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12/28/2012, 11:55 PM
ok, I was pulling for all the Big 12 teams...but after what I just saw with the tt guy getting ejected for throwing a punch...screw them.

Not that he threw the punch, our own guy did that, but as he was leaving the sideline to the locker room he did his stupid a$$ guns up crap or something like that. I can't imagine Stoops allowing a "celebration" for being kicked out, and basically screwing your team. They went from the 1/2 yrd line and prob getting a TD to a blocked FG. I know the coaches prob didn't see it, just can't imagine an OU player "celebrating" getting kicked out..knowing Stoops would and probably already chewed some behind.

12/29/2012, 12:06 AM
Yup That cost em Big, Instead of being up by 7 they now Down by 7
I cant remember ever watching a game with so many PFs on both teams .
Hell Min. was backed up just before the 1/2 with 3rd an 49 because of penalties. 2 15 yarders back to back from their #52 dude

12/29/2012, 12:13 AM
wow..didn't see that. guess the ref's had enough.

ah well..no loss here.

12/29/2012, 12:18 AM
wow..didn't see that. guess the ref's had enough.

ah well..no loss here.

That Tech player is the only ejected so far, But man theres been a LOT of penalties on Both teams.

12/29/2012, 12:29 AM
They just said 13 penalties so far tonight , Just against Tech :hopelessness:
5 of em PFs

12/29/2012, 12:31 AM
I think the officials have been calling pretty one-sided with critical drive-killing penalties against TT.

TT has shot themselves in the foot, too.

12/29/2012, 12:52 AM
I think the officials have been calling pretty one-sided with critical drive-killing penalties against TT.

TT has shot themselves in the foot, too.

I dont know, I kinda thot they called it fair
Oh well tech pulled it out in the last seconds

12/29/2012, 01:06 AM
I'm actually very pleased with the outcome. TT didn't look that good, they won and the B12 is undefeated. Now I can just hope for a shorthorn loss :D

MyT Oklahoma
12/29/2012, 01:21 AM
The best game that I ever watched for PF's was back around 1989 between Florida and FSU. There had to be a dozen PF's in the first quarter before the refs had a "Come to Jesus" talk with both teams and they straightened out.

But that first quarter sure was fun to watch. You would have thought that maybe they didn't like each other.

12/29/2012, 01:36 AM
The best game that I ever watched for PF's was back around 1989 between Florida and FSU. There had to be a dozen PF's in the first quarter before the refs had a "Come to Jesus" talk with both teams and they straightened out.

But that first quarter sure was fun to watch. You would have thought that maybe they didn't like each other.

Almost bet there at least 10 PFs and Unsportsmanlike like calls tonight

MyT Oklahoma
12/29/2012, 01:54 AM
But not all in the first quarter. LOL

12/29/2012, 03:03 AM
Thats true But Most did come in the 1st 1/2

Id like to have seen the game you talkin about :courage:

VA Sooner
12/29/2012, 09:51 AM
Lots of chippiness between the two teams... rumor has it, it started from a "friendly" rodeo contest between the two teams. If that's the bowl committee's idea of getting two teams together to enjoy the pre-bowl festivities, this one backfired in a big way.

Minnesota beat the Raiders in the rodeo by the way.

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
12/29/2012, 11:58 PM
For most of the game TTech was shooting themselves in the foot (Guns Down?), towards the end it was Minnesota's turn to play Barney Fife.

12/30/2012, 12:09 AM
Once a guy gets ejected....I was thinking that was punishment. So now we have to turn on the entire Team even though before the punch...you were behind our Big XII Rival?

It's officially beyond weird now.

I used to buy into the whole root for our Conference Foe in Bowl Games stuff....but any reasonable argument seems to be flushed down the toilet with a change in heart over an on-field punch that led to a player being ejected. These kids are pumped up and playing their hearts out and without any explanation from him as to why he lost his cool....you decide to bag on the whole Team? Maybe he was lined up against a HS Rival that beat his a$$ every year in HS? I mean...it can get emotional and kids make mistakes. At least he went out playing and didn't get busted for a DUI or abusing or raping some gal in a Hotel.

12/30/2012, 12:22 AM

jkm, the stolen pifwafwi
12/30/2012, 02:48 AM
Personally, I would absolutely have LOVEEEED to have that #52 on my team. Guy may give you 3rd and 50 every game or so, but man did he block hard.

12/30/2012, 03:02 AM
I'm sorry but that rodeo comment has me burning up w/ curiosity. Whatever happened there must be highlight of the week material.

12/30/2012, 03:06 AM
Note to self: soonergirlNeugene likes Rodeo

Jason White's Third Knee
12/30/2012, 09:35 AM
Reese Davis made a comment that a Min guy wore a Tubberville shirt to the rideo competition. Not sure if it's true but google probably knows.

That punch... I saw it a couple of times from a bad angle. I am fairly sure the guy on the bottom was pulling on the puncher's jersey. The "punch" like an open hand shove to me, but the angle stinks. I think it looked worse on TV than was intended.

12/30/2012, 11:10 AM
Personally, I would absolutely have LOVEEEED to have that #52 on my team. Guy may give you 3rd and 50 every game or so, but man did he block hard.

Or at least a player with his Passion