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View Full Version : My two new favorite words - Sequestor and Austerity

3/1/2013, 11:45 AM
I can't believe the way the White House is squealing like a stuck pig about some piddly little decrease in the increase of spending. If we can't find a way to deal with these pitiful little cuts then we are done economically for sure.

3/1/2013, 12:07 PM
We need more of both

3/1/2013, 12:22 PM
i hope congress is included in furloughs

3/1/2013, 01:09 PM
Only in gov can a smaller increase be considered a cut. Guess they had those dollars spoken for already,,,afterall it's their money,,,they just let us keep some.

3/1/2013, 01:38 PM
What would laughable if it wasn't so pathetic is the Administration, the pundits and media whores of all stripes carrying on as if this is the end of civilization.......Attention all talking heads, quit trying to find a camera to whine into. We need to cut government to the bone. We need massive layoffs at every level. Federal, State and local. Cushy pensions and benefits cut. Government agencies eliminated. We can't carry these people on our backs any longer.

What we need is this sequestor X 10.

3/1/2013, 01:46 PM
I find it hilarious, or extremely sad that a small decrease in the increase of the budget is called a "cut". Now pushing the FEDGOV budget back to 1995 levels, that would be a cut, a good cut, one that we should be seeing...

3/1/2013, 01:55 PM
I can't believe the way the White House is squealing like a stuck pig about some piddly little decrease in the increase of spending. If we can't find a way to deal with these pitiful little cuts then we are done economically for sure.

I agree. One of my friends will take a 20% salary hit. That is uncalled for with a budget cut of 2%. He has to take one day a week off without pay. The pain is not evenly spread. I think the Dems are letting this hit people who don't vote for them.

3/1/2013, 02:02 PM
What I find curious is that furloughs are even being considered, given the tiny cuts being mentioned.

3/1/2013, 02:14 PM
What I find curious is that furloughs are even being considered, given the tiny cuts being mentioned.

Yep. I pin this on Obama. He can stop it and he has had two chances to do it. I will agree my friends on the right he has shown poor leadership.

3/1/2013, 02:14 PM
Those would be great names for a WWE tag team duo.

3/1/2013, 02:16 PM
Yep. I pin this on Obama. He can stop it and he has had two chances to do it. I will agree my friends on the right he has shown poor leadership.---He has shown NO leadership

3/1/2013, 02:26 PM
---He has shown NO leadership

I have a solution. Lets tell the ****oles in Washington to work together or they can face the Roman punishment of decimation.


3/1/2013, 03:03 PM
Interesting when the shoe is on the other foot (especially when that shoe was designed for the other foot... ow my toes).

In the fiscal cliff, Republicans were forced to act to avoid a very large tax increase. So they did, letting expire the payroll tax cut and some increases in taxes on the wealthy.

In the sequester, Democrats were highly, highly motivated to act to avoid mandatory budget cuts... and what exactly did President Obama do?! Go golfing with Tiger Woods while on vacation. (http://sports.yahoo.com/news/tiger-woods-joins-vacationing-obama-194050519--spt.html)

This is failure Congress and Obama, but in this instance, the fault lies mostly with the failed leadership of President Obama and the Democratic Senate majority.

3/1/2013, 05:45 PM
I have a solution. Lets tell the ****oles in Washington or the can face the Roman punishment of decimation.


I have never heard of that term. It seems like it would be wise to do a quick head count and see if there were any other options that increased your chances of surviving. Hey buddy, mind if we switch places?

3/1/2013, 05:53 PM
i've heard it a lot, but like most people, i didn't know what it really meant until pretty recently

kinda like penultimate

3/1/2013, 05:54 PM
Yep. I pin this on Obama. He can stop it and he has had two chances to do it. I will agree my friends on the right he has shown poor leadership.

Bully for you for calling it straight! The Repubs are also far from perfect, too stuck on a few non-essential ideas.

Even though this is more of a gradual change, I'm surprised the stock market hasn't gone haywire.

3/1/2013, 06:39 PM
i hope congress is included in furloughs

I laughed when President Obama told the Press he isn't a Dictator who can get the Secret Service to keep Boehner from catching a Plane and other folks bitch about him taking plane rides.

They are all in need of Leading by example and maybe even just working for free. Kind of a put your money where your mouth is. Take 20% of everything you make and give it to a Cancer Research for Kids.

3/1/2013, 06:59 PM
Let me see, President Obama signed off on the tax increases that had these cuts built in. He took out his pen and signed on the line. What's the issue then? Things are going exactly like they are supposed to. Then I see articles like this


Obama has got caught trying to weasel out of the tax increase deal that he signed. Now congress just needs to do one thing ....... nothing. Should be a breeze for those

3/1/2013, 07:12 PM
Let me see, President Obama signed off on the tax increases that had these cuts built in. He took out his pen and signed on the line. What's the issue then? Things are going exactly like they are supposed to. Then I see articles like this


Obama has got caught trying to weasel out of the tax increase deal that he signed. Now congress just needs to do one thing ....... nothing. Should be a breeze for those

Not exactly what the POTUS said they ought to do but I guess we can go with your version if it's what's best for Merica.

Here's a 36 minute video of it....


3/1/2013, 09:40 PM
I agree. One of my friends will take a 20% salary hit. That is uncalled for with a budget cut of 2%. He has to take one day a week off without pay. The pain is not evenly spread. I think the Dems are letting this hit people who don't vote for them.

I think you nailed it...

3/1/2013, 09:44 PM
I say bring on more cuts, learn to live within your means. This needs to start at the top, lead by example.

3/1/2013, 10:34 PM
I have a solution. Lets tell the ****oles in Washington or the can face the Roman punishment of decimation.


Now where in the world did you come up with that? Could it possibly be from:


I am loving this series. Blood and boobies. Perfect!

3/2/2013, 07:57 AM
Now where in the world did you come up with that? Could it possibly be from:


I am loving this series. Blood and boobies. Perfect!


Yes guilty as charged. I had completely forgotten about decimation until I saw the series. I am still friends with my Latin teacher who was a wonderful historian. We talk about Spartacus all the time. Before that Rome.

I do not like this season at all. Putting Julius Caesar into the slave camp is a bit much. Of course none of them live...spoiler alert...lol.

3/2/2013, 08:10 AM
I say bring on more cuts, learn to live within your means. This needs to start at the top, lead by example.

I know some people will get hurt but Obama is going to be in a world of chit if the economy keeps growing after the cuts take effect.

3/2/2013, 09:15 AM
Even with the cuts spending in 2013 will be more than 2012

3/2/2013, 09:28 AM
Even with the cuts spending in 2013 will be more than 2012

How will we ever survive?

Harry Beanbag
3/2/2013, 09:47 AM
Heard yesterday they are already planning on cutting Air Force pilot training hours and standing down 2 Navy battle groups. Unbelievable. This administration and most of Congress belongs in prison.

3/2/2013, 10:09 AM
Heard yesterday they are already planning on cutting Air Force pilot training hours and standing down 2 Navy battle groups. Unbelievable. This administration and most of Congress belongs in prison.

I'm still failing to grasp where reducing future spending GROWTH requires furloughs today.

3/2/2013, 10:30 AM
I'm still failing to grasp where reducing future spending GROWTH requires furloughs today.

where do you get that from?

everything i'm hearing is that it's cutting the operational budgets

what i don't get is where that turns into firing teachers, etc... they can't just pay them less? heaven forbid some administration gets cut or is paid less.

i think it's a lot of scare tactics. are they really going to have like 50 kids per class or something?

3/2/2013, 10:36 AM
where do you get that from?

everything i'm hearing is that it's cutting the operational budgets

what i don't get is where that turns into firing teachers, etc... they can't just pay them less? heaven forbid some administration gets cut or is paid less.

i think it's a lot of scare tactics. are they really going to have like 50 kids per class or something?

My friend who is a civil service worker at DAFB said they will have to take one day a week off unpaid until this is resolved. He hates Obama and my guess is that Obama could care less.

3/2/2013, 10:44 AM
Obama doesn't care about white people

Harry Beanbag
3/2/2013, 10:45 AM
Obama doesn't really care about any people.

3/2/2013, 10:47 AM
Obama doesn't care about white people


I am just really fed up with DC right now. I do not know what it is going to take for these guys to think of the US first and not their party.

3/2/2013, 10:48 AM
where do you get that from?

everything i'm hearing is that it's cutting the operational budgets

what i don't get is where that turns into firing teachers, etc... they can't just pay them less? heaven forbid some administration gets cut or is paid less.

i think it's a lot of scare tactics. are they really going to have like 50 kids per class or something?

I heard it was a reduction in future spending growth but I really have no idea if that is accurate....but I have heard it often.

Teachers, firemen, police, etc...are paid by the states and municipalities for the most part. I don't see where federal budget cuts would affect that unless they are subsidizing the states and municipalities regarding teachers, firemen, police, etc...

Harry Beanbag
3/2/2013, 10:53 AM
The normal, responsible, and ethical way to deal with reduced spending is to trim the fat. Get rid of the nonsense waste, not your most vital needs. As a household, you would cancel premium tv channels or stop eating out so much, not stop buying gasoline or making your car payment. Our corrupt government is apparently going after critical needs of the country instead of trimming the fat in order to inflict as much pain as possible out of spite in an attempt to get the uninformed citizenry to come in line on more unnecessary tax increases. Releasing criminal illegals and reducing military readiness is where you start? Really?

3/2/2013, 10:57 AM
I heard it was a reduction in future spending growth but I really have no idea if that is accurate....but I have heard it often.

Teachers, firemen, police, etc...are paid by the states and municipalities for the most part. I don't see where federal budget cuts would affect that unless they are subsidizing the states and municipalities regarding teachers, firemen, police, etc...

schools get a lot of federal funding, they are saying it's more pronounced around places like military bases that don't have a lot of local money coming comparatively

3/2/2013, 10:58 AM
The normal, responsible, and ethical way to deal with reduced spending is to trim the fat. Get rid of the nonsense waste, not your most vital needs. As a household, you would cancel premium tv channels or stop eating out so much, not stop buying gasoline or making your car payment. Our corrupt government is apparently going after critical needs of the country instead of trimming the fat in order to inflict as much pain as possible out of spite in an attempt to get the uninformed citizenry to come in line on more unnecessary tax increases. Releasing criminal illegals and reducing military readiness is where you start? Really?

posturing and fear mongering. they are just playing chicken like the last time.

3/2/2013, 11:07 AM
schools get a lot of federal funding, they are saying it's more pronounced around places like military bases that don't have a lot of local money coming comparatively

I've heard head start would suffer cuts and that is federal...not so much about the teachers. I could see where areas around military bases could be affected since defense appears to be getting hit disproportionately hard with the cuts. Most of the money for teachers, firemen and policemen are state and local taxes.

3/2/2013, 11:31 AM
There was a good column in the paper today about this.

"It’s firemen first. That’s the phrase coined in 1976 by legendary Washington Monthly editor Charlie Peters to describe the way government functionaries beat back budget cuts. Dare suggest a nick in the city budget, and the mayor immediately shuts down the firehouse. The DMV back office, stacked with nepotistic incompetents, remains intact. Shrink it and no one would notice. Sell the firetruck — the people scream and the city council falls silent about any future cuts."

3/2/2013, 11:39 AM
WASHINGTON -- A top Senate Republican said Sunday that the Obama administration is exaggerating the impact of looming cuts to federal spending.

The cuts, known as "sequestration," will shave $85 billion from the federal budget this year unless Congress strikes an unlikely deal to replace the cuts with something milder. The Obama administration has said many bad things will happen as a result of the cuts, including increased airport delays.

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) told "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace that the Obama administration is "absolutely" exaggerating the impact of the cuts.

"It is a terrible way to cut spending, but not to cut 2.5 percent over the total budget over a year when it is twice the size it was 10 years ago? Give me a break," Coburn said. "We see all these claims about what a tragedy it's going to be."

Then the senator suggested one of the top sequestration talking points -- that the cuts will worsen airport delays -- is bunk because federal agencies have enough discretion in how they implement the cuts.

"The great example is, is if the Secretary of Transportation can assure us all the planes will be safe, then the Department of Homeland Security can assure us that we can get through the airports on time," Coburn said. "They have plenty of flexibility in terms of discretion on how they spend money."

Both Coburn and fellow "Fox News Sunday" guest Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) predicted the cuts would take effect..

3/2/2013, 11:46 AM
schools get a lot of federal funding, they are saying it's more pronounced around places like military bases that don't have a lot of local money coming comparatively

Absolutely. Does any person thinking about this in a rational, informed manner believe almost any government bureaucracy couldn't trim back a few percent without catastrophic consequences? There simply is no incentive for unelected bureaucrats to be efficient as long as our government will print more money to cover their costs.

This is supposed to be the job of our elected officials to ride herd on these now bloated and often irrelevant agencies. They aren't doing it. At some point we need to
stop blaming politicians and accept the fact this is our fault for mindlessly pulling the lever (figuratively) for whatever party we root for

3/2/2013, 11:47 AM
When the state of California had to make cuts to deal with its deficit, the state employees had "furlough Fridays" - I think once or twice per month. So maybe if you needed to do something at the DMV, there were some Fridays it was closed.

I'm sure it was an bummer for state employees to take a pay cut, but it was hard to feel sorry for them, as they tend to have more job security than private sector working stiffs, they have more generous benefits/retirement packages, and can usually retire much younger due to the overly-generous pensions.

Teachers with the least senority received lay-off notices early spring for the next year - some eventually hired back and some not. Some districts tried to negotiate an across-the-board pay cut for all employees to keep from laying off teachers, but the unions fight that.

But that's a big hurdle - constraints due to existing contracts and related laws. It inhibits the ability to make the most reasonable cuts.

Same thing at the city and county levels ... the police and firefighter unions play hardball on overly generous contracts so it limits where and how cuts are made.

3/2/2013, 12:04 PM
Obama doesn't care about white people

I wondered about that since he was raised by his white mother and grandparents.

3/3/2013, 02:05 PM
Obama's plan is to blame everything bad that happens for the next 4 years on sequestration... Just like the plan was to blame Bush for the previous 4 years.

It is never his fault.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/3/2013, 02:20 PM
What would laughable if it wasn't so pathetic is the Administration, the pundits and media whores of all stripes carrying on as if this is the end of civilization.......Attention all talking heads, quit trying to find a camera to whine into. We need to cut government to the bone. We need massive layoffs at every level. Federal, State and local. Cushy pensions and benefits cut. Government agencies eliminated. We can't carry these people on our backs any longer.

What we need is this sequestor X 10.This attitude is why the democrats view the American Private Sector as their VERY BIGGEST enemy. More than ANY foreign power who is rotten to the core.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/3/2013, 02:24 PM
What I find curious is that furloughs are even being considered, given the tiny cuts being mentioned.The sequestor was Obear's idea, and the cuts are done on actual valid and legal activities of government. The republicans will be blamed of course, as always, and the goop gobblers who consume MSM will eat up the propaganda.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/3/2013, 02:31 PM
The normal, responsible, and ethical way to deal with reduced spending is to trim the fat. Get rid of the nonsense waste, not your most vital needs. As a household, you would cancel premium tv channels or stop eating out so much, not stop buying gasoline or making your car payment. Our corrupt government is apparently going after critical needs of the country instead of trimming the fat in order to inflict as much pain as possible out of spite in an attempt to get the uninformed citizenry to come in line on more unnecessary tax increases. Releasing criminal illegals and reducing military readiness is where you start? Really?This is all done to damage the view of the public of the republican party, since they will be blamed. (IMHO It's not difficult to see what Obeary is continuing to do)

3/3/2013, 03:43 PM
This is all done to damage the view of the public of the republican party, since they will be blamed. (IMHO It's not difficult to see what Obeary is continuing to do)

but they make it so easy... if their positions weren't so lopsided for their rich buddies, they might have something to defend when that happens.

3/3/2013, 03:50 PM
but they make it so easy... if their positions weren't so lopsided for their rich buddies, they might have something to defend when that happens.

Again,,,another mis perception. Repubs are ALL encompassing to INCLUDE the rich. But, the left has done a good job of distorting the truth.

3/3/2013, 03:55 PM
but they make it so easy... if their positions weren't so lopsided for their rich buddies, they might have something to defend when that happens.
I suggest you read today's AP report: http://bigstory.ap.org/article/tax-bills-rich-families-approach-30-year-high

This doesn't seem to fit the narrative of the whiny dems. What's going on here?

3/3/2013, 04:05 PM
0bama and the TV media has done a good job defining the Republican Party to the masses. I'm conservative and subscribe to none of the garbage they put out. They don't define what I believe, although they are trying and doing a good of defining me to the public. There are plenty of ignorant ppl who believe this garbage. I am not racist, I do not want to take away women's rights, I do not want to block ppl from voting,,etc. The R's in Washington are lazy and not only are they allowing the party to be defined by the opposition, but they are fu*king clueless and not doing a DaYUM thing to combat this BS. If they don't get they sh*t together soon there will be only 1 party.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/3/2013, 05:20 PM
but they make it so easy... if their positions weren't so lopsided for their rich buddies, they might have something to defend when that happens.there ya go! Musta gotten the email or phone call.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/3/2013, 05:25 PM
The R's in Washington are lazy and not only are they allowing the party to be defined by the opposition, but they are fu*king clueless and not doing a DaYUM thing to combat this BS. If they don't get they sh*t together soon there will be only 1 party.They are scaredt shi*less of the MSM, which is a constant attack dog for the Left. Obear and his gruesome team are doing their best to annihalate the R party, and all conservative opposition. One(their) party is the goal

3/3/2013, 06:36 PM
0bama and the TV media has done a good job defining the Republican Party to the masses. I'm conservative and subscribe to none of the garbage they put out. They don't define what I believe, although they are trying and doing a good of defining me to the public. There are plenty of ignorant ppl who believe this garbage. I am not racist, I do not want to take away women's rights, I do not want to block ppl from voting,,etc. The R's in Washington are lazy and not only are they allowing the party to be defined by the opposition, but they are fu*king clueless and not doing a DaYUM thing to combat this BS. If they don't get they sh*t together soon there will be only 1 party.

do Fox and the jerkloffs that get elected get included in the MSM? this is what happens when you let Glenn Beck and Rush pick your candidates

3/3/2013, 06:56 PM
do Fox and the jerkloffs that get elected get included in the MSM? this is what happens when you let Glenn Beck and Rush pick your candidates

Glen Beck (blathering idiot that he may be) and Rush both hated Romney before and during the primaries. After he out-lasted everyone else, they begrudgingly got on board.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/3/2013, 07:04 PM
do Fox and the jerkloffs that get elected get included in the MSM? this is what happens when you let Glenn Beck and Rush pick your candidatesWhat a crock! Sadly, you've been brainwashed by the Left. But, who didn't know that?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/3/2013, 07:08 PM
Glen Beck (blathering idiot that he may be) and Rush both hated Romney before and during the primaries. After he out-lasted everyone else, they begrudgingly got on board.I don't remember who was the favorite candidate for Beck. Limbaugh never indorsed anyone to my recollection, but he clearly thought Romney wasn't the best choice. I don't know how one could say either of those guy hated Romney.

3/3/2013, 07:21 PM
do Fox and the jerkloffs that get elected get included in the MSM? this is what happens when you let Glenn Beck and Rush pick your candidates[/QUOTE]

Fox is not MSM, they cable,,,but "jerkoffs" definitely MSM,,, they'd be your bunch.

3/3/2013, 07:36 PM
[QUOTE=do Fox and the jerkloffs that get elected get included in the MSM? this is what happens when you let Glenn Beck and Rush pick your candidates[/QUOTE]

Beck and Limbaugh never endorsed anyone nor did they sway their listeners/watchers toward anyone. Their audiences not as ignorant as MSM audiences and wouldn't follow their every word or marching order.

3/3/2013, 07:52 PM
Beck and Limbaugh never endorsed anyone nor did they sway their listeners/watchers toward anyone. Their audiences not as ignorant as MSM audiences and wouldn't follow their every word or marching order.

heh. you are kidding right?

3/3/2013, 08:04 PM
heh. you are kidding right?

This all you got?^ ^ ^

3/3/2013, 08:05 PM
What's kind of lost here is that neither side, IMO, endorses anyone...they both just spend all their time demonizing the other side.

however, then there's PMSNBC...hoooboy.

basically a televised, looped junior high pep rally

Quotes from msnbc: (all of these are from actual hosts, not guests)

"I wasn't ready to be a parent yet, and abortion was there to save me."

"I got a thrill up my leg..."

"We need to help this president."

3/3/2013, 08:10 PM
Any of you livingwithparentsliberals want to match up a Fox host cheerleading a sitting POTUS (Bush)...you have 8 years of material to search. Let us know when you find the equivalent quote to "We need to help Obama"...I'll wait here.

3/3/2013, 08:19 PM
NSFW (2 f bombs)


3/3/2013, 08:32 PM
Any of you livingwithparentsliberals want to match up a Fox host cheerleading a sitting POTUS (Bush)...you have 8 years of material to search. Let us know when you find the equivalent quote to "We need to help Obama"...I'll wait here.

all i'm saying is that you don't need the evil "MSM" to see that the pub politicians are idiots. all you have to to is watch Fox and see it for yourself by the dumb **** they say.

i don't spend much time watching either. depending on the issue i find myself agreeing with Ron Paul or Paul Krugman, but Obama isn't really my guy, not blindly anyway

3/3/2013, 09:25 PM
all i'm saying is that you don't need the evil "MSM" to see that the pub politicians are idiots. all you have to to is watch Fox and see it for yourself by the dumb **** they say.

i don't spend much time watching either. depending on the issue i find myself agreeing with Ron Paul or Paul Krugman, but Obama isn't really my guy, not blindly anyway

Never said some of the pubs weren't idiots...just better idiots. I wouldn't let Maxine Waters clean my house...and there's dozens of them, I mean, OPENLY retarded and we're just supposed to act like we don't notice.

3/4/2013, 05:21 AM
I liked Obama's quote on Friday about sequestration...

This is not going to be an apocalypse, I think, as some people have said

What "some people" would that be, Mr President? I only heard that kind of talk from Obama himself and all of his administration*....

*I'm sure MSNBC was calling it an apocalypse, but I rarely watch them.

3/4/2013, 06:36 AM
I liked Obama's quote on Friday about sequestration...

What "some people" would that be, Mr President? I only heard that kind of talk from Obama himself and all of his administration*....

*I'm sure MSNBC was calling it an apocalypse, but I rarely watch them.

Obama is now backtracking faster than Mike Morgan after another forecast gone awry.

3/4/2013, 07:19 AM
Obama is now backtracking faster than Mike Morgan after another forecast gone awry.

I think it is fair to say that his bluff was called.

I always thought the funny part was his administrators coming out and saying the world would end because of a 2.3% reduction of spending.

If you look at that fairly, you can only say that the administrators are incompetent for not being able handle such a minor reduction. And of course if the administrators are incompetent what does that say about the person that appointed them in the first place?

I don't expect the press to ask questions that would make the president look bad though..

3/4/2013, 07:28 AM
I think it is fair to say that his bluff was called.

I always thought the funny part was his administrators coming out and saying the world would end because of a 2.3% reduction of spending.

If you look at that fairly, you can only say that the administrators are incompetent for not being able handle such a minor reduction. And of course if the administrators are incompetent what does that say about the person that appointed them in the first place?

I don't expect the press to ask questions that would make the president look bad though..

Questions like 800,000 layoffs? As coburn said fed spending doubled since 2007 and we can't afford a 2.5% reduction?

3/4/2013, 12:03 PM
Ole nutjob Maxine Waters claimed there would be 170 Million layoffs... Hey IDOT, there are only about 134 million employed in this country. Perhaps you take take yours and your husbands ill got gains and help fund unemployment???

3/4/2013, 07:17 PM
Too bad it wasn't the apocalypse. While neither can claim effective leadership, they both can agree to expand the size and scope of the poorly run government they oversee. Buncha deadbeat shysters.

"The same Congress that failed to come up with an agreement to avoid sequestration appears to have bipartisan majorities in favor of profligate drone use at home and abroad. Lawmakers are generally less exercised about the confirmation of likely CIA chief John Brennan than Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel."


3/5/2013, 04:18 AM
Too bad it wasn't the apocalypse. While neither can claim effective leadership, they both can agree to expand the size and scope of the poorly run government they oversee. Buncha deadbeat shysters.

"The same Congress that failed to come up with an agreement to avoid sequestration appears to have bipartisan majorities in favor of profligate drone use at home and abroad. Lawmakers are generally less exercised about the confirmation of likely CIA chief John Brennan than Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel."


I've seen this type of sentiment quite a bit from the left in regards to the sequestration. I even saw a Dem on TV say the worst thing that could happen is that nothing happens... I find that odd.

I would think the worst that could happen is that people lose their jobs or the economy tailspends, but that wasn't talked about.

Lefties seem to want to keep their government spending no matter what.

Of course keeping the sequestration in perspective tells you that there will be hardly any real effect.


If that doesn't work for you, how about a Big Mac Extra Value meal analogy?

So let’s do the math with the sequestration cuts. $44 billion equals one eightieth of the federal budget. A Big Mac extra value meal contains 1,320 calories. One eightieth of 1,320 is 16.5 calories. An average McDonald’s french fry has 6.5 calories. So now the arithmetic is simple: if we were to cut the equivalent of the sequestration dollars out of a Big Mac Extra Value Meal, we would eliminate 2 1/2 french fries.

So: we order a Big Mac Extra Value Meal, and we eat the Big Mac. We drink the medium Coke. We eat 84 out of 87 french fries. We take the 85th french fry and eat half of it. We place the other half back in the bag, along with two more uneaten french fries. And that is the “diet” that equals the sequestration cuts.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
3/5/2013, 12:53 PM
The MAGNITUDE of the Sequester:


3/6/2013, 04:54 PM
**** the socialist and his ordering his cabinet to make the reduction of the increase in the budget to be visible and impactful, rather than make changes behind the scene like any good manager would.