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View Full Version : So Exactly Who Is The Fed's And The U.S. Department Of Treasury Policy Helping.

2/1/2013, 02:32 PM
So who benefits the most from gargantuan federal debt and artificial demand of that debt supported by the Federal Reserve and other central banks with their massive debt buy back progams? Massive government deficit spending ALWAYS benefits the richest the mostest.


It will be entertaining to watch Uncle Ben and the Fed try to unwind their balance sheet. I can guarantee you they will be selling their US Treasuries back at a loss.

This quote about sums it up:

For now, the Dow 14,000 is only highlighting the two-speed recovery - as the stock-dependent wealthy are back to 2007, and the house-dependent masses are still waiting for their rebound.

I would add that the bottom 90% of income earners are still lagging far, far behind. Awesome job there Barry O.