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View Full Version : Thoughts and prayers for Hillary Clinton

12/31/2012, 12:46 PM
Link (http://vitals.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/31/16255487-hillary-clinton-hospitalized-after-doctors-discover-blood-clot?chromedomain=nbcpolitics)

Regardless of your thoughts on her politically (even my liberal Oregon relatives didn't like her in 2008), here's hoping that she makes a speedy recovery.

Curly Bill
12/31/2012, 03:00 PM

Not wishing her harm, but I won't pray for her either.

12/31/2012, 03:19 PM
Not from me.

She has helped create the bull**** we are going through so **** on her.

I don't mean ill will toward her or anything. Just won't waste a prayer on her.

12/31/2012, 03:21 PM
We already have a thread on this. Go comment on that one plz