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View Full Version : Senate Dems to Introduce First Budget in 4 Years

3/11/2013, 08:49 AM
A minor miracle may happen in a couple of days.. The Dems will actually put something down on paper!


Of course, the Repubs in the House have not only introduced a budget every year, but also passed them in accordance with federal law.

And what about the President's budget proposal that was due on the first Monday in February??

Well, maybe in April sometime... Not introducing your own budget as required by law until you can look at other budget proposals is sorta like voting "present" in the state senate..

We certainly found the right guy for that...

3/11/2013, 09:44 AM
he hasn't done it in 4 yrs, why start now? crap he won a second term...

3/11/2013, 10:06 AM
I can't really give the pubs much credit for their current budget which assumes the repeal of ObamaCare. That's ridiculous and obviously not a serious proposal. This past election was largely a referendum on ObamaCare and the 'pubs lost.

3/11/2013, 12:50 PM
of course the poor folks want free healthcare...the ONLY thing this past election proved was obama proved his community organizing skills and got a ton of people to vote that normally don't give-a-****.