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12/11/2012, 10:39 PM
Conservatives like Michelle Backman were crying aloud about all the hidden costs in the implementation of the ACA, aka Obamacare.
And, no one listened! Just more reason to attack her personally.

The facts are that the Obama Administration delayed "imp[lementation" of many of the hidden fees and taxes in Obamacare until after the election.
So much for transparency!
Here, a 3 year "$63 per head" tax on those with health insurance to help cover the uninsured.
It is designed to raise $25 Billion over 3 years.
Any guess on who will actually pay that extra fee??? The insurance companies, maybe???


You have to pass, AND IMPLEMENT the bill to see what is in it!
:jaded: (That's a finger Nancy!)

12/11/2012, 11:57 PM
I think it's going to be staggering what this ends up costing us.

Well, I don't think, I'm sure. There isn't one government run entitlement program that isn't staggeringly expensive.

12/12/2012, 12:42 AM
There are many taxes in Obamacare.

There is a 3.9% "unearned income Medicare contribution tax" on families making $250K a year. So when Obama is on TV saying any fiscal cliff deal must include higher taxes on the wealthy, they already are going to pay more. Return to the Clinton tax rates? Plus 4% of course. The name is silly as well. "unearned". So if you save your money and invest it wisely, you didn't earn that.

Don't forget the medical device tax. A new Obamacare tax on companies that build medical devices like pacemakers, stints, ect. That tax is on gross income. So say you are starting a new business and the first year you make a million but lose 1.3 million.. You will owe the federal government for the trouble of trying to get in a business that makes people's lives better.... That will show you.

18 Dem Senators just wrote a letter to Harry asking to delay this tax.. Why? Because it will cost jobs. No sh!t!


12/12/2012, 09:22 AM
It's not like our country is incredibly healthy, either. People aren't just overweight these days, they're obese. They are also living with their health problems longer, rather than the health problems ending their lives earlier.

Also, more diseases and conditions are treatable than ever before.

So yeah, I fully expect universal American healthcare to cost a fortune. I wonder if anyone will make money on this deal, or if everyone will sacrifice profits and their own well being financially for the greater good (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!)

12/12/2012, 11:00 AM
I told you so!!!!!!!!!! And I will gloat to all the yahoo libs on here...taxes for everyone as I always said! eff all yall libs!

Also love how the progressives are trying to get the medical device tax gone now...eff the lot of you!

12/12/2012, 11:40 AM
Talked to 2 more docs in their mid 50's who are getting out of private practice before Obamacare takes full effect in 2014-2015. They just don't want the hassle. They will become employees of larger healthcare companies and work in acute care settings like same day clinics or urgent cares.

More and more of your healthcare will be shifted to settings like that. Family docs are becoming a thing of the past. So just get used to getting in line and waiting your turn along with all those on government supported medicaid.

12/12/2012, 11:43 AM
Badger, you are correct. The tidal wave of obese children and teenagers headed toward the healthcare sytem will absolutely overwhelm it. I have kids as young as 11 and 12 on antihypertensives, lipid lowering drugs and oral hypoglycemics like metformin.

12/12/2012, 11:47 AM
Talked to 2 more docs in their mid 50's who are getting out of private practice before Obamacare takes full effect in 2014-2015. They just don't want the hassle. They will become employees of larger healthcare companies and work in acute care settings like same day clinics or urgent cares.

More and more of your healthcare will be shifted to settings like that. Family docs are becoming a thing of the past. So just get used to getting in line and waiting your turn along with all those on government supported medicaid.

I think the Urgent Care and clinics are the way to go....but I wouldn't staff them with doctors...the vast majority of illness and injuries can be treated by someone with less then 10 years of school and training...

If the illness is beyond their expertise you get sent up the line to a doctor...

Big money could be saved going this route...but most will hate the idea...

12/12/2012, 11:48 AM
There are many taxes in Obamacare.

There is a 3.9% "unearned income Medicare contribution tax" on families making $250K a year. So when Obama is on TV saying any fiscal cliff deal must include higher taxes on the wealthy, they already are going to pay more. Return to the Clinton tax rates? Plus 4% of course. The name is silly as well. "unearned". So if you save your money and invest it wisely, you didn't earn that.

Don't forget the medical device tax. A new Obamacare tax on companies that build medical devices like pacemakers, stints, ect. That tax is on gross income. So say you are starting a new business and the first year you make a million but lose 1.3 million.. You will owe the federal government for the trouble of trying to get in a business that makes people's lives better.... That will show you.

18 Dem Senators just wrote a letter to Harry asking to delay this tax.. Why? Because it will cost jobs. No sh!t!


The tax on the gross is insane thinking...

12/12/2012, 11:59 AM
Just to clarify...there are no HIDDEN taxes or fees in that piece of ****. They have always been there for all to see.

12/12/2012, 12:00 PM
I think the Urgent Care and clinics are the way to go....but I wouldn't staff them with doctors...the vast majority of illness and injuries can be treated by someone with less then 10 years of school and training...

If the illness is beyond their expertise you get sent up the line to a doctor...

Big money could be saved going this route...but most will hate the idea...

I am neutral on the issue. There are great NP's and poor NP's....it depends on their experience. I do see a lot of duplicated visits with this system. No money is saved because the clinics charge the same for the visit code whether you are seen by a doctor or an NP/PA. The company hiring the NP's makes more money because they pay them less.

Also, in most of the Urgent Cares/ER-lites I have worked I can see about 55 to 60 patients in a 12 hour shift. Extenders see about 20 to 25.

12/12/2012, 12:05 PM
What is an extender?

Just asking on this...why do they charge a PA visit the same as a doctor visit...no competition and they can?

12/12/2012, 12:28 PM
It's not like our country is incredibly healthy, either. People aren't just overweight these days, they're obese. They are also living with their health problems longer, rather than the health problems ending their lives earlier.

Also, more diseases and conditions are treatable than ever before.

So yeah, I fully expect universal American healthcare to cost a fortune. I wonder if anyone will make money on this deal, or if everyone will sacrifice profits and their own well being financially for the greater good (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!)

We are diverting a trillion dollars from the private sector through the government and then back to the private sector. Not only is someone going to make money, they are going to make a sh!t-ton of money. Obamacare is set up for the cronies to become rich... All you need is someone with a little inside knowledge:

HHS has contracted with a subsidiary of a private health care company to help build and police the very exchanges in which that company will be competing for business. The person who ran the government entity that awarded that contract has since accepted a position with a different subsidiary of that same company.


The entire story is well worth reading. This type of stuff will happen a hundred times over throughout Obamacare.

12/12/2012, 12:30 PM
The tax on the gross is insane thinking...

The Dems were desperate to make it look affordable and therefore acceptable.

12/12/2012, 12:39 PM
What is an extender?

Just asking on this...why do they charge a PA visit the same as a doctor visit...no competition and they can?

Because reimbursement is based totally on ICD-9 codes. There are not separate codes for PA's and NPs. Extenders is the term for non-physician providers. Urgent cares actually get reimbursed at a higher rate than your primary care doctor does in his office setting.

I have no doubt that NPs and PAs will be used more especially considering there will be a serious shortage of physicians in the upcoming years. Most Urgent Care visits can be handled by NPs. Heck, most could be handled by parents at home but that's not something our society does anymore. But when the one seriously ill patient out of 100 that needs intubated or stabilized walks into the urgent care(and they do) you better have somebody there who can get the job done because you usually don't get a second chance.

The other complaint I have about a lot of Urgent Cares is that they aren't appropriately equipped or staffed to take care of the seriously ill patient. They lack the ability to do labs or XRays.I personally would never work in that setting so I stick to Urgent Cares/ERs affiliated with hospitals.

12/12/2012, 12:47 PM
Because reimbursement is based totally on ICD-9 codes. There are not separate codes for PA's and NPs. Extenders is the term for non-physician providers. Urgent cares actually get reimbursed at a higher rate than your primary care doctor does in his office setting.

I have no doubt that NPs and PAs will be used more especially considering there will be a serious shortage of physicians in the upcoming years. Most Urgent Care visits can be handled by NPs. Heck, most could be handled by parents at home but that's not something our society does anymore. But when the one seriously ill patient out of 100 that needs intubated or stabilized walks into the urgent care(and they do) you better have somebody there who can get the job done because you usually don't get a second chance.

The other complaint I have about a lot of Urgent Cares is that they aren't appropriately equipped or staffed to take care of the seriously ill patient. They lack the ability to do labs or XRays.I personally would never work in that setting so I stick to Urgent Cares/ERs affiliated with hospitals.

Thanks, got it on the extenders...

I can see a serious illness being a problem...but I can still see money being saved by using clinics in a sensible manner...no reason that reimbursement codes couldn't be changed to reflect who works on the patient....status quo isn't going to get it...to get the rate of increase to slow we will see major changes down the line...

12/12/2012, 11:36 PM
Just to clarify...there are no HIDDEN taxes or fees in that piece of ****. They have always been there for all to see.

Wrong, tax face!
A lot of the taxes and fees in Obamacare were left up to the specific implementation by the government agencies in charge of that area.
Just like the HHS mandate limiting the fee practice of religion, or religious freedom!
That was evil Sebelius' doing!