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2/14/2013, 07:11 PM
Saying they got a Positive with Dental records Told Yall he was Crispy Critter.:ambivalence:

2/14/2013, 10:40 PM
The teeth will be left fairly intact with a normal structure fire.
But, I did a couple of pilot that died in an aircraft fire with jet fuel involved; and even the teeth pretty much exploded....especially the front teeth, as they breathe in jet fuel at impact.
The only saving grace (ID wise) was that at impact, some teeth often are embed deeply in other body organs and well protected.
That's when the term "body bag" earns its name.

2/14/2013, 11:01 PM
The teeth will be left fairly intact with a normal structure fire.
But, I did a couple of pilot that died in an aircraft fire with jet fuel involved; and even the teeth pretty much exploded....especially the front teeth, as they breathe in jet fuel at impact.
The only saving grace (ID wise) was that at impact, some teeth often are embed deeply in other body organs and well protected.
That's when the term "body bag" earns its name.

Gee Thanks for explaining that Bro. I never had any experience with Body Bags

2/14/2013, 11:18 PM
You're welcome!
(Your friendly neighborhood forensic dentist)

2/14/2013, 11:19 PM
Well, I guess he went out in the way he wanted ... although I think he intended a much larger body count.

2/15/2013, 06:31 AM
Not really...Didnt get anyone in the LAPD.....

rock on sooner
2/15/2013, 10:54 AM
Read in the paper this morning that the husband/wife couple that
he tied up lived in a condo that was across the street from one of
the command posts set up to find him...ACROSS THE STREET!..and
that he'd been there for several days. Wasn't the LAPD that did the
house to house but sure was an inept group. I mentioned in an earlier
post that they said if the house didn't show forced entry that they
would bypass it...clearly, Dorner knew that. If I lived in that area, I
sure wouldn't feel "safe" with Barney Fife's Deputy School graduates!

2/15/2013, 10:27 PM
You are truly stupid.....

2/15/2013, 10:36 PM
Heh , they saying he died of a single shot to the head " Self Inflicted" of course (snicker)

2/16/2013, 11:24 PM
I'll take that Snicker Bar!