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View Full Version : NEWS FLASH: Stoops says Sooners outcoached & outplayed

1/6/2013, 02:15 PM
According to the Houston Chronicle today......

"Coach Sumlin and his staff totally outplayed us, and outcoached us, the second half, " Sooners coach Bob Stoops said of A&M outscoring OU 27-0 over the final two quarters (of the Cotton Bowl game Jan 4).

Wow. How insightful but nevertheless apparently completely correct.

Wonder if Bob ever gets tired of having to say this kind of stuff after these kind of games? More importantly, wonder if/what he's gonna do to change all that?

Curly Bill
1/6/2013, 02:17 PM
My bet is he does little to nothing to change it. He's gonna get paid $5,000,000 this year and next regardless of if things change for the better. Where's his motivation to change? You'd like to think he'd be driven as a competitor to want to change, but sadly I don't know if that Bob still exist.

1/6/2013, 05:30 PM
Yep. I guess getting blown out so many times finally put out Bob's fire.

1/6/2013, 09:38 PM
... same song, different verse


1/6/2013, 10:03 PM
Who didn't predict that's what he would say? We've heard that every time we've gotten embarrassed the last several years.

1/7/2013, 01:22 AM
Captain Obvious.

1/7/2013, 01:41 AM
I guess what some folks would only be satisfied to hear is--

"I'm an idiot. I don't have the slightest clue how to coach anymore. I'm raking it in with your season ticket money, hahahahaha! My assistant coaches don't know anymore about football than the fans in the stands. I don't like recruiting anymore. It's too hard. I beat Texas, ain't that enough? **** OSU."

I wouldn't get too upset over this. It's standard operating procedure for any football coach with a camera and microphone pointed at them. Only a select few actually say classless things or off-the-wall things and usually those are the guys you don't want running your football program (John Blake, Bill Callahan, Dan Hawkins, etc.)

1/7/2013, 01:54 AM

Not what I want to hear. But what I do want to hear him stop doing is throwing the players under the bus after such a pathetic performance rom the players and coaches.

I want to hear him take responsibility.

1/7/2013, 02:09 AM
You haven't been listening then, my friend. He still, to this day, says everytime after a loss that he and his staff have to do a better job of coaching them. I hear it almost everytime even after wins on his TV show with Dean Blevins. In fact, I can't ever remember him literally throwing a player under the bus. He's explained a time or two where a play went wrong... but I can't ever remember hearing him directly insult or put down the players. He's actually done just the opposite if you remember the "fan" who called into his call-in show and started insulting Tom Wort and Landry Jones. He had as close to a Mike Gundy moment as any sane person could have.

Bob may not be doing the best job, but I don't see him ripping guys who work hard and play for him. He'd have gone 2-10 a long time ago and run out of town if he was that kind of soft and disrespectful. The one thing I see in his teams is regardless of who is on staff or on the field, they do not have the ability or mental makeup to play up to the level that is needed to win every week. Every year sans 2000 we have an inexplicable loss where you look back and say "there's NO WAY that should have happened." It's as predictable as OSU, Georgia, Virginia Tech and Texas anymore. I'll wager to say that if we're 10-2 or better next year that one of those losses is one where we completely **** the bed, regardless of who we're playing. Even when we're really good, all it takes is someone exposing that one chink in our armor (aka Ryan Reynolds injury against Texas in 2008) and we fold like a cheap tent.

1/7/2013, 07:53 AM
Where's the accountability? How many times (in any job) do you get to say "I failed" when there was an important event before something changes? Most people receive some level of reprimand or punishment (even termination) if they do OK in the easy stuff but routinely fall on their faces when it gets difficult.

1/7/2013, 08:09 AM
Stoops becomes a little less convincing every year re: getting close to the national title when he loses a bowl game to someone who never sniffed it.

1/7/2013, 09:36 AM
He had as close to a Mike Gundy moment as any sane person could have.

This folks, may be sig worthy. [hairGel]

1/7/2013, 10:24 AM
Out coached and out played is being an all too common-place tagline similar to what Gary Gibbs used to utilize except it was "we just didn't execute". Of course the difference is, Gary won about 7 games a year while Bob has won 10 games a year. For some reason, that doesn't make me feel better.

MI Sooner
1/7/2013, 12:26 PM
You haven't been listening then, my friend. He still, to this day, says everytime after a loss that he and his staff have to do a better job of coaching them. I hear it almost everytime even after wins on his TV show with Dean Blevins. In fact, I can't ever remember him literally throwing a player under the bus. He's explained a time or two where a play went wrong... but I can't ever remember hearing him directly insult or put down the players. He's actually done just the opposite if you remember the "fan" who called into his call-in show and started insulting Tom Wort and Landry Jones. He had as close to a Mike Gundy moment as any sane person could have.

Bob may not be doing the best job, but I don't see him ripping guys who work hard and play for him. He'd have gone 2-10 a long time ago and run out of town if he was that kind of soft and disrespectful. The one thing I see in his teams is regardless of who is on staff or on the field, they do not have the ability or mental makeup to play up to the level that is needed to win every week. Every year sans 2000 we have an inexplicable loss where you look back and say "there's NO WAY that should have happened." It's as predictable as OSU, Georgia, Virginia Tech and Texas anymore. I'll wager to say that if we're 10-2 or better next year that one of those losses is one where we completely **** the bed, regardless of who we're playing. Even when we're really good, all it takes is someone exposing that one chink in our armor (aka Ryan Reynolds injury against Texas in 2008) and we fold like a cheap tent.

I can. I think it was a Greyhound. Big mess, lots of blood.

1/7/2013, 12:29 PM
How is it that we were still getting outcoached and outplayed when Sumlin was actually on our staff?

1/7/2013, 02:44 PM
My bet is he does little to nothing to change it. He's gonna get paid $5,000,000 this year and next regardless of if things change for the better. Where's his motivation to change? You'd like to think he'd be driven as a competitor to want to change, but sadly I don't know if that Bob still exist.
No kidding. Just look at the lack of change he's made in the past few seasons with defensive coaches. He's obviously a lazy, content bastard.

1/7/2013, 02:46 PM
Stoops becomes a little less convincing every year re: getting close to the national title when he loses a bowl game to someone who never sniffed it.
What does this mean? Are you saying aTm wasn't a tough one? I'm not sure we beat them in 3 tries.

1/7/2013, 02:51 PM
Some folks want him to promise them that he'll get the players to blame everything on the Coaches. Or maybe personally guarantee a MNC. He'll promise guys won't do anything but study, go to class, go to practice and win football games like we expect them to do.

Sounds like a lot of fun.

1/7/2013, 02:54 PM
What does this mean? Are you saying aTm wasn't a tough one? I'm not sure we beat them in 3 tries.

I know you're right. I'm talking about losses like West Virginia and Boise State.

And as far as aTm being too good for us to beat in 3 tries, blame the guy at the top. It's not as if the athletic department is starving them for resources.

1/7/2013, 03:01 PM
You do realize that WV was 6 points (I believe) from playing in the title game that year. We WAY underestimated them - Pat White being a little banged up and Rich Trod leaving...

Tear Down This Wall
1/7/2013, 03:07 PM
Bob Stoops will never fire a coach. We will be stuck with the same coaching staff next year. Coaches only leave if they get offered other jobs, no matter the performance.

Again, you have to understand what this has become: nothing more than a money-making venture. We make enough money, Joe C., Bob, and everyone keeps their job.

It's that way at Texas now as well. Therefore, because we've chosen to walk the same road as Texas with Texas, expect four and five loss seasons in the near future, the same as Texas is throwing down now.

We should have jumped at the chance to get into the SEC instead of letting Mizzou take the last open spot. Our administration and athletic department care nothing about competition anymore. They'd rather shun it for a more guaranteed paycheck.

Sad. Hate to see it happen to a guy like Stoops as well, who came in here so young and full of fire.

Oh, well, all rednecks say it in unison, "There is only one Oklahoma." They're just selling you a brand and slogan now. Embrace it. Pay them, Nike, and the television folks their due.