was said, it was who said it. Someone decided to divide his annual salary by 365 and determine how much Stoops made that day (it was a little over $12K). I didn't watch Mike&Mike, but apparently Greenie went off on Stoops cuz he's so highly paid or something, I don't know.

I read that the other day. Dude sounds like a weenie version of mike lupeca or whatever his name is.

4/11/2013, 09:34 AM
There's been a lot of wealth envy lately. I feel like I'm in a time warp of sorts, because I used to feel the same way... when I was a kid. Why can't I have the money that my parents have? Why do the adults have all of this money to spend when I don't have enough pennies to buy junk food and soda?

Is it a result of people wanting instant gratification? They don't want to wait till they're in their 50s with a head coaching job, but want the money now in the teens/20s?

From what I've seen at (AUBURN!!!!) schools that pay players, they are really, really shortchanging themselves, probably because they know what they're doing is against the rules. You're selling yourself and your recruting freedom for a few hundred bucks? Hell, you'd make more playing Arena football, and those guys are making poverty level wages annually to play football. You're taking less money than it costs to attend class at your university and then don't attend class. And then a few years later, you b!tch on HBO that you don't have a degree so now you're uneducated AND broke. Stupid!

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
4/11/2013, 09:38 AM
Trust me, a student athlete doesn't go hungry. They may be broke with very little to no cash on hand, but they do not go hungry.

This is really dependent on the student. When I was at OU it wasn't uncommon for some of the players to have full Pell Grants plus various scholarships from the different departments. Heck, since everything was paper based there were several of us that had quadruple majors as freshmen/sophomores just for the scholly money. Me -> Why yes i'm chem e, mech e, engineering physics, and geology now give me my $2500. Some of the players were over $2200 on pell grants alone.

Day 2: Stoops is taking a hammering in the media. (http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/bob-stoops-12-465-75-salary-today-thinks-145012307--ncaaf.html) (yahoo sports link)

The issue that some seem to have is not what was said, it was who said it. Someone decided to divide his annual salary by 365 and determine how much Stoops made that day (it was a little over $12K). I didn't watch Mike&Mike, but apparently Greenie went off on Stoops cuz he's so highly paid or something, I don't know.

What they pay Bob Stoops should revoke the OU ADs tax exempt status. Seriously, lets put this in perspective. According to Stoops, they spend $50k a year on the 85 members of the football team in scholarships ($4,250,000). They pay him almost that much. I know it will never happen, but because it is subsidized by taxpayer funds, an AD should have a salary cap and because the NCAA is all about fairness it should be a fixed number.

4/11/2013, 09:43 AM
Just curious - does Bob Stoops pay taxes in Oklahoma? I know he has a house in Florida too, so he might be dodging our state income taxes (which the legislature is trying to lower anyways, so whatever)

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
4/11/2013, 09:55 AM
Just curious - does Bob Stoops pay taxes in Oklahoma? I know he has a house in Florida too, so he might be dodging our state income taxes (which the legislature is trying to lower anyways, so whatever)

State taxes are normally paid in the state they are earned.

4/11/2013, 10:08 AM
Most states have a rule of where the money is earned. Many professional athletes pay income taxes based on where it was earned. Your pro baseball players pay state and city income taxes on their salaries based on their game schedule.

Im sure Bob Stoops is paying OK income taxes on his coaching salary.

Scott D
4/11/2013, 12:52 PM
That's why Golic tends to tear into Greenie when he goes on those rants. Keep in mind you're talking about a non athlete who covered sports at Northwestern. That should tell you all you need to know about Greenberg.

There was also another article out there that commented on Stoops being a good choice for saying it because he'd also been a student athlete on scholarship at Iowa.

4/11/2013, 04:56 PM
A guy called into the Sports Animal today with a very interesting twist on this idea. He said that if the universities give players money, why shouldn't the players agree to give the university back some percentage if they make it into the NFL? The money could be earmarked for the college players in some way.

I'm sure this would create quite a quandary with the players. Most would never make into the NFL, so it would be no worry. If you do make it, it would be a relatively small percentage of a possibly very large sum.

Just as the players may be owed something for the revenue these football teams brings in; the players who go to the NFL also owe something to the universities that developed them, and created the opportunity.

4/11/2013, 05:14 PM
What about food and water? Shouldn't they get paid for that? It's not like they have time to go work a job, their sport is their job.

Most students don't have time for a job. How about we go force those who make it big to pay the school back?

4/11/2013, 05:36 PM
What the **** does it matter what Stoops makes? He's not in college any more. How shall we do this entitlement stuff? Does the best player on each team make a little bit more? It's only right.

4/11/2013, 05:44 PM
When did Stoops graduate from college? I'm going to guess he worked his butt off for less than great money for two decades before starting making big money based on his performance. That's a far cry from a college athlete who is helping a school sell a football jersey.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/12/2013, 12:23 AM
A guy called into the Sports Animal today with a very interesting twist on this idea. He said that if the universities give players money, why shouldn't the players agree to give the university back some percentage if they make it into the NFL? The money could be earmarked for the college players in some way.

I'm sure this would create quite a quandary with the players. Most would never make into the NFL, so it would be no worry. If you do make it, it would be a relatively small percentage of a possibly very large sum.

Just as the players may be owed something for the revenue these football teams brings in; the players who go to the NFL also owe something to the universities that developed them, and created the opportunity.This could work. It teaches a good life lesson.

4/13/2013, 09:46 AM
Screw athletes getting a stipend. What about workers at fortune 100 companies? Should they be paid more because the company is raking in profits? What about professors? Should they be paid more for putting certain universities on the map? Simple answer is Hell No!

Actually, the answer to those questions is "yes."

4/13/2013, 10:00 PM
Here's one of the quotes from comments section...

I have a better idea. How about we pay people like a Stoops a reasonable salary and use the rest on scholarships for people who are not gifted athletically. There are a lot of very smart people out there who can not afford to attend college without putting themselves in debt for life.

Where do they grow people like this?

To ESPN commentator/criticizer of Coach Common Sense Stoops-how about we pay you $25k for getting to spew your simple-minded sports news commentary and give the rest to a student that can really use the money to get a degree so he/she can be trained to do something that is really important.