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11/18/2012, 09:05 AM
a coach to get a penalty for unsportsman-like conduct? Mullett was 10 yards on the field throwing his head set on the field....cussing the zebras out. Annnnnd nothing.

Just wondering.

11/18/2012, 09:06 AM
a coach to get a penalty for unsportsman-like conduct?

Objective refs

11/18/2012, 09:21 AM
That doosh had no reason to be upset.....

11/18/2012, 09:28 AM
^^ THIS. The officiating was very one sided tonight. From phantom PI, the tick-tacky touch out of bounds PF to allowing WV players to lay on our ball carriers well after the play was over. I fully expected the refs to nullify the last TD of KS for him running to the corner of the end zone.

11/18/2012, 09:30 AM
And who was the random guy standing on the OU sidelines that got us a 15-yarder??? The ref was running down the sideline and ran into him.

11/18/2012, 10:16 AM
My wife is from Neb and she noticed the Ref looked just like the Ref in the Neb aTm game their last year in the conference. Sure enough same dude, major home cooking in WV.

11/18/2012, 10:20 AM
There was a Possum in the ****ing pot for sure in this one.....!!!!!!

11/18/2012, 02:22 PM
If Williams or Clay had done that high steppin that Austin did, they would have for sure gotten a flag for it.

11/18/2012, 02:29 PM
The coach once played banjos with the ref. In a movie.

11/18/2012, 02:31 PM
We won, get over it
Hell I agree they sucked balls. But some of the WVU fans think THEY got jobbed on the calls . Depends what color glasses ya lookin thru

11/18/2012, 02:50 PM
I heard Holgie dropping f-bombs too....more than once. I know that flies out of players and coaches mouths all the time during a game, but they aren't usually caught on the broadcast audio.

11/18/2012, 03:29 PM
Refs are kinda like weathermen; they can screw up big-time, yet they're back again, time after time. Do they ever get fired? Once in a blue moon you might hear of a suspension for a game.

Otherwise, all admonitions/reprimands go on behind closed doors. Somewhere or sometime there ought to be some transparency, like at the end of the season, the league has to release scores or grades for their officials. You know there are ratings somewhere...

11/18/2012, 03:42 PM
I saw 2 major screw-ups and the announcers agreed...the catch/fumble on wv that got called incomplete and the phantom PI on us. The PI wv wanted wasn't even close...I was amazed neither team got called for holding much. Thought (as did a neutral buddy) that our Dend got held big time cause he was about to get Geno on the last drive...

but a win is a win.

11/18/2012, 04:35 PM
I actually think it's a good thing the refs are slow to throw a flag on coaches, but Holgie was out of control. And the play wasn't even controversial - Colvin had the ball all the way and should have picked it. Either Holgie had a bad angle of the replay on the big board or he was trying to work the refs for a future call, but he went over the line, IMO.

stoops the eternal pimp
11/18/2012, 06:22 PM
Heard it was joe Washington.. I couldn't tell.

11/18/2012, 06:42 PM
One thing I think our Team did right was they played beyond the refs. They didn't let it affect them and they just kept playing hard and to win.

11/18/2012, 07:25 PM
Refs are kinda like weathermen; they can screw up big-time, yet they're back again, time after time. Do they ever get fired? Once in a blue moon you might hear of a suspension for a game.

I get mad at the refs as much as anyone and I don't think they had a good game at all yesterday.

That being said. It's an impossible job. Nobody is 100% accurate - not even close. These guys don't get fired because they are the best in the business. Constantly firing refs isn't going to get you a better group of refs.

I do wish we had some NFL type public criticism of the refs. I'd guess we would have to pay them a lot more than we do to get them to agree to it.

11/18/2012, 07:28 PM
The pass interference call on that ball in the stratosphere changed the whole complexion of the game. It was inexplicable. To not overturn it showed they were more concerned with saving face than fair play. It should not be tolerated.

The late hit call was just lousy, and the aftermath should have been an "we owe you one" attitude by the refs.

Neither of these common sense attitudes came to pass.

11/18/2012, 08:19 PM
The play that changed the whole game was the non fumble that we would have scooped and scored on; instead of a 21 point lead, they went down the field and cut it to 7 almost immediately

11/18/2012, 10:29 PM
So much holding they probably didn't know who to call it on. And what about the multiple late time out whistles . We had to burn a play every time .
But yes Dana was out if control over nothing