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View Full Version : Prescription drugs causing thousands of deaths.

1/31/2013, 04:19 PM
"According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one person dies from a drug overdose every 19 minutes. About 28,754 Americans died after accidentally overdosing on legal or illegal drugs in 2009, according to the CDC; about half of those deaths involved prescription painkillers.

Those numbers are significant enough to make prescription drugs one of the leading causes of accidental death in this county. It's a statistic that has led some experts to call prescription drug abuse an epidemic."

So about 14,000 deaths by prescription drugs a year.

Obviously prescription drugs should be banned.

1/31/2013, 04:25 PM
"According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one person dies from a drug overdose every 19 minutes. About 28,754 Americans died after accidentally overdosing on legal or illegal drugs in 2009, according to the CDC; about half of those deaths involved prescription painkillers.

Those numbers are significant enough to make prescription drugs one of the leading causes of accidental death in this county. It's a statistic that has led some experts to call prescription drug abuse an epidemic."

So about 14,000 deaths by prescription drugs a year.

Obviously prescription drugs should be banned.

If prescription drugs are banned only criminals will have prescription drugs....well, them and hospitals.

1/31/2013, 04:40 PM
I will say this. Our family pharmacist was the one who caught that my dad was being given a potentially fatal combo last year. (It shut down his kidneys, selectively, preventing elimination of potassium...then, because he was on a diuretic, they started loading him up with supplemental potassium. Yay! Three hospital stays later, our K-mart pharmacist finally figured it out.) A basket full of M.D.'s and D.O.'s hadn't the slightest clue what was going on...and they were the one's who'd prescribed the meds in the first case.
I am not loving on the medical profession 'round these parts.
Whether you're abusing for recreation or simply taking what the doctor tells you to, be extremely careful and don't trust your caregiver to know/care what they're giving you.

1/31/2013, 05:59 PM
"According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one person dies from a drug overdose every 19 minutes. About 28,754 Americans died after accidentally overdosing on legal or illegal drugs in 2009, according to the CDC; about half of those deaths involved prescription painkillers.

Those numbers are significant enough to make prescription drugs one of the leading causes of accidental death in this county. It's a statistic that has led some experts to call prescription drug abuse an epidemic."

So about 14,000 deaths by prescription drugs a year.

Obviously prescription drugs should be banned.

These drugs know no bounds when it comes to social status, income, etc. They're a huge problem in the family courts. It's tough to prove abuse or that someone with a prescription is abusing it.

1/31/2013, 06:07 PM
These drugs know no bounds when it comes to social status, income, etc. They're a huge problem in the family courts. It's tough to prove abuse or that someone with a prescription is abusing it.

Hey Einstein, Aint it kinda obvious that if some ones dead from an Over dose they prolly "Abused" em?

1/31/2013, 06:13 PM
Hey Einstein, Aint it kinda obvious that if some ones dead from an Over dose they prolly "Abused" em?

Death is certainly one possible result of abuse.

So is being stoned.

1/31/2013, 06:19 PM
Death is certainly one possible result of abuse.

So is being stoned.

Well since DEATH is the central premise of this thread, dont ya think we should stick to the topic? Or do you wanta Kill kids to save puppies

1/31/2013, 06:24 PM
Well since DEATH is the central premise of this thread, dont ya think we should stick to the topic? Or do you wanta Kill kids to save puppies

Maybe if you were concerned about sticking to this thread's topic, you'd stop making off topic posts about your opinions that my thread is off topic. Report it to a modador and see whether they GAS about your incessant whining.

And death is not the central premise of this thread. It is obvious the OP was attempting to make an argument against gun control or to parody government behavior in that the government thinks it can solve all of our worldly problems through legislation by comparing something which is much more deadly than guns and jumping to the hasty conclusion that banning it will do more harm than good. Don't feel bad, I didn't immediately catch it either.

You could make the same argument to ban hot dogs (lots of kids choke on 'em), swimming pools, bath tubs and hair dryers and certainly bath tubs with hair dryers.

1/31/2013, 06:37 PM
Maybe if you were concerned about sticking to this thread's topic, you'd stop making off topic posts about your opinions that my thread is off topic. Report it to a modador and see whether they GAS about your incessant whining.

And death is not the central premise of this thread. It is obvious the OP was attempting to make an argument against gun control or to parody government behavior in that the government thinks it can solve all of our worldly problems through legislation by comparing something which is much more deadly than guns and jumping to the hasty conclusion that banning it will do more harm than good. Don't feel bad, I didn't immediately catch it either.

You could make the same argument to ban hot dogs (lots of kids choke on 'em), swimming pools, bath tubs and hair dryers and certainly bath tubs with hair dryers.

Thread title sure leads me to think its about Death.

Prescription drugs causing thousands of deaths.

See what I mean?
Oh an I dont normally report post cause they off topic I just make fun of the idiots who post em

1/31/2013, 06:50 PM
And death is not the central premise of this thread. It is obvious the OP was attempting to make an argument against gun control or to parody government behavior in that the government thinks it can solve all of our worldly problems through legislation by comparing something which is much more deadly than guns and jumping to the hasty conclusion that banning it will do more harm than good. Don't feel bad, I didn't immediately catch it either.

You could make the same argument to ban hot dogs (lots of kids choke on 'em), swimming pools, bath tubs and hair dryers and certainly bath tubs with hair dryers.

Yes, this.
Every now and then I see a new discussion point that supports my viewpoint that I myself had not thought about. I saw somewhere someone arguing against the knee-jerk anti-gun reaction by stating something like I did in the first post. I feel that it is a powerful point. Prescription drugs cause can cause death, either by misuse, or by accident, as related by KantoSooner. This does not make them bad things. A very close parallel to guns.
Midtowner came up with some other ones, that can be used to show how "too far" the government might go if allowed to follow this "if only one live is saved, it's worth it" mentality.
I've read a lot of reports where increased gun control has NOT done what the anti-gun proponents thought it would do. I have not read one where it supports the move with actual accomplishments.

Hey, I did put the last nonsensical sentence in bold!

1/31/2013, 06:54 PM
Yes, this.
Every now and then I see a new discussion point that supports my viewpoint that I myself had not thought about. I saw somewhere someone arguing against the knee-jerk anti-gun reaction by stating something like I did in the first post. I feel that it is a powerful point. Prescription drugs cause can cause death, either by misuse, or by accident, as related by KantoSooner. This does not make them bad things. A very close parallel to guns.
Midtowner came up with some other ones, that can be used to show how "too far" the government might go if allowed to follow this "if only one live is saved, it's worth it" mentality.
I've read a lot of reports where increased gun control has NOT done what the anti-gun proponents thought it would do. I have not read one where it supports the move with actual accomplishments.

Hey, I did put the last nonsensical sentence in bold!

Heh, I knew what ya was doing. I just like yanking matlocks chain every chance i get.:tickled_pink:

1/31/2013, 06:56 PM
I've never seen someone know so much about everything than our friend, Midtowner. I veritable expert in every topic known to man. Good on ya, MT.

1/31/2013, 07:21 PM
I've never seen someone know so much about everything than our friend, Midtowner. I veritable expert in every topic known to man. Good on ya, MT.

Hell Bro we've had em regular here.
They be smarter, Richer, better looking. their wifes/husbands are better looking their kids are better lookin smarter and GOING to be richer .

Well you get my point

1/31/2013, 07:28 PM
Heh, I knew what ya was doing. I just like yanking matlocks chain every chance i get.:tickled_pink:

Nah, you're just an ignorant rube.

1/31/2013, 07:29 PM
Nah, you're just an ignorant rube.


1/31/2013, 09:19 PM
"According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one person dies from a drug overdose every 19 minutes. About 28,754 Americans died after accidentally overdosing on legal or illegal drugs in 2009, according to the CDC; about half of those deaths involved prescription painkillers.

Those numbers are significant enough to make prescription drugs one of the leading causes of accidental death in this county. It's a statistic that has led some experts to call prescription drug abuse an epidemic."

So about 14,000 deaths by prescription drugs a year.

Obviously prescription drugs should be banned.

Obviously the answer is that pharmacists are all bad and should be illegal.


rock on sooner
1/31/2013, 09:28 PM
Hey, I'm concerned that someone wants to ban hot dogs...cant dew
that...no more corn dogs, grilled Chicago type dogs, chili dogs, hot
dogs with mac n cheese, sauteed dogs w/onions, pickled jalapenos,
melted cheddar...etc.....oh, the horrors...say it aint so!...

1/31/2013, 09:28 PM
Nah, you're just an ignorant rube.

You know, olevet is an ignorant rube. He's a country boy's country boy. I live on some acreage and call it a "ranch" he lives on a hill and calls it...wait now...a "hill." A hill? Some acreage? WGAS?

Unfortunately, he also happens to be your superior in pretty much anything other than ... a) dog fellatio...b) wife no caring about... and c) life. In the mean time? Have a nice day.

1/31/2013, 09:56 PM
Obviously the answer is that pharmacists are all bad and should be illegal.

You know, that's interesting that you say that. At least for now they are not going after the gun manufacturers or retailers. Obama could pull a coal industry move though. "Sure they can try and stay in business, but we will so over regulate them, they'll go bankrupt."

1/31/2013, 11:59 PM
My mom, now deceased - had an MD that prescribed something every time she had a visit - threw away a trash bag full of crap from her place after she passed - something to think about, she was from the generation that thought an MD = God.

2/1/2013, 12:05 AM
You know, olevet is an ignorant rube. He's a country boy's country boy. I live on some acreage and call it a "ranch" he lives on a hill and calls it...wait now...a "hill." A hill? Some acreage? WGAS?

Unfortunately, he also happens to be your superior in pretty much anything other than ... a) dog fellatio...b) wife no caring about... and c) life. In the mean time? Have a nice day.

Now wait jest a Durn minute there Bro
The Ignernt Ill give ya , But depends on which definition of Rube ya using I may be th 1st one but I dayum shore aint the 2nd

Definition of RUBE
: an awkward unsophisticated person : rustic
: a naive or inexperienced person

2/1/2013, 12:09 AM
Now wait jest a Durn minute there Bro
The Ignernt Ill give ya , But depends on which definition of Rube ya using I may be th 1st one but I dayum shore aint the 2nd

Definition of RUBE
: an awkward unsophisticated person : rustic
: a naive or inexperienced person

Naw, he pretty much nailed it. :) Rube on a hill.

2/1/2013, 12:15 AM
My mom, now deceased - had an MD that prescribed something every time she had a visit - threw away a trash bag full of crap from her place after she passed - something to think about, she was from the generation that thought an MD = God.

Maybe one of the docs on the board can answer this question. Are doctors paid, given incentive or gifted if they prescribe certain drugs? I know pharmaceutical spend a ton on sale forces to sell their products.

2/1/2013, 12:21 AM
Naw, he pretty much nailed it. :) Rube on a hill.

See there were yer wrong. I aint inexperienced I've been laid a bunch of times.And dint even have to pay fer it some of em.

2/1/2013, 12:36 AM
See there were yer wrong. I aint inexperienced I've been laid a bunch of times.And dint even have to pay fer it some of em.

Animals don't count. :)

2/1/2013, 12:38 AM
Animals don't count. :)

Oh. Then Guess I did pay fer it all then.

2/1/2013, 12:42 AM
Oh. Then Guess I did pay fer it all then.

Rube. :)

On a serious note is OVJ moonshine of the corn whiskey type?

2/1/2013, 12:53 AM
Rube. :)

On a serious note is OVJ moonshine of the corn whiskey type?

UHMM yes. At one time I was a Notorious Moonshiner, then got busted and reformed my ways. Now I only make it on special occasions , You know Like when the Law aint around and such

2/1/2013, 03:01 AM
The funny thing is Vet doesn't live on a hill. His place is at the bottom of the hill a little ways from the gravel road you take to his driveway. You just drive up from the road until you see lots of beer cans. If you see a few, you are getting warm but until you see a small recycling bum's eyes light up you are just on the trail to an Alcoa fortune.

2/1/2013, 03:06 AM
Funny thing is everybody likes Vet.

2/1/2013, 03:08 AM
Funny thing is everybody likes Vet.

If you are implying I don't....you don't understand a Damn thing about people. You are just a follower who piles on others. You know. An opportunist.

Also...you are very naive if you think everybody likes him. One of these days....Vet will figure things out.

2/1/2013, 03:16 AM

2/1/2013, 03:34 AM
Also...since we have never met, all I can assume is that you and Vet are close online friends much like Manti had with his GF

2/1/2013, 05:45 AM
Also...since we have never met, all I can assume is that you and Vet are close online friends much like Manti had with his GF

Vet's a girl?

2/1/2013, 06:10 AM
UHMM yes. At one time I was a Notorious Moonshiner, then got busted and reformed my ways. Now I only make it on special occasions , You know Like when the Law aint around and such

And gator wrangler?

2/1/2013, 08:57 AM
And gator wrangler?

Well that to. :friendly_wink:

2/1/2013, 09:27 AM
I think somebody was finally able to get their scripts refilled...

2/1/2013, 09:44 AM
I think somebody was finally able to get their scripts refilled...

Mighta just dipped into his dogs stash.

2/1/2013, 10:13 AM
Maybe one of the docs on the board can answer this question. Are doctors paid, given incentive or gifted if they prescribe certain drugs? I know pharmaceutical spend a ton on sale forces to sell their products.

not sure, I can ask my bro, he's a rheumtologist and scribes the good stuff! lol. But he is a DO not an MD so he tries NOT to. He wants life style changes, but working with medicaid folks in backa$$ Mississippi he doesn't get that across very well. They just want their drugs the gov pays for.

Actually had a patient DEMAND his $3 co-pay back because he wouldn't refill his scrip because his BW came back with coke and weed (oops) in it....go figure.

2/1/2013, 10:21 AM
Maybe one of the docs on the board can answer this question. Are doctors paid, given incentive or gifted if they prescribe certain drugs? I know pharmaceutical spend a ton on sale forces to sell their products.

It used to be really bad but they have reigned a lot of that in. Specialists used to get a ton of perks for using certain drugs or surgical appliances(like heart stints) but the government has cracked down on that. Us poor primary care doctors usually only got a few meals out of the deal and we had to listen to their reps telling us about their new drugs. I have always prescribed what I thought was the best product for my patient. If there were products of equivalent efficacy I always choose the cheaper one.

2/1/2013, 01:14 PM
If you are a Gay Doc they send a barrage of well dressed Metrosexuals to your office until you finally take their Rep into the Doc's Private Consultation Room. :wink:

2/1/2013, 05:55 PM
I feel this thread has gotten slightly off my cryptic topic.


Save our guns!
Stop knee jerk bleeding heart liberals!
Protect our liberties!!!

Ok. I feel better.

2/1/2013, 11:36 PM
I feel this thread has gotten slightly off my cryptic topic.


Save our guns!
Stop knee jerk bleeding heart liberals!
Protect our liberties!!!

Ok. I feel better.

I've learned throughout the years that this is a more of a in-your-face kinda crowd.

For what it's worth though, it was well played and I personally enjoyed it.

2/1/2013, 11:44 PM
I've learned throughout the years that this is a more of a in-your-face kinda crowd.

For what it's worth though, it was well played and I personally enjoyed it.

You Like it in yer face ???>?
Oh baby I love it when ya talk dirty.:rapture: