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View Full Version : Ohio State and Oklahoma agree to home-and-home series for 2016-2017

3/4/2013, 01:58 PM
Nice history blurb too.

3/4/2013, 01:59 PM
We are definitely not an FCS program so we are a non-conference B1G-rule compliant!

3/4/2013, 03:02 PM
tOSU AD: "****! I said Oklahoma STATE! STAAAATE!!!"

3/4/2013, 03:22 PM
"You could hear a rat pissing on cotton" - Billy Sims

Is there any wonder why this man is loved?

MyT Oklahoma
3/4/2013, 08:45 PM
Had Sims and Lott not been injured in 1977, we would have hung 50 on them.

3/4/2013, 09:16 PM
I've still never figured out how you all lost the 1983 game in Norman, before Dupree left. I remember watching that one and I think you all were ranked no. 2 preseason just behind that Nebraska team of Gill/Rozier/Fryar.

3/4/2013, 09:16 PM
Columbus = armpit .


3/4/2013, 09:18 PM
If you go, be sure to keep telling them, "yeah, this is nice, but I wanted us to play meatchicken".

Scott D
3/5/2013, 03:38 PM
Having been to Columbus, I can truly say that I would not drive the 3 hours down there to watch a game. I don't have any desire to have a chain series of months of booster shots. :D

3/5/2013, 04:44 PM
Having been to Columbus, I can truly say that I would not drive the 3 hours down there to watch a game. I don't have any desire to have a chain series of months of booster shots. :D

When a guy that lives in Detroit disses a place....it must REALLY be bad!

Herr Scholz
3/5/2013, 04:47 PM
Went to Columbus in '05 when we won up there. Terrible experience (except for the win). Awful people. Will never go back to that sh*thole.


3/5/2013, 05:06 PM
"You could hear a rat pissing on cotton" - Billy Sims

Is there any wonder why this man is loved?

Billy the Man,

3/5/2013, 07:36 PM
Boy howdy, there is some pressure for Bob. Pressure with a capital Urban.

3/5/2013, 07:51 PM
When a guy that lives in Detroit disses a place....it must REALLY be bad!

LOL. Yup. I lived in Columbus. It sucks.

3/5/2013, 08:45 PM
Boy howdy, there is some pressure for Bob. Pressure with a capital Urban.

Capital Urban could have three more HC jobs by then.

Flying Scotsman
3/5/2013, 09:12 PM
I thought you said he would be giving three more HC Jobs by then.

3/6/2013, 10:09 AM
I lived in Columbus 3 years but grew up hating Ohio State. As a city, Columbus is much like Austin. Most of the population growth in the last 40 years which is young compared to Cleveland, Cincinnati. But being a lot like Austin, it obviously sucks big time.

3/6/2013, 10:12 AM
While we lived there, Michigan had built a 4 game winning streak against Ohio State. Then, the Buckeyes got lucky and won a game. Students/fans went on an all-night riot on High Street; breaking windows and jumping off roofs of bars/stores on High Street. My wife said, "who cares-let them jump" and "what happens when they lose a game?"

3/6/2013, 10:23 AM
Hopefully by then we will be past our propensity for national TV embarassments.

Herr Scholz
3/6/2013, 10:26 AM
As a city, Columbus is much like Austin.
Umm, ha, no.

Herr Scholz
3/6/2013, 10:27 AM
My wife said, "who cares-let them jump" and "what happens when they lose a game?"
Same thing. Fires on High St., fights everywhere, all the businesses closed with metal shudders over their windows, etc. Think Beirut.

3/6/2013, 12:11 PM
Yeah, Columbus is NOTHING like Austin. 'Cept for the whorns, Austin is attractive. Crowded, but attractive. Columbus has nothing going for it.

Herr Scholz
3/6/2013, 03:15 PM
If you like your girls, "meaty", then Columbus is pretty cool I guess.

http://cfbwizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/633520228350873059-TheOhioStateWherethehottiesareasbigaslinebackersDe motivator.jpg



3/6/2013, 05:59 PM
When I said Columbus is like Austin I am referring to the university and its influence on life there. And also referring to the fact that I hate the Buckeyes, have always hated the Buckeyes-it was drilled into me when I was little. Just like I hate everything Horns. Everything in Columbus revolves around the Buckeyes. The press treats the players like they are in the NFL and Super Bowl champs. And if they aren't national champs the press treats them and the coach like overpaid pros who never should have lost. The fans are over the top fanatical to point where often sportsmanship loses out. The city of Columbus water department cut off the water to the hotel Michigan stayed at, 2 home games in a row, in 3 years. When Bo questioned the second time about "the water main break", the water dept employees actually admitted to it.

As far as the overall Austin-Columbus cities, they are light years apart.

Herr Scholz
3/7/2013, 01:57 PM
When I said Columbus is like Austin I am referring to the university and its influence on life there.

As far as the overall Austin-Columbus cities, they are light years apart.
The greater Austin area has 1.8M people and is truly an international city at this point with the technology industry. It's been called the little Silicon Valley. Columbus has 800K. The days of Austin being a college town that revolved around UT ended in the 1980s. A&M's largest alumni group is in Austin for example. There are really no comparisons between the two cities.

3/7/2013, 03:03 PM
If you like your girls, "meaty", then Columbus is pretty cool I guess.

http://cfbwizard.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/633520228350873059-TheOhioStateWherethehottiesareasbigaslinebackersDe motivator.jpg

On the right..."That's a man, baby!"

3/7/2013, 03:24 PM
I think matchups like this are great for us and great for College Football.

I'm looking forward to this one.

3/7/2013, 10:46 PM
The greater Austin area has 1.8M people and is truly an international city at this point with the technology industry. It's been called the little Silicon Valley. Columbus has 800K. The days of Austin being a college town that revolved around UT ended in the 1980s. A&M's largest alumni group is in Austin for example. There are really no comparisons between the two cities.
I agree, the local media and bars are the only ones that act like UT is everything there. Most of the people that I knew there did not go to UT nor had any connections to UT. At one point the (second) firm that I worked for we were down to one UT person in a 12 person office, most were were from outside of Texas, one from Corpus Christi went to Yale. UT no longer dominates everything in Austin like it used to.

3/7/2013, 10:53 PM
A&M's largest alumni group is in Austin for example.

Hipsters, now Aggies... ugh!

3/8/2013, 11:39 AM
The greater Austin and the greater Columbus areas are just about the same size. 34th and 33rd largest in the nation; the cities are just about the same size, too, at 15th and 17th largest. Both are state capitals; both have large campuses. Ohio State is the largest in the nation. Both are tech driven. The Battelle Institute of Columbus is the largest research group in the nation. Business Week has named Columbus best place in nation to raise a family. Columbus is fastest growing business area in technology. Silicon Valley is largest; Austin is 2nd; Columbus is fastest growing.
I lived in a very nice area of northeast Columbus. I also hated the Buckeyes.

3/8/2013, 10:31 PM
If you like your girls, "meaty", then Columbus is pretty cool I guess.


Um. that "top" is crimson, not baby **** orange...

Jason White's Third Knee
3/9/2013, 11:29 AM
This home and home has been penciled in for several years. What changed to make this news?

I've been to a tOSU v Mich game before and the hatred was for real. Very ugly. The stadium is huge.

I plan on going to both of these games.

Herr Scholz
3/9/2013, 11:55 AM
Um. that "top" is crimson, not baby **** orange...
You need to check your glasses.

3/9/2013, 01:43 PM
You are right-it was penciled in; apparently a contract was signed? Is there an official date?

3/9/2013, 03:51 PM
Um. that "top" is crimson, not baby **** orange...

You need to check your glasses.

Uh herr This is Puke assed orange

This Is OU Crimson
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTctfBkal8VLZ2OgXBN_MpIrvF1bUNsn HcWJBTFxQSW5Isfgi1o

Now which one looks like the Pic YOU posted?

Herr Scholz
3/9/2013, 07:35 PM
It's dark but it's definitely burnt orange. Probably wet. Anyway, it's clear it's a Longhorn shirt. And the point was women in Austin are much better looking than those in Columbus.


3/10/2013, 12:32 PM
You need to check your glasses.

LOL, my monitor is calibrated for video and graphics editing. FAIL.

let me help you...


3/10/2013, 05:02 PM
Well, those 2 for $10 UT shirts at Walgreen's are printed on the cheapest t-shirts they can find....the bums don't care how close of a color match they are.

King Crimson
3/10/2013, 05:14 PM
switzer is right. sims and lott don't get hurt we bury the osu that day.

still, i remember peoples driving around norman neighborhoods....honking and **** after that win. diff life those days. Sooners baby.

3/11/2013, 12:33 PM
I remember watching that game; I lived in Toledo and was working at a discount store as assistant manager. Since I was the person in charge that day, all co-workers were welcome to watch the game whenever possible, in the TV department. I remember the field goal like it was yesterday. Pulling for the Sooners all the way along with a high school kid; both of us keeping our mouths shut in front of about 30 Buckeye fans also watching.
You should have heard us exhale "Yes!" when it went over the goalpost. Rest of the store was silent.