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View Full Version : NRA News Conference

12/21/2012, 11:34 PM
Don't trust the spin monsters like the Huffington Post, watch the NRA news conference for yourself.
Listen to the full speech here.

He makes many vaild points on the contributors to mass murders in our society.

"The only things that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun!

And, "more guns" wasn't the comprehensive answer that LaPierre was giving the press and the audience (including some hecklers/protesters).

"Why is a gun an good thing when it is used to protect the President, and considered bad when it is used to protect our children in school"?

Notes that "the President zeroed out 'school emergency planning grants' from the 2012 budget; and cancelled the 'secure our schools policing grants' for 2013"!!!

Encourages Congress to find the funds to place a uniformed police officer in every school.

Offered the use of the NRA's 11,000 training officers to be used in scholl training programs.

And, demonized the right people....the press/media for fueling notoriety, glamorization of violence, and predicted attacks on even what he was saying.

A good, well-rounded group of suggestions, I thought.

Curly Bill
12/22/2012, 12:55 AM
I don't trust anything I hear from the media, especially as it relates to guns.

Someone should tell Piers Morgan for one example to STFU and go back where he came from.

12/23/2012, 12:25 AM
Gee, no libs willing to watch the video and come up with something cognizant?