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12/26/2012, 03:54 PM
How would you handle Syria, if you were in a position to stop the bloodshed?

12/26/2012, 03:56 PM
It should be ignored. We have zero strategic interest in which band of anti-America thugs massacres the other. No outcome is good there.

12/26/2012, 05:11 PM
Apparently you fail at life and reading.

I never said imagine you are the POTUS. I said, what would you do if you were in a position to stop the bloodshed.

Play along your ****ing dillweed or don't comment on my threads.

12/26/2012, 05:49 PM
The various combatants would have to agree to my plan. Here it goes, the dominant Sunni population would have the plurality in any type of legislative assembly with the Alawite, Druze, and Christian populations having minority parties. Obvioulsy a legal system on recognizing minority rights. Military and national police force made up of a cross section of population.

12/26/2012, 05:52 PM
And if they don't agree?

12/26/2012, 06:08 PM
Then the can start killing each other again. Either they are going to live with one another and come up with a negotiated settlement or they going to kill one another.

12/26/2012, 06:55 PM
Then the can start killing each other again. Either they are going to live with one another and come up with a negotiated settlement or they going to kill one another.

Hells Bell I agree with ya bro , They gonna Kill each other till the end of time . Id stay the **** out of there. IF we have enough Oil and stuff here in the Americas, develop that and GTFO of the whole God damn middle east

rock on sooner
12/26/2012, 07:02 PM
How would you handle Syria, if you were in a position to stop the bloodshed?

As soon as the rebels formed up enough to be recognized as "real",
I would have moved heaven and earth to eliminate Assad permanently,
preferably with extreme prejudice. After that was accomplished, UN
peacekeepers and watchdog gov't types go to work.

With the head of the snake gone, the military, et al, most likely would
pull together to stablize the country.

12/26/2012, 07:27 PM
Then the can start killing each other again. Either they are going to live with one another and come up with a negotiated settlement or they going to kill one another.

The problem is us--Western society has butted in to Middle Eastern affairs too often and left the place a hellhole because of it. This is a great example of how sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intentions. These folks have been slaughtering each other since the beginning of civilization. Either they learn to be civilized on their own or they don't. So long as we're good on oil, there's no reason to intervene.

The reason I'm not suggesting anything is absent getting on one side of the war and committing absolute genocide, there will never be peace between these groups unless they decide it for themselves.

12/26/2012, 09:17 PM
The problem is us--Western society has butted in to Middle Eastern affairs too often and left the place a hellhole because of it. This is a great example of how sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intentions. These folks have been slaughtering each other since the beginning of civilization. Either they learn to be civilized on their own or they don't. So long as we're good on oil, there's no reason to intervene.

The reason I'm not suggesting anything is absent getting on one side of the war and committing absolute genocide, there will never be peace between these groups unless they decide it for themselves.

Yep, no denying global and regional politics have played more of role in prolonging the violence then actually finding a solution. That being said, it is a rather difficult problem.

12/26/2012, 09:20 PM
Ok here is how I would handle it....

I would oversee from afar the civil war. I don't care what anyone says, its now and has been a civil war. I wouldn't intervene. I wouldn't waste resourses other than humanitarian.

But if there is evidence of genocide, then I would suggest moving toward ousting the leadership that is doing the genocide.

The UN needs to declare it a civil war, where Asshats regime would have to move into a conventional war with them. Meaning no more killing of innocent women and children.

Other than that, I am in the same boat as everyone else seems to be in. Don't intervene and let them kill theirselves (but only the ones involved in the fighting).

12/27/2012, 01:08 AM
How do you confirm Genocide by overseeing from afar?

12/27/2012, 01:52 AM
The problem is us--Western society has butted in to Middle Eastern affairs too often and left the place a hellhole because of it. This is a great example of how sometimes the road to hell is paved with good intentions. These folks have been slaughtering each other since the beginning of civilization. Either they learn to be civilized on their own or they don't. So long as we're good on oil, there's no reason to intervene.

The reason I'm not suggesting anything is absent getting on one side of the war and committing absolute genocide, there will never be peace between these groups unless they decide it for themselves.

So which is it? It is a hellhole because of Western society or they have been slaughtering each other since the beginning of civilization?

12/27/2012, 02:02 AM
well, we add money and weapons. it's like throwing gas on a fire

12/27/2012, 02:27 AM
well, we add money and weapons. it's like throwing gas on a fire

They were killing each other well before we started adding money and weapons... It wasn't a hellhole then? I'm fairly certain most weapons in Syria do not come from the US or the Western World, but Russia(I know Russia can be a debatable point).

12/27/2012, 03:05 AM
Sh**,,,this is an easy problem to solve. They need American style porn. Lots of it. Think I am wrong. After OBL hide out in his fraidy hole did we hear much out of him. Hell no! He was in there jack'in off daily to some good ole American girl lesbo action. The man was so exhausted he couldn't do anything else. So I say beam in the porn, load the phone lines up with call in bitches who will get their groove on for the mullahs. In a couple of days their heads would explode.

Now we have them soften up send em some couches and video games. And while we are at it we can export the weed to them and the Jack Daniels. I say lets show em a good time. Fast food joints and strippers all around. Eventually they will be like us fat, dumb, happy, sex maniacs who are to satisfied to fight. Problem solved. Ya know a whole country of men who look like Olevet. :). Next.

12/27/2012, 03:17 AM
Sh**,,,this is an easy problem to solve. They need American style porn. Lots of it. Think I am wrong. After OBL hide out in his fraidy hole did we hear much out of him. Hell no! He was in there jack'in off daily to some good ole American girl lesbo action. The man was so exhausted he couldn't do anything else. So I say beam in the porn, load the phone lines up with call in bitches who will get their groove on for the mullahs. In a couple of days their heads would explode.

Now we have them soften up send em some couches and video games. And while we are at it we can export the weed to them and the Jack Daniels. I say lets show em a good time. Fast food joints and strippers all around. Eventually they will be like us fat, dumb, happy, sex maniacs who are to satisfied to fight. Problem solved. Ya know a whole country of men who look like Olevet. :). Next.

I'm having a hard time finding anything to disagree with here....

However, if you want the whole country to look like Olevet, you are going to have to send a massive amount of gators over there..

12/27/2012, 09:34 AM
They were killing each other well before we started adding money and weapons... It wasn't a hellhole then? I'm fairly certain most weapons in Syria do not come from the US or the Western World, but Russia(I know Russia can be a debatable point).

maybe Syria. what about Iraq and Afghanistan? and it's the "Western World" that made the region rich with oil money, wasn't it?

hell, it was the West that put the Jews back in Israel too

12/27/2012, 09:36 AM
So which is it? It is a hellhole because of Western society or they have been slaughtering each other since the beginning of civilization?

The answer is yes.

12/27/2012, 09:37 AM
Sh**,,,this is an easy problem to solve. They need American style porn. Lots of it. Think I am wrong. After OBL hide out in his fraidy hole did we hear much out of him. Hell no! He was in there jack'in off daily to some good ole American girl lesbo action. The man was so exhausted he couldn't do anything else. So I say beam in the porn, load the phone lines up with call in bitches who will get their groove on for the mullahs. In a couple of days their heads would explode.

Now we have them soften up send em some couches and video games. And while we are at it we can export the weed to them and the Jack Daniels. I say lets show em a good time. Fast food joints and strippers all around. Eventually they will be like us fat, dumb, happy, sex maniacs who are to satisfied to fight. Problem solved. Ya know a whole country of men who look like Olevet. :). Next.

I represent those remarks,I think .