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1/6/2013, 09:06 PM
My Kids are hooked on this.

I logged into one of their accounts and went looking around. So many weird rules and things you have to do. Unbelievable that they have all created another internet World that seemingly goes on forever.

1/6/2013, 09:07 PM
My Kids are hooked on this.

I logged into one of their accounts and went looking around. So many weird rules and things you have to do. Unbelievable that they have all created another internet World that seemingly goes on forever.
What weird rules? There are no rules.

And, yes, a single minecraft world is something like 16x the size of earth.

1/6/2013, 09:10 PM
I'm not convinced there is only one World.

1/6/2013, 09:37 PM
I'm not convinced there is only one World.

There isn't. Every "new game" is a new world. There are an infinite number of possible words. It's completely random.

1/6/2013, 10:01 PM
My 10 year old son owns several $60 Xbox games with graphics that almost look like real life yet he plays minecraft in its pixelated glory religiously. My 13 yr old daughter and her friends created a world and each of them chose a country and they recreated WWI on there. What a bunch of nerds!

1/6/2013, 10:12 PM
My 13 year old is also hooked.

I loved Legos as a kid, and Minecraft is sort of a digitized version...only with more stuff to do.

1/6/2013, 10:42 PM
My 10 year old son owns several $60 Xbox games with graphics that almost look like real life yet he plays minecraft in its pixelated glory religiously. My 13 yr old daughter and her friends created a world and each of them chose a country and they recreated WWI on there. What a bunch of nerds!
Same here. I built my own $1200 gaming rig last year and yet I play minecraft at least 3x as much as anything else.

1/6/2013, 10:44 PM
I've posted this a couple of times I think, but it's my favorite minecraft build. I sure wish I could take credit for it! This guy recreated the entire Baylor campus sans the riverfront athletic facilities.

Mighty impressive.


1/7/2013, 07:11 AM
My kid plays it big-time as well. He goes Live with his buddies and they've been chasing monsters lately. Creepers and skeletons and such. Jimi also likes to listen to the music videos made for Minecraft on YouTube.

On a side note, I've had Jimi in guitar lessons and he now has a passable version of Wish You Were Here. Brings a tear to your eye!

1/7/2013, 10:58 AM
My kid plays it big-time as well. He goes Live with his buddies and they've been chasing monsters lately. Creepers and skeletons and such. Jimi also likes to listen to the music videos made for Minecraft on YouTube.

On a side note, I've had Jimi in guitar lessons and he now has a passable version of Wish You Were Here. Brings a tear to your eye!

When my son isn't playing minecraft he's on YouTube watching people play it.

As for the music my daughter is in he school band. They're working on a song right now that includes parts of the theme songs from Superman, Batman, James Bond, and Austin Powers. When she plays the Superman theme on her flute I get that same feeling you're talking about.

1/7/2013, 11:41 AM
If you're on Xbox Live, it's easy to lookup the latest Minecraft videos via the Youtube app. It's free to use and there's also some other fun gaming videos that automatically show up.

The XBLA version of Minecraft, according to NP, is much smaller and offers less compared to the PC version, so it's probably easier to get started on Minecraft on XBLA. However, if you're really into it, it's probably better to play on PC.

1/7/2013, 11:36 PM
My ten-year-old was a creeper for Halloween. The wife spent hours painting 1 inch "pixel" squares.

1/8/2013, 01:16 AM
I love minecraft but I'm just not a creative person. All of the buildings I make end up looking like something from Soviet Russia.

I'm also having difficulty with switches on the rail system. I build a lot of rail, but I can't exactly figure out how to switch the track from one direction to the other.

1/8/2013, 02:46 PM
hell, i thought we were talking about minesweeper...you know, that game that comes preloaded on your pc? ya'll are ****ing dorks!!! ;)


1/8/2013, 02:47 PM
btw...how can i get me a copy of this game?

1/8/2013, 02:59 PM
On PC: Info here. (http://www.minecraft.org/downloads.php)

On Xbox 360 Live Arcade: Info here. (http://www.gamestop.com/xbox-360/games/minecraft-xbox-360-edition-xbox-360-live-marketplace-1600-points/99111)

Partial Qualifier
1/8/2013, 05:37 PM
Yeah I got this on the PC because my son's friend has it on the xBox, and we thought it looked interesting. And now my son and I BOTH are having to meter how much time we spend playing it. It's easy to blow a couple hours or more. I mostly play survival in single-player hardcore mode, he stays in creative mode most of the time. Some of the **** he's made in this game is just...wow. It's like the ultimate incarnation of tinkertoys/legos/erector sets.

We've played multiplayer some, but my 2nd computer is borderline too slow to play it. Do y'all play multiplayer? I'd love to meet up sometime for some multiplayer survival mode.

1/8/2013, 08:29 PM
Yeah I got this on the PC because my son's friend has it on the xBox, and we thought it looked interesting. And now my son and I BOTH are having to meter how much time we spend playing it. It's easy to blow a couple hours or more. I mostly play survival in single-player hardcore mode, he stays in creative mode most of the time. Some of the **** he's made in this game is just...wow. It's like the ultimate incarnation of tinkertoys/legos/erector sets.

We've played multiplayer some, but my 2nd computer is borderline too slow to play it. Do y'all play multiplayer? I'd love to meet up sometime for some multiplayer survival mode.

Do I know you? Your name seems familiar...nah, probably just a noob.

1/9/2013, 12:25 AM