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View Full Version : Social Security $47.8 Billion Deficit FY 2012

12/27/2012, 02:10 AM
The CBO projected $30 billion just 2 years ago.

Here is a handy link from the SSA to verify the number. Just punch in 2012, click fiscal and you will get the results.


So lets compare the facts from SSA to statements from leading Democrats...

Durbin: Social Security does not add one penny to the deficit . Social Security untouched will make every promised payment for more than 25 years.

Schumer: Social Security, however, does not contribute one penny to the deficit and won’t until 2037.

Reid: Social Security has contributed not a single penny to the deficit. So we can talk about entitlements as long as you eliminate Social Security. . . . Social Security is not part of the problem we have in America with the deficit.

Lew: [L]ooking to the next two decades, Social Security does not cause our deficits.Social Security benefits are entirely self-financing.

There is no spin here... This isn't some vague policy where people can have different opinions. This is math... Something that Dems seem to have a severe issue with.

How can we have a national discussion about our deficit when Dems are either too ignorant to understand how SS works or are just plain lying about it?

12/27/2012, 03:20 AM
It is SSI that is hurting us. I think congress really needs to look at eligibility requirements. We have a lot of drunks and druggies on SSI.

12/27/2012, 08:01 AM
It is SSI that is hurting us. I think congress really needs to look at eligibility requirements. We have a lot of drunks and druggies on SSI.

Truth. I once met a woman who was on full disability because she was a "slow learner."

A slow learner can sack groceries.

12/27/2012, 08:06 AM
SSI has NOTHING to do with Social Security except Name And you go thru the SS office to apply


12/27/2012, 09:24 AM
There might be a deficit for FY 2012, but I think we're all aware of how much of a surplus SS had for years... which turned into government IOUs.

So yeah, social security has some back-pay due to it from the government for awhile.