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View Full Version : Boomtown:Exposing The Permanent Ruling Class

1/27/2013, 05:46 PM
This is a great expose. I would encourage all of you to watch. There really aren't 2 parties in Washington just sham kabuki dancers that stir up partisanship to distract from their real goals.


1/27/2013, 07:32 PM
Wouldn't you know it, same time as Downton Abbey. Kinda ironic, both shows about the permanently privileged. I did look at the teaser vid on the Fox website.

Its on Youtube, in 3 parts. Pretty sly, trying to scare you with a bunch of facts and truths. 78 members of Congress have family members that are lobbyists.


1/27/2013, 09:49 PM
This program that was broadcast on Fox said that both parties are to blame. Let me post that agian......"biased" Fox News broadcast that claim. You will never see a program like this in MSNBC, CBS, NBC or ABC. And you will never here those on the left admit this including those that post on this board.

We'll see how many of our friends that tilt toward the progressive view will reply to this thread and its assertions.