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12/5/2012, 04:25 PM
Have any of you guys on the inside heard any rumors that conference expansion talks are heating up again in the Big 12. I have a friend in Tallahassee that says FSU to the Big 12 rumors are resurfacing in his area after the most recent shuffling of Louisville and Maryland. Anything?

12/5/2012, 04:34 PM
FSU would be one of the few out there who might be willing to move and who also would be worth having.

12/5/2012, 04:47 PM
FSU would be one of the few out there who might be willing to move and who also would be worth having.

Clemson and maybe Georgia Tech.

I'd say UNC as well but I live in Chapel Hill....

12/5/2012, 04:48 PM
Is it that time of the year for us to start mobilizing our lawyers?

12/5/2012, 05:03 PM
The Ticket in Dallas has been talking about FSU and the Big-12 in "talks" ... still all sketchy ... but there is a bit of smoke.

12/5/2012, 05:10 PM
The Ticket in Dallas has been talking about FSU and the Big-12 in "talks" ... still all sketchy ... but there is a bit of smoke.

I heard Junior Miller talking about this yesterday. I hope it's true. That would be a nice add.

12/5/2012, 05:11 PM
The $50 million-plus buyout has to cause some hesitation. Whatever the dinky Big East buyout was for West Virginia and TCU (although I guess they were bought outta the Mountain West?) was fine, but more than $50 million?!

Perhaps we can poach the SEC. Their teams still aren't subject to buyouts yet.

12/5/2012, 05:13 PM
SicEm, you keep outa this. You people are the reason this realignment crap was not already settled a long time ago.

Scott D
12/5/2012, 05:37 PM
at this stage, FSU would probably wait to see what kind of resolution with Maryland would happen as the ACC is suing Maryland for the $50M and Maryland is arguing they shouldn't have to pay the $50M because they never agreed to that buyout.

12/5/2012, 07:14 PM
FSU did not agree to the $50M buyout either. FSU Alumni Board want out to come to the Big 12 according to a good friend of mine from Tampa who is connected to one of their alum leaders who is also talking Clemson, GA Tech, and Miami to Big 12. One of their leaders said he would rather have VA Tech then Miami but doesn't figure the VA legislature would allow them to come. He also heard that the ACC is looking at USF and UCF along with Cincy if those four schools bolt. Since Big 12/SEC have now agreed to playing each other in Bowl for top ranked teams, alums feel the ACC is never going to be on par with Big 4 conferences. FSU has wanted out of the ACC for sometime -- they walked out of the meetings last spring because all they care about is basketball. FSU is also huge into baseball.

12/5/2012, 07:30 PM
Keep this in mind; if FSU bolts, then there will be others that follow (plenty of options, including Clemson to the Big XII, V-Tech to the SEC, etc). At some point, there will be no viable ACC left. If there is no viable ACC, there is no "buyout" issues (not that FSU has to worry, see SoonerMom2's post above).

I agree with what Scott D said. FSA is watching closely how the Maryland departure looks.

Ultimately, it's going to come down to who lives: ACC or Big XII. You have to like the Big XII position in this.

12/5/2012, 07:43 PM
Keep this in mind; if FSU bolts, then there will be others that follow (plenty of options, including Clemson to the Big XII, V-Tech to the SEC, etc). At some point, there will be no viable ACC left. If there is no viable ACC, there is no "buyout" issues (not that FSU has to worry, see SoonerMom2's post above).

I agree with what Scott D said. FSA is watching closely how the Maryland departure looks.

Ultimately, it's going to come down to who lives: ACC or Big XII. You have to like the Big XII position in this.Agreed on all points, there are those who will argue that the BigXII is pathetic right now and they are right but when the dominoes fall, the BigXII will look pretty damn smart for waiting to pick up teams like FSU/Miami/Clemson/etc instead of taking Louisville/BYU/Tulsa/etc.

I would not mind including Virginia Tech, even if it meant taking Virginia...hell why not have 'em all? We need a new doormat. :D

12/5/2012, 08:10 PM
Clemson, GA Tech, and Miami to Big 12. .

I would take those 4...

12/5/2012, 09:57 PM
Maybe Mark Stoops bolted FSU so quick because he knows something of pending FSU move to Big XII and Stoops brothers don't want to coach against each other in same conference?

12/5/2012, 11:21 PM
The ACC is a basketball conference run by UNC, they aren't any good in football and have seem to give up on being any good after the Butch Davis/Blake debacle. I think the football schools can see the future, it isn't in football.