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View Full Version : Im bored so heres Obama's aunt

2/21/2013, 10:26 AM

Part One


2/21/2013, 10:27 AM
Part TWO


2/22/2013, 12:50 AM
So guess this is ok with Yall .:very_drunk:

2/22/2013, 01:21 AM
I was hoping to hear the defense before responding. Since that isn't going to happen, I will opine.

Obama's Aunt is the epitome of his voting base. "I deserve" comes before "I owe" in every single situation in life.

I do find it hilarious that she claims that we should blame the system. If only she knew someone in the the "system" who could make the appropriate changes!

2/22/2013, 01:28 AM
Well Bro, What is there for the LWs to even say? If they defend her they are exposing their ignorance and if they Condemn here they doing the same thing.
Best for them to let it slide and hope it goes away. Aint that what they always do?

2/22/2013, 08:39 AM
Unfortunately, folks like her aren't uncommon. I do some volunteer legal work where I come across lots of low income people. I had one the other day where mom, who seemed perfectly able to communicate and stand on her own two feet hadn't worked since 2007 and was living in a $700/month apartment paid for by you and I. She apparently had some disability diagnosis.

Disability is one area which is very heavily exploited by the lower classes. Free rent/free money. The system needs to be rejiggered to disallow a lot of claims and to completely get rid of some disabilities. I once spoke with a lady who was fully disabled because she was a "slow learner."

2/22/2013, 08:57 AM
So guess this is ok with Yall .:very_drunk:

Was wondering if this would show up here. All I can do is shake my head and wish things never got like this.

I think I hear a nation full of bleating sheep and snoring tubs.

I liked that "slow learner" tag ^^. Geez. How about "this is a broom, this is a toilet brush", or "see the red strawberries? Pick them" That tends to speed people's learning abilities.

2/22/2013, 09:49 AM
We definitely do have a dependent class who no longer understands what it is to work, to have a job, to be responsible for yourself. They really sicken me when they show up in DHS court after also having failed to even be able to provide for their children. Everything is handed to you, you don't have to work and you still can't make sure your children are fed? It's repulsive and I enjoy doing my little part to make sure those kids don't go back to their bio parents. At least they'll have a fighting chance in foster care.

It gives me a lot of respect for the guy who keeps my office clean. Very obviously disabled, but still has enough self respect to show up and work hard vacuuming, scrubbing toilets and emptying my trash every day.

There's a lot of money wasted on entitlements for the poor. The cynic in me says this is government policy because we want to keep this permanent poverty stricken group fat, dumb and out of the way. Sort of a bread and circuses for the masses sort of proposition.

2/22/2013, 11:29 AM
The beyotch needs to be deported.

2/22/2013, 11:30 AM
We definitely do have a dependent class who no longer understands what it is to work, to have a job, to be responsible for yourself. They really sicken me when they show up in DHS court after also having failed to even be able to provide for their children. Everything is handed to you, you don't have to work and you still can't make sure your children are fed? It's repulsive and I enjoy doing my little part to make sure those kids don't go back to their bio parents. At least they'll have a fighting chance in foster care.

Thank you very much Johnson and the Great Society... yeah right...

2/22/2013, 01:01 PM
Thank you very much Johnson and the Great Society... yeah right...

Anyone who doesn't believe we need SERIOUS entitlement reform either is a recipient thereof or leads a sheltered lifestyle and just hasn't seen the abuse up close and personal. I'm talkin' everything from cuts to VA disability and SSI (I see perfectly able persons receiving huge amounts of money for supposed disabilities related to military service) to social security.

2/22/2013, 01:30 PM
Anyone who doesn't believe we need SERIOUS entitlement reform either is a recipient thereof or leads a sheltered lifestyle and just hasn't seen the abuse up close and personal. I'm talkin' everything from cuts to VA disability and SSI (I see perfectly able persons receiving huge amounts of money for supposed disabilities related to military service) to social security.

My Dad is in a VA nursing home...

When I checked him in they asked about any disabilities...
None I said...
He seems to be a little hard of hearing, what did he do in the Army...
Army Air Corp pilot...he is 85 years old an shot shotguns all his life...yes he is a little hard of hearing...
Pilot! if you apply I can almost guarantee a 20% disability and a reduction and home rates..
Uh, ok...

2/22/2013, 03:22 PM
I can think of so many men that worked their whole lives thru pain, injuries, and all kinds of difficulties, without every giving a thought to the term disability.

For them, work (or not working) was not an optional thing. Their kind is slowing disappearing, and it shows.

2/22/2013, 04:32 PM
as a teacher in the urban area (yeah I'm sure most know cause I say that a lot) I see the abuse of the system everyday.

Mid, I'm actually surprise to see you say that...lol

2/22/2013, 04:40 PM
Mid, I did a double take to make sure I read your post right. I agree with what you said.

2/22/2013, 04:43 PM
Mid, I'm actually surprise to see you say that...lol

I'm not much into denying reality.

Our biggest problem with these people though is the productivity of the American worker. Unless we have some massive growth, there simply aren't jobs for these folks even if they are able bodied. I'm not sure what the solution there is... they certainly won't go out and start businesses and become successful. They need to be told what to do/when to do it. They're not leaders, but they're also awful followers. Some of them can be rehabilitated. Others are beyond help. I may have mentioned I do a lot of work in Oklahoma County on the juvenile deprived dockets representing the children of these people.

IMHO, the solution is in education. We always say that's partially the responsibility of the parent. I get that, but as long as that's our philosophy, we're going to continue to have future generations of losers--and they breed faster than hard working folks, so the problem ain't getting any better. We need to look at more services for at risk children. Potentially placing them in boarding schools and allowing the parents to have visitation.

From a legal standpoint, anything stripping the parents of their constitutional rights to custody, care and control is currently a non-starter. I think we're going to have to take a look at ourselves as a country and ask some tough questions, such as whether we are currently responsible enough as a society to be granted that right, or should the state take a greater role in reversing generational poverty?

2/22/2013, 04:48 PM
Mid the solution is for unmarried women from continually popping out babies like factories from sperm donor males and to prevent sperm donor males from whoring around and spreading their DNA willy-nilly. Neither are acting responsibly. Perhaps rights from these people should be taken away for their irresponsible actions. Forced working, forced sterilization, forced celebacy, something! Because these people are not honorable enough to pay for their actions or take responsibility to support or parent said baby made...

2/22/2013, 04:59 PM
-and they breed faster than hard working folks, so the problem ain't getting any better.

yup....most of the "middle class hard working" folks I know have 1-3 kids, the families I teach..the one's whose parents are on welfare - 3-6.

I agree with a lot of what you said...good grief what is the world coming to..lol. In my school the parents are non-existent, for the really low kids. Course most of those parents (mainly a mom or grandparent, almost never a dad) are just as low.

We continually get told as teachers that there is nothing we can do about the lazy parents so it's up to us. We try, we really try to get these kids up to snuff. That is the other problem. Not all of the kids are going to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, IT folks...just not going to happen. I continually tell my kids find something you like...crap plumbers and electricians make more than I do. Don't have to have a college degree.

Like you said though, it's the motivation that isn't there. That is a killer, but if you've been given handouts your whole life why change.

2/22/2013, 08:05 PM
^^ Funny how the folks working and paying their own way tend to have fewer kids. A side effect of being responsible for your actions.

2/22/2013, 08:54 PM
Aw good ole matlock. Jumps right in and spins this to be about the Veterans right off. Good jorb..

This is about Those illegally here recieving things they NOR their families ever contributed a dime to. Well I guess Brack and Meeshell payed in from their Organisin money;s

Phil. If you were checkin yer dad into a Veterans home they were just trying to help You and Him out. A VA disiablity is Not that easy to get. Just ask some of the young men who are still trying to get some kind of help for wounds from Iraq an Afghanistan

Question is How is this broad STILL here and just HOW and why do WE owe her citizenship?

2/25/2013, 10:30 AM
yup....most of the "middle class hard working" folks I know have 1-3 kids, the families I teach..the one's whose parents are on welfare - 3-6.

I think this was the premise of a movie not long ago...It wasn't good for the ole US of A... :(

2/25/2013, 10:48 AM
Aw good ole matlock. Jumps right in and spins this to be about the Veterans right off. Good jorb..

Nah, that's just one of the problem areas we have with spending. Way too much on vets for all the wrong things. We should be paying for PTSD treatment for those just off the battlefield and let Medicaid deal with 85 YO veterans getting exempted out of the Medicaid eligibility threshold because they served in war 50 years ago and now have non service related healthcare needs. I'm not sure why military service should be considered or why the taxpayers should have to pony up on account of that. I made one little mention of this, by the way. If you're mad because the subject is being changed, blame yourself. You could've just let it go.

This is about Those illegally here recieving things they NOR their families ever contributed a dime to. Well I guess Brack and Meeshell payed in from their Organisin money;s

I agree. It's also a sad state of affairs when the federal government doesn't care whether you're here legally or not. That said, I'm not sure where I'd draw the line there. If we stop providing healthcare and schooling for children, we could be setting ourselves up for real pain in the future.

Phil. If you were checkin yer dad into a Veterans home they were just trying to help You and Him out. A VA disiablity is Not that easy to get. Just ask some of the young men who are still trying to get some kind of help for wounds from Iraq an Afghanistan

Or you could ask some who have non-service related injuries which they receive compensation for. It's a really messed up system.

Question is How is this broad STILL here and just HOW and why do WE owe her citizenship?

How are millions of illegals still here? We can't afford to contract 1,000,000 megabuses to Mexico.