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RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/11/2013, 03:28 PM
from Hot Air

Saving America – School confiscates cupcakes with toy soldiers on them
posted at 5:01 pm on March 9, 2013 by Jazz Shaw

Nobody wants unauthorized people bringing guns into schools, and schools are stepping up to make sure that doesn’t happen. But one elementary school in Michigan has taken the concept to new heights. (Or perhaps that should be depths.) It seems that we shouldn’t allow toy soldiers on school property either because, you know… they have guns.

A Michigan elementary school is defending its decision to confiscate a third-graders batch of homemade cupcakes because the birthday treats were decorated with plastic green Army soldiers.

Casey Fountain told Fox News that the principal of his son’s elementary school called the cupcakes “insensitive” — in light of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

“It disgusted me,” he said. “It’s vile they lump true American heroes with psychopathic killers.”

Even after this incident went public, the principal decided not to back down. Reasoning such as this is truly stunning indeed.

Principal Susan Wright released a statement to local media defending the decision.

“These are toys that were commonplace in the past,” she wrote. “However, some parents prohibit all guns as toys. In light of that difference, the school offered to replace the soldiers with another item and the soldiers were returned home with the student.”

“Living in a democratic society entails respect for opposing opinions,” she stated. “In the climate of recent events in schools we walk a delicate balance in teaching non-violence in our buildings and trying to ensure a safe, peaceful atmosphere.”

Yes, toy soilders – both new ones and these older, WW2 style models – are frequently depicted with guns. They are also the good guys. Shall we also ban images of police officers from school? Is there some point where the weight of stories such as this will bring enough attention to this wave of hysteria that the public calls for it to stop? As Eric Owens at the Daily Caller illustrates, this is hardly a unique incident.

At D. Newlin Fell School in Philadelphia, school officials reportedly yelled at a student and then searched her in front of her class after she was found with a paper gun her grandfather had made for her. (RELATED: Paper gun causes panic)

In rural Pennsylvania, a kindergarten girl was suspended for making a “terroristic threat” after she told another girl that she planned to shoot her with a pink Hello Kitty toy gun that bombards targets with soapy bubbles.

At Roscoe R. Nix Elementary School in Maryland, a six-year-old boy was suspended for making the universal kid sign for a gun, pointing at another student and saying “pow.” That boy’s suspension was later lifted and his name cleared.

...This would almost be funny if it weren’t so tragic, particularly for a generation of kids who are now being traumatized a second time as the responsible adults in their lives continue to freak out and overreact. Sadly, I doubt we’ve heard the last of it by a long shot.

3/11/2013, 03:40 PM
This and the kid wearing the Michigan jersey getting into trouble. What is it with Michigan people? Why are they always at the bottom of any trouble? Why? What is it about Michigan that's evil?

3/11/2013, 03:46 PM
This and the kid wearing the Michigan jersey getting into trouble. What is it with Michigan people? Why are they always at the bottom of any trouble? Why? What is it about Michigan that's evil?

They a Bunch of Dayum Yankees, Pay Tention.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/11/2013, 03:49 PM
This and the kid wearing the Michigan jersey getting into trouble. What is it with Michigan people? Why are they always at the bottom of any trouble? Why? What is it about Michigan that's evil?It's unfairness to the rest of the top 25, or so.

3/11/2013, 03:53 PM
To be fair, I heard one of the plastic soldiers looks like olevet...

3/11/2013, 03:57 PM
To be fair, I heard one of the plastic soldiers looks like olevet...

Then they did good , They got Toy guns and a PROVERT away from the Little chidrens.
Good jorb.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/11/2013, 04:01 PM
Then they did good , They got Toy guns and a plastic PROVERT away from the Little chidrens.
Good jorb.FIFY...but, I confess to not knowing the chemical composition of the soldiers.

3/11/2013, 04:12 PM
If they were 'made in China' they were probably made up of scrap ground up out of used car batteries, buckets used to hold rat poison and insecticide packaging.
You know, the good quality stuff.

Bourbon St Sooner
3/11/2013, 04:48 PM
GI Joe - The Un-American Hero

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/11/2013, 05:57 PM
If they were 'made in China' they were probably made up of scrap ground up out of used car batteries, buckets used to hold rat poison and insecticide packaging.
You know, the good quality stuff.Well, they MUST have lead in them, so you could be right.

3/11/2013, 10:19 PM
“Living in a democratic society entails respect for opposing opinions,” she stated.

And that's where she really plunged into absurdity.

3/12/2013, 12:11 AM
just to add to the retardedness, how about a poptart gun?


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/12/2013, 01:01 AM
just to add to the retardedness, how about a poptart gun?

http://www.ktnv.com/news/watercooler/194673111.htmlI heard about that. Which is the more grievous crime, nibbling a poptart into the shape of a gun, or putting toy American soldiers on top of cupcakes?

3/12/2013, 07:32 AM
Breaking news


3/12/2013, 07:39 AM
Breaking news



And I am going to the big house...


3/12/2013, 09:17 AM
I'm not sure I really even understand where these idiots are coming from. I know for a fact that all teachers and administrators have to take some basic law classes which, in detail, explain what students' constitutional rights are in school. If a student wanted to, for example, don a shirt with the image of a gun on it and that image couldn't be reasonably believed to be a threat to school discipline, then they could do it. Tinker v. Des Moines.


3/12/2013, 10:18 AM
I dunno, I left this country for about 25 years, came back and visited my sister. She was totally living in terror that something might happen to her sons. Like skinned knees, because, who knew what superviruses lived in soil. (in earlier times, we packed dirt in wounds under the theory that it made them heal faster. We were stupid, but still...)
and it's gotten worse.
For god's sake, are there that many more pedo's running around now than 50 years ago? Really? What went on in hobo camps under the bridge? We know that virtually every priest in the 1940's and '50's was banging little boys just as fast as he could shuttle 'em through his office.
Now I freely admit that kids back then were feral, boys over the age of 10 tended to be armed when school wasn't in session, and they weren't obese. Kids back then, if they couldn't run distance, at least could scuttle quickly to avoid a potential molester. And they knew how to move before their brains booted up. Smack 'em in the side of the head and they were already moving to avoid the follow up before they focused on who/what the threat was. Today's kids take a shot and look dully toward the source expecting the Disney cops to come save them.

Get rid of the nanny culture and you'll have better outcomes.

3/12/2013, 12:08 PM
from Hot Air

“Living in a democratic society entails respect for opposing opinions,” she stated. .

what about MY opinion that it is FINE? My opinion OPPOSES hers but I get no respect...

this PC crap is out of control

3/12/2013, 12:11 PM
We know that virtually every priest in the 1940's and '50's was banging little boys just as fast as he could shuttle 'em through his office.

agreed with all but this...really? you KNOW...? you must really hate Catholic priest for some reason.

3/12/2013, 12:24 PM
Y'know what I hate more than people, like priests, who use their positions of special trust to sexually abuse little kids? The organizations that refuse to admit to having an institutionalized problem and continue to shelter these criminals from the righteous fury of the public.

And I'll continue to make outrageous comments in the hope that tens of millions will join me and that the weight of public hatred and opprobrium will slowly bring this outlaw organization to its knees and force them to deal with this issue sincerely and effectively.

You have some special reason that the Catholic Church should be allowed to operate above the law when it comes to child rape?

3/12/2013, 12:34 PM
lol...that's NOT what I was saying..where did I say it was ok? FYI no, I don't. Reread my post...

3/12/2013, 01:21 PM
I was hopeful that you did not.

Now, that said, what we do know is that for as far back as history allows us to know for sure, priests have sexually abused boys, girls, adult women and men and each other. And that the church hierarchy has hidden this from public view and, later, when they lost control of the courts, from the legally authorized law enforcement bodies in the various countries in which they operate. And has acted in the full knowledge that their actions serve to protect the perpetratros and to facilitate the abuse.

Is there any legitimate reason that ALL records of such abuse should not be turned over to legally authorized law enforcement bodies in the various countries TODAY? NOW. THIS MINUTE. There is not. And, to the extent that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church fails to turn over these records, they are both utterly evil and completely in violation of all rational concept of law, natural or man made.

And I will not feel one iota of compunction is making rude fun of their hypocracy in the meantime.

3/12/2013, 02:15 PM
Pretty soon they will kick the Cub Scouts out for giving out marshmallow guns as gifts for selling popcorn not to mention what they get from completing their Whittling Chip.

3/12/2013, 02:42 PM
Again, KS, I was making ref to your "know" "virtually ALL priest"....not at all the case, but believe what you want.

Your logic is not correct. Did it happen, yup, did the church turn a blind eye, yup...but I don't believe for a second that the "know" and "virtually ALL priest" in a second.

You could say the same for teachers, young kids, white men, black panthers, democrats, any other group that has had some members have issues...blanket statement.

As far as turning records over, if there is a case to be made so be it. KC has it's own scandal.

3/12/2013, 03:27 PM
Then let the 'virtually all' comment stand as part of the 'rude fun'. If I'm not correct, then compliance with the law by the church wil prove me wrong.
If the records are not turned over, we can only assume it is because what is contained therein is much, much worse than what has been dragged, kicking and screaming, from the child molesters all ready.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/12/2013, 04:10 PM
There IS pope thread, If YGAS

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/12/2013, 04:15 PM
agreed with all but this...really? you KNOW...? you must really hate Catholic priest for some reason.There ARE some deeply angry & aggressively anti-Catholic and anti-Christian folks on this board. You shouldn't be too surprised.They are plenty scary, and should be banned from public school as well.

3/12/2013, 06:40 PM
Y'know what I hate more than people, like priests, who use their positions of special trust to sexually abuse little kids? The organizations that refuse to admit to having an institutionalized problem and continue to shelter these criminals from the righteous fury of the public.

And I'll continue to make outrageous comments in the hope that tens of millions will join me and that the weight of public hatred and opprobrium will slowly bring this outlaw organization to its knees and force them to deal with this issue sincerely and effectively.

You have some special reason that the Catholic Church should be allowed to operate above the law when it comes to child rape?

Centuries worth of abuse.
You do know that back in the middle ages they castrated young boys and put them in the in the choir? then used them if they wanted to?

3/12/2013, 06:46 PM
Middle Ages....choir boys...abused? No way....

3/13/2013, 03:40 AM
Centuries worth of abuse.
You do know that back in the middle ages they castrated young boys and put them in the in the choir? then used them if they wanted to?

If you are going to tell a story, you might as well do it right. No reason to post a Hillbilly version that has bad information in it.

Young boys were castrated without a doubt, but it was done clandestinely, without Church approbation. The Catholic Church has always believed and taught that castration and all other methods of mutilating the human person are gravely sinful. Thus, private individuals wrongfully perpetrated the sin of castration on boys, who later performed as singers in the Church. These singers were known as castrati, and were renowned for their voices, which had the beauty and clarity of that of a woman (as the boy would never experience puberty), but the lung power of a man (which was widely sought after in a time before microphones).

The most famous "castrato" singer is Carlo Maria Broschi, known by his stage name Farinelli, who reigned high as a "sopranista"in the 18th century and the last one to sing in the Vatican and the only one whose voice was ever recorded, i.e. in 1914, is Alessandro Moreschi. N.B.

3/13/2013, 03:58 AM
BTW Vet...

Those other methods of mutilating the Human Body would include tattoos. Even military tats.

They sure seemed to have lightened up on certain things and yet they may have some very seriously messed up Priests but it's become a very large Church here on Earth and that in itself seems to have brought with it, many problems which may need to be resolved by the laws of what Country they occur in. Thus...I believe that the Catholic Church in America is doing quite a bit to make sure any priests who are pedophiles or molesters are caught and face the legal ramifications that our State Laws can give as punishment.

The Catholic Church as an international provider of faith must learn to make changes in the many other places where we all are trying to spread the good news that God asked us to share. This unfortunately is something that might take time to uncover and stop. Truth is....as big as the Church has become....it may also have become a target for people who seek to damage the Church from the alter. I pray that it stops and that all Churches and Worshipers help to put an end to such atrocities.

3/13/2013, 07:55 AM
Read my lips!
I DGAS , Yall Lay members are No different than any citizen of any country. You believe what your leaders tell you. and Are happy as long as the dirty laundry aint out in public.

3/13/2013, 08:22 AM
Thus...I believe that the Catholic Church in America is doing quite a bit to make sure any priests who are pedophiles or molesters are caught and face the legal ramifications that our State Laws can give as punishment.

This unfortunately is something that might take time to uncover and stop.

I pray that it stops and that all Churches and Worshipers help to put an end to such atrocities.

ST, With all due respect, the Church could end the abuse of children this minute if they chose to release documents already under supoena. Instead they fight with every sinew to keep the records hidden and under their control. And they do this in the full knowledge of the absolute immorality of such action and of it's inescapable illegality under the laws of this country.

And, to repeat, no, it should not 'take time'. Release the damned records, stop protecting the pedophiles and it ends today. It could have ended 20 or 30 or 50 or more years ago had the church not facilitated such behaviour. This is not the middle ages, the church has known what's going on and the impossibliity of changing pedophile behavior for most of the last century at least.

I share your hopes that the abuse ends, but are we not, as moral actors, called upon to do a bit more than hope and pray? Faced with the grim immorality of a bunch of stubborn old men who issue oleagenous platitudes and then turn, with a smirk, and continue the obfuscation of the ages, is it not time to order them out of the way, bring in the storming vehicles, smash into the sactuaries and obtain the records by force when decades have been spent asking nicely for what should have been rendered sincerely and immediately?

3/13/2013, 09:12 AM
ST, With all due respect, the Church could end the abuse of children this minute if they chose to release documents already under supoena. Instead they fight with every sinew to keep the records hidden and under their control. And they do this in the full knowledge of the absolute immorality of such action and of it's inescapable illegality under the laws of this country.

And, to repeat, no, it should not 'take time'. Release the damned records, stop protecting the pedophiles and it ends today. It could have ended 20 or 30 or 50 or more years ago had the church not facilitated such behaviour. This is not the middle ages, the church has known what's going on and the impossibliity of changing pedophile behavior for most of the last century at least.

I share your hopes that the abuse ends, but are we not, as moral actors, called upon to do a bit more than hope and pray? Faced with the grim immorality of a bunch of stubborn old men who issue oleagenous platitudes and then turn, with a smirk, and continue the obfuscation of the ages, is it not time to order them out of the way, bring in the storming vehicles, smash into the sactuaries and obtain the records by force when decades have been spent asking nicely for what should have been rendered sincerely and immediately?

I understand how you feel. As far as this moral stuff you are talking about, I can only speak for my Parish and I truly believe that we have done everything we can to protect the Children and protect our Parish from false claims as well as try and make sure that the Priests, Deacons and Parishoners who teach all follow rules that keep situations that could lead to abuse or false claims from occurring. Our Church is a Roman Catholic Church but it is run by us and its up to us to protect the kids, the elderly and those who volunteer and are led into service to do the things you say the Church is responsible for. Now...is every Parish the same? No. Many are overwhelmed with Parishoners and others have only a few to do God's work and find the people needed to make their Church work.

As far as Vet is concerned, it's obvious he feels much differently. Folks who DGAS aren't probably going to GAS until they are ready. Maybe he'll never be ready again. I pray he looks towards what good is being done rather than the things that he says he doesn't GAS about but yet has the audacity to talk negatively about.

I've never seen these documents you state are kept and I know little about any legal requests for such documents as I am merely a servant of my own Parish's Community. I believe the best way to keep these things from occurring is to be involved.

Also, my Parish is very lucky in that not only do we have a terrific Priest with years of experience, we also have a very wonderful Sister and Deacon. Our Deacon has been there for years and his entire Family are involved with our Parish as well as many other entities that assist other Parishes as well as non-Catholic Families who are in need. We really are blessed with some amazing people.

3/13/2013, 01:44 PM
I will drop this in respect to the election of a new pope. Go enjoy the day, unalloyed, for the first time in 600 years by the death of an old pope.

We can take this up another time.