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View Full Version : Another dumas Lawsuit., Nurse says she deserves Money

2/20/2013, 07:03 PM
Cause a baby daddy said he dint want any Blacks taking care of his Kid.
While I think the dad is a POS the Black nurse aint any better IMHO


2/20/2013, 07:05 PM
I honestly don't know who the bigger dip**** is in this story, the nurse or the hospital that followed the jackasses reuest.

One giant vagina. That's what we're becoming.

2/20/2013, 07:08 PM
I honestly don't know who the bigger dip**** is in this story, the nurse or the hospital that followed the jackasses reuest.

One giant vagina. That's what we're becoming.

Well To me it dont matter which ones the biggest. The Dad is the one Payin the bills so he should be able to say who takes care of his kid. Whil I think he's a POS that dont change the fact that IMHO he has the right to dictate, about his Kids care.

2/20/2013, 07:14 PM
Doesn't matter if you're payin' the bills. It's illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race. They shouldn't have kow towed to Mr. whitepower and now they get to pay for their dumbassery. That will serve as a warning to other hospitals to not engage in the same idiocy.

2/20/2013, 07:22 PM
Doesn't matter if you're payin' the bills. It's illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race. They shouldn't have kow towed to Mr. whitepower and now they get to pay for their dumbassery. That will serve as a warning to other hospitals to not engage in the same idiocy.

Yeah well, let's see the proof that they "kow towed" to the "Mr. whitepower" there Mr. ambulance chaser...

2/20/2013, 07:32 PM
Yeah well, let's see the proof that they "kow towed" to the "Mr. whitepower" there Mr. ambulance chaser...

To me it dont matter If it were My Kid and I didnt want any Fat Ugly nurses takin care of him I'd expect My wants to be honored. I dont GAS what matlock thinks.

2/20/2013, 07:49 PM
Doesn't matter if you're payin' the bills. It's illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race. They shouldn't have kow towed to Mr. whitepower and now they get to pay for their dumbassery. That will serve as a warning to other hospitals to not engage in the same idiocy.
How about on the basis of sex?

2/21/2013, 12:51 PM
I don't want any meth heads taking care of my kids. Or peops who are picking their nose, butt or can't brush their teeth. Only I get to pick my nose, butt and not brush my teeth when I am taking care of my kids.

2/21/2013, 01:34 PM
Yeah well, let's see the proof that they "kow towed" to the "Mr. whitepower" there Mr. ambulance chaser...

That's why we have trials.

If she can legally prove that the hospital owes her money and a jury agrees, money's hers.

2/21/2013, 01:35 PM
I don't want any meth heads taking care of my kids. Or peops who are picking their nose, butt or can't brush their teeth. Only I get to pick my nose, butt and not brush my teeth when I am taking care of my kids.

Surely you can see the difference between discrimination against meth heads and discrimination based on race?

Bourbon St Sooner
2/21/2013, 03:07 PM
I think the hospital acted stupidly. They should have told the dude that they only have so many nurses and if he doesn't like who's caring for his child he can take the child somewhere else. Why make your employees uncomfortable just because this jackhole don't like black people.

That being said, what are the damages here? It's not like she lost a paycheck because of it.

2/21/2013, 03:18 PM
I think the hospital acted stupidly. They should have told the dude that they only have so many nurses and if he doesn't like who's caring for his child he can take the child somewhere else. Why make your employees uncomfortable just because this jackhole don't like black people.

That being said, what are the damages here? It's not like she lost a paycheck because of it.

She got her black feelers hurt cause she couldnt WORK. :biggrin:

2/21/2013, 03:51 PM
I think the hospital acted stupidly. They should have told the dude that they only have so many nurses and if he doesn't like who's caring for his child he can take the child somewhere else. Why make your employees uncomfortable just because this jackhole don't like black people.

That being said, what are the damages here? It's not like she lost a paycheck because of it.
That's why they are seeking only punitive damages.

Bourbon St Sooner
2/21/2013, 04:03 PM
Well, maybe the jury will side with her and she'll get rich. I'm guessing most of these things end in settlements and she'll get a few thousand bucks. Then in the next round of downsizing she'll get axed and no other hospitals in the area will want to hire her. That's probably what you deserve for getting involved with Al Sharpton's rabble rousers.

2/21/2013, 04:18 PM
Heres the suit.

I originally read somewhere that Is no longer available that she was axin fer 25K
Dont know now if shes even set an amount in her head.


rock on sooner
2/21/2013, 04:51 PM
I certainly am not a legal expert, but, having read the particulars of the
lawsuit, it would appear to me that Hurley Medical's insurance premiums
are going to skyrocket. The nurse will probably have to move to another
medical facility, because Hurley would make her workplace untenable. If
the complaint is legitimate and is proven in court then the nurse will, deservedly
so, be awarded a considerable sum.

My grandson was a preemie and was in NICU for nearly six weeks. Those
nurses in NICU are outstanding...the cream of the crop! I'm guessing that
Flint, MI nurses in NICU are, too. IMO, the dad was misguided, his culture
notwithstanding, and the hospital should have flat out refused and offered
the dad the choice of another facility, assuming Flint, MI has more than
just Hurley Medical.

2/21/2013, 04:53 PM
Surely you can see the difference between discrimination against meth heads and discrimination based on race?

Personally? Yes.

But, I have lots of people in my line of work who refuse to work with a woman. They look at her as a "secretary". I don't call them sexist. I have lots of people who won't work with an older person, a young person, a fat person.

There are people who don't want to work with a person who doesn't speak "good" english. They are red neck, English is their second language, or whatever reason.

Why would I judge someone who doesn't want to work with a Black, an oriental, a White, a hispanic, or whatever?

I personally prefer working with an attractive woman with big boobs. I am not discrimanating against flat chested woman, but like to look at boobies!!

2/21/2013, 05:01 PM
Doesn't matter if you're payin' the bills. It's illegal for employers to discriminate on the basis of race. They shouldn't have kow towed to Mr. whitepower and now they get to pay for their dumbassery. That will serve as a warning to other hospitals to not engage in the same idiocy.

This may be the one and only time I will ever agree with you.

And vet, you do have the ability to say who can and can't take care of you/your kids, but that doesn't mean the hospital has to honor that request. You are always free to take your service needs elsewhere.

2/21/2013, 05:02 PM
Personally? Yes.

But, I have lots of people in my line of work who refuse to work with a woman. They look at her as a "secretary". I don't call them sexist. I have lots of people who won't work with an older person, a young person, a fat person.

There are people who don't want to work with a person who doesn't speak "good" english. They are red neck, English is their second language, or whatever reason.

Why would I judge someone who doesn't want to work with a Black, an oriental, a White, a hispanic, or whatever?

I personally prefer working with an attractive woman with big boobs. I am not discrimanating against flat chested woman, but like to look at boobies!!

I simply cannot find a flaw in that logic. I concur.

2/21/2013, 05:07 PM
"A supervising nurse spoke with the father who told him he didn't want African-Americans to care for his child; the supervising nurse, reports the Free Press, also told Battle that he appeared to have a swastika tatoo on his arm."

Seems pretty simple, this nazi, aryan f**k didn't want a n***R asking him for id.

2/21/2013, 06:35 PM
This may be the one and only time I will ever agree with you.

And vet, you do have the ability to say who can and can't take care of you/your kids, but that doesn't mean the hospital has to honor that request. You are always free to take your service needs elsewhere.

Maybe its just me bro, I dont see the Hospital OR the head Nurse discriminating against anyone. They simply honored the POS dads wish's

I dont really see where the Black nurse was harmed in any way, Why in hell dint they all just have a beer and laugh at this ignorant buttwipe and go on about it? Naw, She got a sleeze attorney and they bothh looking for a fast easy buck when the Hospital settles out of court.

2/21/2013, 06:57 PM
Maybe its just me bro, I dont see the Hospital OR the head Nurse discriminating against anyone. They simply honored the POS dads wish's

I dont really see where the Black nurse was harmed in any way, Why in hell dint they all just have a beer and laugh at this ignorant buttwipe and go on about it? Naw, She got a sleeze attorney and they bothh looking for a fast easy buck when the Hospital settles out of court.

I'm not completely clear on every detail, however, I happen to think the nurse is as big a dip**** as the dad (and the hospital) in this case. If she felt that strongly about "helping", she could have insisted that she be allowed to care for the kid, then if the hospital flat out said "no", she might have a case for discrimination.

I think most people in the nurses position would probably think "that's fine, I don't want to be around that moron anyway", but it's hard to look beyond her wanting money.

Everyone involved (except the kid) is a dip****.

2/21/2013, 07:04 PM
I'm not completely clear on every detail, however, I happen to think the nurse is as big a dip**** as the dad (and the hospital) in this case. If she felt that strongly about "helping", she could have insisted that she be allowed to care for the kid, then if the hospital flat out said "no", she might have a case for discrimination.

I think most people in the nurses position would probably think "that's fine, I don't want to be around that moron anyway", but it's hard to look beyond her wanting money.

Everyone involved (except the kid) is a dip****.

Heh, Think I said that in my OP :biggrin:

Now as to the Kid, That brat aint gotta chance with a dad like hes got so he gonna grow up to be a dip **** himself.

2/22/2013, 11:42 AM
In addition to the dip****s in the story, there's a lot of dip**** going on this thread too :D

2/22/2013, 11:50 AM
I'm not completely clear on every detail, however, I happen to think the nurse is as big a dip**** as the dad (and the hospital) in this case. If she felt that strongly about "helping", she could have insisted that she be allowed to care for the kid, then if the hospital flat out said "no", she might have a case for discrimination.

I think most people in the nurses position would probably think "that's fine, I don't want to be around that moron anyway", but it's hard to look beyond her wanting money.

Everyone involved (except the kid) is a dip****.

We have chosen to draw the line with regard to racial discrimination very broadly. A once off thing like this really doesn't hurt the nurse, 'cept emotionally, I'm sure it can be pretty harmful to have your superiors at work tell you that they are going to endorse by action the request of someone who essentially thinks you are less-than because of your skin color. The problem is that if we allow this behavior at all, that line we draw becomes blurred and very soon that nurse could be looking at losing a job or missing a promotion because the demand for white nurses outstrips that for black nurses.

We draw the line on purpose to say no racial discrimination ever, period in the workplace. When there is racial discrimination, employers get to pay the piper, and that economic hit they take (punitive damages are not covered by insurance) is supposed to be enough to make that behavior, even if it was profitable before, not profitable. That's the only way to change the behavior of large organizations in a capitalistic economy. Take their money.

I can guarantee you this--as a result of this, heads will roll and hospitals all around the country will reinforce with their management the concept that they do not discriminate on the basis of race. Ever.

2/22/2013, 11:54 AM
In addition to the dip****s in the story, there's a lot of dip**** going on this thread too :D

Well now Bro, Ya need to be specific about which group of dip****s yer talkin about, I see dip****s on both sides here.

2/22/2013, 07:51 PM
Hospital settles up...


2/22/2013, 07:58 PM
Was there ever any doubt?Thos nurses saw a fast an easy payday and so did their sleazebag.

2/22/2013, 09:32 PM
Wouldn't have made a dime had the hospital not been in the wrong. Let it serve as a warning.

2/22/2013, 09:36 PM
Wouldn't have made a dime had the hospital not been in the wrong. Let it serve as a warning.

Oh Please, You of all people Know that those things are settled all the time just to save the cost of litigation.

2/22/2013, 10:32 PM
Not really anymore. Insurance companies take things to the mat often very stupidly.

And in this case, things don't settle this fast unless the hospital knew it was in the wrong.

2/22/2013, 10:41 PM
Not really anymore. Insurance companies take things to the mat often very stupidly.

And in this case, things don't settle this fast unless the hospital knew it was in the wrong.

OK Matlock you know everything there is to know and the rest of us dont know come here from Sic em.{ Not our Sicem}

2/22/2013, 11:20 PM
OK Matlock you know everything there is to know and the rest of us dont know come here from Sic em.{ Not our Sicem}

I've read this entire thread and I'm not gonna comment on how I feel about the lawsuit but I think MidTowner has been pretty decent about the discussion you started on all of this. You though continue to call him an Ambulance Chaser and then insinuate that he has insinuated that you don't know come here from Sic em.


Give it a rest Vet. I think we all get it. You don't like his opinions. There's little reason to continue to trash a guy because he went to law School and you didn't. I understand you have feelings about lawsuits but these things have been going on for decades. Midtowner didn't take the case. He's just trying to express some things that he's seen happen during his practice as an Attorney.

2/23/2013, 12:35 AM
I've read this entire thread and I'm not gonna comment on how I feel about the lawsuit but I think MidTowner has been pretty decent about the discussion you started on all of this. You though continue to call him an Ambulance Chaser and then insinuate that he has insinuated that you don't know come here from Sic em.


Give it a rest Vet. I think we all get it. You don't like his opinions. There's little reason to continue to trash a guy because he went to law School and you didn't. I understand you have feelings about lawsuits but these things have been going on for decades. Midtowner didn't take the case. He's just trying to express some things that he's seen happen during his practice as an Attorney.

And you are the voice of reason? LMFAO.

2/23/2013, 06:19 AM
In addition to the dip****s in the story, there's a lot of dip**** going on this thread too :D

And you are the voice of reason? LMFAO.

So I take it you two have a history.

2/23/2013, 08:26 AM
So I take it you two have a history.

Far as I know tator an I are friendly
ST? not so much, he dont like me no mo, :smiley_simmons:

2/23/2013, 12:14 PM
One giant vagina. That's what we're becoming.

Actually, that already happened. I remember it pretty well, it was 1983. Women became men, men became wusses and everyone lost their sense of humor. It was hell, I tell ya. Since then, the only way for a manly man to survive without getting sued or de-balled by a vengeful ex or wimmen's liberation terrorist was to keep a low profile.

2/23/2013, 04:34 PM
And you are the voice of reason? LMFAO.

Well, someone has to come here and be the voice for the mentally insane.

2/23/2013, 05:56 PM
Well, someone has to come here and be the voice for the mentally insane.


2/25/2013, 12:30 PM
How about on the basis of sex?

I can give you both a legally (don't want to risk sexual harassment) and morally (don't want anyone other than my wife touching my genitals) sound reason why I may not want any nurse or doctor of the opposite sex to perform certain medical actions on my person.

Give me a legally or morally sound reason to not want a nurse or doctor of a different color to perform medical actions on your person.